The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1253 Seeing Huang Yu Again

Li Zedao stayed at Deacon Manor for another day, and then, under the arrangement of the Moss patriarch, left Las Vegas and returned to Huaxia.

In addition to Alice, who followed Li Zedao back to China, Mitty Luciano was naturally there. This woman who has fallen in love is an exaggeration to say that she doesn't want to be separated from Li Zedao for a second. Being sticky doesn't make Li Zedao feel annoying at all, but he enjoys it.

Alice found it incredible, because she had never dared to believe that the high-ranking woman with an extremely noble status that she looked up to before would behave like such a small woman.

Mr. Pete was also following him. His mission was to guarantee the safety of Mitty Luciano 100%. Li Zedao was also happy for him to follow, because with him, his other women would be more protected.

Salbert Beckham also came over. He hoped to learn cooking skills from Mr. John. Li Zedao readily agreed, and planned to arrange him to be the head chef at the Emerald Restaurant...Sabert Beckham is so happy Bumpy, busy nodding to thank Mr. John.

The majestic God of Cooking turned out to be the head chef in a small restaurant in the end. He is really overqualified, and it can even be said to be shocking to the world. If those wealthy and aristocratic people in the upper class know about it, they will fall off the bar, and then quickly fly to Huaxia Find this Emerald restaurant in Phoenix.

Of course, Shabert Beckham already knew the identity of Li Zedao, and also saw Li Zedao's true face. When Li Zedao told him that the seven-star hotel Angel by the seaside in Phoenix City is now his property , and after the chef he met back then was actually his master, the legendary Hand of God, Shabert Beckham was also dumbfounded.

He has heard of the name of the Hand of God, but he has never met him in person. Due to his personality, he did not come here and did not pay attention to some information about the Hand of God, so he never thought that the God of Cooking he met back then would be It will be the hand of God.

The group arrived in Yanjing in the morning and stayed in a high-end hotel in Yanjing.

Mitty Luciano has been to Yanjing, and he likes this international metropolis very much, so after tidying up a bit, he took Alice to go shopping. The identity of Teacher Pete is too scary and awesome. The bodyguards naturally followed.

Shabert Beckham chose to rest in the hotel and asked him to go shopping with his two wives. He didn't have the guts, besides, he wasn't the kind of person who liked to go shopping.

Li Zedao left the hotel alone, and got into a taxi.

The driver was a middle-aged man, he looked back at Li Zedao with a smile and asked where he was going.

Li Zedao replied with a smile: "I haven't decided where to go yet, but I want to experience this international metropolis, so just go around and don't repeat yourself."

Li Zedao really didn't know where he was going, but he knew one thing very well, that is, the group of them might have been targeted before they arrived in Yanjing. After all, he now has three safety buttons on his body. White, yellow, and pure cyan.

What Huang Wen wants most now is to get these three safety buttons?

Therefore, Li Zedao was sure that he would definitely contact him if he opposed him.

"Okay." The driver responded with a smile, "Look at you, a southerner, right? First time here?"

"Southern people, I have been here a few times." Li Zedao said, "But they are all here for business, and I haven't had a good time shopping."

The driver nodded, then stretched out his hand, and turned on the radio. At this time, a news about the national football team was playing in it.

The driver immediately yelled: "Damn it! They're all rubbish, they just use money to pretend to be bastards who don't do business, how can they qualify? Let me tell you, if you find a dozen death row prisoners in their twenties, let them Practice football for four years, then let them play the World Cup, get out of prison to accept everyone's cheers and glory if they qualify, and come back and shoot them if they fail to qualify, Huaxia's football will definitely qualify!"

"..." Li Zedao couldn't help laughing. After thinking for a while, he felt that what he said seemed to have some truth, so he asked, "Then, how to solve the problem of increasing divorce rate?"

The driver looked back at Li Zedao and said, "After the divorce, the house will be returned to the country. I think who will leave?"

It makes sense! Li Zedao expressed his admiration and continued to ask: "What is the difference between Valentine's Day and Tomb-sweeping Day?"

These questions were accidentally read in magazines when he was on the plane, and Li Zedao also had his own answers in his mind.

The driver didn't even think about it and said: "In essence, there is not much difference. They are all sent flowers and food. The difference is that on Valentine's Day, real money is burned and a bunch of nonsense is told to living people; Tell ghosts what people say."

"..." For this answer, Li Zedao could not only worship, but worship.

"Brother, what do you think of betrayal... the question of being cuckolded by your beloved?" Li Zedao asked again. He was eager to know the answer to this question, and wanted to know all kinds of answers. For what reason, Li Zedao also No idea, the only thing he knew was that he was cheap, really cheap.

Li Zedao looked back at Li Zedao: "Young man, are you green?"

", one of my buddies is green, it's quite painful." Li Zedao said. This kind of embarrassing thing can't be admitted! Well, can't admit it!

The driver's tone was a bit sad: "What can I do if I forgive her? Who made me love her?"

Li Zedao understood in seconds, he is also a fallen person in the world!

Obviously, Li Zedao's question aroused some pain in the driver's heart, so he also became silent. The only sentence he asked was to ask Li Zedao if he minded his smoking. Li Zedao said he didn't mind, and he lit a Cigarette, and then threw the cigarette and lighter to Li Zedao, Li Zedao was not polite and hypocritical, took out a cigarette and lit it.

He hadn't finished smoking a cigarette, so he remembered the mobile phone in his pocket, took it out, and found an extremely unfamiliar number, located at the North Pole... Nonsense!

Then he picked it up.

A hoarse, sharp and familiar voice came over, Huang Wen, his great-grandfather who should have died but is still alive and well, the former president of Yenching University, Taishan Beidou in the education field, Shangguanwen.

However, Li Zedao is not sure now, does the other party already know that he already knows some inside information, should he know?

"I know, you are in Yanjing right now, in a taxi." Huang Wen said.

Li Zedao looked out of the window almost subconsciously, looked at the scene passing by and said, "Yes."

"Get out of the car." Huang Wen said.

Li Zedao looked at the driver and said, "Brother, please pull over, my friend is here to pick me up."

The driver pulled over and stopped. Li Zedao paid the fare and got out of the car. He stood on the side of the road and looked around. He didn't see any suspicious person. He immediately asked, "And then?"

Then...the other party had already hung up the phone, and Li Zedao wanted to curse.

"Zedao..." A very familiar voice came from behind.

Li Zedao looked back and saw a familiar figure. The appearance of this person was a bit unexpected to Li Zedao, but it made sense now that he thought about it.

Huang Yu, the dean of the School of Archeology at the University of Phoenix, is also the teacher of the course "General Theory of Chinese Archaeology". Of course, this course was taught last semester and has already been completed. There is no such course this semester, but Huang Yu is not serving as a teacher of any course.

"Uncle Huang." Li Zedao responded with a smile, "Long time no see."

Although he has learned a lot of things now, for example, there is a real but horrible face under Huang Yu's handsome face, and his current mask belongs to his lover... this well-dressed University teachers are actually glass!

For example, he is not only a student of my great-grandpa, but also a member of the fc organization. For example, he appears here now... Is he planning to take the safety buckle from himself?

Of course, he used to hide a lot of things from himself... Naturally, there is no need to think about it, that's for sure, even, he also hid a lot of things from his father.

But Li Zedao still nodded politely in response.

Huang Yu walked up to him and said with a smile: "The main reason is that you have missed too many classes this school year. Sometimes you have to go to school for a month, right? So it is difficult to see you."

Li Zedao smiled awkwardly, and said, "The main reason is...too busy."

Huang Yu grinned, pointedly: "It's true...too busy, can you have a cup of coffee?"

He pointed to a stylish coffee shop next to him, and walked towards that coffee shop regardless of Li Zedao's disagreement.

Li Zedao followed.

After the two entered, they found a secluded corner, and the waiter quickly brought two cups of coffee.

Huang Yu looked at Li Zedao, smiled, and got straight to the point: "You must already know some things, and I think you must already know the fc organization and the person 'Huang Wen', even with your intelligence and sensitivity, you You must have thought of something, right?"

Li Zedao's expression was calm and he didn't hide anything: "Master Huang...Shangguanwen...Huang Wen...So, he's not dead? What happened to my father, what happened to me, what happened to our family, what happened to my master now, it's all about him Carefully planned by one hand?"

Huang Yu nodded: "Yes, it's all planned by my mentor behind the scenes. The things are actually not so perfect, and the preparation time is also long. After all, your master is not a simple person."

Li Zedao sneered, wondering if the master had been trapped to death by that damn Pingan, and his plots had been exposed long ago, right?

"Can I see him?" Li Zedao asked.

"I can't." Huang Yu shook his head, "Because, I don't know where he is now... I really don't know, he has always been elusive. Even if I knew, I couldn't take him with him without his permission You went to see him."

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