Half an hour later, because of a piece of news about the upcoming gambling battle between the king of gamblers De Sapp holding the king of hearts and the god of gamblers Stevenson holding the ace of hearts at 2 p.m. Like a barrel of oil, it boiled immediately. At this time, a name spread throughout the gambling world.


Everyone is discussing who this little-known John is, and what qualifications does he have to replace Mr. God of Gamblers in the afternoon gambling battle with De Sapp?

Is he a joke or a king bomb in the hands of God of Gamblers Stevenson?

Some people think that this John must have been secretly taught by Stevenson, and his strength must not be underestimated. At least Mr. God of Gamblers has great confidence in him! Otherwise, Mr. God of Gamblers wouldn't let him play to help him with the gamble of the century, and even took out Xiaowang playing cards as a bet!

Some people think that this John is just a joke. Mr. God of Gamblers is really afraid of losing, so he came up with such a stupid trick... At least he can lose decently when the time comes, after all, he didn't end, right? So even though he lost the trump card and 500 million US dollars, he didn't lose because he wasn't the one who waged the bet...

But no matter what, everyone is looking forward to the gambling battle in the afternoon.

At this time, John... that is, Li Zedao was receiving Stevenson's teaching in Stevenson's study.

Stevenson first explained the rules of the dice, and then found two dice cups, each containing six dice.

He endured the pain and shook his hands, and suddenly there was a dense sound like a rainstorm falling on the ground, and then he shook, and he tried hard to talk about some of the techniques he used to shake the dice cup and the kind of skills he possessed after long-term training and talent. a special feeling.

"For example, this time I will shake out six 'points' with my left hand and six 'points' with my right hand," Stevenson said.

Then he continued to shake the dice cup in his hand.

A full minute passed, and with a muffled "snap!", Stevenson's hands landed on the table accurately.

Then, he took the two cups away, frowned slightly, and said in frustration: "Oh, damn, the injury on my hand has seriously affected my feelings... Oh, that damn bitch , is a vicious dog!"

In the current state, when he played against De Sapp in the afternoon, it might take less than three minutes to decide the winner.

Li Zedao glanced at it, and found that the dice cup in his left hand was five "points\

,"One "two dots", and the dice cup on the right hand has six "six dots". It seems that the bitten by his woman was indeed serious, at least the injury was more serious than the gunshot wound on the right hand, which seriously affected the body. His hand felt off.

"I'll try." Li Zedao said thoughtfully, then picked up two dice cups with both hands, frowned and shook them, put them down and opened them, looked at the points inside, then picked them up and shook them again, and then Putting it down to look at the points inside, then shook it again, and then continued to open it to look at the points inside...

Seeing Li Zedao like this, the little expectation that Stevenson had in his heart before gradually disappeared. How can it be possible to practice the skill of shaking as much as you want in these few hours? This has to go through the acquired intensity of abnormal training. Of course, the premise is that there must be excellent talent. Without this talent, even if you practice for a lifetime, you will not be able to shake it.

That's why Edison said "Genius is one percent inspiration plus ninety-nine percent sweat." Without that one percent inspiration or talent, you just sweat all the hard work. It's useless if you do it!

In other words, the so-called success with hard work is more often a bowl of chicken soup for the soul, a bowl of chicken soup that is indispensable for a better world. There is never a shortage of hardworking people in this world, but there are not so many people who are truly successful, so there is such a sentence that is more often a self-comforting sentence... It doesn’t matter what the result is, because I enjoy it It's a process!

People who say this are often very concerned about the results...

Stevenson didn't believe that Li Zedao had that kind of talent in this area...at least he really didn't see it!

Besides, even if there is, what about the ninety-nine percent sweat? There is no time for him to sweat at all!

I think back then when he had such a great talent, he also practiced for ten years before he succeeded.

Li Zedao was still repeating that action over and over again, shaking it, opening it to take a look, shaking it, opening it to take a look... It took half an hour before he stopped looking at Stevenson. It's a boring action.

At this time, Stevenson, who had been tossing all night and didn't sleep at all, was almost falling asleep.

"I think I can do it. I will shake out six 'points' with my left hand and six 'six points' with my right hand." Li Zedao looked at Stevenson and said.

"..." Stevenson's spirit was shocked, and he stared at Li Zedao with wide eyes... Wait, God, what did he just say?

Li Zedao began to shake the dice cup with both hands.

Stevenson's eyeballs widened instantly, and his heart was full of shock!

Because Li Zedao's posture of shaking the cup is so sophisticated, giving people the feeling of a master in this way, how can he be a rookie who has never even seen such a professional dice cup according to him a few minutes ago! What shocked Stevenson even more was that Li Zedao's actions made him feel very familiar. He seemed to see his own shadow from the other party...

Oh, yes, that is the standard action when you roll the dice cup. This guy has learned the essence of it just after reading it once?

"Bang!" With a muffled sound, Li Zedao's hands landed on the table accurately, and then he took the two glasses away very simply.

Stevenson's eyes were fixed on the two dice cups, and then his eyeballs grew bigger and bigger. In the end, the two eyeballs seemed to be about to roll down and fall into the dice cup.

There are six scarlet "points" in the dice cup on the left! The dice cup on the right has six "six points"!

Oh God, he did it! He really did it! It took him only half an hour to fully learn it!

"You...how did you do it?" Stevenson looked up at Li Zedao, only feeling his body trembling, so that he couldn't speak fluently.

This is no coincidence, certainly not! In other words, he has really fully mastered the technique, no matter how many dice there are in the dice cup, he can easily roll out the points he wants.

"Is it difficult?" Li Zedao asked back.

"..." Stevenson was trampled by millions of grass mud horses in his heart, he said...is it difficult?

"It's quite difficult." Li Zedao agreed deeply, "It actually took me half an hour."

"..." The number of mud horses that trampled on Stevenson's heart rose to tens of millions, and he almost spit out a mouthful of old blood. He said...it was very difficult, it took him half an hour...don't be so pretentious, can you?

For the first time, Stevenson felt that he had no talent in gambling. Thinking of the pride and complacency in the past, his old face was so ashamed that he wanted to die!

"I think you can tell me about the skills of listening to dice." Li Zedao said.


At the entrance of the quiet and luxurious mansion, Tony calmly waited for the arrival of the VIP Mr. Gurney and several other directors of the Gambling Association. Next to him was his new love, the sexy woman Ellie who had given him a lot of happiness since he met. Na.

At this time, Alina was graceful and majestic, with a gentle smile on her face, she could tell at a glance that she was from a well-born family and well-educated, and she was no longer as lewd as she was when she was having breakfast.

His son Desap is naturally not here. Almost everyone in Las Vegas knows how weird Desap's temper is. Even when facing Mr. Gurney, the chairman of the World Gambling Federation, he He also acted his own way, wriggling his body which seemed weird to others, and humming a song that only he himself could understand.

When several extremely luxurious luxury cars drove over slowly, Tony took Alina to meet them.

A few bodyguards in black ran over to open the car door, and then Mr. Gurney, who had silver hair but still looked active, and several directors got out of the car.

Tony took the initiative to shake hands with Gurney, and said with a smile: "Welcome Mr. Gurney and several directors, I am very honored to be here, I think you must know my wife Alina, as for my son You know his character, Mr. Gurney, Desapp."

Mr. Gurney smiled and nodded, expressing that he didn't care, and then greeted Alina: "Ms. Alina, excuse me."

"Mr. Gurney, it's an honor to meet you." Alina smiled and nodded.

"Mr. Gurney, several directors, please come in and sit down. I have prepared your favorite coffee and cigars." Tony invited.

"Oh, it's a great honor," said Mr. Gurney, laughing.

Several directors were even more polite, because they knew very well that Mr. Gurney was retiring soon, and it was very likely that Mr. Tony would replace Mr. Gurney.

Furthermore, his son, Desap, who is known as a eccentric genius or a lunatic, is about to make a century-old bet with the gambling god Stevenson in the afternoon, because Stevenson's hands and ears were injured. So many people are optimistic that De Sapp will pull Stevenson off the horse, and then he will change suddenly, and he will become the God of Gamblers!

At that time, the father will be the chairman of the World Gambling Association, and the son will be the God of Gamblers with the trump card in his hand. The family's status in the gambling world will be detached, so everyone can't help but ignore it.

The host and guest sat down to say a few polite words, and after greeting the elders and relatives of the other party that they were familiar with, they began to enter the topic.

After taking a sip of coffee, Gurney said, "Tony, you said on the phone that Mr. God of Gamblers asked his student... John because he was injured?"

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