The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1222 The Nephew of the Cooking God

A little-known boy in the gambling world was encouraging De Sapp, who had even reached the level of a god of gamblers with a k of hearts, which made them feel insane.

But it can't be said that this kid started talking arrogantly after winning a round, because he did beat De Sapp in a crushing way! With his level of gambling skills, he can indeed be regarded as De Sapp's predecessor.

"Continue to compare?" Li Zedao asked, without waiting for De Sapp to say anything, he gave his own promise: "I don't think it is necessary, because we are not equal opponents."

"..." The audience was in an uproar. Isn't it too arrogant to say this?

"Indeed, the gap in strength between me and you is the same as the gap between cube a and my strength." De Sapp said.

"..." The audience was in an uproar again. They never thought that De Sapp would say such a thing, let alone that the gap between the two was really so big.

"In the second game, there is really no need to continue the competition. I admit defeat." De Sapp said, then stood up, nodded slightly at Li Zedao, turned around and strode away.

Everyone stared at Desap's handsome but lonely back with wide-eyed eyes, but they couldn't make any sound with their mouths wide open.

At the same time, this gamble known as the century is being broadcast live. The gamblers in front of the TV and in front of the computer who watched the actual gamble through the live broadcast at this time are not much different from the reactions of these people at the scene. difference.

In fact, they imagined several scenarios for the gamble of the century.

Rolling type!

This is almost the scenario that most people imagined. The student of the God of Gamblers Stevenson will be crushed by Hearts K Desap, losing ten rounds in a row at the fastest speed, and completely lost these two rounds , Lost the 500 million dollars and the Xiaowang poker card in Stevenson's hand!

Evenly matched to lose!

This is the scene imagined by a small number of people. These people are enthusiastic admirers of the God of Gamblers Stevenson. They think that God of Gamblers Stevenson is not the kind of reckless person. Since he let his little-known student Playing in place of him meant that he recognized the student's strength... But in the end, it was a pity that he lost. They didn't think that student Stevenson would be De Sapp's opponent.

Evenly matched and lucky to win a game!

People who have this kind of thinking are even more pitiful, and they can be counted with a single slap.

They figured that this John might end up getting away with winning one round and losing another.

But now... It is indeed a crushing type, but it is not Desap crushing John, but the reverse, which is surprising. Than ten games, even if there is a tie, there will be more games of betting. In other words, normally, this betting battle will have to go on for nearly an hour or so.

But what is going on now? The entire gambling battle lasted less than five minutes, even, both of them only rolled the dice twice, and then De Sapp was completely beaten...

No one stopped De Sapp from leaving, and neither did his father Tony, or Tony hasn't reacted from the shock yet.

"Oh, God, this is a dream, it must be a nightmare..." He silently hypnotized himself, and he didn't want to believe it was real.

"Papa..." The sudden applause broke the eerie silence.

Stevenson, he stood up first and clapped desperately. Even though the wound on his hand burst open again because of the clapping too hard, he still didn't notice it. His face was flushed, his head was dizzy, and his blood pressure was soaring... However, he felt very happy again, so happy that he almost passed out.

Then Mr. Gurney, the chairman of the United Gambling Association, and several other directors also applauded. The applause was mechanical, because they were still dumbfounded and had not yet woken up from the shock.

Once again, they saw a gambling skill beyond what they thought was godlike! The last time I saw the Hand of God challenged Stevenson who was holding a King poker card was a few years ago. At that time, Stevenson was crushed by the Hand of God and lost completely. King Zhang's trump card.

But in the face of other gamblers, Stevenson is like a god, so even if he lost the big ace, he still held the little ace. It has surpassed the category of God!

So when the Hand of God returned the poker cards to them willfully to express their resignation, they decided to put away the Big Ace, because they believed that no one was qualified to own the Big Ace except the Hand of God.

But now, they once again saw this kind of gambling skills that surpassed gods.


While these people were still applauding mechanically and before they could react, Li Zedao simply fled the small casino.

He didn't want to be surrounded afterwards, and he didn't want to deal with the media, and likewise, he didn't want to pay attention to Mr. Gurney's exclamation and praise.

As for how the matter should end, Li Zedao had already made an agreement with Stevenson, saying that his student is actually the cousin of God of Cooking Stevenson, and he is now learning cooking from God of Cooking. I ran into him five years ago because I was curious about gambling, so I studied with him for a while and showed amazing talent, but I didn't plan to make it a career. What he really likes to do is cooking various delicacies in the kitchen. Do not accept any form of interview, do not accept any form of gambling.

Of course, Li Zedao has his purpose in moving God of Cooking out. In a few days, he will be able to go to Deacon Manor with God of Cooking as a student of God of Cooking. Nuo might be interested in him and talk to him or something, that would be an excellent opportunity to subdue him and get the safety buckle from him.

This is also the reason why Li Zedao agreed to the live broadcast of this gambling battle by the news media, and even used such an awesome way to completely defeat De Sapp and win this unparalleled gamble!

He wanted Mos Luciano to pay attention to himself, instead of just ignoring himself as a little apprentice next to Mr. Chef God.

And when these people came to their senses, they found that John had gone nowhere, and naturally surrounded the teacher Stevenson.

Stevenson was very proud to say that blue is better than blue, his student's level has actually far surpassed his master, not only dice, but any gambling skills, he is all-round! His current level can compete with the former Hand of God.

So, everyone's bets fell.

Immediately afterwards, Stevenson said with a bitter face that his student is actually a nephew of Mr. Chef God, who met him by chance when he visited Mr. Chef God five years ago and taught him gambling skills, and found that he has superb gambling skills. High talent, but unfortunately, John just took it as a hobby and didn't want to make it a career, and he didn't have any intention of owning a representative poker card. learn to cook...

Then the bar that everyone had just picked up fell off again... This time it was broken!

The media repeatedly asked to interview John, but was rejected by Stevenson. In the end, he had no choice but to leave Stevenson's manor, but he was waiting outside the manor and was unwilling to leave, intending to wait and see. When John appeared, Stevenson followed them.

Except for Tony who had no reason to stay, Mr. Gurney, the chairman of the World Gambling Federation, and other extremely directors did not leave. They wanted to see John no matter what they said, and express their respect for him.

They hoped that he would not waste his amazing talent, and Gurney even said that they could consider awarding John the king playing card that originally belonged to the hand of God.

Naturally, Stevenson didn't dare to take them to meet Li Zedao, so he had to repeatedly express that he, a student, had no intention of getting involved in the gambling world, and even King Poker could not attract his attention.

In the end, I couldn't stand the attack of this group of people anymore, so I had to pretend to make a phone call, and then waved helplessly and said that John had quietly left the manor after leaving the casino, and now I don't know where he went, probably looking for Mr. Cooking God I've gone, and when I get in touch with him, I'll try to persuade him, and I'll take him to visit Mr. Gurney when the opportunity arises.

Gurney knew that it was impossible to see that magical young man today anyway, so he hurriedly waited very politely for John to come back, and he was visiting.

After sending Gurney and his party away, Stevenson tried his best to calm down his mood, and then walked briskly to Li Zedao's room, as if disturbing the rest of the people inside, he gently Knocked on the door.

The door was quickly opened, and Li Zedao appeared there.

"Mr. John..." Stevenson nodded respectfully.

"Everyone left?" Li Zedao asked.

"Yes, I have dismissed them all." Stevenson nodded.

"Did you tell them what I said?" Li Zedao nodded and asked.

"Yes, Mr. John." Stevenson nodded and said, "They all think that you are wasting your talent, and even Mr. Green said that it is time for the King Poker to have a new owner. To be entitled to a king poker... I think..."

"I'm not interested." Li Zedao smiled.

Stevenson smiled wryly, nodded, and then took out two black cards from the Swiss Bank, one for De Sapp's bet and the other for his prepared bet. The two together add up to a billion dollars.

Of course, Desap's card had to be given to Li Zedao, it was his winning chip!

Stevenson also wanted to give another one. Apart from money, he didn't know how to repay Li Zedao's kindness. He saved his own life twice, and only then did he keep the trump card in his hand, his reputation... Besides, Stevenson also wants to manage the relationship between such excellent people. Relationship, don't want to miss it.

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