The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1246 The Man Who Shouldn't Appear

Mitty Luciano didn't want to appear on such an occasion and accept everyone's praise and blessings, so her double would still appear at the birthday party at night instead of her.

This has been almost always the case, so the Mitty Luciano that everyone usually sees is actually not the real Mitty Luciano, but her substitute, but only a few people know about it.

A luxurious Rolls-Royce was driving on the road unhurriedly, and there were three Rolls-Royces in the front and back, and two luxury cars on the left and right escorted them.

In the car, Meier, the patriarch of the Rothschild family, was talking to an old man sitting in the passenger seat.

Meier was handsome, tall and tall. Although he was over half a century old, his body did not show any signs of gaining weight, but looked very strong. Moreover, he looked so young, so he obviously paid great attention to maintenance.

"Oh, Firefox, I'm really curious why that old guy Moss didn't rush to hold Mrs. Pete's funeral, but blocked the news, and then continued to help his proud but damn it like nothing happened My little angel's birthday party."

Firefox, the think tank of the Rothschild family, Meier's most reliable and trusted helper, his age is similar to that of Mr. Pete, and his status in Rothschild is the same as that of Mr. Pete in the Luciano family, so his skills Naturally, it belongs to the extremely terrifying kind. At least, when he fought against Mr. Pete, he never lost the upper hand. Of course, he couldn't get any benefits.

Chief Meyer said this as a joke or as a joke. Of course he knew why that old fellow Moss did this, because, if it were him, he would have blocked the news as well. Nothing happened.

Mr. Pete is the sharp teeth and claws of the lion of the Luciano family. If he died, the lion would have no claws or teeth. The Luciano Anno family has changed from the original ferocious predators to a piece of fat coveted by its beasts. All major families and forces that have had gaps with Luciano before or have no gaps will start to calculate how to do it. Take a bite of this hunk of fat.

Chief Meyer didn't want to spread the news that Mr. Pete was dead, because he wanted to have this piece of fat all to himself.

"There is no pain in heaven, I will miss him." Flying Fox said, his voice was hoarse and sharp, as if there was a handful of sand stuck there.

"Oh, maybe he will go to hell." Chief Meyer said with a laugh, "I can't wait to meet that old guy Moss."

Meier is very gloating,

"Oh, Firefox, if I ask him where is Mr. Pete? What do you think the old guy will answer?"

Firefox didn't answer, and he never answered questions he didn't want to answer, even if it was Meier who asked the question. Of course, he also knew that Meier's question didn't need anyone else to answer it, because the answer was obvious.

The convoy finally stopped slowly at the gate of Deakin Manor, and several men in black rushed over to help open the car door, and then Meyer and Firefox got out of the car one by one.

They have been here many times before, but never like this time, they feel that the scenery of this place is so good, so good that they want to take it for themselves.

At this moment, Mos Luciano's extremely enthusiastic voice came over. It is conceivable that when the convoy of Mayer, the patriarch of the Rothschild family, was about to arrive, Mos Luciano Already waiting at the gate.

"Oh, good morning, Mr. Meyer, my good friend, good morning, Mr. Firefox, welcome to Deacon Manor, it is my honor to have you here." Mos Luciano said with great enthusiasm.

"Oh, good morning, Moss..." Meier turned around and responded enthusiastically after hearing the voice, and then his eyeballs suddenly opened wide.

Even though he saw too many storms and waves, basically there were few things that made his heart turbulent, but at this time his mind froze slightly, because he saw a person who shouldn't be here.

Mr. Pete, the old man who should have been punched in the head, nodded and followed behind Mos Luciano. He looked so inconspicuous, but at the same time, it was impossible to ignore him.

Chief Meyer felt that this was really bullying people, what about the fat meat that was agreed? Your teeth and claws are still so sharp, how do you want me to attack you?

After Firefox saw his old rival, Mr. Pete, his small eyes narrowed into a line. It is conceivable that Mr. Pete's safety and well-being has already stimulated his nerves.

"Oh, damn it, how did this happen? What the hell is going on? Didn't Tom and the shark succeed? Didn't the shark smash Mr. Pete's head with one punch?" Meyer told Feihu glanced at each other subconsciously, the expressions on their faces remained unchanged, the smile they should have smiled, and the coldness they should have continued, but they both felt a little messy in their hearts.

"Good morning, Mr. Meyer, Mr. Firefox." Mr. Pete nodded slightly and said with a smile, but the smile was unabashedly malicious and mocking.

"Oh, hello, Mr. Pete." Meier restrained his mind and responded with a smile.

Firefox also looked coldly at Mr. Pete, an old opponent, and nodded, as a greeting. For a long time, Firefox has always had this attitude when seeing Teacher Pete, and he is the only one who dares to show a cold face to Teacher Pete, and sometimes even say some threatening words.

"Oh, Meyer, Mr. Firefox, please, we have prepared the coffee and desserts baked by the chef Saubert Beckham himself." Mos Luciano smiled, "I believe you must Will love it."

"Oh, that's really great." Meyer responded with a smile, and he was indeed very interested in the coffee and desserts prepared by Mr. Chef.

"Oh, I heard that Mr. God of Gamblers... that John, is also here? He also made you a stir-fried shredded pork with green peppers. That taste conquered you?" When walking inside, Meyer smiled. asked.

Mos Luciano nodded and smiled: "Oh, yes, you must have heard of it, this newly promoted Mr. God of Gamblers is the nephew of Mr. Mr. God of Cooking, and he also has amazing culinary skills. He has not only learned all the cooking skills of Mr. Chef God, but even Mr. Chef God marveled at him, thinking that he is not as good as him. His fried shredded pork with green pepper is... oh, that taste is really Forgettable."

As he spoke, Mos Luciano swallowed.

Meier swallowed involuntarily, and was pissed off by his own reaction. He smiled and said, "Oh, this young man is really outstanding, and his achievements are so shocking and unbelievable. , can I see him?"

"Oh, of course, but he's working in the kitchen with Mr. God of Cooking. I'm afraid it's not convenient. After tonight's birthday party is over, I think you can see her." Moss Lu Xie Nuo laughed.

"Oh, that's really exciting," Meyer said.

At the same time, Teacher Pete and Firefox followed the two patriarchs side by side.

"I thought I couldn't see you...oh, I mean, I thought you were dead and couldn't come," said Mr. Pete with a smile.

Firefox still kept his cold eyes, and said murderously: "I will kill you."

"You can't kill me." Teacher Pete laughed.

"I can." Firefox said.

"Oh, I still don't think you can. How about we bet? How about a dollar bet?" Teacher Pete smiled even wider.

"Crazy!" Firefox looked at him like an idiot, and then took a step forward, not wanting to take care of Mr. Pete anymore.

Teacher Pete shrugged his shoulders and smiled, and said in his heart, "I will kill you too."

A few minutes later, Meyer and Firefox, led by Mos Luciano and Mr. Pete, went to rest in a luxurious room in District B. The two sides exchanged a few polite words, and then Moss Luciano and Pete The teacher left and continued to greet other guests.

As the two left, the faces of Patriarch Meier and Firefox immediately turned cold, and then Firefox immediately made a call, and a few minutes later, a call came in.

Firefox picked up the phone, said a few words, and then his face became even uglier.

He looked at Meier, and said in a sharp voice like a knife: "Something happened, Tom, the shark and Jones all died in the room of the Guinness Hotel, and the heads of both the shark and Tom were blown to pieces And Tom's head was blown to pieces by a small gun, and the pure blue safety buckle that he had already obtained was gone."

"Oh, damn it, damn it, when did this happen?" Meier asked with a sullen expression on his face.

"Last night, they died last night. If I hadn't called to inquire about the situation, no one would have noticed that they were dead, and thought they were still sleeping in the room." Firefox said with cold eyes.

"Oh, damn it, damn it!" Meier yelled as he wandered back and forth, his handsome face flushed red, one can imagine how restless he is now.

"Oh, damn it, what the hell is going on? Could that bastard shark be a double agent? He didn't actually kill Mr. Pete? Damn it! Damn it..." He resentfully kicked over to the delicate little On the table, the table was kicked to pieces in an instant.

It was still very angry, so he kicked the delicate chair away again.

Firefox remained silent, and he said for a while, "Contact Huang Wen first, I think he has already cooperated with the Luciano family."


"John, or... Li Zedao." Firefox said.

Patriarch Meyer froze for a moment, then gritted his teeth and said, "Oh, damn, this is really bad."

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