Li Zedao looked at Teacher Pete and smiled, as if he didn't take the other party's threat to heart. Then he glanced at the watch on his wrist and said, "Mr. Moss, you still have a little more than a minute to consider whether you want to give me your safety... Oh, of course, the same, I also have more than a minute time to think where this fork is going to go in Miss Mitty."

"That alluring face? That arm? Or that slender beautiful leg? Or... the rest of the body?" Li Zedao's eyes were malicious when he spoke, and Mitty Lucian, who was already terrified, was frightened. Nuo scanned his whole body up and down, and at the same time, his tone became a little strange, and he smiled obscenely, so when everyone heard "other parts of the body", they couldn't help thinking about it.

They all think that somewhere else must be that place, and it could be that place... oh, the pervert.

"I promise, if you dare to hurt my angel, I will show you what hell is, you damn devil!" Mos Luciano's weak voice was almost roaring.

Li Zedao smiled: "There are still thirty seconds... oh, twenty seconds... ten seconds... three, two, one..."

"Okay, Mr. Moss, please give me the security." Li Zedao looked at Moss Luciano and said.

Mosey Luciano hesitated.

Li Zedao raised his hand holding the fork without hesitation, and stabbed Mitty Luciano's arm.

Mos Luciano's face changed drastically, and he exclaimed, "Oh, no..."

But Li Zedao's movements did not stop for any reason, and finally, amidst Mos Luciano's exclamation, the fork in his hand pierced Mitty Luciano's arm fiercely.

"Ah..." Mitty Luciano wailed in pain, that delicate face was already distorted due to the pain, blood flowed out from the fork left outside the flesh, and soon turned red The expensive Bose dress on her was so shocking.

"Ah!" There was another scream, and this scream came from Ke Lisi, her face was pale, as if the fork was stuck in her arm instead of Mitty Luciano's arm Like it.

"Oh, please, don't do this, please..." She looked at Li Zedao and begged. What made her look even more ugly was that Li Zedao didn't even look at her.

"Oh, Miss Mitty..." Teacher Pete roared angrily, struggling very hard to get up and fight this damned guy desperately,

But the poison in the stir-fried shredded pork with green peppers had exhausted his body's strength, not to mention getting up, even after yelling these words, his chest heaved violently and he was out of breath.

Moss Luciano's chest heaved equally violently. He stared at the young man with cold eyes like knives. He knew that this young man was trying to show him off. This was to let him know that he really dared to do it. Dead hand, he really doesn't care about the stormy revenge after the Luciano family.

Seeing Li Zedao pick up the knife on the table again, Mos Luciano said in a hoarse voice: "Ping An buckle, I'll give it to you, but my condition is that I can't hurt the angel who hurt me."

"Oh, of course." Li Zedao said with a smile, "Give me a safe deduction, and I will leave now, and I won't hurt any of you."

Mos Luciano nodded and said, "I have a box in my arms, and the safety buckle you want is inside."

Li Zedao walked up to him, stretched out his hand, groped around him, and found a very exquisite small box in the inner pocket of his clothes.

Glancing at Moss Luciano, he opened the box and saw a safety buckle that seemed to emit a mysterious pure blue light lying quietly inside. The size was the same as the blue safety buckle he had seen and his own. The white safety buckle in his hand is no different.

Li Zedao didn't think the safety buckle was fake, because the fake product couldn't exude such a mysterious color at all.

Li Zedao covered the box and put it in his pocket, then glanced at these people one by one, shrugged his shoulders and said with a smile: "Then, everyone, goodbye... Oh, no, I won't see you again, I wish you all Have a great night."

As soon as the words fell, the shark who had been sitting there slumped up straightened up, and a strange smile appeared on his cruel and bloody face.

Li Zedao frowned instantly, his face showing shock. What surprised him wasn't that the shark wasn't poisoned, but that he was surprised by Tom's skill.

Li Zedao knew that Tom's person was hidden in Deacon Manor, but what he didn't expect was that that person would be one of the three elders who were second only to Mr. Pete, Shark!

At the same time, Mo Luciano and Teacher Pete showed joy on their faces!

If this devil escaped from Deacon Manor in this way, it would undoubtedly be a disgrace to the Luciano family, a great disgrace, even if they killed this guy, chopped up his body and fed it to the dogs, it still could not be washed away Shame now!

But now the shark straightened up, that is to say, he wasn't poisoned at all, as long as he was there, as a member outside the alliance, then even if John didn't show his face, he would actually be capable, and he couldn't escape.

"Oh, shark, well done, don't let this bastard escape, damn it, dare to kill my angel, I will show you what hell is..." Mos Luciano gained confidence.

But the joy that was still radiating on his face suddenly froze, because there was something wrong with the shark's eyes. In the past, the shark looked at him so respectfully and submissively, but now it looked at him as if he was looking at an idiot. what a difference.

At that moment, the shark stood up, twisted his neck, then looked at Li Zedao and said, "Mr. John, I want to thank you because..."

The shark smiled, very cruelly, his narrow but fierce and cruel eyes fell on Mr. Pete who was looking at him in shock, and said word by word: "Because, I want to kill this damn It's been a long time since the old man, and now, I can finally kill him."

Everyone's expressions changed drastically. They all knew that the shark was a traitor, and he was with John.

King Kong, who was slumped next to him, roared angrily: "Shark, you bastard, you know what you're talking about..."

"Bang!" With a muffled sound, the shark's casserole-sized fist slammed heavily on King Kong's mouth. The lower bar was smashed, and it looked bloody and horrible.

"Oh shit, you big damn guy, you always like to make fun of my sexuality, I just like men, what's wrong?" Shark scolded.

"However, I won't kill you, because you are my type, I just like a muscular man like you, oh, you don't know how many nights I have been thinking about you, so I can't sleep ..." Shark said shyly, stretched out his hand, and touched King Kong's muscular chest muscles.

"..." Including Li Zedao, everyone had goosebumps instantly.

King Kong felt as if he was being insulted to death, and he spit out a mouthful of old blood very crisply, his voice was weak but he roared vigorously: "Bastard, there is something like you kill me, kill me..."

"Oh, dear, I'm reluctant to kill you." The shark said with a smile, then ignored him, but looked at Mr. Pete, and licked his lips cruelly, as if he was licking blood.

Teacher Pete looked at him coldly and said, "You want to kill me?"

The shark twisted its neck and said with a smile: "Oh, of course, I have been lurking in the Luciano family for so many years just to find an opportunity to kill you. You are the foundation of the Luciano family. If you die, the Luciano family will die." It's like a lion with its teeth pulled out and its paws chopped off."

"Can you tell me, which faction do you belong to?" Teacher Pete asked, "Rothschild? FC organization?"

Fc? Li Zedao heard about this mysterious organization again.

"Oh, Mr. Pete, I think you can ask God this question." Shark shrugged his shoulders and said, then his body like a hill left the seat and "moved" towards Mr. Pete.

"Oh, John, Mr. God of Gamblers, please stop him, he wants to kill Mr. Pete, I beg you, please stop him..." Ke Lisi begged for help like Li Zedao, her charming green eyes were already filled with tears .

Li Zedao looked at her indifferently, then said impatiently and coldly: "Mr. Shark, please hurry up."

The shark looked at him, grinned, and then slammed the casserole-sized fist into Mr. Pete's temple.

"Oh, no..." Mos Luciano pointed at his canthus.

Collis closed her tear-filled eyes, unable to bear to look directly, her expression extremely painful.

"Touch!" There was a muffled sound, as if something had exploded.

Indeed, something exploded! Mr. Pete's head exploded! The shark's fist that didn't reserve any strength directly smashed Mr. Pete's head!

In an instant, the red and white things splashed, splashing on the dining table, on the dinner plate, on the faces and bodies of Mitty Luciano and Sabert Beckham sitting on the left and right sides of him.

The former's gaze was momentarily dull, as if he was stunned by this terrible scene, while the latter's stomach was twisted, and he began to vomit involuntarily.

The others were also frightened by this horrible and bloody scene. Their eyes were glazed over, their faces were pale, and their stomachs were extremely twisted.

The shark seemed to be okay, and he even made an extremely cruel and frightening move. He stuck out his tongue and licked the red and white thing stuck on his hand.

This action, even Li Zedao, who has become very strong, can't accept it, let alone other people.

"Oh, it's not delicious at all," said the shark when he had finished.

"It's time to go." Li Zedao suppressed his nausea and said, then turned and left.

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