The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1256 Don't care

In the car, the engineer glanced at the lonely girl reflected in the rearview mirror, and said, "Young Master Li, that girl seems to be following you secretly."

"Maybe he followed me because he saw that I was handsome? Don't worry about it." Li Zedao took off his earphones and said very flatly... There is no way, handsome is used to it, it is normal for this kind of thing to happen to him.

Although he was wearing earphones to enjoy Zhou Xiaolu's natural voice, and even hummed nervously along with it, how could Li Zedao not know that there was such a girl who was following him while looking around guiltily to show that he was shopping, but He didn't have a good impression of this woman, so Li Zedao pretended that he didn't know about such a thing.

Although he had seen Li Zedao's shamelessness for a long time, but now Li Zedao boasted so shamelessly, the engineer still couldn't accept it.

He glanced at the rearview mirror again and asked, "Don't worry about it?"


"Even if she was forcibly dragged into a van by two men?" the engineer asked again.



Pan Xiaoting bit her lips lightly, her eyes looked aggrieved at the army green off-road vehicle in front of her that was fading away and was about to disappear in front of her eyes.

"What a... bastard!" she muttered in a voice only she could hear.

What she didn't know was that an unremarkable van had slowly stopped in front of her, and then the door of the van was pulled open, and two young men jumped out of the car, one of them came from behind. One arm strangled Pan Xiaoting's neck all at once, and the other one hugged Pan Xiaoting's feet.

Pan Xiaoting didn't even have time to utter a cry...Of course, she couldn't yell if she wanted to, because her neck was tightly strangled by the opponent's arm, and it was difficult to breathe, let alone call for help. Her whole body The person was carried into the van by the two men, and then the van roared away. The whole process was only five or six seconds.


"Chase!" Li Zedao shouted after glancing at the rearview mirror. He knew very well that the people in the van were in the same group as the thieves whose hands he had cut off before, and they were here for revenge, but they were worried that they would not be their opponents, so they chose to look The very weak Pan Xiaoting started.

And these guys who followed secretly saw that Pan Xiaoting and him did not go together, but went their separate ways.

Naturally, they thought that he was just learning from Lei Feng and doing some good deeds, not a relationship, and after seeing him get in the car and leave, they were even more unscrupulous when they attacked.

After all, Li Zedao was responsible for Pan Xiaoting's misfortune, because she could have "broke money and eliminated disasters". After all, the thief's original purpose was to take away her wallet, not to kidnap her. The method of Thunderbolt crippled the opponent, which undoubtedly completely aroused their ruthlessness, so they went to extremes.

So even if he didn't know Pan Xiaoting before, Li Zedao still had the responsibility to save her, let alone he knew her, even though he didn't like her.

"Didn't you say don't worry about it?" the engineer muttered.

After seeing Li Zedao flashing his fist, the engineer was startled, quickly raised his head, and then secretly followed the van that had already turned the corner at the intersection ahead and sped away.

"Do you need to force that car to stop?" the engineer asked.

"Just keep up." Li Zedao said, his expression was calm, but it gave people a feeling that a storm was coming.

The engineer understood that Li Zedao was just planning to find the lair of this group of people, and then uproot them in one fell swoop, and then he felt sympathy for this group of people in his heart. He felt that these people are really pitiful and blind. Well, go to provoke him?

At the same time, in the van, Pan Xiaoting curled up in the dirty corner, tears kept falling from her terrified eyes.

A man with red hair looked at her wretchedly. He was still playing with a pocket knife in his hand, and his movements were quite skillful. He was the one who strangled Pan Xiaoting's neck from behind just now.

"How about a car shock?" He stared at Pan Xiaoting's chest, and said with a smile, showing a mouthful of crooked and yellowed teeth, "The scale is not small, tsk tsk..."

Pan Xiaoting's body shook violently, her hands hugged her chest tightly, and more tears fell from her eyes.

"Okay." The short-cut man sitting beside him smoking a cigarette narrowed his eyes and smiled. He was the one who hugged Pan Xiaoting's feet just now. When Pan Xiaoting was struggling, the high-heeled short boots on her feet fell off and fell off. in his arms.

He picked up the short boots that he threw aside, took a deep sniff, his expression intoxicated: "Tsk tsk...beauties are fragrant, unlike us big bastards, who smell like salted fish besides fuck."

"" Pan Xiaoting cried even more helplessly.

"Okay, don't scare the girl." The driver wearing sunglasses smiled, "How to deal with her, I have to ask the head of the door, maybe the head of the door will take this girl to be the door if he sees that she looks so good Madam... Oh, maybe it's a sex-slave, if you slap a finger on her, be careful that the sect master will chop off your hand!"

"Sex... sex-slave..." Pan Xiaoting felt that her body was trembling involuntarily, her eyes were black and dizzy, and she might faint at any time.

She tried her best to bite her lips with her trembling teeth, let the pain stimulate her nerves, so as to keep herself awake, she was really scared, when she fainted and woke up again, she was in a dark place In the cellar, with no clothes on his body, and a dog leash around his neck, just like what he saw on TV, he barks every day and doesn't work...

" guys, let...let me want money, I can give it to you..." Pan Xiaoting cried, her voice trembling badly. I really hated Li Zedao to death in my heart, if it wasn't for that bastard, would I be so unlucky?

The red-haired man sneered: "Damn you, brainless, you think we are kidnappers. You are kidnapped for money, and we are trying to get back the scene, okay? When that kid injured our five brothers just now, you Isn't it awesome and proud? Damn it!"

Pan Xiaoting understood a little bit, these people turned out to be with those whose hands were interrupted by Li Zedao, and now they are here for revenge.

"My...boyfriend is very powerful, you took me away, he will definitely...won't let you go..." When she said the word "boyfriend", Pan Xiaoting's heart couldn't help but sway , her face turned slightly red, although she knew very well how inappropriate it was to have such a reaction at this time, but she couldn't control it.

The inch-cut man laughed, and then his face was full of viciousness: "Really? I haven't let him go? He can shoot, but has he ever shot a pistol? Do you believe that I killed him with one shot? Besides Oh, do you think we are idiots? We are following the same way, the distance between the two of you is so far, how can you be a boyfriend and girlfriend? I can’t see it blindly..."

"That's right, if he were your boyfriend, I would be your father..." The red-haired man echoed, "Damn it, wouldn't it be because you see that he is handsome and can beat you so shamelessly wandering behind his ass begging for sex? How about a shot for my brother? My brother is also very handsome and good at fighting, the key is to do a good job, I guarantee you can't stop..."

"Be quiet, the owner of the door is calling." The driver said.

The red-haired man and the cropped man hurriedly silenced. It is conceivable that they all respect or fear the so-called sect master.


The engineer drove secretly but followed the van in front, and finally left the urban area and came to a village on the outskirts.

The engineers were very familiar with the entire Yanjing and its surrounding terrain, and immediately showed off their knowledge when they arrived in this village: "This is Nanyao Village, have you seen those two locust trees? It is said to have a history of thousands of years ..."

The engineer shut up resentfully, because he saw Li Zedao's indifferent eyes glanced over, and knew that if he continued, he would be kicked out of the car.

"Get out of the car." Li Zedao said, if he continued to drive to the village, he might be discovered.

At the same time, after the van drove into this village with a very rich cultural background, it continued to drive on the narrow stone-paved ground, and finally came to an old house that looked a bit run down, with weeds and grass at the door. , and then the car stopped.

The inch-cut man threw the shoes in front of Pan Xiaoting who was curled up there, and said with a smile, "Put it on yourself, and then get out of the car...or do you want me to help you put it on? I don't mind at all."

Pan Xiaoting hurriedly picked up the shoes and put them on, she didn't mind much.

After getting out of the car, the red-haired man whistled towards Pan Xiaoting, signaling her to go in.

"Beauty, do you need my brother to carry you?" He said with a smile.

Pan Xiaoting lowered her head with fear on her face, and the tears that couldn't be stopped at all were crackling down. She tried her best to lift her trembling and limp feet, and walked into this ruined ancient house.

Maybe it was because she disliked her for walking too slowly, or because she wanted to humiliate her because she wanted to humiliate her, so the inch driver who followed her pushed her on the back suddenly. Being pushed like this, the whole person staggered, rolled directly into the room, and then threw his body heavily on the ground.

pain! Heartbreaking pain! , her ankles hurt, her knees hurt, her chest hurts, her hands hurt too, the pain seems to be shaking her soul, and she can't stand up because of the pain.

At the same time, she felt that she was being stared at by a lot of extremely unfriendly eyes, as if she was a fat lamb, and the other party was a pack of hungry and crazy wolves, they would rush over at any time and kill her. It was eaten so that there was not even bone dregs left.

"Li are a bastard... bastard... woo woo... come and save me, I'm so scared..." Pan Xiaoting bit her lip tightly, trying to keep herself from crying, and shouted in her heart .

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