The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1240 You Are Not Li Zedao

In fact, Li Zedao's sudden appearance really made Tom panic, although he looked so calm and relaxed now.

He realized that some things seemed to be out of his control. Li Zedao was like a puppet to him, and he controlled the strings on the puppet. The puppet had to make whatever movements he wanted the puppet to make. What kind of action, like now, Li Zedao should return to Huaxia as quickly as possible, instead of appearing in this place where he should not be at all.

What's more, how did he know he was here? Stalking yourself? Tom denied this idea, because if Li Zedao had really followed him, he couldn't have known about it!

Also, what is this place? This is a stronghold of the Rothschild family. After the shark betrayed the Luciano family and even killed Mr. Pete, he even ordered the relevant personnel to do a good job of security. Any suspicious person is not allowed to live in him. from this floor.

He was somewhat afraid that Mos Luciano would directly point the finger at the Rothschild family regardless of everything, and then go to war!

Of course, in Tom's view, even if Moss wanted to go to war desperately, it would be impossible for Moss to move so fast. Why should he be sad for a few days before talking?

But now, Li Zedao has appeared. The only possibility is that someone told him his whereabouts and brought him up!

who? The nail that the Luciano family placed in this hotel?

The only thing Tom could think of was this situation, so he began to feel uneasy, because it meant that Li Zedao and the Luciano family had secretly joined forces, so... the dinner a few hours ago... that actually acting? Then Mr. Pete...

Tom's heart became more disturbed. If his guess is true, then things will get worse, because you tried to pull out a male lion's teeth and cut off its claws, but in the end you failed. The consequence of this is that you pissed off the lion.

In fact, the so-called nails are very common, but they are rarely used, because it is more difficult than one can imagine to drive a nail into the enemy's interior, unless the reward after using the nail is huge.

For example, the nail Shark, as soon as he was used, smashed Mr. Pete's head with his fist, and then took Li Zedao away from Deakin Manor unimpeded.

And now, that nail is used by the Luciano family, which means that the Luciano family can get a great reward from it... Kill yourself? Take the safety buckle back?

"The night is dark and windy,

It is time to kill. "Li Zedao gave such an awesome answer, as if he was a chivalrous knight, "It can be regarded as a solution to loneliness. "

The corner of Tom's mouth curled up in a very strange way or... sarcasm!

"You want to kill me?"

Li Zedao nodded affirmatively, isn't this nonsense?

The moment Tom appeared, Li Zedao wanted his life, and now he wants it even more! Before, there was only a simple hatred, because this guy moved his woman, but now there is more jealousy... Li Zedao actually doesn't want to admit it, but that feeling does exist.

After all, in some respects, Li Zedao is stingy, and also somewhat traditional, sentimental or promiscuous, if he sleeps Nanji, then Nanji is his woman, it must be his woman, it can only be his woman... They are only allowed to find other women and they are not allowed to find other men.

Typically, state officials are only allowed to set fires and the common people are not allowed to light lamps... Of course, I think most men in the world basically have this mentality.

"Can you kill me?" Tom said with a smile, "It is undeniable that your current skills are indeed not bad. If you gather all the masters in the world and make a ranking list, with your current strength, you will enter the list." The top 20 is not a problem... Oh, congratulations, now you can move up a rank, because Mr. Pete, who can be ranked in the top five, is dead..."

When Tom said this, he stared straight at Li Zedao's eyes, trying to catch a little bit of information from him about whether Mr. Pete was dead or not.

To his disappointment, Li Zedao was expressionless, so he couldn't find the answer.

As for the low-key man next to Li Zedao, he simply ignored him. It's not that Tom didn't feel the aura from him, but the aura was not that strong. In other words, this was a non-threatening Guy, he belongs to the kind of soy sauce, and he can beat him as soon as he makes a move.

"Unfortunately, my ranking is a bit higher than yours, so you can't kill me." Tom said with a sneer, "Also, I think I need to remind you that your woman is in my hands , your woman is still pregnant with your child..."

Li Zedao's face became gloomy all of a sudden, and he stared fixedly at Tom, exuding a terrifying aura.

"Speaking of your pain?" Tom sneered.

Li Zedao nodded. Of course, the "suffering spots" they mentioned are completely different.

"Oh, that's good." Tom said with a smile. His mind turned sharply, he was thinking of ways to get out. He held the opponent's weakness tightly in his hands, so he was not afraid of Li Zedao, but he was afraid of the Luciano family, and the teacher Peter who might still be alive.

"I'll kill you, you can kill her." Li Zedao said in a hoarse voice that even he felt unfamiliar with, "She... refers to Antarctica."

"..." Tom's pupils widened slightly, and the guy he thought was very familiar suddenly became extremely strange in front of him, "Oh, Li, you know... what are you talking about? She is your woman , she still has your child in her belly..."

"No, no more." Li Zedao twisted his neck, looking cold, bloodthirsty, and ruthless, "I only want your life."

"..." Tom was dumbfounded, looking at Li Zedao with those eyes, as if looking at a very strange person.

"You... are not Li Zedao." After being stunned for more than a minute, he said. That's right, the Li Zedao he was familiar with could go down the mountain of swords and fire for any of his women, even if he was humiliated, he could only bear it with gritted teeth, but now, he said... no more!

He doesn't want his own woman anymore, and he doesn't want the child in the woman's belly...Damn it, this crazy guy!

"It's worth sacrificing her and your life in exchange for the safety of my other women." Li Zedao said again. Only he himself knew how painful and uncomfortable he felt when he said these words.

Tom was confused again, and almost cursed his mother.

"Then, please go to hell." Li Zedao said, and then without saying a word, he raised his fist and rushed towards Tom.

At the same time, Tom, who was greatly shocked in his heart, jumped up from the sofa, raised his fist, and rushed towards Li Zedao.

The distance between the two sides was short, so they rushed to each other in an instant, and then both of them smashed their fists with domineering vigor towards each other.

"Bang!" With a muffled sound, the fists slammed together fiercely, and the bodies of the two of them shook violently.

Then there was another muffled "bang!", and Tom's pupils widened suddenly. At the same time, he flew backwards like a kite with a broken string. When flying backwards, his mouth Even more so, a mouthful of blood spurted out from his mouth.

In the end, his body hit the wall heavily, causing the wall to vibrate violently a few times, so that the precious oil painting hanging on the wall was shaken off and fell to the ground.

Then he climbed up from the ground with great difficulty, bent over, and spat out another mouthful of blood, then raised his head with difficulty, looking at the guy who was not a threat to him before in horror.

Just at the moment when his fist collided with Li Zedao's, this guy suddenly appeared there like a ghost.

Tom didn't even have time to defend himself, and he punched him hard in the stomach.

"Oh, Tom, hello, let's meet again, I'm Mr. Pete." Mr. Pete looked at Tom calmly and smiled softly.

This voice is very familiar, but also terrifying!

Tom's pupils shrank instantly. It seemed that his terrible guess was true. Mr. Pete was not dead at all, it was a substitute of Mr. Pete who died!

Tonight's dinner is a trap, a trap set by the Luciano family and Li Zedao together, the purpose is to find out the traitors in Luciano, and in addition to his own life!

And since Mr. Pete appeared here, the shark and Jones in the opposite room must have gone to God.

Tom looked at Li Zedao, then at Mr. Pete who was still wearing a mask, and said in a bitter and unpleasant voice: "It seems that I fell into the trap you dug."

Then I couldn't take it anymore, I sat down on the ground, and another mouthful of blood spurted out.

Mr. Pete's punch was too domineering, and he was seriously injured. It would not be possible to see God immediately, but even standing up has become a very extravagant thing.

Li Zedao was too lazy to answer his obvious question, looked at Teacher Pete and said, "I want to talk to him alone."

"Oh, of course." Teacher Pete nodded and smiled, "I'm waiting at the door...I'm a security guard now, not patrolling the door, that's a serious dereliction of duty."

After Mr. Pete left, Tom looked at Li Zedao and said, "I can feel that he is very respectful to you."

"Strange?" Li Zedao asked back, and then sat down on the sofa that Tom was sitting on. Although there was a big naked horse sleeping on it, the sofa was big enough so it wasn't crowded.

"Yes, because he is Mr. Pete, he will not be so polite to the patriarch of Rothschild." Tom nodded, "unless..."

Thinking of something, Tomna looked at Li Zedao's eyes widened, full of shock.

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