The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1255 I just finished drinking

According to their regulations, when they get their wallets, they will immediately take out the cash from the wallets, and then throw away the wallets. After all, the bank cards or ID cards in the wallets are of no use to them.

Of course, there are exceptions. For example, if the wallet is a brand-name bag, such as LV, they will keep the wallet. Of course, they will throw away the bank card and ID card in the wallet before leaving it.

These bags were of the best quality among the few wallets he got today, he was really reluctant to throw them away, so he kept them and planned to take them home for his own use or give them away.

But unexpectedly, after meeting this kid, not only did he fail to get it, but the things he had already got were taken away. The young man felt very ashamed.

"You..." He pointed at Li Zedao and wanted to get mad, but suddenly thought of something, so he asked in a low voice, "Your colleagues?"

"No, I'm a new generation of Lei Feng." Li Zedao said a little depressed, what kind of eyes does this guy have, does he look so much like a thief?

"...Lei Feng? That's good..." The young man's simple and honest face suddenly became gloomy. He waved to the crowd, and then a few young men had malicious expressions on their faces. With a smile, he surrounded Li Zedao.

At the same time, Pan Xiaoting had already recovered from the shock of Li Zedao's sudden appearance in front of her, and her dazed mind also became active.

She remembered a news that she saw a few days ago, saying that a small gang of thieves appeared in Yanjing recently. Their silhouettes, they look so low-key and humble, they come and go invisible, and they will silently pay attention to you and your wallet.

They are independent but they take care of each other, they are scattered but united.

If you are a bit dull and less vigilant, you will never know that your wallet has been taken away by them. If you are more conscientious, even after taking out the money in the wallet, you will approach you again, pat your shoulder and point to the ground. Said 'beauty, you lost your wallet', then turned and left, leaving the beauty a tall and handsome figure who did good deeds without leaving a name!

A mother like Li Zedao who not only refuses to steal, but even steals what he has worked so hard to steal is slapping him in the face and scolding his mother, and he will be punished severely.

At this time, their deliberately low-key humility will disappear without a trace in an instant, revealing their original ruthlessness.

Pan Xiaoting knows,

It was obvious that I met him, and what was even more obvious was that Li Zedao, who happened to be shopping here or something, showed up in time when he saw this, and helped him out.

Pan Xiaoting looked at the back, the corners of her mouth slightly turned up, her eyes flickered, and she didn't know what she was thinking.

As for the malicious people who came around, she simply ignored them, because she knew how good this boy was and how fierce the fight was, these people were simply not enough for him.

Soon, five young people surrounded Li Zedao, Pan Xiaoting and Tuantuan.

Out of a certain state of mind that she knew, Pan Xiaoting tried her best to move forward to get closer to the back, although she was already very close, only one step away.

"I'm... scared..." She thought to herself, and then her heartbeat started to speed up inexplicably, and she became a little nervous, because she was too close, and her skirt was stuck to the other person's body.

Li Zedao didn't have so many complicated thoughts, he thought this woman was scared, so he got closer.

"It's okay." He reassured, without looking back.

"Yeah." Pan Xiaoting snorted softly, the distance was so close, her body was almost stuck together, which really made her a little at a loss.

The young man who lost his hand saw that at such a time, the other party still had the guts to say it was okay, which was really a bit depressed. This was the first time they were ignored like this, and they were ignored when they were ruthless.

Immediately he said gloomyly: "Boy, do you hear that your accent is from a foreign country? Do you want to pretend to be aggressive in front of Mazi?"

"Mazi?" Pan Xiaoting's heart fluttered slightly, with joy and more disappointment.

The young man was still clamoring: "Men like to pretend to be aggressive, but if they act in the wrong place, they are stupid! Men like to play cool, but if they play with the wrong object, it is cruel!"

Pointing at Li Zedao's nose, he said in a gloomy manner: "You are the one who pretended to fail so you have to accept a cruel blow! Be obedient, hand over your things, then kneel down and let us beat you up, or else... ..."

Li Zedao ignored him, but glanced around, but saw that there were no police patrolling around, and the passers-by also saw the abnormality here, but no one called the police, instead they all stood there stretching their necks and grinning Ready to watch the fun...

Li Zedao felt a little cold, this is really a city that makes people feel cold.

Seeing that this guy didn't even look at himself, the young man became angry: "Damn it, didn't you hear me talking to you? Hurry up and hand over the things, and then kneel down as I said, otherwise I am really rude to you."

"You're still talking nonsense with him, why don't you just do it?" His accomplice was gearing up and was about to do it.

Li Zedao took a straight look at the young man and said, "You just said... your mother?"

"...Damn it!" The young man thought that Li Zedao was scolding her, so he was so angry that he yelled and threw his fist at Li Zedao's face. He wanted to make this man much more handsome than him The little boy was smashed into a pig's head!

Li Zedao kicked out.

"Bang!" With a muffled sound, the young man's crotch was hit, and his face was twisted into a bun in an instant. He squatted down with his crotch covered, and then lay limply on the ground.

All the sensations in his body gathered to a certain point, and all other negative emotions disappeared.

"Ah..." There was an extremely sharp scream from his mouth.

The other men didn't even think about saying that this kid who seemed to them to be pretending was so tricky and ruthless, kicking one of their brothers to the ground.

So, they were stunned for a moment, and then their faces became ugly. They all roared, and then rushed towards Li Zedao. Some even took out a Swiss Army knife from their pockets...

However, this is destined to be a battle like moths rushing to a flame. They are all moths, and half of their lives were burnt out by Li Zedao's fire. up.

Pan Xiaoting stretched out her hand to cover her big mouth, she was afraid that if she couldn't hold back, she would yell out "Ah!", her body was trembling because of being too excited, like a slight electric shock, making her She had an irrepressible sense of pleasure.

Before, she had a crush on Liang Bo for a long time. At that time, she thought that Liang Bo was very good, he was a dragon and a phoenix among men. Only now did she realize that he is actually more bean curd than she thought!

At least, she never got one thing from Liang Bo, but now she got that thing from Li Zedao, that is... a sense of security!

Li Zedao felt that a soft body was touching his back, and the hot breath of the other party hit his neck, and he took a big step forward without even thinking about it.

Pan Xiaoting, who was approaching Li Zedao's back a little bit, suddenly lost her support point, staggered, and almost fell down. After standing still, her expression was naturally full of embarrassment, and her eyes were a little bit afraid to follow Ziran Li Zedao, who came back to his senses, faced each other.

"I'm... scared, so... I'm sorry." She whispered, like a child who made a mistake.

Li Zedao nodded to express his understanding: "It's all right now."

As Li Zedao said, he kicked out again and kicked the arm of the wailing man who was clutching his crotch.

"Crack!" The arm broke.


Li Zedao looked up and glanced at the onlookers, who scattered like frightened rabbits, and they were all frightened by this kid's fierce and ruthless methods.

The few people lying on the ground, without exception, had their arms broken. The first one was even worse, because not only his arm was broken, but the egg was also broken.

"Be careful, let's go." Li Zedao waved to Pan Xiaoting, then took off the earphones hanging around his neck, and was about to put them on his ears.

"Uh..." Miss Pan was a little confused, "That..."

"Is there anything else?" Li Zedao asked.

"I... haven't thanked you yet, I..." Pan Xiaoting was a little incoherent.

Li Zedao waved his hand: "No need, go back early..."

"Then I... buy you coffee..."

"No need, I just finished drinking." Li Zedao said, he did just finish drinking coffee.

Pan Xiaoting was really wronged in her heart, but she had to force a smile on her flushed face, waved her hand and said, "Then... goodbye."

"Goodbye." Li Zedao waved his hands and said, then put on the earphones, put his hands in his pockets, and continued to press forward on the road. As for the thieves who were howling on the ground, Li Zedao knew that someone would definitely take them to the hospital, or take them back to the police station. Li Zedao didn't want to worry too much about the details.

Looking at his leaving back, Pan Xiaoting stomped her foot slightly, bit her lower lip lightly, and walked forward.

"I'm shopping... What a coincidence, we're shopping on the same street, um, what a coincidence." She thought. Of course, what was different from before was that her attention was not on the surrounding stores one after another, but instead fell on Li Zedao from time to time, and then moved away all of a sudden, as if she had a guilty conscience.

Finally, after an unknown amount of time, Pan Xiaoting saw an army green off-road vehicle stop beside Li Zedao, Li Zedao jumped into the car, and the car left quickly.

"Bastard!" She looked at the leaving car, a little annoyed.

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