The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1220 You Can Do It If You Want It


Mr. Gurney uttered the name, which was very strange to him, in a tone of bewilderment and uncertainty.

A big gambler on the side laughed jokingly: "Oh, that's the name... I heard that our God of Gamblers began to secretly train this John five years ago. It is said that he has at least Eighty percent of the strength of Mr. God of Gamblers."

Everyone also laughed one after another. Of course, the smiles were full of playful jokes. They all believed that Stevenson was trying to get back the last bit of dignity left, so they called this guy named John. The young man pushed it out.

To be honest, they don't like the God of Gamblers Stevenson very much, because as the God of Gamblers, he is too arrogant and arrogant.

Although Desap is also defiant, it is because of his personality. Besides, he has a father who knows how to deal with people. Tony has a very harmonious relationship with everyone present.

So Stevenson was out of luck at this time, and they were happy to do that kind of thing that made things worse.

Tony smiled slightly and said, "Oh, that's what Mr. God of Gamblers told me when he called me, but I think he should recognize his student's strength, otherwise why would he let him replace you at such a critical moment?" Where is he in this betting battle?"

"I think that John must have been a tough rival for De Sapp," Tony added.

Of course, everyone knew that this was Tony's modest speech, and they all expressed their anticipation for the upcoming gambling battle, and some even began to congratulate Desap on becoming the new God of Gamblers.

On the other side, in Stevenson's study room, Stevenson was holding the dice cup with both hands, shaking it casually, and then put it on the table with force, staring at Li Zedao with rounded eyes, it was very difficult Said: "You... guess."

Half an hour ago, he explained to Li Zedao some experience and skills about listening to dice. This matter requires extremely high talent and subsequent almost abnormal training, although Li Zedao learned how to roll dice in just half an hour , but this time Stevenson said that he was unwilling to believe that Li Zedao could still perform so abnormally this time. After all, listening to dice is ten times more difficult than shaking dice?

However, it would be good if he could win the first game by luck. Although the trump card will not be guaranteed after all, at least the loss is not so ugly, isn't it?

For the next half an hour, Li Zedao frowned and shook the dice, and listened to something with pricked ears. Then he looked at Stevenson and said that he should be able to do it.

Stevenson was undoubtedly almost choked to death by Li Zedao's words,

So he picked up the dice cup with both hands, shook it vigorously, and placed it heavily on the table.

He only shook it once, without any fancy movements or anything, and he didn't deliberately shake it to get the points he wanted, as if a rookie shook it casually, but this kind of thing is the most difficult to guess. Because it is very likely that you haven't listened carefully at all, and people have already finished shaking.

Li Zedao stared at the dice cup, and Stevenson stared fixedly at Li Zedao. He even felt his heart beating faster little by little. I'm in a cold sweat...

This kind of tension is really unbelievable to him. You must know that once he made a big bet with others, and the bet was as high as 100 million US dollars at that time, but he was still calm, and his mood did not fluctuate in the slightest.

Even when he was facing the hand of God back then, he wasn't so nervous... Nonsense, knowing that the only result would be a fiasco, he was so nervous.

"In this dice cup, there is one 'one point', two 'three points', one 'four points', and two 'five points'..." Li Zedao pointed to the dice cup that Stevenson was pressing with his left hand.

"In this dice cup, there are two 'three dots', three 'five dots', and one 'six dots'..." Li Zedao then pointed to the dice cup that Stevenson was pressing with his right hand.

"Gudong..." Stevenson heard himself swallowing.

Then, his extremely complicated eyes moved away from Li Zedao's body, staring at the two dice cups, with trembling hands, he picked up the two cups suddenly...

Then, as if struck by lightning, he stood there in a daze.

" did you do it?" After a long time, he looked at Li Zedao and said with difficulty. He was sweating profusely, and his back was already soaked.

Yes, he was afraid, he felt that standing in front of him was not a person, but a devil, oh yes, he was a devil, how could it be possible for a devil to completely grasp most people in just one hour It will take at least ten or twenty years for those absolute geniuses in a lifetime to fully master rolling dice and listening to dice?

"If you want to do it, you can do it..." Li Zedao said.


"Is it hard?" he said again.

"..." Stevenson cried, oh God, he's insulting people again.

"Okay, anyway, there is still a lot of time, you are teaching me other gambling skills. For example, stud... I have always wanted to know what your stud is..." Li Zedao once again exposed his Xiaobai.



Several luxury cars slowly stopped at the gate of Stevenson's luxurious manor, the door was opened, Mr. Gurney and his party, Tony and his son Desap got out of the car one by one.

De Sapp's attire was the same as yesterday, so Li Zedao came to a conclusion...he didn't take a shower last night!

Still the same as last night, he was wearing a pair of toad glasses and earphones in his ears. After getting out of the car, his body couldn't wait to twist up, looking like a living two hundred and five.

Stevenson greeted him with a faint smile on his face, and the "student" Li Zedao followed behind him with a respectful expression.

"Oh, hello, Mr. Gurney, Mr. Tony..." Stevenson greeted them one by one. Of course, because his hand was injured, the handshake was omitted.

What's more, everyone's attention at this time is now fully focused on the young man following him, and they are all guessing whether he is the John Stevenson mentioned.

Tony still has a little impression of this young man. When he came to visit Stevenson last night, he exchanged greetings with Mr. Chef God. He vaguely remembered that John was sitting next to Mr. Chef God.

Stevenson's subsequent introduction confirmed their guess: "My honorable gentlemen, please allow me to introduce to you a very fine young man."

Everyone sneered secretly in their hearts, but they still had to give face, so they were all full of interest.

Stevenson pointed to Li Zedao and said: "This is my student, John, because I was injured, so I can only let him play instead of me, but... I don't think he will disappoint everyone, I believe, It’s going to be a very exciting match.”

Li Zedao smiled shyly, acting very shy, he looked like a rookie.

"Oh, then we can look forward to it." Gurney said with a smile, and he really didn't care much about the student of Mr. God of Gamblers who claimed to have been secretly trained by him for five years.

It's too young, and there is no aura of gambling all over his body, which is really disappointing.

When a group of people walked inside, Gurney said to Stevenson: "Oh, Mr. God of Gamblers, there is one thing I want to discuss with you."

"Mr. Gurney, please speak." Stevenson nodded.

"The media wants to broadcast this eye-catching gamble of the century to gamblers all over the world. Mr. Tony has already agreed. What do you mean?" Gurney glanced at Tony, who responded with a smile.

"Oh, of course it's okay." Stevenson nodded and smiled. Of course he understood Tony's intentions, he wanted to make himself ashamed publicly, but... whoever will be ashamed will not know when the time comes! So when Gurney talked about it, Stevenson almost couldn't hold it back and laughed.

"Oh, that would be great." Gurney said with a smile.

Many people know that there is a luxurious and high-end small casino hidden in the manor of the God of Gamblers Stevenson. Many high-profile gambling battles have been held here.

So there is a huge screen here, which is directly connected to the headquarters of the World Gambling Federation, so that when the gambling battle is in progress, the big bosses of the association can watch the gambling battle through this screen.

But this time it is obviously not necessary, because the chairman of the association, Mr. Gurney, and all the directors have almost gathered here, not to mention that there will be a full-meter live broadcast.

After the group exchanged pleasantries in the living room for a while, a reporter from a well-known news media in the United States rushed over, planning to live broadcast this much-watched gamble of the century!

Originally, Hearts K challenged Little King and Ace had already attracted much attention, but now it is revealed that the God of Gamblers asked his students to replace him because of an injury to play against Hearts K Desap, and the chips remained the same, that is to say , if the student of the God of Gamblers loses, the chips that Mr. God of Gamblers need to pay are the little ace in his hand and 500 million US dollars...

So now they are getting more attention... They want to see who this John who was secretly trained by the God of Gamblers for five years is, and they want to see how the God of Gamblers loses his halo!

Then, Stevenson personally led the crowd into the casino located in this manor.

The facilities of this casino are not much different from those luxury casinos outside, but it is just a "condensed version", because it is more luxurious than those luxury casinos outside.

At that moment, under Stevenson's gesture, Li Zedao sat down in front of a gambling table. He always had a faint and shy smile on his face. In the eyes of others, he was nervous.

At the same time, Desap, who was still wriggling until just now, also sat down on the chair opposite Li Zedao. Of course, at this time, the earphones in his ears and the toad mirror on his face were also removed. .

The whole person looks so calm and majestic, and his eyes look so sharp, heavy and calm, like a sharp sword out of its sheath, bringing inexplicable pressure to people.

It's hard for you to imagine that just now he was twisting his body over there like a two hundred and five.

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