The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1235 I'm very angry

After walking out of the attic, the shark was in front, and Li Zedao, who was wearing sunglasses, nodded and followed behind, acting as a servant of the shark.

Because the members guarding the outside didn't know that something serious happened in the attic, let alone that the shark was a traitor, so after seeing the shark, they all nodded respectfully and greeted him.

"Good evening, Mr. Shark..."

The performance of the shark was also the same as usual, with a cold face, passing by without any response.

After walking out of the heavily guarded Area A, Shark made a phone call. On the phone, he said that Mr. Pete asked him to do something and get the car ready.

Then he took Li Zedao and continued to walk towards the gate, and when he came to the huge iron gate, there was already a large off-road vehicle waiting there. With the shape of a shark, the car was not big enough to get in.

"Good evening, Mr. Shark." A man standing beside the car bowed and handed over the car keys in his hand.

Shark still did not respond coldly, took the car key and threw it to Li Zedao who was following him, then opened the rear door and got in, Li Zedao took the key and got into the driving position, and started the car.

The huge iron gate was quickly and slowly opened, and Li Zedao drove out slowly, leaving the Deacon Manor, which claims to be as guarded as the White House.

During the next ten minutes of driving, Shark was sitting there frantically but intoxicated, writhing his fat body, dancing and dancing. If this off-road vehicle had not enough space and quality, it might not be able to run now. collapsed, even collapsed, and at the same time, he was still talking about something.

Li Zedao knew that this was the legendary rap. Alice had introduced it to him. This kind of singing was very popular in the United States. Of course, it also began to rise in China.

Ignoring the shark entertaining himself over there, Li Zedao drove the car silently, thinking about things quietly, and the two had no communication.

Li Zedao probably knew why the shark killed Mr. Pete, because Tom or the force behind Tom wanted to swallow the Luciano family.

If Mos Luciano is killed, the result will be chaos in the entire Luciano family, and even the entire country of America will be shocked. The consequences and a series of reactions will not be acceptable to everyone, and when the time comes There will definitely be many forces in this big cake.

But the death of Mr. Pete is different. The death of Mr. Pete will not cause chaos within the Luciano family, nor will it shock the entire country of America.

It will not bring about a series of consequences, and it will even be calm... because the Luciano family will only keep silent about Mr. Pete's death.

It's just that the death of Mr. Pete will seriously hurt the vitality of the whole family. After all, it is precisely because of his existence that the deterrent force brought by the Luciano family has reached the peak.

This kind of deterrence makes people afraid, makes people pay attention, and makes people dare not stretch out their hands indiscriminately!

But now, Mr. Pete is dead, and even one of the remaining two elders is a traitor, and the other is seriously injured, so the deterrent force has almost dropped to an unprecedented level.

As the shark said, the Luciano family is still a lion, but a lion without fangs and claws!

Such a lion, when facing a group of fierce tigers, the only end is to be torn to pieces!

Finally, the shark might be tired or thirsty, so he stopped his impromptu performance, looked at Li Zedao with a smile and said, "Mr. John, oh, you should be called Mr. Li, Mr. Li Zedao, you can stop the car." gone."

Li Zedao didn't say much, and stopped the car on the side of the road steadily. He already saw a car parked on the side of the road not far away, and he must have come to pick up the shark.

"Give me the safety, and then your mission this time will be completed. If you have to do something later, Mr. Tom will contact you." Shark said.

Li Zedao glanced at the sneering shark through the rearview mirror, took out the box he found from Mos Luciano, and threw it back without looking at it.

The shark stretched out his hand to remember, opened it for a look, then closed the lid, put it in his pocket and said, "I modified this car with my own hands. It is very safe. I will give it to you." After speaking, he pushed the door open and got out. The car walked towards the car parked not far away, and finally, he opened the door of the car and got in.

Soon, the car was started and disappeared from Li Zedao's sight.

At this moment, the cell phone in Li Zedao's pocket rang.

Li Zedao took out his mobile phone, picked it up, and said coldly: "I have already helped you get the pure blue safety button as you asked, can you release my woman?

On the other end of the phone, Tom cursed secretly, I bought a watch last year! It's my woman, okay? He said with a smile: "Oh, Li, yes, you did help me get the pure blue safety button, but you seem to have forgotten one thing..."

"Are you going to break your promise?" Li Zedao's tone became even colder.

"Oh, no, you should know me. I am a very sincere person. How can I break my promise?" Tom said, "I swear on your personality, now your future child, he is safe, but I can't guarantee the safety of your woman."


"Oh, Li, don't get excited, I told you a long time ago, after you help me get the safety buckle from that old guy Moss, we will talk about another matter." Tom said with a smile, "I know there is a woman named Zhang Ying by my side, oh, she should be called Miss Shadow. She is a member of the secret group of your Huaxia Shenlong Organization on the surface, but she has another identity in secret, that is your master, the hand of God." The apprentice of a woman who is also a well-known hacker in the world, this shadow has a very close relationship with your master, God's Hand, and is deeply loved by God's Hand... I think I am right?"

"What do you want to say?" Li Zedao asked.

"What I want to say is that your master, the hand of God, gave her a white safety buckle in all likelihood. What's more, that white safety buckle is now in...your hand?" Tom said , "Oh, Li, I don't care whether the white safety button is in your hand or that woman of yours, I just hope that it can appear in my hand... Oh, Li, you understand me the meaning of?"

"Understood." Li Zedao said after taking a deep breath.

"Then the peace is in your hand," asked Tom.

"No." Li Zedao said.

"Oh, then hurry back to Huaxia, I think your women's bodies are already in a state of hunger and thirst and urgently need you to feed them, what do you think?" Tom smiled obscenely.

"You don't need to worry about it."

"Oh, no, Li, as a good friend, I naturally have to express my concern, even if you are too busy, I can actually help..."

"Tom..." Li Zedao yelled out the name almost in a growl. The veins on his forehead protruded, his hands were clenched into fists, his eyes were scarlet and murderous, and he looked like a bitten animal. Like a hungry wolf.

"When I return to Huaxia, I will give you what you want." Li Zedao tried his best to calm himself down.

Tom's very proud voice came over: "Oh, yes, Lee, I hope you have a good night, good night."

After talking on the phone with Tom, Li Zedao saw a pack of cigarettes of an unknown brand in the car, and a shiny golden lighter. He lit one immediately, took a deep breath, and felt the pungent smoke It filled his entire mouth, and then filled his entire lungs along the airway.

After slowly exhaling the smoke, I only felt that the turbidity and depression in my chest seemed to be expelled following the smoke, and the whole person was already relieved a lot, and then I gave Alice a call.

"Get ready, I'll pick you up right away," Li Zedao said.

"Okay, dear." Alice replied very simply without asking any further questions.

After Li Zedao drove to the manor of Shabert Beckham at the fastest speed, Alice was already waiting at the door, accompanied by the manor's loyal servant Bertrand and several bodyguards.

Li Zedao did not get out of the car, but opened the window, and then nodded to Alice and Bertrand.

Alice nodded in response, then turned to Bertrand and said, "Goodbye."

"Oh, goodbye, Miss Beyoncé." Bertrand nodded with a respectful expression. He knew that the man and the woman were Mr. Chabert's distinguished guests, so he behaved very humble and polite, and he would not make random guesses, such as "Shouldn't this John be at Deacon Manor with Mr. Chabert now?" "some type of.

Alice turned around and opened the co-pilot's door, got in, Li Zedao started the car again, picked his head and galloped forward.

"Oh, my dear, what happened?" Alice asked, frowning when she saw that Li Zedao's face was not looking good. Because of this kind of thing, Li Zedao should be in Deacon Manor instead of rushing to the manor to pick him up.

Li Zedao glanced at her and nodded.

Alice's heart tugged slightly: "What's wrong?"

Li Zedao stopped the car slowly, and then looked at Alice calmly.

"Oh, my dear, what's wrong with you?" Alice's heart trembled slightly, and it was the first time Li Zedao stared at her with such eyes, without the tenderness, love, or It's... obscene.

This is a kind of calm, but it is a calm that makes people palpitate, making people feel that there will be a stormy calm next.

"I'm very angry." Li Zedao said, "Really, Alice, I'm very angry."

Alice was already a little flustered: "Honey, I..."

"I already know that you are secretly reporting my every move to Teacher Pete. In other words, Teacher Pete and the others already know that John is Li Zedao, and Li Zedao is John." Li Zedao said.

Alice's face changed drastically.

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