The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1233 Successful Poisoning

Mitty Luciano's birthday party will be held on time at six o'clock tomorrow night on the green lawn in front of the gorgeous fountain in Deacon Manor. At that time, there will be at least a hundred people from all over the United States and even other parts of the world. Children of nobles, social celebrities, shopping malls, elites and senior officials gathered here to celebrate Mitty Luciano's birthday.

So early in the morning, the people in the entire manor were basically in a tense but orderly busy state, either arranging the venue, or preparing various things needed for the banquet, or entertaining the guests who came in advance , or to further ensure the safety of the manor.

Li Zedao and Sabert Beckham spent almost the whole day in the kitchen, preparing various gourmet desserts for the banquet.

According to Shabert Beckham, the diameter of the bottom layer of the cake that will be used in the birthday party will be at least 1.5 meters. There are five layers in total, and each layer is about 30 cm high. Naturally, it changed Li Zedao's perception of cakes. He was idiotic to think that cakes could be so big.

Ke Lisi stayed in the kitchen almost all day long. When Li Zedao and Shabert Beckham were preparing ingredients, she put her hands on her cheeks and watched quietly. Of course, her eyes mainly fell on Li Zedao that face.

She looks at you peacefully, not hot, not to mention obscene, but very long-lasting, giving people the feeling of admiring a work of art.

Li Zedao couldn't stand being watched, and asked why do you always stare at me?

Ke Lisi's little giggle took it for granted, my Mr. God of Gamblers, because you are handsome and because I like you... Oh, you can also stare at me, I will like it very much.

Li Zedao was completely defeated.

During this period, Mr. Pete came over to express his gratitude to Li Zedao and Shabert Beckham for their busyness, and at the same time expressed his gratitude for the roasted sweet potatoes last night. Mr. God has dinner together, and I implore Mr. God of Gamblers to cook in person and cook a few dishes.

Li Zedao nodded, indicating that there is no problem.

After a busy day, I have prepared all the pre-work, and wait for the next day to do the last few processes, or fry or fry or throw it into the oven and then do the final embellishment.

Immediately afterwards, Li Zedao fried two more home-cooked dishes, and then the servants sent them to the dining room, and sent them to Mos Luciano and Mr. Pete who had been waiting there for a long time. After tossing and tossing around all day, it is inevitable that the body will be stained with oil and flour, so I plan to go back to the room and change my clothes before going there.

After returning to the room,

Li Zedao's expression darkened all of a sudden, he took out his cell phone and played a call.

Soon, the phone was picked up, and Tom's smiling voice came over: "Oh, Li, my dear friend, good evening."

"I guess, your people are already hidden in Deacon Manor, right?" Li Zedao asked straight to the point. Tom can even infiltrate the Shenlong organization, and even Antarctica is his woman, so he naturally has a way to infiltrate the Luciano family.

"Oh, Lee, what do you think?" Tom admitted indirectly, "But, Lee, I don't think this is something you should care about, does it?"

"I'm ready to do it," Li Zedao said.

"Now?" Tom asked after a silence.

"Not now, about ten minutes later." Li Zedao said.

"...Oh, Lee, you're so funny," said Tom.

"Thank you." Li Zedao looked at himself in the mirror, and said with an extremely gloomy expression, "Mr. In addition to Moss, the dinner party included Miss Mitty, Mr. Pete, Shark and the two elders of King Kong. In addition, Mr. Chef God and a best friend of Miss Mitty, and I, I think This is a very good opportunity to make the three strongest people in Deacon Manor all incapacitated in one fell swoop, and there is no need to wait until tomorrow."

Tom asked, "Have you been poisoned?"

"Here, pour a whole bottle of medicine into the fried shredded pork with green peppers." Li Zedao said, "They like this dish very much."

"Oh, Li, my friend, I just want to say, you've done a great job, I wish you success." Tom said with a smile, "Don't worry, when you succeed in getting pure blue from that old Moss After the security buckle, my people will ensure that you leave Deacon Manor safely, but it's a pity..."


"It's a pity that after tonight, there is no such person as John, there is no God of Gamblers, and there is no God of Cooking." Tom said with a smile.

"I don't think there is any pity." Li Zedao said, in front of the mirror in front of him, there was an extremely murderous look in the cold eyes.


In order to show the importance attached to tonight's dinner, the location of the dinner is in the attic in Area A where Moss Luciano lives.

The entire attic has a pure classical design, with ancient fireplaces and candlesticks, and even the stairs are made of pure wood, which makes a "squeaky" sound when stepped on. The stairs were cracked.

The plate of stir-fried shredded pork with green peppers that was still exuding heat on the table was undoubtedly extremely tempting. Moss Luciano and Mr. Pete couldn't wait to enjoy them. The wonderful taste to express was conquered, and they were moved again.

"Oh, John, this is really delicious." Moss Luciano looked at Li Zedao and exclaimed, "Although I know it's impossible, I still want to express my truest thoughts, please forgive my presumptuousness , how I wish you could live in this manor of mine, and then eat the delicious food you made every day."

Ke Lisi on the side was reminiscing about the taste, and staring at Li Zedao with a pair of eyes that shone with emerald green light.

Li Zedao glanced at the empty plate in front of Mos Luciano, smiled shyly and said, "Mr. Moss, I think you will soon regret what you just said."

Mos Luciano obviously didn't expect Li Zedao to say such an impolite sentence suddenly, so his expression froze for a moment, and he said, "Oh, Mr. God of Gamblers..."

Li Zedao waved his hand, interrupted Moss Luciano and said: "Mr. Moss, what I want to say is that you are poisoned, you are all poisoned, I put some kind of poison in this plate of fried shredded pork with green peppers .”

An understatement, with an extremely ordinary tone, as if he was just saying that a handful of vegetables and fifty cents a piece of tofu are trivial matters.

But Moss Luciano, Mitty Luciano, and Teacher Pete, as well as Currys, Shabert Beckham, King Kong, and Shark, the two elders, their expressions changed drastically. .

"Oh, Mr. God of Gamblers, this joke is not funny..." Before Mos Luciano could finish his sentence, his eyes widened in an instant, and then his body swayed, and he fell limply on the chair .

Then, the body reactions of the others were similar to those of Moss Luciano. They were all limp there, as if all the strength in their bodies had been taken away, and their eyelids were like heavy stones, but they all tried their best to widen their eyes, using or Staring at Li Zedao who had already stood up with horrified or puzzled or murderous eyes.

"You will pay a terrible price for your stupidity." Teacher Pete stared at Li Zedao with old eyes, and his tone was as cold as a knife.

Li Zedao glanced at the lamb waiting to be slaughtered, smiled and said nothing.

"...Why? Why did you do this?" Ke Lisi's intoxicating green eyes were full of horror, more disappointment and sorrow.

"Miss Ke Lisi, I'm very sorry, I don't want to answer this question...even if you like me." Li Zedao said, looking into these charming eyes.


The two elders King Kong and Shark didn't speak, because it was not their turn to speak, so they stared at Li Zedao with murderous eyes, expressing their anger and killing intent.

Sabert Beckham also didn't speak, because he really didn't know what to say. He knew that Mr. John entered Deakin Manor for his purpose. He wanted to witness the world's most beautiful The demeanor of Miss Mitty, one of the most famous women... Could it be that after seeing Miss Mitty, he couldn't help himself to want to do something to Miss Mitty, so he made such a bad plan?

Dear Mr. John, do you know that your practice sucks? Will it cause big trouble?

"Oh, you can rest assured that this poison will only make you temporarily lose your strength and will not endanger your lives. After about two or three hours, the effect of the medicine will disappear automatically. Don't worry." Li Zedao said lightly explained.

"Tell me your purpose." Mos Luciano said, the feared figure who controls the largest gang in the world has completely calmed down at this moment.

Li Zedao looked at Moss Luciano, nodded and said, "Mr. Moss, I want something on you, give it to me, and I will leave immediately. I will definitely not harm your lives."


"Ping'an buckle, a pure blue safety buckle." Li Zedao said.

Mos Luciano's eyes narrowed instantly.

Li Zedao picked up the fork on the table, shook it in his hand and said, "Mr. Moss, I'm sorry, I don't have much time, so I can't give you too much time to think about it. After two minutes, if I have to If you don’t get the safety buckle I want, this fork will pierce Miss Mitty’s body, so don’t doubt what I say.”

Mitty Luciano's face changed suddenly, and his eyes showed a look of extreme fear.

Moss Luciano and Mr. Pete's breaths became short of breath.

"You are stupid because you are slowly pushing you, your family, your friends, and the forces behind you to hell," said Mr. Pete.

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