The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1237 Joint Encirclement and Suppression

Teacher Pete made a phone call, and soon a car came to pick up Alice and take her to Deakin Manor.

"My dear, be careful." Ke Lisi asked. Through these several contests, Li Zedao was actually at a disadvantage. Even so far, they didn't even know how powerful Tom was.

Before Li Zedao could say anything, Mr. Pete smiled and said, "Oh, Miss Alice, you can rest assured that as long as I am still alive, nothing will happen to him. Of course, if I die, I can only rely on him own."

Alice smiled unnaturally. Teacher Pete, who she thought was aloof and mighty and controlled her life and death, suddenly treated her so politely, which made her extremely uncomfortable, and even felt like she was dreaming.

Li Zedao probably knew why Mr. Pete was so polite to him and Alice, because Currys... was the real Mitty Luciano.

Teacher Pete has confirmed that Miss Mitty will definitely be able to get him, so he treats himself as Miss Mitty's future husband now... Li Zedao feels that this old man seems to think too much, he is so good Bubble people? Do you think you are a beauty, you are Mitty Luciano and you can get yourself? joke!

Li Zedao felt that he and the Luciano family only had common interests and goals for the time being, so they cooperated for a while. After the cooperation, the enemy should be the enemy. He did not forget that the Luciano family belonged to the joint killing of the master. one of the forces.

After sending Alice away, Li Zedao looked back at Teacher Pete and said, "Where are you going now?"

"The Venetian Hotel, someone is staring at them." Teacher Pete nodded, "But, maybe, we should dress up first, you and I are too dazzling."

"Indeed." Li Zedao agreed, whether he appeared as Li Zedao or as John, it was enough to attract a lot of people.

Not to mention Mr. Pete, besides, he is "dead" now. If he appeared in the hotel rashly, the purpose was to scare the sharks away, and it might not be so easy to chase them.

Li Zedao got in the car and put on the second set of imitation masks sent by the polar bear. In an instant, he turned into a handsome young and elegant Caucasian, who was completely different from John before.

Mr. Pete also put on a simulation mask and a wig. In an instant, this old man with wrinkled face and white hair turned into a young one, facing the kind of ordinary people who are still easily overlooked in the crowd... Li Zedao felt that he was pretending to be tender.

Li Zedao also found that,

Teacher Pete's simulation mask is basically the same material as the simulation mask he wears on his face. It is no wonder that the Luciano family has cultivated a large number of top talents, including almost all walks of life, such as Alice, except for A-level members and killers. With this level of status, she is usually a top surgeon.

So it's really nothing to invent such a simulation mask like the dark group.

Of course, according to Mr. Pete, the manufacturing cost of this imitation mask is too expensive, so in the family, only Patriarch Moss, Miss Mitty and him own this mask.

"Mr. Pete, I want to know something." On the way to the Venetian Hotel, Li Zedao said lightly.

"Of course, we are partners now... Oh, in your opinion, it may be a temporary partner, so you should know something about it." Teacher Pete understood Li Zedao's thoughts very well.

"About half a year ago, the patriarch of the Rothschild family, Patriarch Meyer, brought a stranger to visit Patriarch Moss."

"Stranger?" Li Zedao frowned and asked, "You're not talking about... fc organization?"

"Oh, yes, it's the fc organization." Mr. Pete said, "Actually, we haven't gotten much information about this organization, although we've collected information in depth later. We only know that this fc organization is very mysterious and very mysterious. If you have energy, you hide in Huaxia, and you know that the founder of this fc organization has a lot of hatred with the hand of least that's what the stranger said."

"What kind of person is he?" Li Zedao asked, frowning.

"A very dangerous person." Mr. Pete thought for a while and said, "At least against him, I'm not sure of winning."

Li Zedao's expression moved slightly. He now knows how awesome this old man is. With his current strength, it is simply a luxury to win when he meets him. simple things.

"The stranger claimed to be Huang Wen, and he founded the fc organization."

"Huang Wen... Huang Ye? Shangguan Wen?" Li Zedao suddenly had these two names belonging to the same person appear in Li Zedao's mind. Really not dead? Even he secretly founded the fc organization, and finally carried out a series of revenge on the master?

"What kind of person is that?" Li Zedao asked.

"It feels like he's getting old, but he's definitely wearing a mask on his face, so I don't know the exact appearance." Teacher Pete said, "The purpose of Huang Wen's visit is very straightforward. The Hand of God has a deep hatred, so he wants to unite with the Luciano family to kill God. At that time, the Rothschild family and the Ito Junichi family of the island country have also agreed to participate. The huge wealth in his hands belongs to Rothschild, Luciano, and Junichi Ito, and the three families will look at the distribution when the time comes."

Teacher Pete said: "At that time, Patriarch Moss hesitated...even if he got it, the reward he got was extremely generous, even though the Luciano family and God didn't deal with it that way before, and the two sides had a few small frictions before."

"Because my master is hard to deal with?" Li Zedao asked.

"What do you think?" Teacher Pete's tone was infinitely hissing, "Huang Wen gave me the feeling that I have no certainty of winning, but I still have the certainty of dying together, but your master God's hand, I don't even Make sure I escape from him."

"However, Patriarch Moss was still persuaded..." Li Zedao sneered.

"You should have heard a saying that if there is a 10% profit, the capital will be used everywhere; if there is a 20% profit, the capital will be active; if there is a 50% profit, the capital will take risks; for 100% profit If there is no profit, capital dares to trample on all the laws of the world; if there is more than 300% profit, capital dares to commit any crime..." Teacher Pete said.

"It seems that the profit is huge." Li Zedao continued to sneer, or to say...angry!

Mr. Pete clearly felt the undisguised murderous aura on Li Tedao's body, and continued with a calm smile: "Actually, after sharing the huge wealth and resources controlled by God with the Rothschild family and Ito Junichi of the island country , its profit is already close to 100%, but because of the powerful deterrent brought by your master God's hand, the Mos patriarch did not dare to trample on the law easily, and after that, Huang Wen said another thing thing..."

"Ancient tomb?" Li Zedao probably guessed that only the things in Duanmu Weizhuang's tomb could drive these people so crazy.

"Oh, yes, the ancient tomb." Teacher Pete said, he knew that Li Zedao must have known something, so he didn't go into details, "Huang Wen said, there is such an ancient tomb somewhere in Yanjing, China. Once exposed, there are things in the tomb that will cause all major forces to snatch them up, and the key to the ancient tomb is in the hand of God, and the things in the ancient tomb will be divided equally between several major forces."

"Do you believe it?" Li Zedao asked with a glance at him.

"Oh, no, we are actually skeptical, but... the temptation is too great after all." Teacher Pete shrugged and said, "So, the agreement has been reached, we Luciano family, Rothschild family, Junichi Ito, the sword demon of the island country, and the fc organization formed an alliance, and each sent several experts to ambush the Hand of God."

"In the end, we got the itinerary of the Hand of God. We learned that he was traveling alone on the Sichuan-Tibet Plateau in China. We knew that the opportunity came, so we rushed there. In the end, we met him..." Mr. Pete looked at Li Zedao and said , "Do you know? When your master saw our siege group consisting of more than 20 masters, he smiled, very calmly, as if he had expected it a long time ago."

Li Zedao sneered, wondering if he had expected it a long time ago? Even, in the end, Master was actually tired and didn't want to play anymore, so he was willing to be killed by you... He knew that even if you didn't kill him, he would die soon!

Damn safe buckle!

"Afterwards, we attacked him. Your master retreated while fighting, and led us to sneak around the Sichuan-Tibet Plateau for a full month. During this month, he killed more than three-quarters of us. The remaining one-fourth of the people, including me, were all injured without exception." Teacher Pete pointed to his chest and said, "During the scuffle, one of my ribs was also broken, and I was Your master interrupted it with a palm."

Li Zedao really wanted to say, you deserve it!

"Afterwards, your master still said something with a smile in my ear..." Teacher Pete said with infinite emotion, "He said, I can't hold it anymore, but I still have the ability to die with you, so ...You owe me a favor...I know that he is telling the truth, and in that case, he could easily die with me, but he only broke one of my ribs. "

"Mr. Li, do you know? At that time, I only felt chills on my back, and I felt that I had walked around the edge of death." Teacher Pete said, "After that, I was injured and because God spared me. If I'm entangled, it will inevitably be too much, and then I will withdraw from the battle."

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