The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1225 Take Advantage

The chunky chef looked at Sabert Beckham, nodded dissatisfied, and then turned his head to the side, obviously because this guy snatched away his chef's position, he expressed dissatisfaction with this... As for Li Zedao, in his opinion, this person is undoubtedly a student of Shabert Beckham, who is helping Shabert Beckham wash vegetables or something, so he is very dissatisfied. It was simply filtered out by him.

Heyward has naturally heard the name of God of Chef Shabert Beckham, but Hayward doesn't think it is difficult. In his opinion, the so-called God of Chef is just hyped up by the news media. He may not Have real talent and real learning!

As for the rumors about God of Cooking, some people ate the food he made and cried and said it was too delicious, it is very likely that this guy himself or the team behind him who packaged him planned it!

As for the fact that he has won the most authoritative MasterChef competition jointly organized by the World Chefs Organization and the World Gourmet Organization for three consecutive times, known as the Oscar of the chef world... Who said there is no shady scene in such a high-level competition? ?

Hayward has also participated in the God of Cooking competition, and has participated in three consecutive competitions, and has achieved excellent results in those three competitions... runner-up! Those three champions are all the same person, his name is... Shabert Beckham!

Shady! There must be something shady!

So Hayward's annoyance with Chabert Beckham was not only because the position of chef was taken away this time, but also because the previous three games were very dark in his opinion.

Mr. Pete saw Hayward's full of emotions, and added another sentence: "Of course, our Hayward is also a master chef. His resume and the awards he has won are enough to make people sigh. Of course, in comparison, Mr. Cooking God, you are naturally slightly higher."

Li Zedao once again formalized the skill of Mr. Pete's flattering. When he said this, he not only took care of the mood of the short and fat chef, but also changed to flattering Shabert Beckham.

With Teacher Pete's approval, Hayward's face softened a little. After all, a word from Teacher Pete can make him go away.

Chabert Beckham already had a strong immunity to compliments, so he nodded at Hayward with a smile and said, "Looking forward to our cooperation."

Hayward nodded perfunctorily, but he didn't expect it at all.

"Mr. Chef, John, I'll take you back to your room to take a shower and have a rest." Teacher Pete said, and then looked back at Hayward, "Hayward, I will trouble you for dinner tonight."


All right, Mr. Pete. Hayward nodded and said, and glanced at Chabert Beckham with a provocative look. Now it seems that this so-called God of Cooking naturally does not intend to interfere with tonight's dinner, so just right, he can use He tried his best to show all his unique skills, and gave this so-called God of Cooking a blow, making him blush for his shameful way after eating the dishes he cooked.

The guest rooms prepared for Li Zedao and Shabert Beckham are naturally located in Area B. There are two rooms, door to door.

Teacher Pete said a few more polite words, saying that he would come to invite the two of you when the dinner time was up, and then left.

Li Zedao asked Shabert Beckham to rest on his own. He also wanted to take a rest before returning to his room.

The room is located on the third floor. It is very large and luxurious, with all the supporting facilities in it.

Li Zedao seemed to be visiting this luxurious room, but he was actually checking whether there was a camera bug installed in the room. Although he knew it was unlikely, there was nothing wrong with being careful, right?

Li Zedao didn't want his pristine body to be photographed while he was taking a shower!

After searching around, he didn't find anything suspicious, so Li Zedao walked to the window.

Standing in front of the window and looking around, you can see the luxury and exquisiteness of most of the manor, you can see the grass that has been carefully manicured, and you can see the fish in the blue waves that Mr. Pete said The Moon Lake swimming there...the shape is really a crescent moon.

You can also see the small airfield, where two small private jets are parked at this moment, and several helicopters.

Looking far away, you can still clearly see the edge of the desert and see that strange yellow.

Of course, Li Zedao also noticed the security forces standing in the open or hiding in the dark everywhere. He has never been to The White House, but he thinks the security forces there are no more than that? Not to mention that there are Mr. Pete, King Kong, shark masters sitting here, and there are a dozen or so A-level members with skills like Alice...


Li Zedao really felt that with his current strength, it was really difficult to leave this manor. He was not familiar with the manor at all, and he would be beaten into a sieve if he was not careful.

Li Zedao, who was standing in front of the window, also heard the cat's extremely lazy cry, and immediately stuck his head out curiously, and saw a pure white Persian cat lying there squinting on the window sill in the next room I'm yawning.

"Meow..." The noble-looking Persian cat found a pair of eyes staring at him, looked at each other lazily and let out a cry, then squinted his eyes and rested.

The cat must have been raised by a guest in the room next door or by a member of the family. Li Zedao grinned at the cat thinking he was bored. After receiving no response, he smiled and turned his head. Shrunk back, stretched, and walked into the bathroom.

It's still early, I can take a bubble bath, besides, wearing this mask all day is too tiring, Li Zedao wants to take it off to get some air.

However, before he could put the bath water into the bathtub, there was a light knock on the door of the room.

"Shabert? Or Mr. Pete?" Li Zedao murmured. At this time, the one who could knock on the door was either Mr. Peter or Mr. Shabert Beckham. Li Zedao didn't think there were others.

But when he left the bathroom and walked to the door and looked out through the peephole, his pupils were slightly dilated. It was not Mr. Pete or Shabert Beckham who stood outside knocking on the door, but a girl. , a beautiful but familiar girl... at least Li Zedao had a deep impression on her, because this girl's green eyes really fascinated people.

The first time Li Zedao saw her was in Phoenix City. He was having dinner with Zhou Yan at the Emerald Restaurant that day. The girl's unintentional glance back undeniably attracted him.

The second time was when I was shopping with Alice at Crystal Shopping Mall, which is known as the top shopping mall in Las Vegas. Li Zedao accidentally ran into this girl again, and the girl was talking on the phone at that time. Under the light of the shopping mall, the girl's eyes shone with green light, as if the two most precious emeralds in the world were inlaid there.

And now, she was standing outside knocking on the door.

She is a member of the Luciano family? Is the purpose of her appearing in Phoenix City for herself or Alice? Didn't the encounter in Phoenix City happen by chance, but on purpose?

Li Zedao's thoughts surged.

What about the Crystal Mall? Was it there on purpose? The other party is very clear about his identity as John? Li Zedao didn't think so. Tom knew John's identity, but Tom still wanted to get the safety buckle from Mos Luciano, so it was impossible to tell the Luciano family about it.

Why is she knocking on the door now?

While his thoughts were surging, Li Zedao opened the door, and at the same time he was secretly vigilant about the movement around him.

"Oh, good afternoon, sir, I'm sorry to disturb you." After Li Zedao opened the door, the girl smiled apologetically.

"Good afternoon, ma'am, how can I help you?" Li Zedao nodded and asked. The other party's eyes are too eye-catching, and you can't help but be attracted to them from a distance, let alone close at hand, so Li Zedao's eyes don't dare to look at these eyes.

"Oh, it's like this. My name is Ke Lisi. I'm Miss Mitty's friend. I'm a pet doctor. I was invited to attend her birthday party the day after tomorrow. I'll live in the room next to yours." Ke Lisi introduced herself.

Veterinarian? veterinary? The kind of veterinarian who vaccinates pigs and castrates sheep? He nodded immediately and said, "And then?"

"Oh, my Persian cat is gone, I think it must have come to your room along the eaves." Chris said apologetically.

"Persian cat..."

"Meow..." A lazy meow came from behind.

Li Zedao looked back, only to see the Persian cat that he saw just now by the window standing and kicking his legs, this cat really came to his room, just because he grinned at it just now It just caught up with it?

"Oh, that's it..." Collis's already bright green eyes became even brighter. "It's my Persian cat. It's called John, a very charming boy..."

"John...the charming boy..." Li Zedao twitched the corners of his mouth, and then turned sideways to let Ke Lisi come in and take the Persian cat away.

"Oh, thank you." Ke Lisi nodded and smiled.

After entering the house, she came to the Persian cat, and Ke Lisi hugged it. The Persian cat didn't make any resistance, but curled up in her arms very lazily...

Li Zedao felt that this Persian cat really had a very good name.

"John is cute, isn't he?" Ke Lisi looked back at Li Zedao and smiled, those green eyes were so charming, "John's favorite thing to do is to sleep soundly in my arms."

Li Zedao touched his nose, it seems that this advantage is taken.

"Meow..." The Persian cat named 'John' echoed lazily.

"Oh, sir, you haven't introduced yourself yet, but..." Ke Lisi looked at Li Zedao up and down, and said thoughtfully, "I always feel like I've seen you somewhere before?"

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