The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1227 Meeting is not as good as being famous

Ke Lisi puffed up her cheeks, pretending to be angry: "Mr. God of Gamblers, you are so incapable of comforting people, you are too annoying... Just like John's lazy cat, you always make me angry..."

Then Ke Lisi burst into laughter, laughing that Li Zedao's name was the same as that of the Persian cat she raised.

Li Zedao looked at the pair of smiling eyes close at hand, and felt as if his heartbeat had missed several beats for a moment.

This pair of eyes of this girl can really seduce the dead!

"It seems that I need to change the name of that Persian cat." Ke Lisi loves you and Li Zedao is staring at him, his eyes are very bold. will be wrong."

"Hehe..." Li Zedao didn't know what to say, so he could only chuckle, and quickly looked away seemingly unintentionally.

"Oh, Mr. God of Gamblers, your ears are red." Ke Lisi pointed to his ears and smiled playfully, "Are you shy?"


"It's a bit hot." Li Zedao said.

"Hehe..." Ke Lisi laughed even more happily, "Dear Mr. God of Gamblers, I will pretend to believe it."

"Thank you." Li Zedao said sincerely.

"...Mr. God of Gamblers, you are so funny." Ke Lisi smiled.

Li Zedao was helpless, what a joke, you should go back and play with your Persian cat. Li Zedao didn't believe that after wearing the mask, he could really be so lethal to girls... It's still possible to take off the mask.

Ke Lisi stopped rolling the dice, but took out her mobile phone and asked, "Mr. God of Gamblers, can we take a photo together?"

"Of course." Li Zedao shrugged and readily agreed. He has always been a broad-minded man, not to mention that the other party is a beautiful woman with eyes that can make people intoxicated.

Ke Lisi moved her body closer, leaned her little head on Li Zedao's shoulder, then pouted cutely, with the other hand waving scissors, holding up her mobile phone to take an "intimate photo" of the two of them.

"Mr. God of Gamblers, can I post this photo on my twitter?"

"What is that?" Li Zedao asked. He really didn't know what it was, but in order not to expose his ignorance,

He had a smile on his face when he said this, so it felt like he was joking.

Ke Lisi giggled and said, "Oh, Mr. God of Gamblers, you are such a funny man."

"Thank you, I think so too." For the compliments of beauties, Li Zedao has always been very shameless to accept all of them... He feels that what these beauties say is the truth.

Ke Lisi didn't intend to leave immediately, and Li Zedao couldn't kick her out, so he could only chat with her without saying a word...Of course, Li Zedao didn't feel impatient, probably because he was a worshiper. Your own beauty, right? If it had been Zhou Yan, Li Zedao would have picked him up and thrown him out of the window.

It was also because Li Zedao was trying to learn more about the Luciano family from her.

"Miss said you and Miss Mitty are good friends?"

"Yes, once her pet dog was sick and almost died. I was the one who cured it. After that, Miss Mitty and I became good friends." Currys laughed.

"What kind of girl is she..." Li Zedao asked, "Oh, I mean, I heard that she is the most beautiful woman in the world, is that so?"

Ke Lisi's bright eyes looked at Li Zedao, and there was a cunning in Li Zedao's eyes that Li Zedao couldn't catch: "Yes, she is the most beautiful woman in the world, she is like an angel by God's side, so noble that she cannot be desecrated Looking directly, her eyes are like the stars in the sky, and her skin is like the smoothest and most delicious milk... Any man who sees her will be deeply impressed by her, I think, Mr. God of Gamblers, you are no exception Oh, surely you will fall under her nobility and beauty."

"Impossible." Li Zedao laughed.

"Really?" Chris couldn't believe it.

"It's more real than pearls." Li Zedao nodded.

Ke Lisi giggled, and was about to say something when there was a light knock on the door of the room.

Li Zedao went over to open the door, and Mr. Pete stood there. He looked at Li Zedao and smiled slightly and said, "John, Moss, the patriarch and Miss Mitty have returned. I heard that you and Mr. Chef God have arrived. They are very excited."

"Oh, yes." Li Zedao nodded. He knew that Mr. Pete was here to bring himself and Shabert Beckham to meet Moss Luciano and Mitty Luciano.

Teacher Pete also saw Ke Lisi, nodded and said with a smile, "Miss Ke Lisi."

"Hello, Mr. Pete, I asked Mr. God of Gamblers to teach me to roll the dice. Unfortunately, he is not a good teacher, and I am not a good student, so I didn't learn it." Ke Lisi shrugged her shoulders, a little regretful.

"Haha, I think, it's because when you face such an outstanding young man like John, your mind is not pure, so you can't learn it." Teacher Pete joked, and it is conceivable that he and this Ke Lisi are very different familiar.

Ke Lisi smiled embarrassedly, as a tacit consent, then looked at Li Zedao and said with a smile: "Mr. God of Gamblers didn't teach well, is it because his mind is not pure?"

Li Zedao didn't know whether to laugh or cry, he pointed to her charming eyes and said, "It's a bit... your eyes are very charming, they are the most beautiful eyes I've ever seen, none of them... just look at them, I think it's right for you a kind of blasphemy."

Looking at those eyes, Li Zedao really had a feeling of blasphemy, so he quickly moved away.

"Ha, I'm so proud." Ke Lisi was very proud.


A few minutes later, Li Zedao and Shabert Beckham followed Teacher Pete and left Area B to Area A where Moss Luciano lived. This is also the core building of this vast castle. .

After entering, Li Zedao really had the feeling that Grandma Liu entered the Grand View Garden, but he acted very calmly.

The Luciano family started from the underworld. From the perspective of Chinese people, they have the taste of nouveau riche, and they are the kind of super nouveau riche!

The definition of a nouveau riche is that a person has considerable wealth, but the level of education, quality and morality have not kept up, and the taste is still quite old-fashioned.

But judging from this manor, Li Zedao can't find any old-fashioned taste at all. For example, in this castle now, its ingenious design can be seen everywhere, showing its artistic sense everywhere. It gives people the feeling that this Lucian The Nuo family is a rich family, aristocratic, and has nothing to do with the so-called nouveau riche.

After following Mr. Pete into the beautiful living room, Li Zedao saw the legendary patriarch of the Luciano family.

He didn't have the gangster aura of the underworld tycoon that he imagined, and his majesty revealed nobility and elegance. This was Li Zedao's first impression of Moss Luciano.

As for the girl next to him, is she the legendary Mitty Luciano? Li Zedao couldn't help being a little disappointed, he couldn't say that this girl wasn't pretty enough, she was very pretty, with an extremely delicate face, creamy skin, and emerald green eyes.

But there is still a big gap with what I imagined in my heart. At least she doesn't have the angelic aura that Alice and Currys just mentioned, and she lacks the kind of aura that makes people feel profane at a glance. My feeling is that she is a vase, a beautiful vase that lacks soul... In short, maybe the expectations are too high, so Li Zedao is really disappointed now, it is better to be famous than to really meet.

Then Li Zedao understood that the reason why she claims to be the most beautiful woman in the world is not only because she is really good-looking, but also because of her extremely fearsome identity, which has added a lot of points to her, right?

Even, a pair of eyes appeared in Li Zedao's mind, and he suddenly felt that if Ke Lisi's eyes were placed on this face, what kind of face would it become?

After seeing Mr. Pete leading people over, Mos Luciano took his daughter to greet him, he smiled and extended a hand to Shabert Beckham and said, "Hello, Mr. Chef God , it is my honor to invite you to my manor."

"Hello, Mr. Moss." Mr. Chef God shook his hand.

Mos Luciano stretched out his hand to Li Zedao immediately, and there was a strange light in his eyes, and he said with a smile: "Hello, Mr. God of Gamblers, it is also a pleasure to see such an outstanding and legendary young man like you." My honor, oh, I have to say that the epic gambling battle was really wonderful, and your performance was so dazzling, it really amazes people."

"Oh, thank you for your compliment, Mr. Moss." Li Zedao responded with a shy smile, and gently shook the big hands that reached out.

"This is my baby angel, Mitty." Mos Luciano introduced.

Mitty Luciano's personality looks very weak and quiet, and her voice is also very soft and sweet. After shaking hands and greeting Shabert Beckham and Li Zedao with a slight smile, she quietly stayed aside.

After sitting down on the sofa, the maid quickly brought delicious coffee.

Mos Luciano took a sip of coffee, then looked at Sabert Beckham, and said with a smile: "Mr. Chef, since Mr. Pete drank the coffee you roasted yourself when Mr. Pete visited you, When I come back, I always complain about the bad coffee at home..."

"It does taste a lot worse." Teacher Pete, who sat next to him and took a sip of a cup of coffee, shrugged and agreed.

Li Zedao's thoughts surged slightly. From this short conversation, he once again saw the status of Mr. Pete in the Luciano family. This is his home, and he can complain about the bad coffee.

Moreover, Moss Luciano and Mr. Pete seem to stay together all the time, eating together, drinking coffee together, meeting guests together... How do we do this?

"Oh, thank you." Chabert Beckham smiled.

"Mr. Chef God, if you are not too abrupt, I will invite you to cook a dish. We can't wait to taste that delicious food." Mos Luciano looked at Saubert Beckham laughed.

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