The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1239 Finally Seeing Tom

When they came to the front, the black buddies scolded them directly, saying they were idiots, and Li Zedao and Mr. Pete bowed their heads and accepted it.

Li Zedao actually wanted to laugh, he naturally knew that this black guy was acting, so that the sudden appearance of these two new faces would not be so abrupt, but he probably didn't know that one of them was Mr. Pete, right? Otherwise, I'm afraid that his black face will turn pale with fright?

After scolding enough, the black buddy looked back at the bodyguards standing on both sides of the elevator and cursed: "Oh, you two idiots, what are you looking at? Haven't you seen me scolding those damn idiots? Hurry up and open the elevator ? I have to take these two idiots up to change shifts, do I have to do it myself?"

One of the men quickly took out his card and swiped the electronic screen at the elevator entrance. Soon, the elevator door was slowly opened.

At that moment, the black buddies strode in domineeringly. Li Zedao and Mr. Pete, who were nodding their heads, followed side by side and entered the elevator. Then the black buddies took out a card from their pockets and swiped it on the sensor in the elevator. , and then pressed "11" on the digital panel above, and then the elevator door was quickly and slowly closed, and the elevator began to rise.

While the elevator was going up, the black guys always had a cold expression on their faces, while Li Zedao and Mr. Pete kept nodding, and the three of them didn't say a word. After all, this elevator is monitored and it's not suitable for too much communication.

"Ding..." The elevator stopped steadily on the eleventh floor, the door was opened, and the three of them got out of the elevator. At this time, there were two men in black standing there in the corridor.

"It's time to change shifts, you can go to rest." The black buddies brought Li Zedao and Teacher Pete to the front and said, then looked back at Li Zedao and Teacher Pete and said, "You guys watch carefully, don't be lazy, otherwise I will let you nice."

After speaking, he took the two people with him, entered the elevator, and left very simply.

Teacher Pete looked at Li Zedao, with a strange smile on the corner of his mouth, and said in a low voice: "There are two rooms, the one on the left is occupied by Shark and Jones... Oh, Jones is the one who gave you the medicine when you were in the Caesars Hotel Negro, he has the same penchant for sharks, you know..."

Li Zedao understood, so he immediately got goosebumps all over his body, that is to say, there are two men fighting in this room right now?

"As for the one on the right, it's Tom's room." Teacher Pete pointed to the door of another room.

"What I'm concerned about is how to get in? Break in?" Li Zedao asked.

"There is a key card, Hyde gave it to me secretly just now." Teacher Pete seemed to be juggling,

There are already two more door cards in hand.

Li Zedao didn't notice when the black buddy who scolded them as if scolding two dogs secretly slipped the key card to Mr. Pete. On the one hand, he might have a guilty conscience, so he kept his head down most of the time On the other hand, it can be seen that Hyde and Mr. Pete's movements are fast and subtle, hiding from his eyes.

"Can you handle the shark and that Jones at the same time?" Li Zedao asked.

"Oh, of course." Teacher Pete said casually, as if he was not talking about killing two masters, even one of them was a shark, one of the three elders of the Luciano family, but pulling out two Chinese cabbages, It's that simple.

"Then you go, I'll wait here, on the one hand to prevent Tom from leaving the room during this period, on the other hand, the picture inside may be too beautiful... I can't bear to look directly at it." Li Zedao said.

"...Actually, I'm sick too." Teacher Pete said.

"You are a well-informed old man, and you must be more able to bear it than me." Li Zedao said.


At that moment, Mr. Pete quietly walked to the room on the left, frowned and listened to the movement inside, then picked up one of the key cards, and swiped it on the electronic display board on the doorknob. Hearing a light "beep!", the lock has been opened.

Then, as if Mr. Pete had returned to his own room, he pushed open the door of the room very naturally and easily, walked in, and closed the door behind him.

Li Zedao's eyes were fixed on the door of the room on the right, with a very strong murderous look in his eyes.

At this time, in the master bedroom of the luxurious and spacious suite at the door that Li Zedao was staring at, a slender man was completely naked, half-lying comfortably on the spacious and soft sofa in the room. , a naked big ocean horse with long golden hair was kneeling beside the man's feet, her slender hands were helping him gently massage the soles of his feet, her movements were skillful and she seemed very experienced.

The man had a very comfortable expression on his face. After thinking for a while, he picked up the mobile phone that was placed aside and made a call.

The phone was picked up almost instantly, and the corner of the man's mouth was already slightly raised. He knew that she had been waiting for his call, and his call was coming, so she couldn't wait to answer it.

She misses herself, the kind she really misses!

"I miss you... But, you're holding your phone again?" The man's tone seemed to be reproachful, but more distressing and doting.

"I... miss you." A woman's voice came over.

The raised marks on the corner of the man's mouth became even worse, and he said softly: "I know you miss me, but you also have to take care of your body, don't you? You are pregnant with our baby in your stomach now, I feel sorry for you like this , At most two days, I can go back."

"Well, I'll wait for you to come back, and I will take care of myself." The woman said, her tone was full of happiness, "Our baby kicked me three times today."

"Dare to kick my woman? See if I won't deal with him after he comes out?" the man laughed.

"you dare?"

The man chuckled: "Don't dare, don't dare, you are an unfathomable master, I am beyond my reach..."

"Go away... I... thought about it..."

"What are you thinking?"

"I want to... whip... roll..."

"...I'm so angry." The man had a bitter face.

The woman said proudly, "Really? Then... you should hurry back."

After hanging up the phone, the man felt that his breathing was a little short, and being teased by a woman on the phone had completely ignited the evil fire in his body.

So he stood up, pulled up the big ocean horse, violently pushed it down on the sofa, and then pressed it down.


"Solved?" Li Zedao stared at Mr. Pete who came out of the room as if nothing had happened, and asked, you know, it's been less than three minutes since he entered, and he didn't hear anything at all. What a fighting sound.

Teacher Pete said with a disgusted expression: "If it weren't for what you said, the picture is so beautiful that people can't bear to look directly at it. In addition, I washed my hands again, and the time it took would be shorter. If it was normal, they would still be able to resist it for a while." , but now, they just stripped off their clothes and embraced affectionately, forgetting everything..."

Li Zedao was also disgusted: "We should find trouble with Tom."

"Oh, yes." Teacher Pete nodded, and then the two walked towards the door of that room.

On the spacious and soft sofa in the room, the man lay on a big golden horse and worked hard.

Just when the woman was about to reach the peak, screaming wildly, the man stopped the twisting movement of his waist, and a icy aura emanated from his whole body.

The woman's beautiful eyes were slightly closed, but she didn't know that the aura on the man's body had changed. At that moment, she said in a charming voice: "My dear, hurry up, hurry up..."

The fact that the man stopped at such a critical time made her want to go crazy, so she wanted to twist herself.

"Oh, damn it, shut up!" The man shouted coldly, then straightened his waist, jumped up from the woman, and stared at the door of the master bedroom with a vigilant expression.

The door was pushed open, and Li Zedao wearing a simulation mask and Mr. Pete wearing a simulation mask appeared there.

The man's eyes narrowed slightly, and there was already a vague murderous look on his body: "Oh, damn it, who let you in?"

ah! "Suddenly, there were two more people in the room. The woman on the sofa yelled subconsciously, and then wanted to grab something to wrap her body that was exposed to the air... This was an instinctive reaction. No matter how lewd she is usually.

The man slapped her back with his backhand, and slapped her on the head. He simply knocked the woman who made a fuss unconscious.

"My friend, Tom, shouldn't you block your ugly thing from doing other things at this time?" Li Zedao asked with a sneer.

This is the first time Li Zedao saw Tom. He has a very ordinary Caucasian face, his eyes are blue under the light, and he is slender and thin. The thing under his crotch... Li Zedao felt that if he showed his baby The other party will be ashamed to death.

But it's just such a guy who wants to look good but doesn't have a good figure to make Nanji... Li Zedao's chest began to hurt, as if he had been stabbed several times by a knife.

How much he wanted to question Antarctica loudly: Why!

Or is that handsome face under his mask? What are you kidding?

After hearing Li Zedao's voice, Tom's pupils shrank suddenly, and the corners of his eyes jumped a few times violently.

"Lee?" Tom had calmed down, then picked up a pair of trousers on the ground, and put them on.

"Oh, yes, Tom, my friend, it's me." Li Zedao shrugged and took off the mask on his face, revealing the original face.

In the past, Tom used the words "my friend" many times to disgust Li Zedao, and now Li Zedao returned it to him.

Tom glanced at Li Zedao, smiled, then sat down on the sofa, shrugged his shoulders and asked: "Because your woman is in my hands, you are so lonely and unable to sleep at night, so you appear here, what do you want?" Let me help you relieve your loneliness?"

Damn, you make it sound like I'm only one woman, I have twenty women, okay? Besides, whose woman is Antarctica?

The answer is...yours!

Li Zedao was stabbed severely in the chest again.

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