The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1265 Coincidence

Pan Xiaoting has also been "very pitiful", but Li Zedao knows very well that her expression is not natural, but intentional. She knows men very well, or in other words, she has known herself, and knows that some of her weaknesses are where.

For Pan Xiaoting, there is neither liking nor loathing, after all, he already knew the little girl in her heart, so Li Zedao simply said his experience was serious and scared her away.

But now, the lovely and pitiful look of the goddess in her heart is very natural, and she may not even have thought about it. Her current expression can easily make boys feel protective. This has nothing to do with sex, it's just a man's instinct, just like a woman will be very interested in a beautiful bag, or she will scream "Ouba, Ouba" when she sees a Korean drama.

Now Li Zedao instinctively showed the desire to protect her. He stopped the car slowly on the side of the road, looked back at Pan Xiaoyan and said, "Student Pan, it's not too much for me to ask him to pay the salary in advance." One embarrassing thing, but..."

It's just... so it's still difficult. So the kind Goddess Pan apologized and explained again and again in embarrassment: "I'm sorry, just now... I just... suddenly got hot in my head, don't take it to heart, classmate Li, it's okay, really..."

Li Zedao said to himself: "It's just that it can't solve the real problem, classmate Pan, in fact, when you were talking on the phone just now, it might be because the receiver of your mobile phone was too loud, so I heard some... It's not a few hundred Problems that a dollar can solve."

It wasn't that the receiver was too loud, but that Li Zedao's hearing was abnormal, and he didn't just hear some, but heard everything without saying a word, so Li Zedao probably knew what happened.

It's bloody and ruthless, and it's more of a helpless plot. The medical bills are gone, and the hospital calls to urge me, otherwise I will be discharged from the hospital.

It's kind of cruel for a freshman girl in the best part of her life to worry about it.

And Li Zedao actually saw himself at that time from the former goddess, he was helpless, and finally he chose to kneel on the bridge.

If I don't help now, which path will the goddess choose? Li Zedao didn't know, but he probably knew that Pan Xiaoyan must have thought about this problem, but she didn't dare to think deeply, because she hadn't reached that point yet, and there was still room and time for her to struggle.

Pan Xiaoyan froze for a moment.

"Woo..." She suddenly cried softly, and the teardrops fell down one by one like broken pearls.

Li Zedao didn't persuade,

Wait quietly for her to finish crying.

"I'm sorry...Actually, sometimes when I see my mother like that, being made things difficult by the supervisor or being bullied, I will hide in the bathroom and cry secretly...It's fine when I finish crying, and I can continue." She wiped Said with tears.

So, her mother had an accident and was hospitalized, what about her father? Li Zedao nodded and said, "It's good to let off steam once in a while."

"Well, every time I cry, I tell myself, Pan Xiaoyan, you have to be strong, what should you do if you cry and become weak, mother? So the number of times you cry in the future is less and less, but just now..." Pan Xiaoyan looked embarrassed Glancing at Li Zedao, she didn't know why she cried just now, and she was crying in front of a boy, which made her feel extremely embarrassed and ashamed.

Li Zedao picked up the tissue and handed it over.

"Thank you," she said, sniffing and wiping her tears.

"Tell me? Oh, it's the kind of concern among classmates. Didn't that so-and-so say it? The friendship between classmates is as deep as the sea. At that time, the teacher in charge of the class, Teacher Lin, also said that classmates should help each other and love each other... "Li Zedao said, after thinking about it, he added, "I won't pick on you."

"..." Pan Xiaoyan was obviously stunned for a moment, and then couldn't help but laugh.

Li Zedao remembered a word called "pear blossoms with rain".

"It's hard to imagine that you are Li Zedao who hasn't heard a word from you for three years." Pan Xiaoyan said.

Li Zedao wanted to say, that's because you didn't take the initiative to talk to me. If you don't take the initiative, how can a shy person like me have the nerve to take the initiative? I also want to say that if you know that Li Zedao, who seems to you to be very pretentious, is me, will it be more difficult for you to imagine?

Then she paused, and said sadly: "My mother fainted before, and it was found out in the hospital, uremia... During this period of time, all the savings of the family have been spent."

Li Zedao's heart twitched slightly, and he was suffering from uremia again.

"Where's your father?" Li Zedao asked.

Pan Xiaoyan looked sad and shook her head: "When I was in elementary school, he divorced my mother and left with another woman."

"Didn't find him?"

"I didn't want to look for it. Besides, I can't find it... He is already dead." Pan Xiaoyan bit her lip, her face was full of soreness, "A vicious shooting happened on the road in Fenghuang City some time ago. , he was shot and mother fainted when she got the news, and she was found to be suffering from uremia when she was sent to the hospital..."

"Although he abandoned me and my mother and ran away with another woman, my mother still loves him...he doesn't deserve my mother's love..."

Li Zedao opened his eyes slightly and asked, "Your father's name isn't... Su Qiang, is it?"

Pan Xiaoyan looked surprised: "You...know him?"

Li Zedao nodded with a wry smile: "I went to his funeral."


Su Qiang was the unlucky ghost who shot and killed Alice and Susan when Lu was ambushed by members of the Luciano family on the main road. He was also the manager of the Emerald Restaurant, so Li Zedao and Nintendo attended his meeting in the name of company leaders. The funeral, but did not expect him to be Pan Xiaoyan's father.

Therefore, Li Zedao felt even more guilty, because Su Qiang's death was caused by the Luciano family, and now that Mitty Luciano was his woman, it was also caused by him.

For a moment, he felt guilt and guilt in his heart.

"I... didn't go..." She bit her lip and said. Not angry, but sad.

Li Zedao understood that, on the one hand, it was because her mother had been diagnosed with uremia, which meant that the sky had completely collapsed for this girl; on the other hand, he was already someone else's husband and father. , I still have hatred in my heart.

One after another, Li Zedao learned a lot of things.

Pan Xiaoyan's parents divorced when she was in elementary school, and then Pan Xiaoyan changed her surname to her mother's surname. When Pan Xiaoyan was admitted to Yanjing Jiaotong University, her mother also came to Yanjing, because her uncle was in Yanjing. With the help of her uncle, her mother also found a job, managing the public toilets in a street, taking care of food and housing.

Life is poor, but the mother and daughter are very happy and content.

And this kind of ordinary and happy day became fragmented because of a bullet.

"Didn't you ask your uncle for help?" Li Zedao asked.

Pan Xiaoyan shook her head: "The relationship between my mother and my aunt was very tense before for some reason, and my uncle was a strict wife, so the two families rarely interacted. He was the one who managed the public toilet secretly. Knowing about it, I got angry with him for a long time, so... I don't want to bother him anymore, and he doesn't even know that my mother's illness is so serious. "

" must have heard of the Tiandao Foundation?" Li Zedao asked.

Pan Xiaoyan glanced at her, then nodded slightly: "I know the foundation, Zhou Xiaolu is the image ambassador, right? It's dedicated to helping those uremia patients..."

Li Zedao was a little happy: "That's right..."

"It's a lie." Pan Xiaoyan said.

"..." Li Zedao's head froze, she said, liar? Are you kidding me, have counterfeit goods appeared again? Just like what Tiger Wu encountered back then? Which blind person intends to discredit the Tiandao Foundation?

"I applied, and I got a reply in the end, but said that I was not qualified to apply. The reason was that my family still had a small house of more than 50 square meters in Phoenix City, which had to be sold. In the end, it was still not enough, so they could Provide help." Pan Xiaoyan smiled bitterly, "If you can really sell the house, why do you need their help? That house was left by my grandfather, and now it belongs to my mother and my uncle. If you want to sell it, you have to go through my uncle's family. Agreed."

Li Zedao also smiled wryly. In fact, Tiandao Foundation’s approach is correct. After all, its ability is limited, so it can only give priority to helping those who are really desperate, like Pan Xiaoyan’s family... There is still a way, although that one The road is very congested.

"So, that's... the last step?"

Pan Xiaoyan glanced at Li Zedao, then nodded lightly: "Yes."

"So Li, a few hundred yuan can actually solve the problem, which is enough for my mother to last for a while." Pan Xiaoyan said, "I have decided to go to my uncle to discuss whether we can sell the house. My aunt will definitely have a big fight with him, but because of my mother's condition, I can't control it so much, I just need to wrong my uncle first, and when my mother's condition stabilizes, I will repay him well."

"Huh..." As she spoke, she exhaled lightly, probably because she had vented her emotions, so she looked a little more relaxed, and she said a little embarrassedly, "I'm sorry, classmate Li, let you Hearing me nagging so much... Then, should we go? Don't make that boss wait too long, and let him pay some money first, and then I will work hard. "

Therefore, he still didn't want to ask himself to help, Li Zedao was full of helplessness.

Li Zedao, who was used to being admired and pursued, still felt a little hurt at this time.

"Okay." Li Zedao said, then stepped on the accelerator, and the car that had been parked for a short time continued to drive forward.

"Thank you, classmate Li." Pan Xiaoyan said gratefully.

Li Zedao thought to himself, I actually have to take some responsibility for what happened to you, and the Tiandao Foundation is really not a liar.

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