The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1224 Deacon Manor

Mr. Pete looked at Li Zedao and his eyes lit up instantly: "Oh, really? That's really great. Yesterday when I enjoyed the dinner with Patriarch Moss and Miss Mitty, we talked about you, John... oh , Is it impolite to call you like this? After all, you are now recognized as the new generation of God of Gamblers."

"Oh, of course not, just call me John." Li Zedao smiled shyly. I thought to myself that Mr. Pete's status in the Luciano family is really detached, otherwise, how could it be possible to have dinner with the patriarch Moss Luciano and Mitty Luciano?

However, if this old man always stays with Moss Luciano, it will be troublesome and difficult to do. Who knows how powerful this old man is?

"Clan Chief Moss expressed great interest in you, and Miss Mitty also joked that since you are an apprentice with Mr. Chef God, you might go to Deacon Manor with Mr. Chef God. If She will feel very honored that this Mr. God of Gamblers can personally help her make the big cake at the birthday party."

"It's also my honor to help Miss Mitty make a birthday cake." Li Zedao nodded and smiled. It seems that my previous plan was considered a success. It has successfully attracted the attention of Moss Luciano and his father and daughter. As for how to act after entering the Deacon Manor, it will be up to the time.

After Mr. Pete had lunch in the manor, Li Zedao and Shabert Beckham followed Mr. Pete into the luxury car parked at the gate of the manor, and then drove towards Deakin Manor.

Naturally, Alice didn't follow. She couldn't completely hide her aura, and Mr. Pete was an unfathomable master. In other words, even if she wore the mask specially made by the dark group, It will also be recognized by Mr. Pete very quickly, so when Mr. Pete comes to the manor, Alice always stays in her room.

And now, she stays in Mr. Cooking God's manor.

Before Li Zedao left, he told her that if he failed to get out of Deacon Manor, he would go back to Huaxia and divide the billions of dollars in his card equally among the girls so that they could find another man and live a new life, but Don't pick on the little boy, he won't be able to bear it and will be jealous...

Li Zedao forgot, many times, he is also regarded as a little boy...

Before he finished speaking, Alice's sexy red lips had already tightly blocked his mouth.

They didn't let go until both of them couldn't breathe smoothly, and then Alice looked into Li Zedao's eyes softly and ambiguously, and said softly but firmly, "Honey, you will be fine."

"Why?" Li Zedao asked with a smile.

"Because . . . I love you, oh dear, you don't even know how much I love you," said Alice.

"Oh, don't get carried away by Miss Mitty," Alice went on.


"Of course, it would be even better if Miss Mitty could be fascinated by you in turn." Alice thought for a while and said again.

Li Zedao laughed and said that she was thinking too much.


Li Zedao didn't know how powerful Mr. Pete was, but now he knew that Mr. Pete was a very knowledgeable and funny person. Along the way, no matter what topics were discussed, he could give his own unique insights. At the same time, he Another master flatterer... To put it simply, he is not flattering you in his words, but he can make you feel that he is flattering you right now!

After nearly an hour's drive, the legendary Deakin Manor, whose security force is not much weaker than the White House in the United States, is already looming. The location is downhill, so you can clearly see the scenery ahead.

It is a huge green manor. You know, the valley area of ​​Nevada, where Las Vegas is located, is surrounded by deserts and semi-deserts. There is very little rainfall, so naturally there is not much greenery. However, this Deakin Manor is undoubtedly an exception. It is like an oasis in the desert, a paradise in the desert.

From a distance, there is a huge mansion in the middle of the huge manor, and next to it is a shrub that wraps the mansion like a half moon. The area occupied by the mansion is quite large, and you can even see a emerald-like freshwater lake , What's more, Li Zedao also saw the shadow of the plane, which means that there is a small airport in the manor.

"Mr. God of Cooking, John, after arriving at the manor, you can take a bath first and rest. Both Patriarch Moss and Miss Mitty are out temporarily, so they can't come out to greet you. When they come back, they all want to go out with you. Talk about... oh, Patriarch Moss and Miss Mitty have admired you for a long time, Mr. God of Cooking, so I must invite you to the manor to be the chef at Miss Mitty's birthday party..."

"Oh, okay, that's the main purpose of my coming." Chabert Beckham said with a smile.

"And John, for the... oh, legendary betting battle between you and Desap a few days ago, Patriarch Moss and Miss Mitty also showed great interest. Knowing that you are here, They will be very happy."

"Okay." Li Zedao smiled, thinking to you, don't always flatter me, okay?

A few minutes later, the convoy of several luxury cars drove into the slowly opened gate of the mansion one by one. Although Li Zedao had been prepared for a long time, he was still surprised by the luxury of the rumored Deakin Manor. When he arrived, he already knew that the Luciano family was very rich, very rich, but he didn't expect to be so rich... Nonsense, can such a luxurious oasis be built in the edge of the desert without money?

Just the European-style fountain in front already made Li Zedao feel its high cost.

In short, facing such a luxury house, Li Zedao suddenly felt that he was very poor. Even though he had earned more than one billion dollars in the past few days, he still felt very poor.

Then Li Zedao wanted Alice to say that in a joking tone. If Mitty, who is known as the most beautiful woman in the world, really takes a fancy to him, Li Zedao thinks that girls should be given a chance... After all, these days How many men long for a rich woman to take care of them?

In Li Ze's heart, he was "obsessed with obscenity", the car continued to drive forward, passed the road inside the mansion, and drove into a small stadium-like parking lot. At this time, there were no less than twenty cars of all kinds parked inside. , and almost all of them are eye-catching sports cars.

Seeing Li Zedao looking at the sports cars outside, Mr. Pete smiled slightly and said, "Miss Mitty likes to collect sports cars very much. The ones you see are limited editions."

Li Zedao turned his head and smiled, and then secretly baffled, saying how much is a limited-edition supercar? Millions or even tens of millions of dollars can't escape, right?

Li Zedao felt that he was a poor ghost, and at the same time, he also felt that the chick Mitty should be given a chance to pick herself up...if she really wanted to pick herself up!

The three got out of the car immediately, and Mr. Pete led the way, leaving the parking lot. While walking, Mr. Pete introduced some information about Deakin Manor.

For example, the five-story white luxury castle standing in front of it presents a "v" shape. The area facing the fountain is the a area of ​​the castle, and the left and right sides of the "v" shape structure are naturally b. area and c area.

Area A is home to Chief Moss, Miss Mitty, and him... Teacher Pete.

So Li Zedao further confirmed that Mr. Pete's status in the Luciano family is really very high!

As for Area B, there are other members of the Luciano family, such as the three elders, A-level members, and rooms for various guests.

Li Zedao had heard Alice introduce some of the situation in the Luciano family before. The patriarch Moss Luciano and Mitty Luciano are naturally Mr. Pete. Elders, after the three elders are A-level members, and Alice used to be an A-level member.

There are also B-level members under A-level members. B-level members are mainly responsible for patrolling and security of the entire manor, and those below B-level members are naturally C-level members. The so-called C-level members are simply the extremely large number of mafia outside. member.

Mr. Pete continued to introduce: "Area C is the working area of ​​the entire mansion. There are places like the kitchen. It will also be the place where you make delicious cakes. It is also the place where gardeners, servants, etc. Dozens of servants’ rooms. Behind the castle is the man-made lake in the manor, named Moon Lake, because it is curved like a crescent moon in the sky, and there is a wooden bridge on the lake, oh, that’s Mitty Miss's favorite place to stay, she likes to feed the fish in the lake on that bridge..."

At this moment, Mr. Pete was rambling on, no different from that kind of old man in his twilight years.

And when he talked about Mitty Luciano, the old man always had a strange look on his face.

Li Zedao understood, he cared about Mitty Luciano very much, and regarded her as his close relative, even his life!

Teacher Pete led Li Zedao and Shabert Beckham into the kitchen located in Area C.

This kitchen is about the same size as Shabert Beckham's kitchen, and it is full of various kitchen utensils and ingredients.

A short and fat man in a chef's uniform and a chef's hat greeted him, nodded to Mr. Pete and said, "Good afternoon, Mr. Pete."

"Good afternoon, Hayward." Teacher Pete nodded with a smile, and then introduced Li Zedao and Shabert Beckham, "This is our chef, Hayward, and Hayward will be Your assistants are gone, and you have to trouble Mr. Cooking God and John to make the most beautiful food for us."

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