The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1248 News from Antarctica

For Li Zedao, the other party's threats are very primitive and low-level, but they still hold him firmly. As the other party said, Li Zedao is a soft-hearted and emotionally weak person. People, when seeing some tragedies, even, he can't help crying.

"I will cooperate with you." Finally, Li Zedao said in a voice that even he felt unfamiliar with.

"I knew you would cooperate a long time ago." Huang Wen said with a smile, as if he had already determined you.

"So, what do I need to do?" Li Zedao asked. Naturally, the other party didn't just want to threaten him when he came to him in the middle of the night, there must be other things.

"Someone will tell you." Huang Wen smiled.


"Ms. Pete." Huang Wen said.

Li Zedao's pupils widened suddenly, and Mr. Pete is actually his?

As if he could see through Li Zedao's mind through the phone, Huang Wen said: "Mr. Pete is not my man, I am not that capable to make such a terrible master my man, what I mean is, He will definitely find you, and then cooperate with you to bite off a piece of meat from the Rothschild beast! He is the kind of person who must report his flaws. It’s a loss, but Teacher Pete will definitely find trouble with the other party.”

Li Zedao got two pieces of information. First, Mr. Pete made him feel afraid. In other words, even he is not sure that he can take down Mr. Pete, just as Mr. Pete is not sure that he can take him down. Then his skill Comparable to Mr. Pete, but inferior to Master.

"You mean... Ping An button?" Li Zedao asked aloud. This is the second message he got, that the other party is planning to cross the river and demolish the bridge, and swallow all the safety buttons and the things in the ancient tomb of Duanmuweizhuang by himself.

Huang Wen said: "The yellow safety buckle is in the hands of Firefox."


Huang Wen seemed very familiar with Mr. Firefox: "Firefox's status in the Rothschild family is like Mr. Pete's status in the Luciano family, and his skills are comparable to Mr. Pete's. Compared with Mr. Pete's , his cunning and ruthlessness are even worse..."

Li Zedao interrupted him coldly: "Compared to you?"

Huang Wen was stunned for a moment, then laughed loudly and said, "What do you think? Anyway, Mr. Pete will definitely attack Firefox.

At that time, you just take the yellow safety buckle away. "

"I'm very surprised, I heard that you have a good relationship with Rothschild, don't you?" Li Zedao asked.

"Yes, so, I'm not ashamed to do it myself." Huang Wen said seriously.

"..." Li Zedao once again saw the ruthlessness of this great-grandfather who was very strange to him but had a blood relationship!

"Is Tom a nail in the Rothschild family?" Li Zedao asked.

"It's not a nail, but he is indeed my man. I have some cooperation with Rothschild. Tom entered the interior of Rothschild to help them do things according to my intention. The so-called diamond bodyguard is just a name." Huang Wen said.

"Is he from Huaxia? Who is he?"

"He is from China. As for who it is, you will know later." Huang Wen let out a piercing laugh again, "I think you must already know the relationship between that cruel little girl and Tom, otherwise you would Wouldn't you cooperate with Mr. Pete so simply to kill Tom? Can't let go? Instead, I can tell you where she is now, or I can kill her for you to vent your anger."

"Don't bother you to do it." Li Zedao said coldly, "If you want to do it, I will do it myself."

"So, you still want me to tell you where she is?"

"...Yes." Li Zedao said, he really couldn't wait to know where she was, of course, not to kill her, and he didn't want to appear in front of her and tell her that I killed your he You bite me, you bite me... He just wants to know some news about her, it's as simple as that.

Of course, maybe he still wants to ask her... have you ever loved me? This is a very stupid question, so stupid that Li Zedao is so stupid that he doesn't know the answer.

"The first villa in Baili Real Estate Community in Fenghuang City is not far from the villa you live in." Huang Wen said, "She has been there all the time, waiting to give birth."

"...Thank you." Li Zedao said in a voice that even he felt very strange. It turned out that she was so close to him, but so far away!


Transformed from a girl to a woman, plus Li Zedao's fighting power is there, so when Mitty Luciano woke up, the sun was already high.

At this time, there was no one beside the bed, and the little man who hugged her for a long time after being conquered by her sexiness last night was no longer by her side, but she heard someone outside who he was talking to The sound of a phone call.

Mitty Luciano smiled sweetly, and stretched lazily, like a lazy lazy cat. Her big green eyes were watery, making them even more dazzling and charming. At this time She is the newly married little daughter-in-law, the shyness and attachment after the wedding ceremony.

Then she got out of bed, picked up the white shirt that Li Zedao wore last night, put it on, and only fastened two buttons, so the white snow on the chest was faintly visible, and the two long snow-white thighs were exposed in the air , buttocks are also faintly visible, coupled with her lazy expression, it really makes people want to commit crimes at the first sight.

She walked out of the master bedroom, and saw Li Zedao, who was wearing a pair of shorts all over his body, standing in front of the window and talking on the phone. The sun shone on his handsome face and his strong chest, which made Mitty Lu Xie Nuo thought of a word.

Beautiful and delicious! She wanted to eat this charming man right now, just in time, her stomach was hungry.

Li Zedao looked back at her and straightened his eyes slightly, then smiled, and said into the microphone: "Miss Mitty and I will go back early."

Mitty Luciano smiled back, then walked up to him, and hugged Li Zedao's body from behind.

The soft chest was stroking and massaging her back, and the noble fragrance emanating from her body made one's body instantly stiff.

"Oh, okay, goodbye, Mr. Pete..." Li Zedao said, and hung up the phone.

"Mr. Pete's phone number?" Mitty Luciano asked.

"Yes." Li Zedao said. After talking on the phone with Huang Wen last night, he naturally didn't want to sleep, but he still went back to bed and continued to hug that delicate body to doze off, until just now, the phone vibrated again, and Teacher Pete called.

"Mr. Pete said that Meyer, the patriarch of the Rothschild family, and Firefox, the top expert, wanted to see me. They wanted to see me since yesterday, but he used some excuses to shirk them."

"Oh, this is really annoying. Although today is not my birthday, I still want to take over your day." Mitty Luciano said, "Honey, I'm already deeply infatuated with you, what do you do?" What came out, your embarrassment, your body, your performance on the bed, all made me jealous and fascinated..."

"Rogue." Li Zedao said, such a Mitty Luciano, he couldn't bear it at all, and wanted to commit a crime again.

Mitty Luciano laughed very proudly: "Oh, yes, honey, I'm a hooligan, and I want to bully you severely right now, so... shall we go back later? I think Pete The teacher will understand, oh, he must understand if he doesn't understand, and as for Rothschild... what does it matter to me?"

Li Zedao thinks about it, too, Mr. Pete must understand, as for what patriarch of Rothschild, what Firefox wants to see him? wait! So, as soon as he rotated his body, he turned Mitty Luciano to the front position with his back against the window. Then he turned around and put an arm around her waist, but his mouth had already blocked her sexy lips.

A bird outside the window flew away chirping, as if it was embarrassed to see what was happening at the window.

When Li Zedao and Mitty Luciano returned to Deakin Manor, it was already afternoon. At this time, he put on the mask again, and transformed into John, who is now in the limelight. He is not only Recognized as the God of Gamblers, he is still the real God of Cooking who is moved to tears after eating the dishes he cooks.

Then he told Mr. Pete that he could "receive" Meyer and Firefox now.

When he uttered this word, Li Zedao immediately felt that he had grown taller. Even the patriarch of the Rothschild family had to make an appointment to see him, and then see if he had time.

Teacher Pete smiled kindly.

At the birthday banquet last night, Chief Meyer and Firefox planned to meet John, but Mr. Pete said very euphemistically that Mr. John had been busy all day for the food at the banquet and was exhausted. Went to rest early.

And this rest not only rested for the whole night, but also for the whole morning and noon. It was not until the afternoon that Mr. Pete came over, looked at Meyer and Firefox, and said that Mr. John had woken up and learned that Mr. Meyer And Mr. Firefox wanted to meet him, felt very honored, and was already waiting in his room.

This is to let them go to his room to find him? After hearing this, Patriarch Meier and Firefox were so depressed that they almost spit out a mouthful of old blood. This guy is really arrogant. He really doesn't know how to write the word "death"... Just go, who is afraid of whom? ?

Five minutes later, Chief Meyer and Mr. Firefox, led by Mr. Pete, came to the door of Li Zedao's room and knocked on the door.

"Come in." Li Zedao's voice came from inside.

Teacher Pete pushed the door open, smiled slightly and made an invitation gesture to Meier and Firefox, then turned and left.

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