The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1245 The Wayward Missy

As if to let out all the turbidity in Li Zedao's heart, Alice's movements and expressions were crazier than usual, and finally she shouted that she was going to see God...

Of course, even if he really died, he would die happily. In the end, she really seemed to be in suspended animation. After a series of convulsions, Alice seemed to roll her eyes, panting for breath, and at the same time felt that her soul seemed to be floating in the clouds.

At the same time, in the next room, Mitty Luciano leaned his ear against the wall, listening to the faint movement, his pretty face was hot, and he murmured to himself: "Oh, this is crazy, it's more crazy than the movie. It's still crazy..."

The Persian cat whose real name was John curled up in her arms, letting out a lazy moan, as if it had become spring.

"Oh, John, shut up!" Mitty Luciano became even more confused, and slapped the Persian cat on the head.

"Meow..." the cat meowed louder.


At twelve o'clock in the morning, in the darkness, a body with a fragrance slipped gently into Li Zedao's arms.

"Mr. God of Gamblers, I know you must know that Elder Sister Alice got up and left, and you also know what happened, and you know that you haven't fallen asleep... Oh, don't talk, and you are not allowed to talk..." Mitty Luciano Said, voice a little embarrassed and shy.

This girl with a domineering and straightforward style is not as domineering as people see at this time. She actually has the shyness that belongs to a girl. The boy was even naked... She felt shy and overwhelmed.

But when Alice knocked on the door of her room with a contented face and said ambiguously that he would belong to you for the next twenty-four hours, she hardly hesitated, and she could even say that she couldn't wait. He ran to this room, and got into Li Zedao's bed.

She even tried to hide her embarrassment now, after all, she had been very straightforward and unscrupulous in the past, and she did not hide any feelings of hers.

"Oh, I'm just... well, I'm sleepy, okay, don't talk, I'm very sleepy, I'm going to sleep." Then I stretched out a hand very hard, and after touching the other's strong chest, Like an electric shock, her body trembled uncontrollably.

After taking a deep breath and getting used to it slowly, she hugged him and leaned against Li Zedao's chest without making a sound, indicating that I was asleep.


Her nervous breathing betrayed her, her breathing was so hot that it hit Li Zedao's chest, and even made Miss Mitty's face feel hot.

Li Zedao smiled, and he wanted to let people know that Ms. Mitty Luciano, who has always been aloof and mysterious and known as one of the most beautiful women in the world, has such a deceitful side. I am afraid it will shock them. let's get off

Li Zedao said softly: "Dear Miss Mitty..."

"Oh, Li Zedao, I told you before, you are not allowed to speak, you are not allowed..." Mitty Luciano said domineeringly. In a quiet situation, she was less embarrassed, and now that Li Zedao spoke, her heart, which had been so hard to calm down, began to beat wildly again.

So domineering! Li Zedao said in a pitiful whisper: "But, that sentence is very important, I can't sleep if I don't say it."

"Then... just one sentence?"

Li Zedao affirmed: "Just one sentence."

"Go ahead."

"Happy birthday." Li Zedao said.

"...What about the gift?" In the darkness, Mitty Luciano smiled like a flower.

"Didn't the gift be given to you just now? Those sweet potatoes I baked." Li Zedao said, "Look, Alice only ate three, but you can eat a total of eight."

This time, there are a little more sweet potatoes roasted, a total of fifteen. Mitty Luciano fully demonstrated her domineering style, and she monopolized eight of them, and she picked the biggest ones, Alice. After eating three, Li Zedao ate one, and the remaining three, the youngest Mitty Luciano, were sent to Chief Moss and Teacher Pete, and one Li Zedao was given to Chabert Baker who was still in shock. Ham.

Shabert Beckham has lived most of his life, where has he seen such a terrifying scene? A living person just lost his head in front of him!

So when Li Zedao left with the shark, although he had no strength, his mouth opened inexplicably, and his beard was covered with vomit.

Of course, Moss Luciano also apologized and briefly explained to him afterwards, saying that something went wrong inside Luciano, and your teacher John was acting, and he was helping the Luciano family through this crisis. Difficulties, after that, your teacher John will explain clearly to you.

Li Zedao actually didn't explain too much, just let him forget about that scene.

The student Mr. God of Cooking naturally dared not listen to Mr. John's words, so Sabert Beckham quickly said that he would try his best to forget that scene, and then began to cry while eating the roasted sweet potatoes that Mr. John sent.

"...Dear Li Zedao, you know, I didn't eat much for dinner, I was so hungry, besides, it's your fault, who made your baked sweet potatoes so delicious?" Miss Mitty explained with a hot face . She was originally the kind of person who didn't bother to explain, but now, when facing Li Zedao, her personality has changed drastically, and she is no different from the kind of girl who is in love.

Li Zedao said seriously: "Well, I know, you're starving."

"That's right, I'm really hungry." Miss Mitty expressed her satisfaction with Li Zedao's cooperation, then pondered for a while, and asked a little shyly, " it true?"

Li Zedao was taken aback: "Is what true?"

"Sister Alice said, usually you belong to everyone, but on which sister's birthday, who do you belong to on that day, you have to do what she asks you to do." Alice said, "So, now the new The day has begun, and today is my birthday again, so now you only belong to me? Do whatever I ask you to do?"

"Yes." Li Zedao said with an embarrassed smile, "Dear Curis... Oh, Miss Mitty, what do you plan to ask me to do for you?"

"Then... get up and help me make a birthday cake, I want you to help me celebrate my birthday now."

"...Now?" Li Zedao was stunned for a moment, and then he began to feel ashamed of those extremely unhealthy thoughts in his heart. He originally thought that Miss Mitty wanted him to close his eyes and do something shameful to him. things came out.

"Oh, yes, now." Mitty Luciano raised her head, looked at Li Zedao shyly and said.

"Then now." Li Zedao smiled.

After that, the two didn't sleep all night.

Li Zedao first made a small cake for her with his own hands, then put candles on it, sang birthday songs, and helped her celebrate a birthday that Mitty Luciano had never had before.

Miss Mitty said that you sing really well, and your voice is very magnetic... I will sing it a few more times.

So, Li Zedao sang the happy birthday song twenty times before Miss Mitty let him go. She proudly said that this was her nineteenth birthday, and Li Zedao also helped her celebrate it.

After that, Miss Mitty asked Li Zedao to feed her a cake. She said that other girlfriends and her boyfriends were like this when they celebrated their birthdays together.

Li Zedao asked her how she knew, and she said that it was always shown on TV... Li Zedao then learned that Mitty Luciano, the eldest lady of the dignified Luciano family, actually likes watching Korean dramas...

"Ouba..." She looked at Li Zedao and said coquettishly, seeing Li Zedao's stunned look, she burst out laughing.

Afterwards, she started to play a prank, and put the cream on Li Zedao's forehead, eyebrows, nose, and lips, and then looked at him giggling.

After eating the cake, she said capriciously that she wanted to go fishing, so when it was almost four o'clock in the morning, the housekeeper Walid personally delivered the fishing rod and bait.

The two snuggled together, facing the sparkling lake, and started fishing, but maybe the fish was still sleeping, or their whispering and laughter from time to time scared the fish away, so fishing After fishing for more than an hour, she couldn't catch a single fish. In the end, her voice became smaller and smaller... Her head rested on Li Zedao's tarsus and fell asleep.

Li Zedao looked down at her and smiled involuntarily.

He looked down at the lake, and seemed to see a very familiar figure appearing there.

Li Zedao then threw the small bucket with bait on the side into the lake, with a soft sound, the water parted, and the figure disappeared.

"From now on, we will be the most familiar strangers... Oh, it should be said that we are the most familiar enemies." He said in a voice that only he could hear.

Then he carefully hugged Mitty Luciano horizontally, returned to the room, gently placed her on the bed, hugged her body from behind, and closed his eyes.


Li Zedao thought that this willful young lady would sleep until late, at least until noon, but within two hours, Miss Mitty who had already woken up pulled him out of bed, Let Li Zedao go shopping with her.

She said that she wanted to have a good experience of what it was like to go shopping with the boy she liked. She wants to buy clothes for him, let him help her buy things she likes, what does it feel like to help her carry things in big and small bags, is it like the show on TV, followed behind with a sad face of.

When the two went out, they both wore simulation masks, so Miss Mitty transformed into the pet doctor Ke Lisi, while Li Zedao put on a second set of simulation masks, whose name was still John.

The two didn't drive the supercars in the garage, but drove a low-key ordinary Chevrolet, and left the manor through the side door.

The reason why it is from the side entrance is that there are various luxury cars driving over from the main entrance of the manor at this time, and those noble children, social celebrities, shopping malls, elites and senior officials who received the invitation letter have arrived one after another. I went to Deakin Manor and prepared to attend this grand birthday party tonight.

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