The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1257 career ruined

At this time, a dozen or so people gathered in this not-too-big but bright, desolate, old-fashioned yard, led by a middle-aged man wearing sunglasses. The man's stature is not tall, probably less than 1.7 meters. He has a small crew cut and an ordinary bun face that is hard to find in the crowd.

But people rely on clothes and horses rely on saddles, so the white Armani suit on his body and the pair of shiny white Armani leather shoes on his feet are still very good to distinguish him from others.

The person standing next to him was hugged by him. The woman who was a head taller than him was even more eye-catching. She had a devil-like figure and an angel-like face, and her clothes were not vulgar. The gorgeous temperament, on the contrary, looks like a professional woman in an office or a highly educated woman like a college student lecturer in an art school.

I have to admit that no matter what level a man is, his views on admiring women are basically the same.

"Just a chick?" The man asked with a smile, staring at Pan Xiaoting who got up on the ground. Well, she looks good and has a first-class figure. The key is her round buttocks. She is definitely good at giving birth to a son.

"Yes, the door master, that's her." The driver who had already taken off his sunglasses reported, "Our brother not only failed to take out her wallet, but was interrupted by someone, and now he was sent to the hospital by a note. .”

"It's okay, I've already called Bureau Wang, and the note won't embarrass them, but it's a shame, it's okay if you can't get it out, but your hand was cut off, it's too bullying!" The door owner's expression was already a little cruel It's hot, for them, not allowing the digging is bullying them, let alone beating them without letting the digging, it's too bullying!

"Clean and neat?" asked the door master.

"Don't worry, door master, you know our methods, fast and ruthless, and there are no cameras around." The driver said.

The head of the sect was very relieved when his three subordinates were working. He nodded in satisfaction, then squatted down slightly, looked at Pan Xiaoting and said with a smile, "Beauty, look, some of our brothers are now in the hospital because of you." Yes, that hand is broken, even the doctor said that even after receiving it, the hand is still half-disabled, and they can’t take out anything anymore, you are ruining their 'career'..."

The first time I heard about their profession and their so-called professional career from the mouth of a thief, Pan Xiaoting actually wanted to laugh, because she never laughed too much...

But when I think of this delicious little white sheep being coveted by a group of hungry wolves, I have to be terrified and tearful to fall down, which is more in line with my mood and situation at this moment... You can imagine her desperately pulling and mobilizing How challenging is it to test the muscles of the face?


"She cried and begged, "Let me go, I will apologize...and compensate..."

The head of the door stretched out his hand, and frivolously supported Pan Xiaoting's lower bar. Pan Xiaoting's body trembled even more, and she cried even more.

"Tsk tsk...the pear blossoms are raining, I really feel sorry for you." The door owner said with a smile, "I'm heartbroken from crying... There's no need to apologize, your apology is a shame to them, so No need, as for compensation... Oh, I can give you two compensation plans."

He turned his head and pointed to the beautiful girl, who gave him a provocative wink with a spring-like expression on her face.

You don't have to be handsome, please have a lot of money... This is the standard for many girls to choose a mate. It just so happens that the head of the sect meets the second criterion, so this beautiful girl likes him to death.

The door master gave a wretched smile, turned around to look at Pan Xiaoting and said, "Just like her, she is willing to be my woman, and I go to such high-end places with me, where the food is popular and the food is hot..."

Pan Xiaoting shook her head in horror: "Please... I'll pay you a lot of money... Huh... Let me make a call, and I'll send someone to bring the money."

Pan Xiaoting actually wanted to call Li Zedao.

The door master's eyes suddenly darkened. Damn you, I gave you face, but you are shameless? Do you know that I am willing to take care of you? It is a blessing from Sansheng Xiu?

He stretched out two fingers, the second way: "There is a cellar behind this century-old house, you can stay there, these brothers of mine will 'entertain' you well, I believe you They will have a very 'happy' time..."

Those few brothers of him cooperated with each other and let out extremely wretched laughter, one after another let Pan Xiaoting choose the second way, because the cellar is warm in winter and cool in summer, so it is an excellent place to go.

Pan Xiaoting's expression was even more frightened.

"I... don't... don't... Li Zedao, you bastard, you are the one who killed me. If you don't come here to save me, I will hate you for the rest of my life... Woooo... bastard..." She cried helplessly Woke up.

"I'll give you a minute, you can choose." The door master said with a smile, he knew that this woman would definitely choose the first path, and knelt down in front of him obediently and sang Conquer.

"She doesn't have time to make a choice, because I'm about to take her away." A very abrupt voice sounded suddenly.

Everyone looked back, only to see a young and handsome man walking in slowly.

Everyone is looking at me and me, looking at you, thinking who the fuck is this guy.

Pan Xiaoting's eyeballs that were already red and swollen from crying widened suddenly, and then her expression was ecstatic. This kind of joy was not concealed, and she couldn't hide it, and her heart was filled with happiness.

"He must have known that he was following behind, and that he was kidnapped by someone, so he rushed here... His indifference is all pretending, and all his women were all picked up by him like this ...the rascal...the rascal..."

"Master, that's him...the one who broke the knife and their hands..." The red-haired man pointed at Li Zedao and said, his expression somewhat nervous.

When his accomplices had their hands cut off, he actually witnessed all this in the crowd, so he clearly saw the vicious methods of this seemingly harmless kid, and even secretly Fortunately, he didn't follow, otherwise his "professional" career would have ended like this.

Hearing that the boy who suddenly appeared was that person, everyone became a little nervous. After all, one hit five, and the overwhelming victory was enough to prove that he was not a kind person.

The owner of the door wants to shoot your driver to death, what the hell did you just tell me? Fast and ruthless? Damn it, you don't even know that everyone has followed here!

The driver saw the owner of the door gave him an unfriendly look, and knew that the owner of the door was angry, so he hurried forward and gestured with the sharp folding knife in his hand.

The inch-cut man and the red-haired man also stepped forward, not because they were afraid that the driver would not be his opponent, but because they were also involved in this matter. When the owner of the door troubled the driver afterwards, they would also suffer, so they are on the same rope now Grasshopper, we must work together to wipe off this kid, so as to appease the anger of the sect master.

At that moment, he stared fiercely at Li Zedao and twisted his neck and said, "Boy, you are quite capable, and you actually found this place..."

Before he finished speaking, he couldn't continue.

Because the kid suddenly came in front of him, and without knowing what happened, he stretched out his hand and grabbed his neck.

What was even more frightening was that he clearly saw him stretching out his hand, subconsciously felt the danger and wanted to avoid it, but his body just couldn't react.

speed! This is the huge gap in speed! How could a thief compare his speed with a serious master like Li Zedao?

"Crack!" Li Zedao exerted a slight force on his hand, and the driver's body lay limp on the ground.

This happened in just two seconds or even less, so before the red-haired man could react, he was waving a jackknife and stabbing Li Zedao in the stomach with a vicious expression.

poke it in! The red-haired man was overjoyed, because he could feel the crisp sound of the blade cutting through flesh and the unique feel.

"You..." A weak voice sounded beside my ears.

The red-haired man raised his head, his eyes widened suddenly, because the knife had indeed been stabbed in the stomach, but it was not the kid's stomach, but the short-haired man's stomach... He stabbed his brother!

But he didn't have time to show any more terrified expressions, he didn't have time to explain, and he didn't have time to let go of the hand that was still tightly gripping the handle of the jackknife.

Because, there was an extra bloodstain on his neck. At first, the bloodstain was very thin, like a red line. In the next second, it burst open suddenly, and blood spurted out.

Then he fell to the ground together with the short-haired man who was stabbed in the stomach with a knife, and both of them twitched a few times, dying with regret.

Lightning and flint, thunder and lightning, killing three people in a row in the blink of an eye.

Li Zedao seemed to be okay, holding the bloody dagger in his hand, straddling the three corpses, and walked forward slowly.

"Ah..." The door owner's wife screamed, her face was pale, her eyes were staring like copper bells, her beautiful fingers with pink nails were pointing forward, her lips were trembling violently, the next second, those slender The beautiful legs softened even more, and she knelt and sat on the ground.

"Killed people... He actually killed people, he killed them..." The head of the sect and the other members also turned pale with fright and trembled like chaff.

They are thieves, and they have done things like stabbing people, but they have never dared to stab people to death.

But this person in front of him, this seemingly harmless young man, did not hesitate to kill him, but he was very proficient, without blinking his eyes, as if what he killed was not a person, but a bird Like a chicken... Doesn't he know that killing people is against the law?

Pan Xiaoting was also dumbfounded, and her stomach began to twist, not only because of the strong smell of blood, but also because of fear. She was frightened by Li Zedao's calm killing at this moment.

"Don't...don't...don't come here..." The sect master saw Li Zedao stepping forward, his voice was trembling, and then he backed up again and again. At the same time, the remaining members drew out their knives and looked at him in horror. Li Zedao seemed to be facing the god of death.

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