The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1242 Familiar Voice

The phone was picked up quickly, and a very familiar voice came over: "I miss me again."

Li Zedao felt as if his scalp was about to explode, it was her, it was her!

All the fantasies and self-consolation before have all been fed to the dogs and become a reality, and they can even be regarded as bloody things... At least, that's what Li Zedao thinks.

"Why don't you speak... ah..." she whispered.

"You..." Li Zedao almost yelled out the words "what's the matter with you", but fortunately he stopped abruptly in the end, but the big mouth was twitching violently.

He then put the phone on his stomach and imitated Tom's voice in ventriloquism: "Are you... all right?"

"Also, I was kicked by your child again." The voice was somewhat resentful.

Li Zedao began to be jealous again, or angry, because when Nanji was with him, most of the time he was cold, and rarely gentle, but there was never such a resentful and coquettish tone like now, really not!

"Good kick..." Li Zedao finally said, of course, imitating Tom's voice in ventriloquist.

"Fuck... I hate it... What I said just now is true." Nanji's voice became softer, with a bit of shyness in it.

Li Zedao wanted to whip the corpse and abuse Tom's corpse, because of this kind of shyness...he didn't either.

"What really?" Li Zedao asked.

"I miss...your...whip..." Nan Ji said softly.

"Damn..." Li Zedao wanted to rush over and kick the lower body of the headless corpse fiercely, this was unbearable.

"Take care of yourself and your children." Finally, Li Zedao resisted his impulse and said.

"Well." Nanji said, "It feels like you've become a little strange compared to just now, what's wrong?"

"Oh, it's okay, I'm just tired, haha, just take a rest." Li Zedao said, and then quickly ended this extremely "absurd" conversation in his opinion.

After walking into the bathroom and flushing his face with cold water, Li Zedao felt that his heart, which had been stabbed hundreds of times in just a few minutes, was a little calmer.

He looked at himself in the mirror and grinned, well, it was a very ugly smile.

In fact, Li Zedao can choose to forget her, choose to form two parallel lines with her that will never intersect, and never have anything to do with her again. As for her, he has gone to hell now, and the child in her belly has no father... Close My shit!

But because of his personality, he is passionate, saying that it is almost impossible to forget that.

He can also choose to make another phone call, taunt her, and say, haha, in fact, the person who called you just now was me, not yours, haha, isn't it surprising? Haha, he was killed by me, and now his head is gone? Is it sad? Haha, bite me if you have the ability...

But he's not that cruel! He could imagine that if Nanji really knew about this, that woman would definitely fall into a state of madness. It was really hard to predict what would happen then. Maybe she couldn't keep the child because her mood fluctuated too much, maybe she would rush into the Youyue Villa to kill those women she used to... These are all possible.

After thinking for a while, Li Zedao took out Tom's locked cell phone again, looked at it, then left the bathroom and came to the corpse, unlocked the cell phone with his fingerprints again, and recorded his own fingerprints. .

Then, imitate Tom's mobile phone and give her a call every now and then!

This is the only thing Li Zedao can do.

After thinking about it, he stretched out his hand and patted the big horse that was knocked out by Tom's slap before leaving the master bedroom and going outside.

At this time, Teacher Pete was sitting there, and when he saw Li Zedao coming out, he stood up.

"Let's go." Li Zedao said.

"Oh, okay, but there is one more thing to do before leaving." Teacher Pete said, "It will be a matter of time before this matter is exposed, but of course the sooner the better, so the fainted woman inside... ..."

"I've already dealt with it," Li Zedao said. He didn't kill her, he just played tricks on him. This seemingly innocent woman will be in a coma for at least two days. As for what will happen when she wakes up and sees such a horrible scene, Li Zedao doesn't care .

"Oh, yes." Teacher Pete said with a smile.

In the room of the two of them, they closed the door of the room as if they were all right. Teacher Pete glanced at the watch on his wrist and said, "There are still five minutes before the shift change."

"Then wait a minute." Li Zedao said, hesitating for a while, he asked: "Miss Mitty really likes me?"

"Oh, about this, I think you know better than me." Teacher Pete said with a smile, "At least, I have never seen her get so close to any boy, and I have never heard her praise any boy. She is a very proud girl, and one of her most common sayings is that no boy is worthy of me...except you. So, I have to say, you are very lucky, of course, to have you, for For the Luciano family, it is also a kind of luck, at least in the next few decades, they can still stand in a standing position...cough cough..."

Mr. Pete suddenly coughed violently. He covered his mouth with his hands, but he still coughed so badly, as if he would never stop.

At this moment, in Tom's opinion, the eyes of this expert who could at least be ranked in the top five were full of pain, and he looked like an old man who was very sick and on the verge of death.

Seeing this, Li Zedao quickly massaged some acupuncture points on his body a few times, and then Mr. Pete gradually stopped coughing.

"Oh, thank you." He took out a handkerchief from inside and wiped the corner of his mouth, looked at Li Zedao and said gratefully, "Your technique is very effective, Chinese medicine?"

Li Zedao looked at him worriedly and nodded. This is indeed some technique of traditional Chinese medicine, stimulating certain acupoints can relieve cough.

Teacher Pete nodded with a smile and said: "The Luciano family is rich and has top medical talents, so although I have advanced lung cancer, it is controlled by some high-end and expensive medicine, so the disease is temporarily under control. But this is a custom-made gun after all, it might explode someday."

Li Zedao somewhat admires this old man, not because of his skills, nor because of his wisdom, but because of his thoroughness in facing life and death, he can face his own death calmly, as if that is As if sleepy.

"Clan Chief Moss finally agreed to form an alliance, and it was actually for me." Teacher Pete said with some emotion, "I have the same love as father and son with Patriarch Moss. He doesn't want me to be tormented by illness like this."

Li Zedao frowned slightly: "You mean, when the Rothschild family and the FC organization mentioned the tomb, they said that there is a cure for cancer in the tomb?"

Seeing Li Zedao's expression like this, Mr. Pete was stunned and asked, "Isn't it?"

Li Zedao smiled wryly: "Now that the hospital is so developed, it has not been able to overcome this problem, let alone a thousand years ago, even if he is a so-called miracle doctor!"

"Oh, damn it, I was cheated." The muscles on Teacher Pete's face twitched, and finally he said helplessly, "What is in the tomb?"

"I don't know, but it must have nothing to do with the treatment of cancer." Li Zedao glanced at him and said.

Li Zedao still chose to conceal the truth.


Back to the very familiar Deacon Manor, but Alice is not used to it. In the past, she lived here as a member of the Luciano family. She received various trainings provided by the family and performed various tasks according to the family's arrangements. Has a very strong sense of hierarchy.

But now, she no longer appears here as a member of the Luciano family, but as a distinguished guest. And it was Mitty Luciano who entertained her. In the past, she could only take a look at Mitty Luciano from a distance and maintain awe!

Alice knew that she had actually seen this woman before, not the one she had seen from afar in the manor, but close up, because she was very familiar with these beautiful green eyes, and she had seen them before. Afterwards, she still felt frustrated. Later, she regained a bit of the confidence of being a woman in the upright buttocks and the fullness of the chest.

However, at that time, it was not the face in front of Alice that made Alice feel more frustrated, but a more ordinary face.

"It seems that my dear's guess at that time was correct. Miss Mitty was following him secretly... Oh, she was also attracted by my dear?" Alice thought to herself.

Miss Mitty looked at Alice and smiled slightly, "Sister Alice..."

Sister Alice...Alice is a little bit panicked, after all, she is that high-ranking Mitty Luciano, the one who can confidently point to the faces of those excellent men who show love to her and say that your looks don't match me The noble Miss Mitty, she actually called her subordinates' subordinates' subordinates, a small A-level member of a family she usually doesn't look at much, and called her "sister"?

"Oh, God, she's really charming when she smiles." Alice sighed. As a woman, she felt that she was completely attracted by such a smile, let alone a man.

"Miss Mitty..." Alice took a deep breath, and said more politely and more cautiously, "You can call me Alice."

Miss Mitty held her hand and said with a smile: "You are a few years older than me, so naturally I should call you elder sister. As for you, you can call me Mitty."

It can be seen that she is trying very hard to get in touch with Alice.

Alice smiled unnaturally, but still couldn't let go.

"Sister Alice, what kind of boy is he?" Miss Mitty asked.


"Your man, Li Zedao." Miss Mitty's charming green eyes sparkled, she said playfully and domineeringly, "Oh, it's mine too."


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