The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1254 Down to Earth

Li Zedao nodded without changing his expression, and remained silent.

Huang Yu picked up the coffee in front of him, took a sip, looked at Li Zedao and said with a smile: "You have changed, you have become more silent or calm than before."

Li Zedao smiled: "After going through a lot of things, he will naturally calm down... What I want to know is why he doesn't want to see me? Shameless, or other reasons?"

Huang Yu smiled: "I'm not sure about this, but I can be sure that you will definitely be able to meet him in the near future."

"Then in the near future." Li Zedao said, lowered his head and stirred the coffee in a bored manner, and then said, "Now that so much information has been exposed, aren't you afraid that I will ruin your good deed?"

Huang Yu grinned and said: "I don't mean to look down on you, you are excellent, really excellent, can't be broken!"

Li Zedao was helpless, isn't this looking down on people?

"To be honest, even if we don't threaten you with the people around you, such as your women, you can't do anything bad, because your ability is not enough, far from enough, I'm afraid it's hard for you to imagine how huge the fc organization is, The Shenlong organization is just one of the institutions it infiltrated."

Huang Yu pointed to the ceiling and said, "There is a higher level, so high that you can imagine but dare not imagine, and there are people from us at that level."

Li Zedao narrowed his eyes slightly, he understood what Huang Yu was referring to.

According to his current strength, it is indeed not enough to fight against such an organization, far from enough, it is no different from an ant trying to stretch its legs to trip an elephant.

"Actually, the fc organization has existed for at least fifty years. I'm afraid even your master, God's Hand, doesn't know about it?" Huang Yu continued.

Li Zedao was a little stunned. He thought that this fc organization was created after Shangguanwen's fake death more than 20 years ago, but he didn't expect it to have existed earlier.

"Then it won't be destroyed. I will quit and live my life in peace and stability. Surely he will agree to this request?" Li Zedao didn't seem to be discussing, but more like muttering to himself, because he knew that he was actually He is not qualified to discuss anything with the other party.

Then he took out three exquisite small boxes of almost the same size from his pocket, each with a safety buckle, and pushed the box to Huang Yu.

Including the white safety button that Master left for himself,

Li Zedao didn't even want to hide it anymore, because it's meaningless if he can't hide it. He just wants to get out of this dispute, live a low-key and happy life, and occasionally learn from Uncle Lei Feng to do good deeds. As for the so-called hatred and so on, it's all hell go.

Huang Yu glanced at those boxes one by one, and said with a slight smile: "I have no way or qualification to give you an answer to this question, but what I want to say is, since you can't resist, then work hard Go ahead and accept it, otherwise you will be hurt even more, maybe someone can resist him, but that person is definitely not you."

Li Zedao remained silent. He knew that Huang Yu had given the answer, and it was impossible for him to withdraw from this dispute. In other words, his pawn was still useful to Huang Wen.

Li Zedao is stingy, so he doesn't admit that he is a great-grandfather, and maybe one day in the future, he will point to his nose and say, "You don't deserve to be my great-grandfather, you don't deserve it!"

Imagining this scene, Li Zedao felt that he was thinking too much. A cold-blooded and ruthless guy who could even kill his own grandson. His great-grandson is nothing to him!

After Huang Yu took another sip of coffee, he carefully put away the three boxes, then looked at Li Zedao and said with a smile: "Then I'll go now, goodbye."

Li Zedao stood up and saw him off: "Goodbye, Uncle Huang."

After watching Huang Yu leave, Li Zedao took out his phone and gave Yanhuang a call.

"I have arrived in Yanjing." Li Zedao said.

"I've been waiting for you to contact me for a long time, so I'll send the engineer to pick you up." Yanhuang was silent for a while, then said.

Li Zedao knew that his return to Yanjing now meant that the matter related to Antarctica had come to an end, and Yanhuang couldn't wait to know the result. But because Nanji didn't contact him, Yanhuang didn't think it was a good result, so he was silent for a while, and Li Zedao heard him sigh with a sense of powerlessness.

"Well, let the engineers pick me up." Li Zedao said, and then told Yanhuang where he was now.

"The engineers will arrive in a little more than an hour at the earliest, just wait a moment," Yanhuang said.


After drinking a cup of coffee, Li Zedao left this stylish coffee shop, came to the street, shuttled among the crowd, and started shopping.

Li Zedao told Yanhuang that his current location was outside a large shopping mall not too far from here, and Li Zedao planned to walk over there.

He suddenly wanted to press the road quietly for a while by himself. This kind of behavior was very boring to him and even childish, but Li Zedao wanted to try it.

A trendy man walked by on the opposite side. He was wearing a very high-end earphone on his head. He looked very trendy and... um, down-to-earth.

Yes, down to earth! At least for Li Zedao, this is what the other party gave him. Li Zedao was about the same age as him, but Li Zedao felt that he was so young, even at a naive stage, while he was living so... old.

Li Zedao can only think of this word, at least what he has come into contact with now is beyond the imagination of such a young man.

Li Zedao envied him a bit.

Li Zedao looked left and right, and saw Bainaohui on the opposite side of the road, so he went in, found a store, bought a very high-end headset and a music player, and asked the waiter to save it for him. Entered Zhou Xiaolu's song, then left Bainaohui with earphones on like this, and continued to push the road.

Well, it's a little more down-to-earth this time.

Spring in Yanjing has just arrived, but the breath of summer is already here. The beauties in Yanjing have pulled up the flag of this year's fashion trend, so there are many beautiful legs on the street, big busts, and charming faces, so some men's eyes are very He was dishonestly peeking at those beauties who were shopping, so in order to blend in with them, Li Zedao also started to take a peek, although he didn't think these beauties were attractive.

Now Li Zedao has a very high vision for beauties, so high that it is outrageous.

Then Li Zedao saw a somewhat familiar figure.

This is a beautiful girl, dressed in youthful fashion, with a delicate face and long flowing hair, which is very eye-catching.

Because of his terrible memory, Li Zedao still remembered her even though he hadn't been in contact with this girl for a long time.

Pan Xiaoting, Wu Xin's good friend, was a rival in love earlier, because the boy she liked, Liang Bo, liked Wu Xin, not her.

Afterwards, Pan Xiaoting became Wu Xin's assistant. Later, Liang Bo threatened Pan Xiaoting with nude photos to persecute Wu Xin. The girl had no choice but to cooperate.

Then, Li Zedao asked her to take the initiative to leave Wu Xin far away. After that, Li Zedao knew nothing about her situation, and even if he hadn't met by chance at this time, Li Zedao would never have remembered this person at all.

Of course, although Li Zedao recognized the other party, Pan Xiaoting, who was walking in front, didn't see Li Zedao, so Li Zedao didn't want to go over to say hello or anything, pretending he didn't see him.

But soon, Li Zedao had no choice but to come forward, because he saw a young man in black looking at Pan Xiaoting with malicious eyes coming towards him, and then he lowered his head and was about to bump into Pan Xiaoting.

Li Zedao's eyes were quick, his body accelerated, and he appeared in front of Pan Xiaoting, blocking her body behind him, and then the man plunged into his arms.

At the same time, she never thought that a man would suddenly appear in front of her, so Pan Xiaoting's body bumped into Li Zedao's back.

"Ah..." She exclaimed, and took a step back. When her shocked eyes saw the person who suddenly appeared in front of him, her eyes suddenly widened, with an expression of disbelief.

"It's him?"

In an instant, the scenes that happened before came to my heart very simply.

Pan Xiaoting thought of Liang Bo's disgusting face, how she had hurt Wu Xin without a choice, and how the boy told her that there was a The bus stop is sheltered from the rain, you can get off the bus...

After that, she was taken away, and when she woke up, she was in the hospital and had been rescued. She heard that he was hers, and she wanted to thank him in succession, but she didn't dare.

After that, she was ashamed to face Wu Xin anymore, so she left the Tiandao Foundation.

When she was a senior, she basically entered the internship stage, and there were basically no courses, so with the help of her parents, she returned to Yanjing and entered a large-scale medical device company to start an internship.

Li Zedao looked at her and smiled, then turned his head and looked at the young man who had already got up from his arms.

At this time, the young man raised his honest face, smiled, and apologized repeatedly to Li Zedao: "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I walked too fast, I didn't look at the road all of a sudden, and I bumped into you."

He was very depressed in his heart, he obviously aimed at that little beauty, why did he bump his head into this kid's arms in the end?

Li Zedao smiled, raised a wallet in his hand, and said, "Guess what it is?"

"...What do you mean?" The young man looked at Li Zedao blankly, thinking that this person is sick and doesn't even know his wallet?

"You're guessing, what are these?" Li Zedao continued with a smile, and then he took out his other hand, holding five or six wallets and a thick stack of banknotes in his hand.

"..." The young man's complexion changed drastically, he reached out to touch his chest, and found that all the things hidden in his chest were gone.

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