The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1264 Advance Wages

So giving money directly would be tantamount to hurting the girl's strong self-esteem. Maybe Banhua would just turn around and leave. Li Zedao would not do such a stupid thing.

Pan Xiaoyan looked up, stared blankly at Li Zedao for a while, then nodded heavily with a smile, she really needed a job, she really needed it.

"Thank you, Li Zedao." She said gratefully, and then she looked a little embarrassed, "But I don't have much free time, I still have to go to class, and..."

She didn't continue talking, and Li Zedao also caught the bitterness and worry in her eyes, and he probably made some judgments in his heart. This is what happened to his family, but Li Zedao didn't ask.

If a person does not intend to help, then it is best not to ask about other people's pain and difficulties. That will have no other meaning except to satisfy gossip and curiosity, and may even add pain to the other person.

Li Zedao wanted to help, but he was not that familiar with Pan Xiaoyan after all. If he asked too many questions as soon as they met, it would be too abrupt and uncomfortable.

"It's okay, just to introduce you, it's not suitable for me to talk about." Li Zedao said, "The others are old classmates, don't be so polite. Not to mention, she was still the goddess in my heart... Oh, you are the whole class The goddess in the hearts of boys."

When he said this, Li Zedao naturally used a joking tone, otherwise he would be expressing his thoughts or even molesting with ulterior motives.

The conscience of heaven and earth, Li Zedao just ran into the former goddess by chance and wanted to help the goddess when she saw difficulties. I really didn't think so much.

Pan Xiaoyan smiled awkwardly and shyly, but said nothing.

At this time, if Pan Xiaoyan said that there was nothing wrong with me, Li Zedao would think that Master Banhua was a bit fake, but luckily she didn't.

Taking Pan Xiaoyan to leave from another exit of the shopping mall, the two of them strolled along the main road one after the other. Pan Xiaoyan intentionally took a step behind Li Zedao, so that the two of them would not appear so intimacy and embarrassment.

In Ban Hua's heart, Li Zedao is now her old classmate, and her...benefactor? These two words are a bit strange, but that is what they mean. In short, I am very grateful to Li Zedao.

"My car is parked in front." Li Zedao explained the reason why they pressed the road.

"Hmm." Pan Xiaoyan snorted softly.

Then Li Zedao took out his cell phone and made a call.

The phone was quickly picked up,

Sun Jundong's voice full of flattery and surprise came from inside: "Young Master Li, you are now in Yanjing."

"I'll go to the Imperial City Teahouse in a while, and you can go too." Li Zedao said. With Sun Jundong's connections, it is very easy to arrange a lighter part-time job for Master Banhua

"Okay, Young Master Li, I'm leaving now." Sun Jundong said a little excitedly, and Li Zedao took the initiative to find him, which made him feel more honored.

After hanging up the phone, Li Zedao looked back at Ban Hua who was walking with her head bowed and asked, "Student Pan, do you go to school in Yanjing?"

"Well, Yanjing Jiaotong University Department of Architecture." Pan Xiaoyan said.

Li Zedao nodded. He is quite familiar with Yanjing Jiaotong University. A few months ago, the Fenghuang City Education Bureau and Yanjing Jiaotong University jointly held a winter camp. Zhou Qian participated, and then... She was kidnapped by Tom and went to the island country .

Whenever I think of Tom, I can't help but think of Antarctica, and when I think of Antarctica, I can't help being in a trance for a while.

Li Zedao walked forward in silence, Pan Xiaoyan didn't have the nerve to say anything, she lowered her head and followed behind, just like a little tail.

"Very good." Li Zedao turned around and said something.

Pan Xiaoyan was slightly taken aback: "Huh?"

"I'm talking about Yanjing Jiaotong University." Li Zedao said, "If you don't score high in the college entrance examination, you can't get in. It really is a beautiful girl."

Pan Xiaoyan said with some gratitude: "When I reached high school, I was no longer a top student. I was much better than me. I got a score of 618 in the college entrance examination, barely exceeding the cut-off mark..."

She said that in high school, she is no longer a top student, but a beauty student, so she is still a beauty... Li Zedao smiled, Mr. Banhua is very interesting.

"For example, there is a student named Li Zedao in Meizhong High School... What a coincidence, classmate Li has the same name and surname as you. He scored 749 points in the test. My God, he is just one point short of a perfect score. I really don't know how he took the test. Come out." Pan Xiaoyan said with infinite emotion.

Li Zedao turned his head slowly, and took a look at Pan Xiaoyan, who was full of emotion and admiration, to confirm that she was not joking. So she didn't know that Li Zedao was herself, no wonder, after all, that Li Zedao had always been the last one in the exam back then, how could it be possible to get such a heaven-defying score all of a sudden?

Li Zedao smiled, and didn't intend to tell the truth, otherwise he would be suspected of bragging.

"It's amazing," he said. Still bragging.

"Yeah, it's really powerful." Pan Xiaoyan agreed, "Is it just a bully?"


"Yeah, I heard that he was invited by Yenching University to apply for the University of Phoenix." Pan Xiaoyan said, "Isn't this a bully? Why do you need such a high score to be admitted to the University of Phoenix? Students later said in private It’s very pretentious...that’s it.”

Looking at Li Zedao's back, Pan Xiaoyan blushed slightly, feeling embarrassed to say that word.


While talking, the two came to Li Zedao's car parked in front of the stylish restaurant, opened the door and got in the car. Pan Xiaoyan took a few glances at what she thought was a luxury car, and finally felt a little Carefully opened the back seat door and got into the car... It was the first time for Pan Xiaoyan to get into a boy's car, and Pan Xiaoyan was really uneasy. Even if Li Zedao was her classmate in junior high school for three years, she was an acquaintance, but whoever said that acquaintances are not cheating human?

But maybe it was because of her eager desire for that job, or maybe she actually trusted Li Zedao deep in her heart, so she got in the car anyway.

Li Zedao looked back at her and smiled, then started the car and drove towards the Huangcheng teahouse.

"Take you to meet someone who can help you arrange a part-time job that won't take up too much of your time." Li Zedao looked back at Pan Xiaoyan and smiled.

"Well, thank you, classmate Li." Pan Xiaoyan looked away from the window and nodded.

When Li Zedao didn't take the initiative to bring up the topic, Pan Xiaoyan didn't have the nerve to ask something. For example, the girl's kind of gossip and curiosity made her want to know that the one who was once beaten and couldn't even cry was in the eyes of her teachers and classmates. How can a student who is so indistinguishable from a trash pig change so much? Not only has his appearance changed drastically, but also his temperament, who beats someone so hard without even blinking his eyeballs.

And he talks a lot, and occasionally jokes... Although it is still not much, compared with him more than three years ago, it is much more.

Pan Xiaoyan recalled that during the three years at the front and back tables, she didn't seem to have heard him speak a single word.

Then, the phone in her small shoulder bag rang.

Pan Xiaoyan smiled apologetically: "I'm sorry, I'll answer the phone."

"Yes." Li Zedao said.

Pan Xiaoyan opened the bag, took out the phone that was beeping happily, looked at the caller number, and her face changed slightly.

He took another look at Li Zedao who was concentrating on driving, bit his lips lightly and picked him up.

"Hey..." Her voice was not loud, as if she was afraid of disturbing Li Zedao, or afraid of what Li Zedao would hear, "I... know..."

Gradually, there were tears, grievances and pleading in her quiet voice: "I will pay the money quickly... Please... I know... Tomorrow, um, tomorrow... Thank you... Thank you..."

After hanging up the phone, Pan Xiaoyan lowered her head and put the phone in her bag.

"Are you okay?" Li Zedao turned around and asked, and he saw that Ban Hua's eyes were a little red.

"'s okay." Pan Xiaoyan responded, bowing her head, as if she was afraid that Li Zedao would see something.

Li Zedao nodded, but did not continue to ask: "It's still the same sentence, we are all old classmates, don't be so polite."

"Well, thank you..." Pan Xiaoyan said.

Then, both of them were silent, but Pan Xiaoyan glanced at Li Zedao from time to time, and stopped talking.

Li Zedao noticed the expression on Ban Hua's face from the rearview mirror, but she didn't say a word. It is better for her to bring up some things on her own initiative. If she is too proactive, it will be too abrupt, and it will make her think that she has ulterior motives .

Pan Xiaoyan hesitated for a moment, gritted her teeth, and asked, "Student Li... are you familiar with that boss?"


"Didn't you say you want to take me to meet someone? He can help me arrange a part-time job..."

"Well, quite familiar." Li Zedao said.

"Then...can you let him..." Pan Xiaoyan looked at Li Zedao with an embarrassed, difficult, and hesitant expression, but there was so little expectation in her eyes, and after a while of hesitation, she said with difficulty, "Let him pay in advance." I have a salary... I will do a good part-time job in the future, but can I let him pay first..."

"..." Li Zedao slowed down the car, turned his head, and looked at the goddess he once had in mind. She is actually thinking of this? She could actually ask herself for help.

But for Banhua, who has a strong independent personality, it takes a lot of courage to say this, right?

Eyes met, Pan Xiaoyan quickly backed away, looked down at her feet, bit her lip, her big eyes were misty: "I'm sorry, Li, I... made you difficult, so... I'm sorry, thank you..."

This can be regarded as expressing to Li Zedao gracefully, treat what I said just now as if I didn't say it, so don't take it to heart.

The word "cute and pitiful" couldn't be more suitable for Banhua now.

From morning to now, Li Zedao has come into contact with two women, actually three, but he ignored the gorgeous woman who struck up a conversation at dinner. , Li Zedao can hardly remember what she looks like.

So, excluding her, there are two people, Pan Xiaoting and Pan Xiaoyan, whose names are almost the same, those who don't know think they are sisters.

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