The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1241 more handsome than you

Li Zedao nodded and said, "You guessed it right, Miss Mitty was overwhelmed by my charm... I don't want to marry you."

"...Oh, congratulations." Tom said insincerely.

He looked at Li Zedao with many emotions in his eyes, even envy and jealousy! He didn't think Li Zedao was bragging, because it could be seen from Mr. Pete's attitude towards him, it was a kind of natural respect from the heart, a servant's respect to his master.

It is undeniable that Mr. Pete has a very high status in the Luciano family, but in essence, he is still a servant.

Thinking about it, Tom became more and more jealous, why is this guy so lucky? To be able to win the favor of Mitty Luciano, a high-ranking woman, everyone knows that conquering that woman is equivalent to gaining the entire Luciano family.

Tom didn't know that when he was envious of the other party, the other party was also envious of him.

"Oh, thank you." Li Zedao shrugged slightly.

"I think I already know you very well." Tom said trying to wipe the blood from the corner of his mouth, and then leaned his back against the wall so that he could be more comfortable. Mr. Pete's punch was too abrupt and too Too overbearing, Tom felt very clearly that some organs in his body had ruptured.

The reason why he hasn't died yet is because, after all, Mr. Pete showed mercy, and he didn't try his best.

"But I didn't expect you to have such a ruthless side." Tom said again, "I don't think your woman will be chilled if she knows your decision?"

"It seems that you are trying to convince me to let you go?" Li Zedao asked.

"Oh, or a deal," said Tom. "If you kill me, your woman will die, and your unborn child will die too."

In fact, Tom still had a glimmer of hope, hoping that this guy was actually soft-hearted, and he knew now that if he let him go, Mr. Pete would turn a blind eye.

Li Zedao was silent for a while, then looked at this guy indifferently, and said word by word: " really know me well, and you have grasped my weakness."

"What do you mean?" Tom was taken aback.

"It means that if the Antarctic is not in your hands today, but another woman of mine, then I will never dare to do anything to you, happens to be the South Pole, huh, huh, it's the South Pole. "Li Zedao smiled, a bit penetrating and nervous, "She is your woman, and the child in her belly is your child... Dear Mr. Tom, is it clear enough for me to say this? "

Tom's pupils shrank suddenly, as if he had seen a ghost: "This...impossible, impossible...that... woman betrayed me? How could she betray me?"

No wonder, he would say that, he would kill himself regardless of the lives of that woman and the child in her womb. It turned out that he already knew the relationship between Antarctica and himself.

But how could he know? The only reasonable explanation is what Antarctica told him!

Tom laughed, laughing wildly, vomiting blood while laughing, he laughed at himself as a big idiot, how could he believe in a woman's... love? In other words, how can you believe in your own charm so much?

"Yes, she told me." Li Zedao followed his words indifferently, "She told me all this, she said she missed me, she cried and begged me to forgive her..."

This feeling of sowing discord... Well, it's really bad!

Li Zedao raised his head, and retracted the tears that were about to roll down. Isn't it just a woman, a woman who doesn't love herself? What's the big deal? Nintendo, He Xiaoyu, Li Mengchen, and Bailibing treat themselves as treasures!

"Shut up!" growled Tom, like a dying wolf.

Li Zedao shut up, and then in the huge room, there were only two men staring at each other with murderous eyes, and then panting heavily.

In the end, Li Zedao broke the depressing atmosphere. He stood up and strode in front of Tom, looking crazy: "Actually, I don't need to say that I hate you, but more of envy and jealousy." , Yes, you heard it right, you can actually make a woman like Antarctica do this kind of thing for you, you fucking, you are not a human, you are a livestock, she is your woman, how can you let She went to sleep with another man? Why don't you die?"

He scratched his hair irritably: "You are a fucking beast, not as good as a beast, she is willing to do that kind of thing for you, she is willing to 'please' other men for some of your schemes, she will She is pregnant with your child, and your mother still doubts her? Why don't you die? Why don't you die? "

Tom looked at Li Zedao, who looked like he was insane, and understood two things. First, he actually loves her very much and cares about her... Well, this is very good and very important! That way, she'll be safe! Second, she didn't betray herself... which is better and more important!

So, how did he know? How could he know? Forget it, don't worry about this problem.

"Antarctic hates Westerners very much, so you should be a Chinese, then...then let me see what kind of face you have." Li Zedao said coldly.

"More handsome than you." When Tom said this, his voice was full of confidence.

"Really? Then I should take a look." Li Zedao said.

"Don't read it, I'm afraid your self-confidence will be severely hit." Tom said.

"It's impossible!" Li Zedao said, "Even if it's possible... In the worst case, I'll find a bottle of sulfuric acid and pour it on your face."

Tom laughed, "Oh, you're so vicious."

Li Zedao sneered.

"Take care of Antarctica."


Hearing this and seeing Tom's extremely strange eyes, Li Zedao suddenly felt a very bad feeling in his heart. The latter one goes backwards.

At the same time, there was a muffled sound of "Boom!", Tom's whole head exploded in an instant, and blood and brain-plasma splashed everywhere in an instant, as if it had rained blood. There was also a strong stench.

Li Zedao looked at the headless body, his face had become extremely ugly, his hands were tightly clenched into fists, even his nails had pierced the flesh and blood flowed out, and he was still unconscious.

Li Zedao knew that Tom was not willing to let himself see his real face, that is to say, they had met before or were even familiar with each other?

Mr. Pete, who heard the unusual noise, came in. After seeing the scene, he frowned and said, "Oh, this is really terrible, are you okay?"

Li Zedao shook his head, the power of the gun is actually not too great, so even if he didn't retreat quickly, he wouldn't be seriously affected, at most, he would be splashed with dirty blood.

"I think that pure blue safety button is in this room, right? Let's look for it." Li Zedao said.

Teacher Pete nodded, then looked left and right to search.

Li Zedao looked around, and finally his eyes fell on a mobile phone placed on the armrest of the sofa. He walked over immediately, picked up the mobile phone, opened it, but it was prompted that fingerprint unlocking was required, so he took the mobile phone and went to his head to be bombed. In front of the missing Tom, he picked up his right hand and put the thumb of his right hand on the fingerprint to unlock, and the phone was quickly unlocked.

Fortunately, he only lost his head, but his hands are still there.

Li Zedao now has a certain understanding of some high-end products. He knows that this is a special mobile phone. The strongest part of this mobile phone is that it does an excellent job of keeping secrets.

For example, for unlocking, if it is not your fingerprint, you will not be able to open it at all. If it is forcibly cracked, the contents of the phone will be automatically deleted, and no information will be left, and you will not be able to restore it if you want to.

Passwords can also be set for the files inside. Similarly, they cannot be decrypted forcibly, otherwise the files will be automatically destroyed and cannot be recovered.

What makes Li Zedao a little depressed is that there is no information in this phone except for a call log... Maybe there was originally, but it has been cleared.

"Oh, it's here." Mr. Pete said in surprise. He found that exquisite and familiar small box in the drawer of the bedside table. Inside the box lay the pure blue safety buckle.

At that moment, Mr. Pete handed the pure cyan safety buckle to Li Zedao and said, "I think this should belong to you, which is what Patriarch Moss meant. We can only express our deep apologies for the hand of God, your master."

Li Zedao nodded, took the small box over, glanced at the pure blue safety button inside the box, then closed the lid and put it in his pocket.

"Leave now?" Teacher Pete asked.

"Wait, I want to make a call." Li Zedao said.

Teacher Pete nodded, then left the master bedroom, closed the door gently, and gave Li Zedao a separate space.

Li Zedao really wanted to make a call, trying to dial the number stored in the phone... Well, actually, could it be...Nanji that he wanted to answer the phone? It is impossible to have her again, then, just listen to her voice, and you will know if she is okay now by listening to her voice...

But when he thought that it might be Antarctica, Li Zedao became entangled and afraid again.

Regarding Antarctica, he thinks about it day and night, the more he wants to forget her, the more he misses her, but subconsciously he doesn't want to find her. Really...although it is true! But at least for now, it can still be regarded as ignorant and anesthetized, isn't it?

In the end, Li Zedao still trembled slightly, bit his lip and dialed the number.

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