The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1250 Hunter and Prey

At sunset, on the edge of the city, in the desert area, a black car galloped rapidly there, blowing up waves of smoke and dust, like a cheetah chasing its prey.

In fact, for the Firefox in the car, he is chasing the prey now, but the prey is already lying there, in a state of being slaughtered. He just needs to go over and gently touch the prey with a knife. Just wipe it on your neck.

Half an hour ago, he received a call from Li Zedao. On the phone, Li Zedao said that Mr. Pete had been poisoned, and then told him where he was now, after which Firefox hurried over.

Soon, he found a black suv parked there quietly in front of him, and a young man was leaning against the car body with a cigarette in his mouth.

At that moment, Feihu stepped on the accelerator again, and the car quickly came to a stop, and then he pushed the door and jumped out of the car, staring at the young man with a cold expression.

Li Zedao exhaled a puff of smoke slowly, then pointed to the car behind him and said, "I can't move in the car."

Firefox looked at Li Zedao and nodded, and said in a sharp and ear-piercing voice, like a crow croaking in the desert, "Open the car door and throw him on the ground."

Out of caution, it is impossible for Firefox to open the car door in person. What if it was a trap, Mr. Pete was not poisoned at all, and then he gave him a fatal blow the moment he opened the door, wouldn't that be a tragedy?

This old man is really cautious! Li Zedao exhaled another puff of smoke, nodded, put the burning cigarette in his mouth, and then opened the car door, and dragged Mr. Pete down as if he was dragging a bag of garbage. Then he threw it heavily on the ground.

Teacher Pete simply landed on the ground, took a mouthful of yellow sand, and his old face was cut by the gravel on the ground, dripping with blood in an instant, that pale old face looked a little scary.

But he didn't even snort. He looked at Li Zedao with cold eyes, then looked at Firefox, and said in a cold tone, "Are you... a group?"

Li Zedao exhaled a puff of smoke with a cold expression and did not answer.

Firefox looked at Mr. Pete's old face that was scratched by the sharp gravel so that it was dripping with blood, and there was a sullen smile on his face. Now he can 100% believe that the old man lying there dying and struggling is his My old friend, Mr. Pete, did not wear a mask because his face was scratched, and because he was too familiar with the aura emanating from the other party.

And look at him like that,

It was indeed poisoned, and all the strength in his body was exhausted, because this kind of poisonous firefox is too familiar, whether it is real poisoning or fake poisoning, firefox can tell at a glance.

"Oh, Mr. Pete, we meet again. As your old friend, I'm actually very sad to see you end up like this." Firefox's expression was pitiful, but there was a lot of schadenfreude in his voice.

"Oh, what a despicable behavior. If you have the ability to cure the poison on my body, I will fight to the death with you." Mr. Pete yelled, staring at Firefox.

He glanced at Li Zedao again, gritted his teeth: "And you, you two go together!"

"Stupid!" Li Zedao gave Teacher Pete a disdainful look, and let out a puff of smoke.

"You..." Teacher Pete almost spat out a mouthful of blood.

"Okay, Mr. Pete, you can go to hell." Firefox said coldly, then took out a pistol and pointed the muzzle at Mr. Pete's head.

"Can you not use the pistol?" Teacher Pete said, looking at Firefox with fearless eyes.

"Why?" Firefox asked.

"Because it's a shame to me." Teacher Pete said.

Firefox understands Mr. Pete's mood very well. As a master who can rank among the top five in the world in terms of force value, dodging bullets is like playing games. Usually, he will always say awesomely that the moment you shoot, I can let you You died ten times...but in the end you died under a pistol, you were shot in the head, or a bullet hit some part of his body with no eyes. If it gets out, it will become a laughing stock.

So, he said, "Now that you say that, I'm going to have to use a pistol all the more, and..."

Firefox moved the muzzle of the gun away from Mr. Pete's head, faced Mr. Pete's crotch, and said with a sinister smile, "I hope getting shot there will make you feel even more ashamed!"

"Firefox..." Teacher Pete began to tremble violently, and roared in a low voice.

"Haha...haha..." Firefox let out an extremely ear-piercing, ferocious and proud laugh, "Dear Mr. Pete, please accept the bullet I gave you..."

Before he could finish his sentence, Firefox's face changed drastically, and he suddenly found that the weight of the pistol in his hand seemed to increase suddenly, and it suddenly weighed a thousand catties.

He tried very hard to pull the trigger, but his hand began to shake violently, and then the pistol slipped from his wound all of a sudden, but it didn't fall to the ground, because a hand had already appeared there, Caught the pistol in free fall.

Firefox raised his head and looked at the owner of that hand, Li Zedao, in horror.

Li Zedao looked at each other playfully, then he slowly blew the puff of smoke from his mouth onto Firefox's old face, and said, "Dear Mr. Firefox, you are tired, lie down and have a good rest."

Firefox's legs suddenly went limp, and he fell to the ground. Just like Mr. Pete, his face hit the ground heavily, and he ate a mouthful of yellow sand, and his old face was also scratched by the gravel. , drenched in blood, looked horribly abnormal.

Li Zedao ignored him, but threw away the cigarette butt in his hand, stepped on it and crushed it, then quickly helped Mr. Pete on the ground, helped him sit down in the car, and asked with concern: " Are you okay?"

Teacher Pete glanced at the Firefox on the ground, and a bright smile appeared on that blood-stained face and said, "Oh, it's just a little bit of skin, it's fine."

"That's good." Li Zedao nodded.

"So, this is a... trap?" Firefox asked with difficulty. The identity has suddenly changed from a hunter to a prey. This huge gap is really hard to accept.

And he never imagined that, in order to lure him into being fooled, Mr. Pete spent a lot of money, was actually poisoned, and even lost his dignity, was dragged out of the car and thrown on the ground like garbage... Damn it old man!

Also, Firefox couldn't figure out how it got poisoned.

Li Zedao didn't answer his question, he was using a bottle of mineral water to wet a paper towel, and then helped Mr. Pete wipe off the blood and dust on his face.

"Oh, thank you." Teacher Pete looked at Li Zedao with a kind smile on his face.

Then looked at Firefox, and answered his question: "Oh, dear Firefox, my old friend, yes, this is a trap, a trap for you."

"Oscar owes you a statuette." Firefox mocked.

Teacher Pete smiled happily and said, "Yes, I think so too."

"How did I get poisoned?" Firefox asked.

"Cigarettes," said Mr. Pete.

Li Zedao stuffed the poison into the cigarette, so the smoke from his mouth naturally contained poison. Of course, Li Zedao is actually not sure when the medicine will take effect, so when the Firefox gun was aimed at Mr. Pete, he was actually quite anxious, and he was ready to stop it while continuing to puff out the smoke .

To put it bluntly, this is actually a dangerous move, because if the Firefox is not poisoned, then at least one of him and Mr. Pete has to stay here, because Mr. Pete has really been poisoned.

"Oh, remember to thank Patriarch Meier for me. He reminded me that that kind of poison can poison people through the respiratory tract." Li Zedao echoed without turning his head.

"..." Firefox's face was flushed red, and he felt that his chest had been stabbed hard by a knife.

"You are not afraid, we will kill all the women you care about?" Firefox growled in a low voice.

Li Zedao looked back at him, and said with pity in his eyes: "If I say that I have reached an agreement with Huang Wen from the fc organization, and I will help him get the yellow safety button you have, you will definitely not believe it." Bar?"

"..." Firefox's eyeballs widened suddenly, his expression was dull, and he was speechless for a long time.

After Li Zedao carefully wiped off the blood and dust on Teacher Pete's face, he took out the ointment and wiped the wounds on his face, and then asked, "How to deal with it?"

Teacher Pete smiled and said, "I've heard an old saying in China, it's not rude to come and go..."

"Oh, yes, there is indeed such a saying." Li Zedao said with a smile, "When others give you something, you should respond in a friendly way, otherwise it is not in accordance with etiquette, so..."

"Give him back two bullets." Teacher Pete looked at Firefox with a smile and said, "Dear Mr. Firefox, please accept the two bullets I gave you."

"..." Firefox's body trembled uncontrollably.

"I don't want to accept bullets from you, so let's talk," Firefox said.

"Oh, dear Firefox, my friend, you talk to him, he wants you to live, then congratulations, you got your life back, if he wants you to die, then it's embarrassing, you can only go to hell .” Teacher Pete laughed.

Firefox's icy snake-like eyes fell on Li Zedao, and his perception of Li Zedao changed again. He really couldn't imagine that this young man had such a high status in Mr. Pete's mind, and could influence Mr. Pete's decision.

"Oh, I think it's necessary for me to introduce you again. This Mr. Li Zedao is the lover of our Miss Mitty." Teacher Pete said.

"..." Firefox's heart was trampled by a large group of mud horses.

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