The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1258 Depressed Miss Pan

When Li Zedao walked to Pan Xiaoting's side, the door owner and his party had already retreated to the dilapidated wall, which made them very desperate, because they had no way to retreat.

They actually wanted to rush towards this killing god together, but neither of them had the courage to rush to the forefront.

Li Zedao glanced at them indifferently, then looked down at Pan Xiaoting, and asked, "Are you all right?"

Pan Xiaoting raised her head and glanced at him with some difficulty. She wanted to say that something is wrong with me. Didn't you see that I couldn't even get up from lying on my stomach in such an indecent position? But she couldn't open her mouth because her stomach twisted badly and her throat It is filled with an extremely uncomfortable sour smell, as if something is about to be sprayed from the mouth at any time.

Then, she couldn't control it anymore, and opened her mouth: "Ouch..."

Pan Xiaoting quickly covered her mouth with her hands, and abruptly stopped herself from vomiting. She was already very ashamed now, and she couldn't continue to be ashamed.

Li Zedao had no choice but to throw away the bloody dagger in his hand, and then he didn't care whether she agreed or not, he stretched out his hand and hugged her up.

"You..." Pan Xiaoting's mind froze instantly.

The head of the sect and the other members also lost their minds. Of course, they were not as serious as Pan Xiaoting. They just watched the murderous god hugging the girl, turned around and walked out of the dilapidated courtyard, and disappeared into the within their line of sight.

"An... it's safe... I'm scared... I'm scared to death..." The head of the sect, whose face was as white as paper and covered in extremely thick cold sweat, let out a heavy breath, and then couldn't hold it anymore, his legs twitched Soft, sitting on the ground directly, without the kind of prestige of being the master of the sect before.

The performance of the other members at this time was even worse, and some even vomited in fright. When they saw the three corpses lying on the ground with eyes wide open as if they were dying, they vomited even more.

At this moment, the sound of extremely heavy footsteps sounded beside my ears.

That killer is back?

They really wanted to get up from the ground quickly and see if they could escape, but their legs seemed to no longer belong to them, so they couldn't get up.

A figure appeared at the door.

They were thankful, because it was not the Killing God, but a strange young man, not the good-looking young man of the Killing God.


Soon their hearts began to beat violently again, because the young man's face was so ugly, his eyes looked at them as if he was looking at a dead person, and he was holding a stick in his hand. Iron rod!

He was walking towards them slowly, and his steps were big and heavy, as if he wanted to vent a little bit of the monstrous anger in his heart.

The engineer was indeed venting, because if he didn't vent, he was afraid that there would be no living person here!

He wants to kill! He has never wanted to kill so much as he does now!

These people are damned!

After Li Zedao appeared awesomely to rescue the girl, the engineer went to the cellar in the backyard, because they heard the so-called cellar outside, and professional reasons made him keenly grasp that the cellar might not be that simple.

After that, he saw two women in the cellar, two naked women without any cover, and two women with dog chains around their necks!

There was incontinent filth on the ground, and they sat in it because the dog chain around their necks kept them immobile.

Their bodies are full of scars, some are punched and kicked, some are cut or stabbed by sharp objects, and some... are the marks of tooth bites, some wounds have healed, leaving only scars, and some are still protruding Oozing blood.

Those wounds that have healed suggest that they may have been imprisoned for a long time.

The eyes of the two women were numb. When the engineer appeared, they just glanced at him blankly, and then continued to stare blankly at the ground... Maybe, for them, numbness is the best way to save themselves.

Even though engineers and soldiers have long been used to seeing life and death, seeing such a scene is still very touching.


"Damn you all!" Walking up to him, the engineer said word by word, and then threw the iron rod in his hand towards these people.

"Crack!" The bone broke!

The engineers continued to smash one after another. No one here can escape the fate of broken limbs!

For a moment, the sound of broken bones and wailing filled the dilapidated courtyard...


Outside the courtyard, Pan Xiaoting, who had already come down from Li Zedao's arms, supported the mottled wall with one hand, and covered her chest with the other, retching.

The tragic movement from inside stimulated her nerves from time to time, so that she could hardly stand still.

Li Zedao leaned his back against the wall, smoking a cigarette, and puffed it out.

He also needs to calm down, because if he is not calm, it will not only be as simple as three corpses lying in it, these people will all go to hell.

"Are you... all right?" Pan Xiaoting looked up at Li Zedao, then quickly lowered her head again, "Uh..."

Li Zedao glanced at her, and said lightly: "Just take care of yourself."

Pan Xiaoting stopped retching, looked up, her face was full of grievances, didn't she care about you when she saw you killed someone? Treating you like a donkey with good intentions... I don't want to bother with you.

However, she still couldn't help saying: "You...kill...vomit..."

"It's just three beasts. If you kill them, you'll kill them." Li Zedao glanced at her and said, "I've actually killed dozens of people. Are you afraid? So, don't follow me..."

"...Ugh... What if you're not afraid?" Pan Xiaoting swallowed abruptly, then raised her head and asked, "Can I follow you?"

Before Li Zedao could answer, she took a few deep breaths, straightened up, stared at Li Zedao and said, "I'm not afraid! Li Zedao, I'm not afraid!"


"Li Zedao, if you're a man, keep your word." She added, with a hint of cunning in her eyes.


Li Zedao's head was a little big, and he said helplessly: "Miss Pan, I know that I am handsome, excellent, rich and make people feel safe. The temptation of a man like me to a woman is like the temptation of honey to a bear." of……"

Pan Xiaoting burst into laughter, and said with a smile: "Li Zedao, you have a comprehensive understanding of yourself, you are indeed such a man."

This flattering... Li Zedao really didn't expect that Pan Xiaoting was a master of flattering.

"You don't have to like me, but you have no right to stop me from liking you, and you have no right to stop bears from eating honey." The woman also deliberately emphasized the word "eat".

"The buddy inside is also very good, how about I introduce him to you?" Li Zedao pointed to the wall.

Pan Xiaoting blinked: "Is he better or you better?"

Li Zedao didn't even think about it: "Of course it's me." Isn't this nonsense?

"Since there are better ones, why should I choose one?" Pan Xiaoting asked back.

"... You may not be able to get the better one, right? But I guarantee you will definitely get the lesser one... That buddy's requirements for women are so low that it is outrageous." Li Zedao said the wrong thing, and he finished speaking Only then did I realize that I had said the wrong thing, because there was a hint of humiliation in it.

"Li Zedao, I actually have no shortage of men." Pan Xiaoting looked at Li Zedao with mist in her eyes and said, "Just like you don't lack women! You can dislike me, but you can't... humiliate me!"

"...I'm sorry." Li Zedao said apologetically, "I was joking."

Pan Xiaoting glared at Li Zedao, and then kicked over. Li Zedao didn't hide, and let her kick her on her calf.

"I forgive you, who made me like you?" Pan Xiaoting said softly, her eyes were embarrassed to meet Li Zedao, looking at a locust tree not far away, "Actually, after I entered the Tiandao Foundation and became Xinxin's assistant I already fell in love with you when I was a child, even though later, on the day of the heavy rain, you drove me out of the car in cold blood, not to mention that I got caught in the rain, and was unlucky enough to be kidnapped ...Fortunately, you saved me in the end."

"I'm an intern in a company now, and several male colleagues are pursuing me. My family also arranged a blind date for me, but I refused because I have you in my heart. I always feel that one day I will definitely have another Met you, and then... bravely confide my heart to you, look, I really met you..."

Pan Xiaoting touched her already red-hot face with dusty and blood-stained hands because of a fall before, and then mustered up the courage to turn her head back, intending to face Li Zedao bravely.

Then... Her eyes widened suddenly, the muscles on her face were already twitching violently, and her heart was instantly trampled by millions of grass mud horses crazily.

Li Zedao, who was standing next to her smoking a cigarette, had walked to the door at some point, and was talking to his buddy about something.

Miss Pan puffed her cheeks, her face was flushed, she was so angry that she really wanted to go over and kick this bad guy to death!


"You stay and deal with it, I'll go first." Li Zedao looked at the engineer and said, "You can't let go of the umbrella behind you."

"Of course." The engineer gritted his teeth, "not only will I not let them go, but I will also break their hands and feet! King Bureau? Hehe..."

Li Zedao patted him on the shoulder, planning to leave.

"Wait... I have never dared to ask, but I can't bear it now, even if you beat me up, I still have to ask." The engineer looked at Li Zedao with a troubled expression, "Nanji she..."

"The situation is a bit complicated, so she can't contact you, but I can assure you that she is fine, and she and the baby in her belly are safe." Li Zedao said, "Maybe, after a while, you will be able to see her." gone."

The sapper breathed a sigh of relief.

"You go back and tell Yanhuang, I won't go to him anymore." Li Zedao said.

The sapper nodded.

"Give me the car keys. I'll drive the car away. It's too remote to take a taxi."


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