The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1238 New Fangs and Claws

"Do you mind if I smoke?" Li Zedao interrupted Mr. Pete's words and asked.

"Of course I don't mind. Actually, I'm also a smoker." Mr. Pete shrugged his shoulders.

Li Zedao took control of the steering wheel with one hand, lit a cigarette with the other, and threw the whole pack of cigarettes and the lighter to Teacher Pete who was sitting beside him.

The latter also lit a cigarette. For a while, the car was filled with smoke, so that the people in the car looked a little ethereal.

"What about after that?" Li Zedao narrowed his eyes and asked. In fact, he already knew the result, it was a cruel result, after that, naturally... the master died and was killed by them.

"Afterwards, the sword demon Ito Junichi pierced the chest of God's Hand...with a strange smile, God's Hand closed his eyes forever." Teacher Pete said with infinite emotion, "After that, fc's The two members found four safety buckles of the same size but different shapes on the body of the Hand of God and around the corpse, and the fc members said that this safety buckle is the key to enter that ancient tomb..."

"That Huang Wen didn't participate in the hunt?" Li Zedao asked, frowning.

"Oh, no, but the members of fc who participated in the hunt are all good players, at least at the King Kong level." Teacher Pete said, "Afterwards, in order to better carve up the huge under the control of God's hand later Wealth and resources, and the fc organization also wants to completely discredit the hand of God..."

"So, even though my master is dead, you still ruined his body and cut off his face?" Li Zedao's tone was as cold as ice.

Teacher Pete was silent, with a look of guilt on his face. In fact, he also felt that this matter was very inappropriate. After all, this is a super strong man who is rare in a hundred years. They mutilated his body, but the interests were there, so he stood aside and did not stop him.

"Did you bury him?" Li Zedao asked.

"Oh, yes, we buried him on the spot." Teacher Pete nodded, "They just cut off his face, and did not further harm his body."

"If you really want to continue to abuse the corpse of the Hand of God, I won't let it go." Teacher Pete added.

"Can you still find it?" Li Zedao nodded and asked.

"Yes." Teacher Pete nodded in affirmation.

"Have time,

I want to go there. "Li Zedao said slowly exhaling a puff of smoke.

Teacher Pete nodded: "I am willing to be the guide...if there is time."

Li Zedao glanced at him, and felt that the words he said later were a bit strange, but he didn't ask any more questions, but said, "What happened later? You deducted points for those four safety coins? Tom started pretending to be my master God." hand?"

"Oh, yes, this will make it easier for us to obtain the wealth and resources controlled by the Hand of God better and faster. In addition, it will also make it easier for the fc organization to discredit the Hand of God... You know what happened next, I won't say more." Teacher Pete nodded.

"What is he like?"

"He? You mean Tom?" After Li Zedao nodded, Mr. Pete said, "Oh, that is a very mysterious guy. When he hunted down the Hand of God, this Tom was sent by the Rothschild family. But he is very familiar with the members of FC. Now we only know that he is the diamond bodyguard of the Black Hawk, and we also know that the Rothschild family must have a deep cooperation with the FC organization. Everything else Blank."

"What about his appearance?" Li Zedao asked, "Huaxia people?"

It should be Chinese, right? A Chinese with blue eyes? So the so-called blue eyes are the effect of wearing some kind of colored contact lenses? Because Antarctica should not like foreigners.

Thinking of Antarctica, Li Zedao's chest throbbed again, as if the most precious thing had been stolen.

"Oh, judging from his tone of voice and those blue eyes, he doesn't look like a Chinese person." Teacher Pete said, "As for his appearance... I can tell that he is also wearing a mask, and it may be controlled by the fc organization That kind of face-changing surgery, they can take off the fresh face of the dead, use special medicine to cultivate it, and then wear it on the face... Oh, he immediately became another person, it is so perfect ..."

Li Zedao frowned tightly, Guan Le also mastered this face-changing surgery technique, and he is also a member of the fc organization? In other words, the Yan Luo Temple founded by his father is actually a branch of the fc organization? Dongfang Invincible father and son also have a very close relationship with the fc organization?

This is actually not difficult to guess, after all, now Li Zedao has basically determined that this fc organization should be founded by the great-grandfather Shangguanwen who should have died but did not die, and Dongfang Buqun is a student of the great-grandfather... So, no Relationships are basically impossible.

After being silent for a while, Li Zedao asked: "So, the reason why the Luciano family chose to cooperate with me is to repay the favor you owe to my master?"

Teacher Pete nodded: "Oh, there is indeed such a reason, and it is also because, afterward, Meyer, the patriarch of the Rothschild family, visited Deacon Manor again, and he told Patriarch Moss that he was already looking for opportunities to get rid of Junichi Ito, take the safety buckle from him, and the two that originally belonged to him can share it equally.”

"For this matter, Patriarch Moss naturally supports it with both hands, because if one soldier is not abolished, one can get great benefits, but after that, he is faintly worried."

"Worried about this happening today?"

"Oh, yes, I was worried about what happened today. It happened after all. Fortunately, I was prepared. Otherwise, it would be an extremely unfortunate night for the Luciano family."

Teacher Pete said: "We know too much about the Rothschild family, it is a jackal, if you are not careful, you will be bitten off a piece of meat, at the same time, we don't know much about the fc organization, This organization is too mysterious, so mysterious that we failed to collect any useful information, and we also know that Rothschild is closely related to the fc organization, so we are worried that our final end will be the same as Junichi Ito .”

Mr. Pete opened the window, and after popping the cigarette butt out of the window, he glanced at Li Zedao with a sad expression and said, "Actually, it's just a counterattack from Rothschild and the fc organization. We're not too afraid, after all, we The Luciano family is not easy to provoke, it is a male lion, whoever tries to provoke will be bitten severely in the end, but... the teeth and claws of this male lion have begun to crack and are about to fall off , it is about to become a lion without teeth and claws, so we have to help it find new teeth and claws..."

Li Zedao frowned and looked at Teacher Pete: "You..."

He knew that Mr. Pete was actually the lion's teeth and claws.

"We are not gods, we are not gods, and we cannot escape life, old age, sickness and death." Teacher Pete's tone was very calm, "I have advanced lung cancer, and I don't have many days left."

Li Zedao's expression moved slightly, and then fell silent. Then, he glanced at the old man and said, " your opinion, I am the new fangs and claws?"

A smile appeared on Mr. Pete's face, because he was wearing a mask, so the smile looked unnatural, but looking at his eyes, Li Zedao knew that the smile under his mask must be very kind.

"Oh, yes, because you have that kind of strength, and the more important reason is that Miss Mitty doesn't hate you at all." Teacher Pete said.

Li Zedao was silent.

"Actually, Miss Mitty has seen you a long time ago." Teacher Pete said.

"The time at the beach?"

"Oh, no, earlier, when you were kneeling on a flyover in Huaxia Phoenix City asking for help." Teacher Pete said.


The Venetian Casino Hotel naturally takes Venice as its theme, and imitates the famous Bell Tower and St. Mark's Square in Venice. Although the imitations cannot be faked, they are indeed amazing. Especially the man-made Grand Canal inside the hotel, the indoor scenery is like daytime. You can even charter a flat-bottomed boat and roam the Grand Canal. While enjoying the scenery, don't forget to taste the delicious Italian ice cream on the trolley in the square.

Alice took Li Zedao to visit this hotel before, so she is quite familiar with Li Zedao here.

"Are they staying in this hotel?" Li Zedao asked in a low voice after the two entered this magnificent hotel like ordinary tourists.

At this time, they not only put on masks, but also put on suits that Mr. Pete had prepared long ago.

Teacher Pete nodded and said: "Yes, this Venetian Hotel is actually an invisible stronghold of Rothschild in Las Vegas, and there are many masters sent by the Rothschild family here.

"So." Li Zedao nodded, "Then how do you know where that Tom is?"

Mr. Pete smiled and said: "The Rothschild family has the ability to plant eyeliner in the Luciano family, and the Luciano family naturally has them too. A security captain here is a member of the Luciano family... Oh, that guy .”

Teacher Pete pointed to an elevator entrance in front.

Li Zedao looked over as he pointed, and saw a cold-looking black man in a suit and leather shoes talking to the men in the same suit and leather shoes standing on the left and right sides of the elevator entrance, as if he was lecturing.

Li Zedao looked at the suit he was wearing, and finally understood why Mr. Pete had to change into the suit before getting out of the car, because he wanted to pretend to be the security guard of the hotel.

"Oh, you two idiots, what are you doing standing there?" the black buddy turned around and pointed at Li Zedao and Mr. Pete and scolded.

"Are you talking about us?" Li Zedao was taken aback, and asked in a low voice.

"Let's go," said Mr. Pete.

Then the two immediately entered the scene, and quickly walked towards the black buddy!

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