The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1221 Shocking Results

In addition, Gurney and his group, Tony and God of Gamblers all sat down one by one. Of course, they were all spectators and witnesses!

The media staff also set up all kinds of equipment, ready to start the live broadcast of this high-profile gamble!

The staff who presided over the gambling battle at the scene read out the rules of the gambling battle, and also announced the bets invested by both parties.

De Sapp's bet is naturally the heart K poker in his hand and the identity of a gambler will be completely deprived in the future. In the future, he will not be allowed to enter the casino, and he will not be allowed to pretend to be a gambler, and there will be another 500 million US dollars.

The bet Stevenson put in was the little king's trump card in his hand, and there was another 500 million US dollars.

Soon, both sides of the betting war handed over the bet, that is, the poker card in the hands of both parties and a Swiss bank black card with 500 million U.S. dollars in it to the notary. Of course, De Sapp signed an extra one an agreement that his gambler status be revoked.

This time, the gambling battle is divided into two games. The first game is to roll the dice to compare the number of points. That is to say, each side shakes the dice cup with six dice inside. The one with the most points wins. Victory, whoever wins first, then the winner can get the other party's 500 million bet.

The second game is to listen to the dice, that is to say, one side of the gamble rolls the dice and asks the other party to guess the points. Whoever guesses the closest point wins. Similarly, whoever wins five times first wins the game, and the loser Naturally, all the auras on his body will fade away.

At this time, symbolic chips have been placed in front of both sides of the betting war. The chips in front of both are five. Whoever loses once will take away one chip. Even if people lose.

"Let's get started." The staff gestured to both sides of the betting war, and then said.

Everyone's eyes alternated back and forth between Li Zedao and De Sup. De Sup was still like a sharp sword out of its sheath, but his eyes did not look at his opponent, as if shy and more disdainful.

Li Zedao still had a slightly shy smile on his face...Of course, this kind of smile is undoubtedly a sign of guilt in the eyes of everyone.

And there is not much sense of urgency in the casino, after all, the result of this gamble is already known... Tony, Gurney and the others know that Desap is sure to win, and there is even a sense of invincibility ;Stevenson is secretly happy in his heart, because he knows that Li Zedao will win.

When Li Zedao showed that amazing talent, Stevenson thought about it seriously, and finally realized that even if he is not injured now, he might not be the opponent of this new rookie.

He is as perverted as his master, the Hand of God, and he is as rare as one in a thousand years!

How could De Sapp win against a master gambler who is not even his opponent?

Immediately, the two picked up the dice cups on the table that had been checked and found no problems, and then De Sapp began to shake.

Everyone looked at his technique and couldn't help marveling secretly. Even Stevenson had to admit that this eccentric lunatic really had a few tricks.

His technique is neither light nor domineering, but very plain, which gives people a feeling of returning to basics.

Then Li Zedao also started to shake, and everyone's eyes lit up instantly. This is not a rookie, because rookies can't move so skillfully! And they also saw the shadow of a person on his body.

Yes, God of Gamblers Stevenson! They found Stevenson's shadow from this John! This John's gestures are very similar to Stevenson's.

Then those who were still doubting whether this John was a student secretly propelled by Stevenson immediately dispelled this doubt. Even the movements are so similar, how could he not be his student?

"Crack!" Both of their dice cups landed on the table almost at the same time, and then their hands left the dice cup at the same time. From the moment the cup fell to the ground, they were no longer allowed to touch the dice cup, so as not to do anything else.

Everyone's eyes were widened, and their eyes alternated back and forth between the two dice cups.

The two beautiful croupiers stepped forward, looked at each other, and then carefully lifted the cups together.

There were six "six dots" in Desap's dice cup. Everyone looked at it without surprise, because it was a natural result, but Li Zedao's dice cup also had six "six dots", which had to make their The eyeballs widened, because this was beyond their expectations.

Shouldn't he be a rookie who was pushed out by Stevenson to save face?

The first round of the first round, a draw!

De Sapp raised his head and looked at Li Zedao with sharp eyes, which proved that he began to pay attention to the opponent in front of him, or in other words, he began to regard this strange guy in front of him as an opponent, and a strong enemy.

"Change to a bigger dice cup, and then add the number of dice, how about twelve dice?" he said. His voice was hoarse, and his tone was slow and stuttering, as if he hadn't spoken for a long time and forgot how to speak.

"Yes." Li Zedao nodded shyly. If there are only six dice, it is really difficult to tell the winner for a while.

Everyone's expressions were moved. You know, it is already very difficult to shake all the six dice in the dice cup to get "six o'clock", but now it is necessary to roll twelve dice. Difficulty is not as simple as doubling.

Soon, a larger dice cup was replaced, and there were twelve dice lying quietly inside.

De Sapp looked away from Li Tou, picked up the dice cup, and started to cast the dice, but Li Zedao didn't start immediately, but smiled shyly at the opponent shaking the dice cup in his hand.

Two full minutes passed, and Desap slammed the cup down on the bottom of the table, then stared at Li Zedao sharply.

Li Zedao still smiled shyly, then picked up the dice cup on the table and shook it.

In less than twenty seconds, he slammed the dice cup on the table, and then left.

Desap's eyes narrowed, and the expressions of the others were moved. If the points of the two were the same this round, it would still be a tie from the results alone, but from the process, Desap's He had already lost, because it took De Sapp two full minutes to shake out the points he wanted, but this John took less than twenty seconds.

Whoever is strong and who is weak, the high and low will be judged!

Tony inexplicably felt a little parched, even though the room was not hot, but cold sweat broke out on his forehead.

The two beautiful croupiers unscrewed the cup carefully again at the same time. This time, almost everyone's eyes fell on Li Zedao's dice cup. The jar was broken and shaken casually a few times.

I saw twelve dice laying quietly in his dice cup, eleven of them were "six points", and the last one was "two points".

Many people are already gasping over there, even if not all twelve are "six points", but this is already very powerful, his level is at least above k cards.

Then, many people gasped and breathed a sigh of relief at the same time, because they decided that De Sapp must have twelve dice with "six points".

But when they saw a dazzling red "one point" lying in Desap's dice cup, their brains went blank!

A "one point" unexpectedly appeared, in other words, even if the remaining eleven dice were all "six points", then the total points were lost to the opponent.

In fact, the remaining eleven dice were indeed "six points", and De Sapp lost to Li Zedao in terms of total point!

In other words, De Sapp lost! Desapp lost! Desap actually lost to a little-known kid who came out of nowhere!

Whether it is from the technique or the final points, they have completely lost to the opponent!

"Oh, it's impossible, it's impossible..." Tony's face was covered with cold sweat.

While everyone else was stunned, Stevenson was blushing. He was so excited that he almost jumped up from the ground.

The way De Sapp looked at Li Zedao changed again, from the disdain at the beginning, to the face-up later, and now the shock...

"I lost." Finally, he said.

Li Zedao smiled shyly, as if it was such a great thing to win the opponent.

"There's no need to compare later, these five chips are all yours." De Sapp pushed forward the five chips in front of him.

Tony couldn't help it anymore, and said aloud: "Oh, Desap, are you crazy? You haven't finished the competition yet, have you?"

Indeed, De Sapp has only lost one chip now, and he still has four chips in his hand. It is not known who will lose all the chips in his hand first, but now De Sap is saying that he has already Lost all the chips, he lost the game... Is he crazy?

Desap ignored his father, but looked at Li Zedao with burning eyes, and asked, "Did you hear the number I rolled out? So you just roll a 'two o'clock'?"

Li Zedao smiled shyly and nodded.

"..." Everyone's eyes were straightened when they heard it. Did this guy shake the dice cup in his hand just now to listen to the dice? Afterwards, you deliberately shake out such an insulting point? He can actually shake out twelve "six dots" easily?

"How many dice can you control now?"

"Twenty?" Li Zedao thought for a while and said, "Any more will make mistakes."

"..." Everyone's eyes straightened once, and even Stevenson, who knew how perverted Li Zedao was, was seriously irritated by Li Zedao's words.

"I'm eleven." De Sapp said, "That's the limit. I can't control the twelfth. It's all luck."

"I know, so you missed the last one." Li Zedao smiled. It feels as if the seniors are encouraging the younger ones, "Keep working hard, you can break through."

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