The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1267: A scene of deja vu

At this time, the heart of the female school bully was even more messed up, heaven, earth, kill this pervert! He actually thought of two solutions to such a perverted topic, and even wrote one of them on the draft paper. The reason was that he was idle? Come on, we don't even have enough time to answer the questions, okay?

" it amazing?" She said with difficulty.

"Amazing? Isn't it?" Li Zedao shook his head. He is quite formidable, but...he cheated! If it wasn't for being stimulated by some kind of drug at birth, and then taking the "Shen Pill" to completely transform the body, with my own aptitude, I wouldn't be far from the current height, right? At most, she's about the same as a goddess, so... cheating!

"You can't be struck by lightning for nothing, right?" Li Zedao said, jokingly.

"I also want to be struck by lightning." Pan Xiaoyan looked at the dark sky outside the car window and said in a very serious tone.

So, she took it seriously! Li Zedao couldn't laugh or cry, of course Pan Xiaoyan is not stupid, how could a fool be admitted to Yanjing Jiaotong University? So she is a bit naive, and she doesn't have enough social experience.

"Have a boyfriend?" Li Zedao asked casually. Can't really talk about the second solution? This is not a classroom, and he is not a teacher.

"Ah..." Pan Xiaoyan visibly flustered, shaking her head, "No."

"Don't even like it?" Li Zedao smiled.

Pan Xiaoyan shook her head again and bit her lips lightly: "Mom said that all men are liars. The more attractive a man is, the easier it is to deceive others. Therefore, women must be self-reliant and must not rely on men... I think so too."

"..." Li Zedao's heart was trampled by the grass mud horse, and of course he understood why she and her mother had such thoughts, after all, they had been hurt.

Li Zedao met Su Qiang, of course, he saw his black and white posthumous photo, with thick eyebrows and big eyes, he was indeed quite handsome.

Pan Xiaoyan suddenly realized that classmate Li is a man and is also very handsome, so she explained in a hurry: "classmate Li, I didn't say are not a man...oh, no, I mean Yes... you are not handsome... no..."

The more she explained, the more unclear she became. Ban Hua was so anxious that she was about to cry, and she was so embarrassed that she was dying.

Li Zedao laughed and comforted: "I understand what you mean, I'm a man, and I'm handsome, but I'm not a liar, right?"

"Uh... yes." Pan Xiaoyan nodded awkwardly.

"Well, I think so too." Li Zedao said.

"..." Pan Xiaoyan smiled awkwardly, "Then... what is the second problem-solving idea?"

"..." Li Zedao was helpless, he was indeed a top student, and he still had to chat like this.

After carefully explaining the second problem-solving idea, Li Zedao also drove to Tongren Hospital, where Pan Xiaoyan's mother, Pan Sumei, was hospitalized.

There was still light rain falling in the sky, and then there was an occasional muffled thunder, and it would not be unreasonable to get wet all of a sudden, but it was obvious that the temperature dropped all of a sudden, adding a lot of chill.

After getting out of the car, Pan Xiaoyan bit her lips and looked at Li Zedao, and said with some difficulty: "Classmate Li, how about..." She was actually not willing to bring Li Zedao to appear in front of her mother. The boyfriend said that he was afraid of being cheated. If she showed up with Li Zedao, she might be misunderstood.

On the other hand, she wanted to stay away from him. It felt like if she kept getting closer, she would be inseparable... Well, that's the feeling, and that feeling made Pan Xiaoyan a little flustered and at a loss.

"Uh..." She froze.

Because Li Zedao didn't listen to what she was saying at all, and already walked towards the gate of the inpatient department first.

"Student Pan, why don't you leave? Do you really want to be struck by lightning? I'm joking with you, do you take it seriously?" Li Zedao said, "Which floor? What room?"

"1314... Ah." After she realized it, she realized that she had told the other party her mother's ward number all at once.

Li Zedao turned around and continued walking forward.

Pan Xiaoyan looked at his back, bit her lips lightly, and stomped her feet slightly, okay... You are so overbearing, you don't listen to what I say. Helpless, can only keep up.

Following a few people into the elevator, the elevator stopped on the thirteenth floor, and the two walked out of the elevator. Pan Xiaoyan looked at Li Zedao and said hesitantly: "Student Li, that... my mother may misunderstand... that ...we are boyfriend and girlfriend..."

Li Zedao smiled: "Don't worry, I will explain clearly, just say... I am the supervisor of the part-time job. The company sent me to visit to show its concern for every employee."

"...Okay, thank you." Pan Xiaoyan said in a low voice, feeling slightly empty again. It turned out that he was also afraid of being misunderstood, and misunderstood that he was his girlfriend...

After shaking her head slightly, and temporarily throwing out all the messy thoughts in her mind, Pan Xiaoyan led the way, and Li Zedao followed with a fruit basket, heading towards Ward 14, which came in from the corridor.

Coming to the front, Pan Xiaoyan opened the door and walked in, Li Zedao followed.

This is a large ward with five beds. Except for the empty one in the middle, the other four are filled with patients. In addition, there are family members of the patients serving at the side, so the whole ward actually looks very crowded. .

Except for the aunt who was sitting on the next bed and peeling an apple in her hand and looked at Pan Xiaoyan who walked in with a smile, the rest of the people still had no special expressions on their faces, and some of them didn't even raise their eyes.

"Xiaoyan, are you here? Yo? Is this your boyfriend? He looks really handsome." The fat aunt laughed.

Pan Xiaoyan panicked, and quickly explained: "No, it' classmate..."

"Student, that's my boyfriend... My daughter introduced my future uncle to me like this, saying that he was her classmate..."

"...Auntie, where is my mother?" Pan Xiaoyan quickly changed the subject. The mother who was supposed to be lying on the hospital bed in the middle was not lying on the bed at this time. She went to the bathroom?

"Oh, your mother said she was going out to get some air, and she told me that if you come, help her peel the apples first, and she will eat them when she comes back." The fat aunt said with a smile.

"Oh." Pan Xiaoyan didn't think much about it. For example, people with uremia can't eat apples. The doctor had to explain it to her a long time ago, but now she feels a little confused and confused.

Looking back at Li Zedao, he said with a little embarrassment: "That... Li, you sit down first... or wait outside?"

Li Zedao nodded with a smile, put the fruit basket on the bedside table, and sat down gently beside the bed.

"Xiaoyan, he's really handsome. Is he really your classmate? Isn't he a boyfriend? If not, I'll introduce my sister's second daughter." The fat lady looked at Li Zedao with a smile, and then tugged at Pan Xiaoyan. The latter was opening the drawer of the bedside table, planning to find a fruit knife to help his mother peel an apple.

Pan Xiaoyan's ears turned red, she secretly glanced at Li Zedao, then smiled awkwardly at the fat aunt, and didn't say much.

I didn't find a fruit knife, but there was an apple in the drawer, and there was a note under the apple. The paper was not folded, so Pan Xiaoyan saw the words on it. The handwriting was delicate and familiar, and it belonged to her mother.

Her face changed suddenly, and she quickly picked up the piece of paper and glanced at it.

Then his eyes widened, his eyes were full of horror, his body trembled violently, and then he staggered and rushed towards the door, even hitting the edge of the bed unconsciously.

"Xiaoyan..." The fat aunt was also taken aback, what's wrong?

At the same time, Pan Xiaoyan had already opened the door heavily, rushed out and came to the corridor.

"Mom...Mom...don't scare me...Mom..." She ran towards the elevator entrance while circling in the corridor, she looked like a headless chicken .

The scarlet eyes full of tears were wide open looking at the faces, the expression was no different from seeing a ghost, the voice became louder and louder, and finally screamed: " come ...don't want me...ah..."

A pair of strong hands suddenly hugged her in his arms, and then a gentle voice sounded next to her ears: "It's okay, I will find it, I promise."

It was like the ray of dawn suddenly appearing in the dark sky, and like the lighthouse on the vast sea. In short, Pan Xiaoyan seemed to have found the backbone in an instant, and the mood that was about to collapse was instantly stabilized.

She raised her head slowly, looking at this face with tear-filled eyes, her voice was hoarse and choked: "Mom... Mom said... she didn't want to drag me...she..."

"I know, I know, she is great and stupid... The most important thing you should do now is to give me her photo, and I will immediately ask people to start searching with this hospital as the center point, I promise, I will use the fastest I found her as quickly as possible." Li Zedao said.

In fact, Li Zedao is not as calm as he looks on the surface, because this scene is happening in front of him, which seems to be familiar. In the past, Li Dahai also walked away like this. Li Zedao's emotions were on the verge of collapse like Pan Xiaoyan now, so Li Zedao's touch very big.

It's just that Li Dahai was doing it on purpose, but Pan Xiaoyan's mother, Pan Sumei, really didn't want to drag her daughter down, so she chose to leave silently and find a place to die quietly.

This approach is great and stupid!

At that moment, Pan Xiaoyan quickly took out her mobile phone to find the photo of her mother, and sent it to Li Zedao, who made a few phone calls and sent the photo.

With the energy he currently has in Yanjing, Yang Xueer's Yang family, Shangguan family, and the Shenlong organization, etc., once these powerful families and forces are in operation, it will be quite terrifying, so I want to find such a powerful family in Yanjing. It's really not too difficult for a woman who doesn't know anything about anti-reconnaissance.

All of a sudden, many people, bright and dark, started to move, centering on Renhe Hospital, and began to use various means to search for the woman in the photo.

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