The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1223 Teacher Pete Visits

Li Zedao glanced at him, and took the two black cards. One was originally won by him, and the other was what he deserved. You know, the little trump card in Stevenson's hand is not worth it. Not only is it worth 500 million US dollars, but I also saved his life twice.

Therefore, Li Zedao took it without hesitation and took it for granted.

"Oh, Mr. John, then you have a good rest. I will come and call you during dinner." Stevenson nodded and smiled, then turned and left.


After staying at Stevenson's place for one night, Li Zedao, Alice and Chabert Beckham returned to the manor of Chabert Beckham the next day.

In the next few days, Li Zedao and Alice also stayed in the manor honestly and didn't go anywhere. After all, Li Zedao, who had put on a mask and possessed the identity of John, was no longer an ordinary person, he was a gambler!

Although he doesn't have any big or small trump cards in his hand, everyone recognizes that he is the God of Gamblers! Because God of Gamblers Stevenson said that John is an all-round gambler, no matter what he bets on, he can't beat him as a student! He also said that he was good enough to fight against the hand of God who was more god than God back then!

Mr. Gurney, the chairman of the World Gambling Association, has publicly stated more than once that they are very willing to hand over the king playing cards to John, hoping that he can accept...

It was the first time I saw the World Gambling Association begging others to accept the special poker card that represents identity and honor, even the biggest trump card, and it was also the first time I saw that the other party did not accept such a request.

So, he is not the God of Gamblers, who is?

If you go out, you will definitely be surrounded by three floors inside and outside three floors to ask for autographs, and you may even be stripped naked by those female fans who are now in a state of frenzy, and then check it out!

So Li Zedao didn't dare to go out at all, unless he took off the mask on his face or put on another mask.

In everyone's opinion, if Desap is a personality, then John is self-willed, super super willful!

He who has such an amazing talent in gambling skills is so shameful that he wants to waste the talent that God gave him, and even refuses the King of Poker cards that gamblers dream of, and goes to learn how to cook from Mr. Chef God...Many gamblers After getting the news, he spurted out three liters of old blood.

But many chefs felt radiant after hearing this.

During this period, many people contacted the chef Shabert Beckham,

Trying to get John's whereabouts from his mouth, Mr. Chef God usually just responded indifferently and didn't know, and then there was no further text.

There are also quite a few strangers wandering around the manor of Shabert Beckham 24 hours a day. Some of them are journalists from the news media, and some are gamblers and fans who want to worship idols. Anyway, they like the quiet Shabert Beckham. Beckham was deeply disturbed by this, and after a few phone calls, the people lurking near the manor left one by one.

Of course, as the teacher of Shabert Beckham, Li Zedao naturally had to spare a little time to give advice to Mr. Chef God. He said that he was talking about some truths that seemed deep but were actually very shallow. Or life perception, chicken soup for the soul. After all, what Shabert Beckham lacks is not technology, but his mentality. This mentality does not mean that you can just go to the slums and experience the ups and downs of life. of.

And after finishing speaking, Li Zedao felt somewhat guilty when he saw the expression of Shabert Beckham as if he had been enlightened.

More often, Li Zedao either gets tired of being with Alice, feeling Alice's softness or hotness again and again, or gets tired of being in the kitchen with Shabert Beckham, Let Shabert Beckham cook all kinds of delicacies for him...

Li Zedao's real purpose is naturally not to want to eat, he mainly wants to see how Mr. Chef God cooks delicious food from all over the world, and then learn a few tricks.

While cooking all kinds of delicacies, the two will also chat about a lot of topics.

After talking about Sabert Beckham's sexual whereabouts, Mr. Chef God smiled awkwardly, and then talked about his "him" sadly...

It was only then that Li Zedao knew that the other leading actor in the little movie he let Shadow steal from Sabert Beckham's personal computer was one of Sabert Beckham's students, and also the only one.

It is not uncommon for a teacher to fall in love with a student, although it is not very acceptable, but it is not uncommon for a male teacher to fall in love with a male student. This... can be said to be shocking.

Chabert Beckham says he hasn't had a crush on anyone since he died in a car accident a few years ago...

Li Zedao had goosebumps all over his body, so he quickly comforted him with a few words and then changed another topic.

Then, Li Zedao also found out that Shabert Beckham had an extremely rare disease. According to the doctor, he could live for at most three years, and he might even close his eyes tonight and not be able to open them tomorrow morning. opened……

Li Zedao frowned and asked him to stretch out his hand to help him feel his pulse.

Shabert Beckham was amazed, saying that Mr. John, you are really amazing, and you can even feel the magic of Huaxia.

Li Zedao told him to shut up.

It's just that after a long time, Li Zedao blushed, because he found that Shabert Beckham's pulse was extremely normal. In other words, it was most likely because of his limited level, or it might be because of what Shabert said. As said, it was a rare and strange disease, so Li Zedao did not find out its cause.

Some embarrassingly comforted Shabert Beckham, the bearded man smiled optimistically and said that God was so kind to him, allowing him to meet Mr. John in the short time left...

Li Zedao also saw that Shabert Beckham had a cookbook. To put it bluntly, it was a cookbook he wrote over the years, which contained various recipes. While cooking various delicacies for Li Zedao, he Occasionally, I will look through the notes.

Li Zedao shamelessly recorded the entire diary verbatim in his mind while looking at Sabert Beckham, and said earnestly: "Sabert, when you get rid of this form of recipes, You will be able to reach my level, out of the formality, there is no trick to win."

Shabert Beckham looked at Li Zedao adoringly, and nodded to accept the instruction.

One day, when Shabert Beckham was helping Li Zedao to make a delicious vanilla cake in the kitchen, the servant came in and nodded and reported: "Mr. Beckham, Mr. Peter from the Luciano family has come to visit you. "

"Ms. Pete?" The corners of Li Zedao's eyes twitched inaudibly, yes, after counting the time, the day after tomorrow will be the one Alice mentioned. Anyone who sees it will be deeply impressed by her beauty and will bow down to her ever since. It's the birthday of Mitty Luciano under his beauty. At this time, Luciano's people should come to invite Mr. Chef God to prepare to leave for Deakin Manor.

Shabert Beckham nodded slightly and said, "You invite Mr. Pete to the living room, and I'll come over right away."

"Okay, Mr. Beckham." The servant nodded and said, then turned and left.

"Mr. John, I think it's time for us to go to Deakin Manor. Then you can meet Miss Mitty Luciano." Sabert Beckham looked at Li Zedao and smiled.

Li Zedao smiled: "I'm looking forward to it... Let's go and meet this teacher Pete, but don't be too polite to me. From now on, I am your nephew, not your teacher."

"Oh, I understand, Teacher John... Oh, John..." Chabert Beckham smiled awkwardly.

The two washed the flour off their hands, and then left the kitchen and came to the living room one after the other.

"Oh, Mr. Pete, welcome." Mr. Chef God walked towards Mr. Pete who had stood up.

"Hello, Mr. Chef God." Teacher Pete responded with a slight smile.

This is the first time Li Zedao met the legendary Mr. Pete, an old man with an ordinary face but quite aristocratic temperament. It is hard for you to imagine that he is the number one wise man and top expert of the Luciano family. In the circle, everyone who hears his name will be moved by Mr. Pete.

"The day after tomorrow is Ms. Mitty Luciano's birthday, so I'm here to invite Mr. Chef God to Deacon Manor." Teacher Pete said, and then glanced at Li Zedao who was following behind Saubert Beckham. Eyeballs widened slightly, and he exclaimed, "Oh, I think this young man is the newly promoted God of Gamblers John who defeated De Sapp in a crushing manner in Mr. God of Gamblers' manor a few days ago, right? "

"Oh, yes, I'm that John, but... I'm not the God of Gamblers." Li Zedao smiled shyly, then stretched out his hand, and gently shook Mr. Pete's dry-looking pair of teachers.

"May I ask, you really don't want to enter the gambling world?" Teacher Pete asked curiously.

"I just regard gambling as a small hobby. When I am extremely bored, I would like to talk about playing dice or poker. I usually don't touch it." Li Zedao smiled shyly Said, "What I hope more is that I can become a chef like Uncle Chabert."

"Oh, that's such a pity." Teacher Pete said with a full face of regret. "For the gambling world, it has to be said to be a huge pity."

Shabert Beckham said with a smile: "Mr. Pete, I don't think so, because John has also shown super talent in cooking, I think... his future achievements in the culinary world will definitely be older than me."

Teacher Pete stared at John with wide eyes and exclaimed: "Oh, this is incredible, young man, you are really amazing."

"Thank you." Li Zedao said with a slight smile.

"John will also go to Deakin Manor with me, he is now my right-hand man." Chabert Beckham said.

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