The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1266 Idle is idle

The car driving forward fell into silence again, and under the premise that Li Zedao didn't initiate the topic, Pan Xiaoyan naturally didn't know what to say.

While driving, Li Zedao picked up his mobile phone and edited a text message, telling Sun Jundong to leave on his own. Originally, he wanted Sun Jundong to arrange Pan Xiaoyan's affairs, but now... no, Li Zedao has to bear the blame for her father's death, heaven The foundation is a liar, and Li Zedao has to take the blame, so... do it yourself.

As for where to go now? Well, we should go directly to the hospital and visit Pan Xiaoyan's mother. It is best to take her to Fenghuang City for treatment.

I dare not say anything else, but the treatment institution established under the Tiandao Foundation, which has already been put into use, is absolutely authoritative in uremia.

Pan Xiaoyan glanced at Li Zedao, seeing that he was not paying attention to herself, so she carefully took out her phone from her bag as if she was afraid of making any noise that would affect Li Zedao, and opened the web page.

She met this old classmate named Li Zedao again, so she was suddenly interested in that super university bully Li Zedao.

Enter the three words "Li Zedao", so the page will pop up soon.

There was a lot of information and a lot of discussion, and Pan Xiaoyan became more and more amazed the more she read it.

That super university bully Li Zedao continued to be coquettish at the University of Phoenix, and was hailed as the most coquettish person in the history of the University of Phoenix.

When he started his military training, he was punished by the instructor to jump frog. He jumped so easily and freely, so handsomely, that's why he was called the Frog Prince...

He competed with the president of the basketball club for a dunk, and in the end he completed that shocking dunk while carrying a girl on his back. In the end, he broke the basket abruptly and was fined two hundred yuan...

He performed the laser dance "Supersonic" at the welcome party, which shocked the audience and triggered a wave of learning laser dance...

Outside the nickname, the Frog Prince failed his exam, and he actually failed his exam!

In the end, Pan Xiaoyan found a few photos, one of which was Li Zedao flying high like a roc bird with a girl on his back, and the other was a side profile, he was having a meal and was secretly photographed... …

When she saw the photo, Pan Xiaoyan froze immediately.

So, that super university bully Li Zedao is this Li Zedao? So this Li Zedao is that super university bully?

One is that the exam has always been a super idiot in the eyes of the teacher and classmates who are the last one in the year,

One is the super-university bully who everyone envied, envied and hated, got such a wasteful score in the college entrance examination, and finally pretended to reject Yenching University's invitation and chose to enter Phoenix University...Super university scum and super university Pa is the same person...

"So... you are that Li Zedao..." Pan Xiaoyan raised her head, stared at Li Zedao with wide eyes, and said with difficulty, "That super university bully Li Zedao who got that sky-defying score..."

"Huh?" Li Zedao looked back at Pan Xiaoyan. He saw her expression and the phone in her hand, so she reacted.

Immediately nodded and said: "Well, my brain was struck by lightning, and I suddenly became enlightened, and then I worked hard, that's it... When you mentioned it just now, I am embarrassed to admit it, I have always been very shy , you know that."

"...I don't know." Pan Xiaoyan said, and then suddenly laughed, "I do know, you are a man of the Phoenix University, boys regard you as an idol, and girls... all want to give birth to you, in the comments It's all written like that."

Li Zedao couldn't laugh or cry and said: "Everyone is making a fuss." I thought to myself that I can't promise you, I have more than enough energy, because I am infertile... Li Zedao wants to cry.

"It's really amazing." Pan Xiaoyan said sincerely, "You can solve the last math question in the college entrance examination so difficult, but I can't. It took me a lot of time, and I didn't even understand the question. Come to the question and look at the answer to solve the problem, but I still don’t understand, please tell me?”

"..." It turns out that the beautiful schoolmaster likes to chat like this.

"Okay." He said, he is a handsome guy, so he can talk about this topic easily.

Li Zedao has a photographic memory, and he still remembers the punctuation marks of that question until now, so when Pan Xiaoyan searched for that question on his mobile phone, he had already started to talk about it. First, he read the whole question once. Then start to say where the key point of this question is, and then answer it bit by bit.

Pan Xiaoyan, who was holding the mobile phone, had her mind froze again, and from then on, she had a new understanding of the real top student. The real top student can not only solve the problems easily, but also complete the questions. Memorize it all, it's a topic, a big math problem, and it's been so long since the end of the college entrance examination... Anyway, if anyone says he is a top student in the future, he will be in a hurry!

"Understood?" Li Zedao glanced back after finishing speaking.

"Uh... oh..." Pan Xiaoyan died of embarrassment, because when Li Zedao continued to speak, she kept staring at her with weird eyes, not listening.

Li Zedao smiled, and slowly stopped the car on the side of the road: "I'm going to buy a pack of cigarettes, are you waiting in the car?"

"Yeah." Pan Xiaoyan snorted softly, she needed time to digest, besides, getting out of the car with Li Zedao and shopping with him seemed... not very good.

Li Zedao didn't say anything, opened the door and got out of the car, and walked towards a shop not far away.

Pan Xiaoyan looked at his back and rubbed her face.

He said that his brain suddenly became enlightened after being hacked?

Pan Xiaoyan looked at the sky that turned gloomy at some point, as if it was about to rain, and wondered if she would also be struck by lightning to enlighten her? You can take better care of your mother even if you are stronger, right?

"Boom..." There was a muffled thunder!

There was actually thunder, but I didn't have a body and didn't feel numb, so I wasn't struck by lightning... It's a pity.

At this moment, Pan Xiaoyan, whose heart was actually messy, actually wanted to get out of the car, so the probability of being struck by lightning would be higher, wouldn't it?

After the thunder, raindrops began to fall from the sky, but they were rustling and not heavy. After a few minutes of showering, it might not wet the clothes, but the temperature dropped a lot and added a lot of chill.

Pan Xiaoyan looked out and saw that Li Zedao had come out of the fruit shop with an exquisite fruit basket in his hand.

"So this is... oh, that boss is in the hospital?" Pan Xiaoyan thought to herself.

After getting in the car, Li Zedao put the fruit basket on the passenger seat. Before he could drive, the mobile phone in his pocket rang. He took it out and saw Miss Mitty's call, and quickly picked it up.

"Oh, honey, we're already at the hotel. It's raining now. Where are you? Sister Alice said, you must be with some girl, isn't that so?" Mitty Luciano laughed.

Li Zedao was a little ashamed, and he wanted to know Alice too.

"With a classmate." Li Zedao said, "Go back at night."

Miss Mitty's voice was a little seductive, like a Persian cat in heat: "Oh, yes, my dear, I bought a very sexy pajamas... Sister Alice's is also very sexy , tonight we will wear it together for you to see."

"Really?" Li Zedao's eyes lit up, and he wanted to go back now. I also really want to know where the old guy Mr. Pete was and what his mood was when the two girls bought sexy underwear.

Miss Mitty spoke English, so Li Zedao also responded in English, which was fluent and authentic, which made Pan Xiaoyan, who was sitting in the back row, start to stare again. A little proud, but now compared with him, I am ashamed and ashamed! Or, take advantage of the thunder now, get out of the car and let me strike a few times?

After chatting for a few words, Li Zedao hung up the phone, looked back at Pan Xiaoyan and said with a smile: "My girlfriend." He meant that I already have a girlfriend, so you can rest assured that I am very happy to help you. The pure friendship between classmates is as deep as the sea, not because you are good-looking and have any thoughts about you.

Because Li Zedao was going to the hospital where her mother lived, the fruit basket was prepared for her mother.

"Ah... oh, it's... a foreigner?" Pan Xiaoyan asked with a forced smile after realizing it. I don't know why, but my heart suddenly became empty.

"Well, American, very beautiful." Li Zedao smiled. Putting on the simulation mask is already very beautiful, if the mask is taken off... It is not an exaggeration to say that she is the most beautiful woman in the world.

"Yeah." Pan Xiaoyan forced a smile again, "She is looking for you, why don't you go to work first? If it's a part-time job, I can figure it out on my own? Or...I can go to see the boss by myself?"

Li Zedao glanced at her in surprise. The girl seemed to be in a strange mood, so she didn't think much about it at the moment, and said, "I forgot to tell you. When I entered the fruit shop, the boss told me, He has something to do and can't leave..."

Pan Xiaoyan was taken aback: "Ah...then..."

"Then go to the hospital to visit my aunt first, look, I've bought all the fruits." Li Zedao pointed to the delicate fruit basket of the co-pilot and said.

"..." Pan Xiaoyan's heart fluttered slightly, "Then... classmate Li, no need, my mother doesn't like... um, I met strangers, so I'm sorry... thank you today... I... you Your girlfriend is still looking for you... You should go back quickly."

She didn't quite know what was wrong with her, she was a little irritable, she just wanted to get out of the car and leave, and then stay away from this super college bully, so that she wouldn't have anything to do with her in the future.

Li Zedao stepped on the gas pedal, the car continued to drive forward, and then he said without looking back: "Oh, there is actually another solution to the problem just now."

"Ah...Really?" Pan Xiaoyan replied by accident, she originally wanted to get out of the car quickly.

Li Zedao nodded and said: "In the examination room, I actually wanted to write the second solution, but I was afraid that the marking teacher would say that I pretended to be a fool and deduct my points. Besides, the answer area is not big enough, so I wrote the other solution in It's on the draft paper... Idle is also idle."


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