At that moment, both of them had the illusion that Mr. Pete treated John, whom they were very familiar with each other's true identity, as his master, just like for the Luciano family, Li Zedao is not only a distinguished guest, but also the master of the family.

Soon, they felt that their thinking was ridiculous. How could Li Zedao become the head of the Luciano family? Unless...he conquered Mos Luciano, most importantly, he had to conquer Mitty Luciano! But, what an international joke, even his son couldn't conquer that proud girl... At least, that's what Patriarch Meyer thought.

He didn't think this Li Zedao could do things that even his son couldn't do. Besides, he knew that this Li Zedao already had more than a dozen women around him. How could the majestic Mitty Luciano entrust How about sharing a man with a dozen women?

Therefore, the only reasonable explanation is that because of Li Zedao's "rebellion", the Luciano family avoided a disaster, so Mr. Pete came out to express his gratitude and respect to him.

At the moment, Meyer and Firefox looked at each other, and then walked in one after the other.

At this time, Li Zedao was sitting on the sofa, enjoying a cup of coffee made by Shabert Beckham. When he saw Chief Meyer and Firefox coming in, he quickly put down his cup and greeted them.

"It's Patriarch Meyer of the Rothschild family and Mr. Firefox? Hello, I'm John. It's a great honor to meet you." Li Zedao extended his hand and greeted him very politely.

Meier looked at his hand, and then looked at the other's face with cold eyes, without any intention of reaching out. Li Zedao was not embarrassed, smiled, and stretched out his hand back very naturally.

"I think we don't need to beat around the bush like this, Li Zedao." Patriarch Meier said coldly.

Li Zedao smiled and nodded.

At the same time, Firefox was standing by the closed door, staring at Li Zedao with cold eyes. On the one hand, it could prevent anyone from eavesdropping outside, and on the other hand, it also secretly guarded against Li Zedao's sudden attack. Well, the position of Patriarch Meier is indeed detached, but this does not mean that his skills are so powerful, at least in front of Li Zedao, he is not enough.

"You betrayed Tom and chose to cooperate with that old guy Moss... Oh, really damn it!" Meier growled in a low voice with a murderous look on his face.

"Chief Maier, this is not a betrayal, right?" Li Zedao said coldly, "In your opinion, I am just a puppet controlled by him, and one day this puppet finally broke free from control, so why not be afraid? One day is controlled again,

So naturally the controller has to be killed, what do you think? "

"Oh, you'll pay dearly for your stupidity," Meyer said.

Li Zedao sneered and twisted his neck: "Really?"

"Yes, two of your women are under my control now, one is called Wu Xin? The other is called... oh, that damn Chinese name, it's so hard to pronounce, oh, yes, it's Jia Qianqian? They are now in the hospital under the foundation you founded, and my people can kill them at any time."

Li Zedao's expression changed instantly.

"Oh, you don't have to believe it, but I can ask my people to kill one of them first, and then send you a picture of her tragic death, what do you think?" Meier was aggressive, and that handsome face had Kind of ruthless.

Li Zedao's face was extremely ugly, he took a deep breath, clenched his fists tightly, and roared in a hoarse voice: "You want to do this?"

"I just want you to know that you are still a puppet, a puppet under our firm control!" Meier pointed at Li Zedao's distorted face because of anger, "Now, I want you to put Luciano this Pull out the teeth of a beast, cut off its claws, do you understand what I mean?"

Li Zedao nodded: "I can't kill him."

"Everyone knows this, so you don't need to emphasize it." Meyer shrugged his shoulders and said, "So, Mr. Firefox will help you. If he dies, your daughter will live. If he doesn't die, your woman will go to hell. , and I promise, not only the two of them, I will send those women of yours to hell one by one..."

Li Zedao gritted his teeth and his body began to tremble. At the same time, Firefox appeared in front of him in a flash. He looked at Li Zedao with cold eyes and disdain, and said, "Young man, I advise you not to be too impulsive. You really Very good, but, in front of me, you are just very good, that's all."

Li Zedao glanced at him, but said nothing.

After a while, he loosened his clenched fist and asked, "How do I cooperate?"

"Oh, I will tell you this, of course, but you have to answer my question first, where is the pure blue safety buckle?" Meier was very satisfied with Li Zedao's performance.

"It should be on Teacher Pete." Li Zedao said.

"Oh, that's really nice." Meier had a dark smile on his face.

"It's really great." Li Zedao said in his heart.

In fact, Huang Wen had already mentioned this scene to him during the phone call in the middle of the night. Huang Wen said on the phone that he would tell Meier and the others that he had sent two of Li Zedao's women Now that Wu Xin and Jia Qianqian's whereabouts are known, what to do next is up to Li Zedao.

Huang Wen is killing two birds with one stone. First, he can mercilessly cheat his partner, and use the hands of Li Zedao and Mr. Pete to kill Firefox, who also makes him afraid, and then get the yellow safety button from him.

Second, he wants Li Zedao to know that it is really easy for me to know the whereabouts of those women of yours, and I can kill them at any time, so be obedient!

Li Zedao naturally understood his thoughts, so he had a very strong sense of powerlessness! He knows very well how terrifying the power of his nominal great-grandfather Huang Wen is in the territory of China, because even the Dragon Organization Ming Group, which represents the strongest combat power in China's officialdom, has his staff. Not just one, but several, let alone other places.

Therefore, it is really not too difficult for the other party to kill those people around him, at least, it is like this in China!

"Firefox and I will leave Deacon Manor in a while. What you need to do is to find a reason to lure Mr. Pete out of Deacon Manor. It would be even better if you can poison him." Meyer said , and then Firefox threw a small glass bottle to Li Zedao.

Li Zedao glanced at it, and knew that it was the same medicine that the black man gave him before. After taking it, even if you, Mr. Pete, have great powers, you have to obediently turn into a sheep and be slaughtered!

"It's difficult." Li Zedao said.

"Oh, we all know that you are a very smart guy, which can be seen from your amazing gambling skills and cooking skills." Meier shrugged and said, "So, I believe, you must be able to think Come up with a very good solution... Oh, maybe, you can imagine the scene where your woman's head is 'bang' headshot, or the scene where you are surrounded by several evil men..."

Meier looked at each other's eyes that had turned scarlet, and said with a sneer, "I think these scenes will stimulate your nerves and make your thinking more active."

Li Zedao was silent.

"Friendly reminder, this drug can also enter the human body through the respiratory tract and poison people." Meier said.

Li Zedao nodded: "Thank you, I will remember."

"Goodbye, I hope we can have a very good cooperation this time, and then finally we sit together, open champagne and celebrate." Meier said.

"I'm looking forward to it too." Li Zedao said.

An hour later, Meyer and Firefox left Deakin Manor. Of course, they did not leave Las Vegas and return to their headquarters in a mysterious place in Europe, but stayed in their Las Vegas His stronghold, the Venetian Casino Hotel.

Of course, the nail that the Luciano family put in this hotel, that is, the security captain, has been pulled out. To be precise, he escaped by himself. After Mr. Pete and Li Zedao left the Venetian Hotel, he also quietly He left the hotel and returned to Deakin Manor to report.

Three hours later, Li Zedao secretly called Meier, saying that he and Mr. Pete would leave Deakin Manor in a few minutes and go to Dr. Moulton's house.

Dr. Moulton is an old man over seventy years old. He enjoys a high reputation in the medical field and has devoted his life to the treatment of uremia.

Li Zedao said on the phone that he lied that he had read a report about Dr. Moulton on the Internet and learned that he had a very high standard in the field of uremia treatment, so he wanted to see if he could be invited to visit Huaxia Phoenix City held a few lectures with the hospital under his foundation to exchange some treatment plans for uremia. After all, the Tiandao Foundation he founded is currently dedicated to helping those poor people who have uremia but have no money to treat it. People get rid of the torment of disease.

Patriarch Moss knew Dr. Moulton, so he asked Mr. Pete to come with him to see if he could invite Dr. Moulton to China.

Regarding Li Zedao's rhetoric, Meyer and Firefox had no doubts, and even felt that Li Zedao's excuse was really good. Naturally, it was impossible for the Moss patriarch to accompany him to visit Dr. Moulton, so Mr. Pete came forward. Makes sense.

Li Zedao later sent a text message saying that he had already secretly put the medicine in the air freshener in the car, and he just waited for Mr. Pete to inhale the poison after he got in the car.

After Firefox received this text message, he was extremely excited. He seemed to have seen the scene where Mr. Pete died in front of him. He immediately discussed with Chief Meyer, and then left the Guinness Casino Hotel.

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