"Honey..." Alice looked so terrified and helpless, trying very hard to explain something, "Listen to me..."

"Alice, you don't need to explain, really." Li Zedao said.

Alice was so anxious that tears came out: "Oh, no, dear...I..."

Li Zedao's tone softened, he stretched out his hand to help her wipe away the teardrops from the corners of her eyes, stroked her face and said softly: "I'm indeed angry, but I'm not angry because you acted as a 'spy' This happened, but because in Phoenix City, when Mr. Pete came to you and threatened you, but you didn’t tell me, but silently endured the invisible force that Mr. Pete brought. Brutal threat."

"I am your man, I should be the one to bear this kind of thing." Li Zedao said.

"Oh, my dear..." Alice bit her lips lightly, and held Li Zedao's hand tightly. She was already very moved by Li Zedao's words, and then moved her lips closer, and kissed Li Zedao's lips fiercely.

That day Mrs. Pete found her.

Teacher Pete asked her to act as a spy to betray Li Zedao, and Alice didn't even frown and said that you should kill me.

Teacher Pete smiled strangely and said, if you don't betray, I will kill you now, and I will sneak into the villa named "You Yue" without anyone noticing, and kill all the people in the villa.

Alice was really taken aback by Mr. Pete's words. She knew very well that Mr. Pete definitely possessed such abilities. Even though there are already many security forces in the villa, it is not enough, far from enough, Unless Li Zedao was around, those sisters who were in the villa now would surely die.

So Alice was struggling and suffering. She felt that he was on the edge of a cliff now, and one step forward would lead to an abyss, but what awaited her one step back was the enemy's extremely cruel sharp blade.

Later, Teacher Pete said something, which made Alice make a decision to "betray" Li Zedao and report to Teacher Pete about Li Zedao's every move.

Teacher Pete said that he did not intend to kill Li Zedao. On the contrary, he admired this young man very much and hoped to cooperate with this young man. Therefore, he needed to know Li Zedao's actions so as not to accidentally hurt him. He also said that Li Zedao Wit, he will soon learn all this.

Alice believed it, but she couldn't help but not believe it, not only because the words came from Teacher Pete, such a master would not bother to lie, and she didn't need to, but also because she had no better choice ,

She didn't want any harm to her other sisters in the villa.

Therefore, after Li Zedao arrived in Las Vegas, Alice truthfully reported his every move to Teacher Pete.

"So, the contact you made with one of your former subordinates is also false. In fact, Mr. Pete asked you to tell me that if you want to enter Deakin Manor in a fair and honest manner, Chef Saubert Beckham is a very good choice. "Li Zedao said, "It's just that, what they didn't expect was that I not only managed Shabert, but I even became his teacher."

Before Alice could answer, the door of the back seat was opened, and then a figure got into the car and said with a faint smile: "Yes, Mr. Li Zedao, I really didn't expect this, so I always wanted to taste the conquest. What is the taste of Mr. Chef's fried shredded pork with green peppers?"

Alice turned her head and her eyes straightened.

"Ms. Pete..." She opened her mouth and said with some difficulty.

"Oh, good evening, Miss Alice." Teacher Pete responded with a slight smile, without any airs, very gentlemanly.

"Mr. Pete, didn't the smell disappoint you?" Li Zedao looked back at Mr. Pete and said with a smile.

"Of course not. The taste really touched me and made me feel unparalleled happiness." Teacher Pete said, "Without a doubt, it is the best thing I have ever eaten."

"Oh, my honor." Li Zedao smiled, "So...you found their foothold?"

"Of course." Mr. Pete laughed, "That damned shark really thought he would blow my head off with one punch? He wouldn't have thought that this was a trap we set up."

Yes, this is a trap, a trap specially set up for the traitor hiding in the Luciano family and the force behind the traitor.

In fact, when the weird Ke Lisi appeared in front of Li Zedao, Li Zedao had two strong feelings.

The first feeling is that Mitty Luciano is not really Mitty Luciano at all, but Coris is! This woman with the intoxicating green eyes is the real Mitty Luciano, and, most likely, she wears either a fake mask like her own, or one of those A mask that peeled off the skin of a real person.

After that, the performance of Chris, Moss Luciano, Mr. Pete, and Mitty Luciano made his feeling even stronger.

Moreover, Moss Luciano and Teacher Pete didn't care at all that they had actually felt that way. They might even worry that they were too stupid to see any clues, so their reactions were so obvious.

And the second feeling is that his identity has actually been exposed. Both Moss Luciano and Mr. Pete know that John is the apprentice of the Hand of God, Li Zedao.

Then, he inexplicably developed a tacit understanding with Ke Lisi. He seemed to know what Ke Lisi was thinking, and he also knew that Ke Lisi knew what was thinking in his own heart.

Afterwards, Ke Lisi took Li Zedao out to watch Bunini's concert. Li Zedao knew that it was a gesture of goodwill from the Luciano family, and they were very relieved to let Ke Lisi, who was probably the little princess of the Luciano family, go out with them... …Well, it’s actually not that reassuring. Teacher Pete has been following secretly. Even after Li Zedao got Tom’s call and left the box to go to the bathroom to get medicine from the black brother, Teacher Pete sneaked into the box once.

However, Mr. Pete was too silent, so Li Zedao didn't notice.

However, he also felt the sincerity of the Luciano family from this, so he decided to temporarily cooperate with the Luciano family and join forces with the sinister Tom.

When Li Zedao was busy in the kitchen, Ke Lisi stared at him a little nympho, and the two were actually exchanging some information secretly.

Li Zedao confirmed many things.

Currys is indeed the real Mitty Luciano, not some pet doctor. As for the Mitty Luciano who appeared in front of everyone, she is her substitute, a loyal member of the family. At least about 80% familiarity with her appearance.

Usually, this double is in the manor, meeting those guests who have to see for her, accepting the pursuit of those noble children, because she doesn't like that kind of life, and moreover, this way can ensure her safety to the maximum extent, and She and Mr. Pete travel around the world from time to time.

She did wear a fake mask on her face. When he said this, he looked at Li Zedao slyly and said, Li Zedao, this is the same as you. She also proudly said that the face under her mask is much more beautiful than the face with the mask on, and this is the same as you... Li Zedao couldn't agree more with this statement.

Immediately afterwards, Ke Lisi also revealed that the teacher Pete I saw now is actually a fake, he is not the real teacher Pete, but a substitute for Teacher Pete, he also underwent plastic surgery, and then he has a very close relationship with Teacher Pete. The appearance of the acquaintance, of course, the skill is far worse.

Collis also said that Mr. Pete suspected a traitor, but that traitor was hidden very deeply.

Afterwards, Li Zedao and Ke Lisi...the real Mitty Luciano started planning the dinner party tonight.

Poison must be applied, and it must be applied, and all important people must appear on the stage. Everyone's expressions after being poisoned should be angry... Of course, the reference is naturally an insider, such as Mos Luciano , such as Mr. Pete, as for those who don't know about Shabert Beckham, Shark and King Kong, it's fine to act in their true colors.

Of course, they also expected that after the traitor appeared, it would be unfavorable to Mr. Pete most of the time, because this was the best time to hurt the strength of the Luciano family.

In the end, if that was the case, the shark smashed Mr. Pete's head off with one punch... Of course, that Mr. Pete was not the real Mr. Pete, but a substitute for Mr. Pete!

The result of this is that the shark really thinks that Mr. Pete has been killed by his punch, and Tom standing behind him will also think so, and they will feel that everything is under their control. That's when they let their guard down a little.

In addition, Mr. Pete himself is a hidden master. When he followed Li Zedao, Li Zedao couldn't feel any aura from him, let alone the "pride" that he must have killed Mr. Pete himself at this time. The shark is gone.

"Let's go now?" Li Zedao asked. He is really excited now, his whole body is full of murderous intent, and he has the feeling of being a turned serf and singing. In the past, he was plotted by Tom, but now he wants to cheat Tom severely, even * out of ten* *How can he not be excited if his life pit is gone?

Li Zedao didn't think Tom could withstand the attack from him and Mr. Pete.

"If you're in a hurry." Teacher Pete said with a nonchalant smile.

"I can't wait." Li Zedao said with a very strong murderous look in his eyes.

"But let's send Miss Alice back to Deakin Manor first, she is not suitable to participate." Teacher Pete said with a smile.

Alice smiled awkwardly. She knew that Teacher Pete was saying that she was too weak.

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