The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1263 Help the Goddess to vent her anger

"Ah!" Pan Xiaoyan exclaimed, because the voice was somewhat familiar to her, and she had only spoken a few words to the owner of the voice a few minutes ago.

Pan Xiaoyan looked back, and sure enough, it was the former classmate at the end of the crane, Li Zedao! He didn't know when he had already appeared there, and when he saw himself looking at him, he responded with a smile.

"Hero? Save the beauty?" These words popped up in Pan Xiaoyan's mind involuntarily.

The supervisor looked at this boy who came out of nowhere and said such threatening words, and felt really upset, but it was very rare that he didn't attack him face to face, because that point of view still used to put him off.

The outfit on this young man told me that he is either rich or expensive, and he should not be provoked if he can, and besides, he was carrying two bags of his company's cat poop coffee in his hand, which means that he is God, how could he How about being rude to God?

Pan Xiaoyan sold him coffee just now? And he saw that Pan Xiaoyan was good-looking, so he stood up for her?

Yes, you can't be rude to God! After giving himself such a good step down, the supervisor nodded slightly to Li Zedao and said, "Sir, I think this is an internal matter of our company, what do you think?"

"Slap the left cheek or the right cheek, you choose one, I'm in a hurry." Li Zedao said very shamelessly. In fact, after he bought the coffee just now, he didn't go far away, but wandered around, but he didn't see the scene where the little hooligan molested Pan Xiaoyan and asked for her phone number and grabbed her wrist, but he put the executive in a "partnership with the hooligan" "The scene of forcing Pan Xiaoyan to apologize is in my eyes.

And the sentence that the nympho explained to Pan Xiaoyan just now was enough for Li Zedao to understand the whole story.

Such an apology is not an apology, but a humiliation!

Li Zedao could see that this supervisor had a deep prejudice against Pan Xiaoyan. When he forced her to apologize, the corners of his mouth were slanted, which showed how proud he was at this time, as if he had let out a bad breath. of.

So Li Zedao spoke up decisively, not only because he drew his sword to help when he saw injustice, but also because Pan Xiaoyan was his junior high school classmate and the first goddess in his mind. The goddesses are all Pan Xiaoyan, and they can only be Pan Xiaoyan.

Compared with other classes, the quality of the girls in Class 4 is actually not high. Fortunately, there is Pan Xiaoyan, who raised the appearance of the girls in Class 4 with just one sentence.

He was humiliated again, but the supervisor still swallowed his anger: "Sir..."

Li Zedao pointed to the three non-mainstream men standing over there,

He said coldly: "The three of you also hurry up and choose."

"..." These three non-mainstream men were really furious. They rolled up their sleeves one after another and wanted to kill this little bastard who came out of nowhere. They didn't have the eyesight of a supervisor.

Pan Xiaoyan bit her lips lightly, looked at Li Zedao gratefully, hesitated to speak, then clenched her small fists, took a deep breath, turned back to face the supervisor, and apologized.

She thanked Li Zedao for coming forward, but she couldn't drag him down. Pan Xiaoyan was afraid that these three hooligans would turn around and trouble him. He looked very handsome and sunny, but that didn't mean he could beat these hooligans.

Pan Xiaoyan can't remember how many times Li Zedao was bullied by her classmates, not because it has been too long and her memory is blurred, but because there are too many times...


Li Zedao spoke again, suppressing what Pan Xiaoyan hadn't had time to say: "The left cheek or the right cheek?"

He even pointed at the supervisor provocatively.

Compared to those three gangsters, Li Zedao hates the supervisors around him even more. After all, it is only natural for gangsters to bully others.

But the boss teamed up with gangsters to bully his employees... this is a beast.

"You..." Pan Xiaoyan looked back at Li Zedao, a little anxious, "You... Hurry up, it's none of your business..."

"Leave after beating your face." Li Zedao smiled.


So the supervisor was furious, the muscles on his face were twitching, it was too hateful, this guy is really too hateful, even if you are rich, you are God, you can't bully people like this!

Therefore, the supervisor felt that he had to sternly condemn this kind of bullying behavior, but he found a flash in front of his eyes, followed by a very crisp applause of "Pa!" "All of a sudden, stars began to appear in front of his eyes, his body turned around, and he sat down on the ground.

He was hit!

Li Zedao slapped him on the left cheek, which swollen his face very simply, and blood even oozes from the corner of his mouth.

Pan Xiaoyan's eyes were wide open, her mouth was slightly open and she looked at Li Zedao, her mind went into a panic! This is really the one who was bullied but had no power to fight back... Li Zedao?

The three non-mainstream men were also shocked. They didn't expect that this kid would dare to make a move, let alone that he made such a quick and fierce attack. He wanted to draw such a tall man to the ground. In a state of ignorance, this requires a lot of strength.

"The left cheek or the right cheek, have you chosen?" Li Zedao looked at them and asked.

" did you come from, you idiot? Do you know who you are talking to? Do you know who my uncle is? Director Wang of the Xicheng District Police Station..."

"Wang Bureau? Wang Wen?" Li Zedao was stunned.

"So you bastard knows about my uncle, why? Are you scared?" The man with yellow hair was very proud and arrogant.

"I've heard of it." Li Zedao nodded. He knew this name from the engineer. The protective umbrella behind the bullshit organization that illegally stole and imprisoned women in the morning was Wang Wen from the Xicheng District Police Station. I am afraid he has been brought under control now, even the engineer If it was efficient, it would have broken all his limbs.

It seems that Wang Wen's stupid nephew hasn't gotten any news yet.

"The left cheek or the right cheek? Hehe, damn it, kneel down and slap your own cheeks, bow left and right, or play you to death!" Huang Mao continued to yell!

Li Zedao stretched out his hand suddenly, grabbed his yellow hair, and pulled his body down hard.


Huangmao's body fell to the ground, and landed face first, making intimate contact with the ground!

Everyone only heard a crisp sound, and then Huang Mao fell silent. Obviously, he passed out from the violent impact!

The remaining two guys were stunned. After moving Director Wang out, the end was even worse... miserable? Is there any reason? Is there any other law?

At first, the two looked at each other and wanted to run away.

They were fast, Li Zedao was even faster, he quickly passed with his two feet, and kicked them heavily on the back, so the two of them simply fell to the ground with their faces on the ground, already silent.

Those who watched around were dumbfounded, and some eyes even started to bubble, such as that nympho girl, and several other girls who were also wearing the same overalls.

" handsome, I really want to push him to the ground and check him up..."

"Xiaoyan, you know this handsome guy, right?"

"None of you are allowed to rob me..."

Under the gaze of Pan Xiaoyan's somewhat dull eyes and the adoring eyes of several of her female colleagues, Li Zedao walked up to Pan Xiaoyan, looked at her shocked face, and said with a smile: "I think , you are unemployed."

"...Mmm." Pan Xiaoyan came to her senses, her eyes flustered away from him, she lowered her head, and snorted softly. Even she herself doesn't know what it's like in her heart now, she just feels messed up and messed up.

"So there's no need to stay, let's go." Li Zedao took her hand.

"Uh... eh... you..." Pan Xiaoyan was a little silly, and she couldn't help taking a few steps forward under his pull, trying to break free, but ended in failure.

"Li things...are still in the mall." Her voice was like a mosquito, and she felt her heart beating at a terrifying speed

So Li Zedao took her hand and walked into the mall.

"Ah... I'm broken in love." The nymphomaniac clutched her chest with a sad expression on her face.


After entering the shopping mall, before Pan Xiaoyan could break free, Li Zedao let go of her hand: "Said, go get your things, I guess you have to change your clothes, right? I'll wait for you here."

Li Zedao knew that Pan Xiaoyan's current outfit was prepared by the company, and if she didn't plan to do it, she would naturally have to return it. Of course, the wages owed by the company would basically never come back. Just keep the money in mind.

Pan Xiaoyan blushed slightly and glanced at Li Zedao, nodded slightly, then walked towards the staff passage with her head down.

Li Zedao didn't wait too long, and Pan Xiaoyan came back, wearing simple white denim, plaid shirt, black cotton coat, and a black bag hanging diagonally. The plain and simple dress can't conceal her tall figure and a bit of pure aura. The fourth class flower back then, the goddess in everyone's mind, is not called for nothing.

Pan Xiaoyan, who came over, took a look at Li Zedao, then lowered her head and said softly, "Thank you." She knew very well that if Li Zedao hadn't stepped forward, she would not have just been humiliated.

When she came to do a part-time job on the first day, the supervisor began to insinuate her insinuatingly. Pan Xiaoyan was not stupid, she knew the intentions of this pious guy, but for this part-time job, she had to deal with her.

But now...the job is gone, and the hundreds of dollars she worked hard to earn have been wasted...she wants to cry.

"Do you want to introduce you to a job? The salary should be higher than here? The most important thing is that no one will harass you." Li Zedao said.

He could tell that Mr. Banhua was in urgent need of money, but he wouldn't foolishly take out the bank card and say that there are hundreds of millions here... The contact in the past three years is basically negligible, but after a few minutes of contact now, he I probably understand that Banhua is a very strong and self-loving girl, otherwise, based on her conditions, it is not too difficult to become a rich person.

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