Moon Lake at night is beautiful. Under the breeze blowing, ripples appear on the water surface, and the crescent moon in the sky is reflected on the lake surface, giving people a very peaceful and beautiful feeling.

While adding firewood to the burning "tower" from time to time, Li Zedao told Alice and Mitty Luciano a story. Of course, it was not a real story, because the story The male protagonist's name is Li Zedao, and the female protagonist's name is... Nanji.

Li Zedao talked about the first time he met Nanji. At that time, he had just stayed in the container for a few days, so his body smelled bad. At that time, Nanji hated him very much.

He also talked about how Nanji would throw a knife at him from time to time during the process of getting along, and the actually quite fiery heart in her indifferent body.

He also talked about how happy he was when she was pregnant, so happy that he hit a telephone pole while driving without knowing it.

Li Zedao didn't continue, because his voice was a little hoarse, or, to be more precise, choked up, although his expression looked so relaxed, as if he was talking about something that had nothing to do with him .

To him, Antarctica was no longer just the woman who had seriously hurt and irritated him, she had become his demon.

When the Luciano family investigated Li Zedao, they naturally also investigated the people around Li Zedao, so Mitty Luciano knew about this woman from Antarctica, and knew that this woman's identity was not simple. A member of the powerful Shenlong organization.

She also knew that the reason why Li Zedao came to Las Vegas to try to sneak into Deakin Manor to get the safety button from his father was actually forced by Tom, because the Antarctic was captured by Tom, and even the Antarctic Li Zedao's child is still pregnant in her stomach.

In fact, when she conspired with Li Zedao before, she simply asked your woman...

Li Zedao also simply replied that she is fine.

At that time, Mitty Luciano thought that Li Zedao had actually rescued his woman secretly, but now looking at the current situation, it has not!

Even, the woman named Nanji had an accident, which is why Li Zedao was so resolute in cooperating with the Luciano family. Just a few hours ago, he even killed Tom!

At that moment, she looked at Li Zedao distressedly, and then looked at Alice, who nodded to her with sad eyes, confirming her idea.

A piece of firewood was added to the "tower\

,"While carefully fiddling with the firewood inside, Li Zedao calmed down a little, and then continued to tell the "story"...

"When I heard that I was going to be a father, the feeling was amazing. I really couldn't describe it. I just felt like I was about to cry." Li Zedao said, "But I was afraid that this was a dream. Maybe Nanji was not pregnant. So I immediately took her to the hospital for examination...Alice and you were there at that time."

Alice nodded with sad eyes. Li Zedao, whose expression is as calm as water now, seems to be telling someone else's story, makes her feel very distressed. If he is not squatting to burn the fire and afraid of collapsing the "tower", she would have put He was thrown down, and then trampled on him... It's good for him to forget about this sad thing for a while.

Li Zedao looked up at Alice: "Do you remember what Shadow said back then?"

Alice was taken aback for a moment, then nodded: "She said...she is going to have a baby too."

"Yes, but before she said this, she said something to herself... Sister Nanji can't conceive a baby, she can't..." Li Zedao said, "Do you know why she said that? Because, she really can't, because if she is pregnant, it will prove that there is an extra hat on my head..."

Li Zedao looked at Alice and Mitty Luciano and said, "And it's green."

The eyeballs of the two of them suddenly widened, because they both knew what Li Zedao said meant. It meant that Nanji had other men outside, and that she was even pregnant with someone else's child.

" dear...what's going on?" Alice's expression was completely messed up.

"Actually, I had this strange disease in my body as early as when you met you in the desert." Li Zedao looked at Alice, his tone still as calm as water, "At that time, I couldn't get a girl pregnant, but this matter Only the master knows, and the master told the shadow later, so, after seeing the Antarctic, the shadow will have such a reaction, and will say such things..."

Although Mitty Luciano felt sorry for Li Zedao, it was actually okay. After all, she was not involved in this matter, and she and Nanji had never even met face to face.

But Alice is different. Although she and Antarctic sometimes bicker and even roll up their sleeves to fight, the relationship between the two is still very good. Therefore, her heart fluctuates so much that her body begins to slightly Trembling, she really couldn't imagine that Nanji, who loves Li Zedao so much, would give Li Zedao a cuckold.

Li Zedao said: "At first I thought the shadow was messing around, but the facts behind it were in front of me, and I couldn't help but not believe it, but I didn't tell the truth, I pretended nothing happened because..."

"Because you love her very much." Mitty Luciano looked at Li Zedao with reddened eyes and said.

"Yes." Li Zedao nodded and admitted.

"Will you love me the way you love her in the future?" Mitty Luciano asked.

Before Li Zedao could answer, she said very seriously: "Whether you know it or not, I will love you. The declaration I just said was not casual."

"Oh, this is really touching." Li Zedao rubbed his eyes, as if he was too moved.

Then the atmosphere suddenly improved a lot, not as depressing as before.

"I didn't just talk casually just now." Li Zedao said.

The heavy topic just now continued: "I told Shadow, under what circumstances would a woman betray her man and give him a cuckold. Shadow said many reasons, but none of them fit the relationship between me and Antarctica. In that case, we finally came to a conclusion, that is, Nanji has never liked me, and she appeared by my side, in fact, played the role of a spy."

"Spy?" Alice and Mitty Luciano both had expressions on their faces.

"Yes, she is monitoring my every move." Li Zedao said, "So I didn't say anything. On the one hand, it was because I really liked her, so I was still holding a fluke in my heart. On the other hand, I also wanted to know what happened behind her. Who is standing there, and what do they want to do? In the end, when Mr. Bat led people to attack me and Alice that night, something happened to the villa..."

"That's my father and Teacher Pete's test for you." Mitty Luciano said, "If you can't even deal with Mr. Bat, then they will be disappointed in you...Of course, there is another reason , They suspected that Mr. Bat was actually an undercover agent, but they didn't expect that the undercover agent would be a shark."

Li Zedao nodded, and Mr. Pete chatted with him about bats. At that time, the bats appeared in Phoenix City to test Li Zedao's ability. Of course, he also had the idea of ​​using Li Zedao's hands to get rid of the bats, because They suspect that bats are nails.

Thinking about it now, the reason why bats become the object of suspicion is that the real nail sharks have actually made a lot of efforts in the dark.

Alice's eyes widened, she looked at Li Zedao in astonishment, and said in an unbelievable voice: "Oh, dear, I thought of something, but, that's too crazy, too unbelievable... ..."

Li Zedao signaled her to continue talking.

"Actually, Antarctica belongs to them? Antarctica took the initiative to go with them instead of being taken away because she was pregnant?"

Li Zedao nodded and said, "That's right, the one in Antarctica is actually... Tom."

"..." The expressions of Alice and Mitty Luciano were no different from seeing a ghost.

So Antarctica is Tom's woman? So Antarctica is pregnant with Tom's child? So she is Tom's spy next to Li Zedao? So this time she pretended to be kidnapped because she was pregnant with a child... This is killing two birds with one stone. On the one hand, it is because Tom loves his woman and child, and on the other hand, he can continue to threaten Li Zedao in the same way.

"So, this time I came to Las Vegas, not to rescue Antarctica, because I know that she is very good, very... good." Li Zedao said. From the phone, he could feel the kind of happiness expressed in the woman's words. This kind of happiness actually filled his heart with jealous and violent emotions at that moment, but after calming down, he would Fortunately, you are fine.

"I came to kill Tom." Li Zedao said again, patted the dust on his hands, "I succeeded, she became a widow... what should I do?"

This is a problem, a problem that Li Zedao, who thinks he has a very high IQ, can't find the answer! Control her? impossible! Regardless of her, it's unrealistic... At least, Li Zedao wants to see her have a good second half of her life, but now, her second half of her life, which may be very good, has been crushed by him.

"Oh, dear, it's not your fault." Alice gently took his hand.

"Yes, it's not your fault." Mitty Luciano held his other hand, and then said viciously, "Anyway, if she dares to seek revenge on you and hurt you in the future, I'll kill her! "

"I killed her too!" Alice's expression darkened.

"Even if you blame me, I will kill her." Alice looked at Li Zedao and added this sentence.

Li Zedao smiled and said, "Don't worry, she's not my opponent, and I won't stand there foolishly and let her stab me with a knife, because I still have to roast sweet potatoes for you."

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