The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1243 Roasted Sweet Potatoes

Facts have proved that a woman is a very strange animal, very emotional...or sensual, even if the identities between the two people were placed there before, so that one was uncomfortable and the other was reserved, but the short half In less than an hour, Alice and Mitty Luciano were already happily chatting about various topics related to Li Tedao like sisters, and there were some heartfelt laughter from time to time.

Afterwards, when they heard that Li Zedao and Mr. Pete had returned, they appeared at the gate of the manor together with Moss Luciano.

This is the first time for Li Zedao to see the real face of Mitty Luciano. It is still the familiar pair of big green eyes that make people feel blasphemous after a few more glances. The appearance is completely different from her double. However, there is no doubt that this appearance, these eyes, and her background are enough to make her point to those noble children who show love to her and say, you are too ugly to be worthy of my looks.

"Mr. Pete, thank you for your hard work." Mos Luciano gave Teacher Pete a hug, "Oh, it's really hard to imagine, what would I do without you, what would the Luciano family do?"

"Oh, Patriarch Moss, we've already found a very good young man, haven't we?" Teacher Pete laughed.

The two separated and looked at Li Zedao.

"Hello, young man, I think we need to get to know each other again. I'm Mos Luciano." Mos Luciano stretched out his right hand to Li Zedao, and looked at Li Zedao with a lot of emotions in his eyes in it.

Appreciation, hotness, and a bit of kindness... The old man usually looks at his son-in-law with such an emotion.

Moss Luciano was very relieved to hand over his precious angel and the entire Luciano family to such a young man.

This young man is good enough and doesn't have too many ambitions, which means that he will not try to turn the entire Luciano family into a territory that belongs only to him, and he is the only king on this territory. He will let the Luciano family continue to be such an individual and will not try to split or merge it.

This is different from other forces. Other forces, such as Rothschild, want to marry the Luciano family to marry his precious angel, and their ultimate goal is nothing more than to make the entire Luciano family their territory.

What's more important is that although this young man has many women, he is infatuated with them all. He is willing to use his one move to make their well-being... Everything about him naturally includes his life!

For example, for Alice, he confronted the Luciano family without even frowning, and for his other woman, he actually tried to sneak into Deacon Manor or steal it,

Or take it by force and take away that pure blue safety buckle! In Mos Luciano's view, this approach is no different from dying.

More importantly, her proud baby angel has a good impression of him. In front of him, she immediately let go of her original arrogance and became the kind of girl who is in front of the boy she likes. A very pure girl who can be shy.

"Hello, Patriarch Moss, I'm Li Zedao." Li Zedao shook hands with him.

"Oh, I think, you can call me Uncle Moss." Moss Luciano laughed. He actually wanted to say, you can call me "Father" directly, and I won't mind, let alone my precious angel.

"Uncle Moss." Li Zedao didn't show any pretense, and changed his address.

Then the two embraced.

"I think you and I need to get to know each other again." Mitty Luciano looked at Li Zedao with sparkling eyes and smiled, and then, regardless of Li Zedao's disagreement, he stretched out his hand and gave him a Hug, "Hello, I'm Mitty Luciano...Li Zedao's girlfriend, your woman."

Li Zedao was stunned, this... is too domineering!

She was domineering and domineering when she said your looks didn’t match mine, and she was domineering and domineering when she said I was your girlfriend and your woman, but her dominance made people feel very domineering. Comfortable, without any sense of disobedience, as if she must be like this, she should be like this, if she is not like this, she is not her.

"Also, I only ate a few mouthfuls of poisoned fried shredded pork with green peppers for dinner, and I'm already starving. My Mr. Cooking God, shouldn't you be honored?" Mitty Luciano said again.

"Go bake sweet potatoes." Li Zedao said with a slight smile.

"Oh, I think you guys bake more, I'm hungry too." Mos Luciano laughed.

"I'm starving too." Teacher Pete agreed with a smile.


At the same place next to the Moon Lake, Li Zedao started to build a bigger "tower" with the clods sent by the housekeeper Walid, so that more sweet potatoes could be roasted.

Alice and Mitty Luciano watched from the sidelines. They had no experience in this kind of thing, and they couldn't help much. It was even the first time Alice knew that sweet potatoes could be baked in this way.

After getting along for such a long time, Alice actually knew Li Zedao very well, so from the moment Li Zedao returned to Deacon Manor, she had already discovered that there was something wrong with his emotions. Although he hid it very well, Alice Silk still caught it.

Furthermore, Alice vaguely knew that Li Zedao and Mr. Pete were looking for trouble for Tom. It seemed that they had not only found trouble but also big trouble, but the Antarctic was in Tom's hands. According to the past, in order to Regarding the safety of Antarctica, it is impossible for Li Zedao to trouble Tom, but now...

Alice's face changed suddenly. Could it be that something happened to Antarctica long ago? Alice knew very well what Antarctica meant to Li Zedao. Aside from Li Zedao's love for Antarctica, the child in Nanji's belly was probably the only child in Li Zedao's life.

Because his body is in trouble now, he can't get his other women pregnant.

After having such a terrible guess in her heart, her face became ugly and painful. She opened her mouth, but she didn't ask after all.

Mitty Luciano didn't pay attention to the change of Alice's expression. She watched Li Zedao busy there with interest. For her, this kind of life was really comfortable and interesting, and it was what she had always wanted.

Seeing Alice like this, Li Zedao, who was lighting a fire on the dry wood in the "tower", smiled slightly and asked, "Ask whatever you want."

He could probably guess what Alice was thinking at this moment.

"Crack!" Flames appeared on the lighter in Li Zedao's hand, jumping in the breeze, the flames reflected in Li Zedao's eyes, and Alice saw the heartbreaking pain in his eyes.

"Oh, my dear..." Alice felt more and more that her guess was right. She stood up, her eyes were red, and she reached out to caress Li Zedao's face, "I am here, we are all here , and now Mitty..."

Alice looked at Mitty: "Mitty, are you willing? Are you willing to be my dear wife?"

Mitty Luciano didn't understand the situation to some extent, but she was smart enough to feel the pain in Li Zedao's eyes at this moment, and knew that something must have happened that she didn't know.

So he nodded heavily, and said piously and earnestly: "Oh, I am willing, my dear, I am willing to live with you in a holy marriage contract! Whether it is sickness or health, Whether poor or rich, beautiful or discolored, successful or frustrated, I am willing to love you, comfort you, respect you, protect you, and I am willing to be loyal to you forever in my life!"

This is... a declaration at the wedding? Li Zedao couldn't hold back his joy, and the haze in his heart disappeared a lot.

Mitty Luciano was already a little depressed, puffing her cheeks and said: "Honey, my God of Gamblers, I am very serious."

Li Zedao gave Alice a reassuring look, expressing that he was fine, then looked at Mitty Luciano and said, "I know you are serious...but do you really like me?"

Mitty Luciano nodded heavily, and then still puffed her cheeks, indicating that she is very depressed now, and said: "Honey, you can't doubt the kind of liking I have for you, you should know, if it weren't for you, I like you The man, Mr. Pete has already appeared by now, and he will beat you hard."

Li Zedao smiled: "Then...Alice told you that there is actually a big problem with my body..."

"Sister Alice said it, but I don't want to be a mother, so your problem is not a problem for me." Mitty Luciano felt wronged, bit her lips lightly, and looked at Li Zedao pitifully. He felt that Li Zedao didn't like her, that's why he said these words.

In the past, she was the one who rejected others, but now she replaced it with herself, which made Mitty Luciano extremely wronged: "Do you not like me?"

Li Zedao looked at the pair of green eyes that were wronged but more charming, and said, "Miss Mitty, thank you for liking me..."

"So..." Miss Mitty's nose started to sore, and she was even more aggrieved. Usually, this kind of dialogue means "bye"? Because she had said such kind words to her suitors.

But, why doesn't he like himself?

"So... I am also willing to live with you in a sacred marriage contract **! Whether it is sickness or health, poverty or wealth, beauty or fading, success or failure, I am willing to love you, comfort you, and respect you , protect you, and is willing to be loyal to you forever in your life!" Li Zedao said.

Then looked at Alice: "You too."

Alice wanted to jump into his arms, and try her best to kiss him like before, but Mitty Luciano was faster than her. She threw herself into Li Zedao's arms, and then her sexy lips slammed It was printed on Li Zedao's lips.

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