"Really?" Li Zedao asked with a slight smile. If this beautiful girl has no problems and she knows something about "gambling", then she has indeed seen her. After all, the battle between her and De Sapp was broadcast live by the media a few days ago After going out, he became famous in an instant, famous in the entire gambling world, and then let Stevenson speak for himself, and he didn't know how many people were shocked, right?

Then Mr. Gurney, the chairman of the World Gambling Association, has repeatedly said that they agree that John definitely has the qualifications of King Poker!

This took John to an unparalleled height!

In the past few days, the video of him fighting De Sapp has been played tens of thousands of times in bigger casinos, so it is really difficult not to know him!

"Oh, a gentleman shouldn't have said that. A gentleman should apologize immediately and let me introduce myself." The girl puffed her cheeks and smiled.

Li Zedao shrugged his shoulders and smiled bitterly: "I'm not a gentleman, and I don't think it's easy for me to say my name."

"Oh, why?" Ke Lisi asked curiously.

Li Zedao pointed to the Persian cat in her arms and said, "Because I am the same as it, and my name is also John."

"..." Ke Lisi's beautiful eyes revealed a hint of shyness, and the roots of her ears began to turn red. It was obvious that she hadn't forgotten what she just said.

John's favorite thing to do is to fall asleep in my arms...

Then she seemed to think of something suddenly, the expression in those eyes was no longer embarrassment, but shock, she pointed to Li Zedao and said: "God, I remembered, you were the one who replaced you a few days ago That John that Master Stevenson played against Desapp..."

"It's me." Li Zedao nodded.

Collis suddenly became incoherent: "Oh, God, it's really you... oh... God... oh, I'm so sorry, I'm so excited... you know? I happened to be in Venice that day In the casino of the hotel, the huge screen in the casino is live broadcasting that epic gamble... Wow, you are really amazing..."

Li Zedao stared blankly at the girl who had transformed into his own fan girl who was overwhelmed with excitement, Li Zedao smiled a little embarrassedly: "Oh, thank you..."

"Oh, dear Mr. John, you are my idol... Oh, it should be said, you are the idol of gamblers all over the world... Oh, although I am a pet doctor,

But I usually like to go to the casino to play a few games, of course, I basically lose..." Ke Lisi stuck out her tongue and said embarrassingly.

"..." Li Zedao smiled, he didn't know what to do or what to say other than laughing.

"So... can I learn gambling skills from you?" Ke Lisi looked at Li Zedao anxiously and said this. Such a pair of beautiful green eyes exude a playful look in this kind of prayer, which is full of lethality, at least Li Zedao almost fell.


"Oh, please, please agree..." The girl hugged the precious Persian cat with one hand, and grabbed Li Zedao's sleeve with the other hand, acting coquettishly.

"We... can communicate with each other," Li Zedao said. This kind of pretending to be pitiful and acting like a baby is so lethal, Li Zedao can't resist it at all.

"Oh, John, did you agree?" Ke Lisi looked surprised, "Oh, that's great, I'll send John back to the room and come to you... Oh, John is in my arms again Fell asleep……"

Ke Lisi stuck out her tongue embarrassingly, then pointed to the Persian cat in her hand: "I mean it."

"I know." Li Zedao smiled awkwardly, thinking that of course I know you are referring to this broken cat, how could you allow me to sleep in your arms? "but……"

"Oh, Mr. God of Gamblers, you have already promised me, and you can't go back on it." Ke Lisi had a pitiful expression on her face instantly. This girl is really weird, like an elf.

"I didn't go back on my word, I just wanted to say that I don't have any gambling equipment. You know, I'm not very interested in gambling, so naturally I didn't carry poker and other things with me." Li Zedao explained.

"It's easy, I'll ask Waleed to bring it over... Oh, Waleed is the housekeeper here, he will find a way to meet your needs." Ke Lisi smiled, and walked out while holding the Persian cat. Li Zedao waved his hand, "See you later, Mr. God of Gamblers."

"See you later." Li Zedao nodded.

"See you later." Ke Lisi, who walked out, smiled sweetly at Li Zedao, waved her hand, and then closed the door for Li Zedao.

"Individual or intentional? It seems quite interesting." Li Zedao squinted his eyes as he looked at the door, and said in a voice that only he could hear.

Ten minutes later, the door of the room was knocked softly again. Li Zedao walked over and opened the door. Ke Lisi smiled sweetly and said, "Mr. God of Gamblers, I am here." At this time, she was still carrying a bag, Naturally, the bag contained dice, dice cups, playing cards and the like.

Li Zedao responded with a slight smile, stepped aside to let her in, and didn't bother to correct her address to him, who made that Persian cat also called John?

After entering the room, Ke Lisi couldn't wait to open the bag, took out the dice cup and dice inside, and then handed one of the dice cups containing six dice to Li Zedao, and said with admiration: "Mr. ,Give……"

Li Zedao smiled and took it.

"Mr. God of Gamblers, you really don't want to enter the gambling world, but want to enter the kitchen world?" Ke Lisi asked curiously while shaking the dice cup in her hand.

"That's right." Li Zedao nodded, "My uncle, the chef Sabert Beckham, is in the opposite room right now, and I'm here with him this time to help him make the delicacies and birthday cakes for Miss Mitty's birthday party. .”

"So that's the case, then...you must cook delicious food, right?" Ke Lisi asked.

"Uh...not bad." Li Zedao nodded. He felt that his statement was too modest. The things he made were not only delicious? You can see that any dish of stir-fried shredded pork with green peppers will completely impress the God of Cooking.

"I like all kinds of food very much. I have been to various places in the world and eaten all kinds of food in various places. My favorite is all kinds of food in China. China is divided into eight major cuisines... Oh, then It’s too complicated, and I can’t remember it, but it’s delicious anyway, can you cook Chinese cuisine?”

"I will... a little..." There is really only one thing. Huaxia cuisine has a long history, exquisite techniques, rich varieties, many genres, and unique styles. It is already a very awesome thing to learn a good cuisine.

On this point, Li Zedao really admires Saubert Beckham. He feels that his title of God of Cooking is not for nothing. In his cookbook, Li Zedao saw the introduction of the eight major Chinese cuisines, namely It is said that this foreigner has almost learned all the signature dishes of the eight major cuisines!

Ke Lisi's eyes brightened: "Really? Then can you find a time to make it for me?"

"Can...uh..." The corners of Li Zedao's mouth twitched. Isn't this girl too straightforward and familiar?

"Ha, it's a deal, I'm really looking forward to it, or... tonight? I want to eat a lot of dishes, for example, I ate one in a small restaurant in Huaxia... Oh, yes, it's called green pepper stir fry Shredded pork is very good, don’t you know it?” Ke Lisi stared at Li Zedao with bright green eyes.

"Uh...yes." Li Zedao said in his heart, why is it stir-fried shredded pork with green peppers?

"Oh, that's really great. Tonight, I'll ask Butler Waleed to take us to the kitchen? I think there must be green peppers and shredded pork in the kitchen."

Li Zedao had a slight cold sweat on his forehead: "I think so too."

"Have you...been to Huaxia?" Li Zedao casually asked this question.

"Oh, of course, I went to Phoenix City in China a few days ago...Mr. God of Gamblers, have you heard of that city?" Seeing Li Zedao nodded, Ke Lisi licked her lips and continued, " Oh, I really like the food in Fenghuang City, such as fried sea oysters, sand tea noodles... Oh, yes, there are also all kinds of small desserts. Later, because Miss Mitty's birthday is coming, I only Stayed in that city for two days."

"So." Li Zedao nodded.

"Oh, I can't talk about food anymore, I'm hungry now, and I want to drag you to the kitchen now." Ke Lisi smiled embarrassedly, then shook the dice cup in her hand, "Mr. God of Gamblers, you should teach me Roll the dice."

Li Zedao said with a wry smile, "I don't think I'm an excellent teacher."

"Oh, it's okay, I won't blame you if I teach you or not." Ke Lisi smiled, "After all, I'm not a very smart student, and I don't think I have that amazing talent when I'm betting on it."


Thanks to the complete transformation of the body by Shenwan, no matter it is memory or the coordination of the ability to perceive the body, it is undoubtedly in the top state, so Li Zedao's ability to accept is extremely strong, which is why he The root cause of why you can completely master the dice shaking and listening to dice in such a short period of time.

But strong learning ability does not mean that his teaching level is also strong, so he had to shake the dice cup in his hand while talking about some abstract feelings about his dice shaking.

Then put a dice in the dice cup, let Ke Lisi try to shake the dice cup to find the feeling of the dice rolling inside.

As Li Zedao said, he is indeed not a good teacher. Of course, Ke Lisi is not that kind of good student, so naturally he doesn't understand the feeling he is suffering. After rolling a dice for a long time, he still can't get what he wants. He asked for points, then looked at Li Zedao with some frustration and said, "Oh, Mr. God of Gamblers, it seems that I don't have the talent in this area."

"I think so too." Li Zedao nodded.


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