When Pan Xiaoyan found Li Zedao, Li Zedao was smoking in the corridor.

"I just saw that you were not outside, so I thought you were gone." Pan Xiaoyan looked at Li Zedao and said in a low voice, a little out of breath. It is conceivable that she ran to find him.

"Student Pan, you know that I am very polite, and I will greet you first if I want to leave." Li Zedao said with a smile.

Now that this matter has been dealt with, let's deal with it to the end. No matter what you say, you can't let this girl whose experience is very similar to yours before be wronged. Besides, Li Zedao must bear the blame for his father's death. Now, after such a calculation, we can't ignore it.

Moreover, Li Zedao actually asked someone to send Pan Sumei's hospital records to him. After looking at it, he found that Pan Sumei's condition was much more serious than he had imagined. It was not just as simple as the advanced stage of uremia. Timely and conservative, so a series of complications have already occurred.

Li Zedao guessed that Pan Sumei must have concealed her illness from Pan Xiaoyan, at least on a positive note, and she also understood that the treatment was not good enough, so why spend more money? So I chose to leave quietly and find a place to die quietly.

"So, beauty Xueba, let me take care of you, so that your mother's heart can relax a bit, and it's not a big problem to live a little longer." Li Zedao looked at her and said in his heart.

Pan Xiaoyan was stunned for a moment, but she couldn't hold back, and she laughed: "I don't know..."

Then she lowered her head, hesitated, and looked up at Li Zedao, as if she had to use a lot of strength to speak, she said: "My mother wants to see you... just want to say thank you to you in person, and maybe say something... what , anyway, don't think too much, she may have misunderstood a little..."

Pan Xiaoyan was sure that her mother would not leave secretly. After all, she had already threatened her with death, but she couldn't guarantee that her mother would not tell Li Zedao some messy things.

So my heart is a little confused now, but inexplicably, I seem to be looking forward to...Looking forward to seeing Li Zedao's...reaction?

Li Zedao nodded with a smile, indicating that he knew, and pointed to her face: "Student Pan, your face is blushing."

"Ah...it's hot." She said in a panic, rubbing her hot face.

This day was a completely different day in Pan Xiaoyan's life. She met an old classmate from before, but this old classmate was completely different from the one in her impression. No matter what you said, there was no way to treat them as the same person. , and then experienced a very special thing, and then... Although she wanted to deny it, she still knew clearly,

My heart moved.

This is the first time she has such feelings for a boy, but...he already has a girlfriend, and she is an American girl, and she is very beautiful, and he is so good now, I have to look up Come to face him, so... classmate Pan's heart is in a mess again.

"I want to ask you a question. You are a top student and a girl, so you must know the answer." Li Zedao said.

"Huh? You can ask." Pan Xueba didn't dare to meet Li Zedao's eyes.

"Why do women always like to lie to themselves?" Li Zedao asked with such a serious expression.


"Do you like me?" Li Zedao asked jokingly.

"Ah?" Pan Xiaoyan lowered her head, shook her head, and denied, "No."

"Impossible, my charm is so great, and I appeared in time when you were in the most difficult time, how could you not be moved?" Li Zedao said shamelessly, and then he approached.

Pan Xiaoyan stepped back.

Then she found that her back was against the door at the top of the stairs, and there was no way to retreat, but Li Zedao was still approaching, Pan Xiaoyan didn't know what to do, her hands were clenched into small fists, and she did not He punched Li Zedao's face, but it was the same as his body, clinging to the wall. Then, he closed his eyes nervously, and his body trembled slightly.

She was hesitating whether to push him away, or give him a fist, but...she just couldn't raise her hand, or, the resistance deep in her heart made her unable to raise her hand?

Feeling the hot air from Li Zedao's nose touching the tip of her nose, Pan Xiaoyan knew that he was very close, and then seemed to know what he wanted to do... so overbearing.

Then, Pan Xiaoyan waited nervously for a while, maybe several minutes.

However, the imagined scenario never happened at all, nothing happened. When she finally couldn't help opening her eyes, she found that Li Zedao was looking at her with a smile.

"I'm very polite, so, Goddess, can I kiss you?" Li Zedao smiled.

"Ah...you..." Pan Xiaoyan's face was blood clotted, and then she got annoyed, pushed him away forcefully, covered her face and fled through the door.

"Does it look like the domineering president in the novel?" Li Zedao thought for a while, then shamelessly denied, "I'm not as handsome as I am, nor as rich."

"Student Pan, wait for me to get off." Li Zedao shouted.

"Oh." The distraught Pan Xiaoyan responded mechanically, stopped and waited for him. Then, she knew that she was basically doomed, that she had basically fallen.

After the two entered the ward, Li Zedao said sweetly: "Hello, auntie, I'm Li Zedao, just call me Xiao Li." Then he walked to the hospital bed, he knew that Pan Sumei wanted to take a good look at himself, and he also knew that The reason for the illness is that her eyesight has been damaged, and she can't see clearly because it is too far away.

"Hey, hello..." Pan Sumei had a long-lost smile on her face.

Satisfied with appearance, demeanor, satisfied, plus being able to find himself so quickly, better than the police, naturally the background is not simple, so... Satisfied!

Now she asked her daughter Pan Xiaoyan to go out first, because she wanted to talk to Xiao Li alone.

"Ah, mom..."

"Go out first, I have something to say to Xiao Li." Mother Pan insisted.

Unable to resist her mother's request, she bit her lip and took a look at Li Zedao, then left the ward, and after closing the door, she put her ears on the door panel, trying to hear what the two people inside were talking about, but maybe they were talking The sound is not loud, or maybe the sound insulation effect of this door is too good, or maybe I should dig out my ears, but I didn't hear anything.

However, she guessed what his mother was going to say to him, so her cheeks began to heat up.

And when he remembered being molested by him just now, he asked, "I'm very polite, so, Goddess, can I kiss you?" This kind of question... He's not that kind of polite person, and neither is he. People who don't know the answer to this question, because he is a super college bully...Pan Xueba gritted his teeth.

After an unknown amount of time, the door of the ward was suddenly opened from the inside. Pan Xiaoyan, whose ears were still attached to the door but whose thoughts had drifted away for a long time, was caught off guard, and her body suddenly rolled in the ward, and then... rolled into the arms of a man.

Looking up, Li Zedao was looking at her with a smile.

"Ah...you..." Pan Xiaoyan broke free from his embrace, then blushed and looked nervously at her mother on the hospital bed.

Pan Sumei smiled slightly and said, "Xiao Li, take Yanyan to eat something. It's late at night. I'm afraid the child is starving? I'm tired and want to sleep for a while."

"Okay, Auntie, take a good rest and relax, everything is up to me." Li Zedao said.

"Auntie is relieved. Ever since she fell ill, Auntie has never been as comfortable as she is now." Pan Sumei responded with a smile, then looked at her daughter, and said, "Yanyan, listen to Xiao Li carefully, don't give Xiao Li a hard time. Li Tian is in trouble."

"Ah..." Pan Xiaoyan was slightly dumbfounded, because in my impression, it was impossible for her mother to say such a thing.

Before he could react, he found that his hand was already being pulled by a strong hand, and his body involuntarily followed him out of the ward.

Li Zedao stretched out his other hand to gently close the door, then continued to pull Pan Xiaoyan's hand, and walked out to the elevator entrance. Pan Xiaoyan's body continued to follow him involuntarily.

"Hey...you...let me go..." Pan Xiaoyan's voice was so small that she could hardly hear her, and she didn't break free with her hands in a symbolic way.

"Too nervous, so, forget it." She made excuses for herself.

The voice was too low, so Li Zedao didn't hear it, or rather, he pretended he didn't hear it, and said, "I've already told my aunt to recuperate in this hospital for two days, and then take her back to Phoenix City for treatment. "

"Ah?" Pan Xiaoyan's eyes widened.

"The treatment institution under the Tiandao Foundation has absolute authority in the treatment of uremia. There, aunts can receive better treatment and have specialized professional care. All expenses are paid by the foundation. Then you will have Don't worry." Li Zedao said again.

"Ah?" Pan Xiaoyan's eyes widened.

"Stop it." Li Zedao looked back at her and said, "The Tiandao Foundation is not a lie. Its founder is called Li Zedao, what do you think?"

"..." This time, Pan Xiaoyan didn't say "ah", she was already in a panic.

Li Zedao shook his hand in front of Pan Xiaoyan, but she still didn't respond, she was in a stupid state, and said in her ear with some amusement: "Goddess Pan, can I kiss you?"

Still in a state of panic, she was dumbfounded, as if she wanted to lose her soul.

Li Zedao simply kissed him, on his lips, like a dragonfly touching water, and left immediately.

Being "attacked" suddenly, Pan Xiaoyan reacted immediately, her pretty face turned red hot: "Oh..."

She looked at Li Zedao angrily, and frantically wiped her lips with her sleeve. She wanted to say, you already have a girlfriend, and she also wanted to say, my first kiss...

But before she could say anything, Li Zedao smacked his mouth cheekily, as if reminiscing about the kiss just now, and said, "If you have any questions, talk while eating, I'm hungry."

"Ah? Oh... hooligan." Pan Xiaoyan bit her lip and muttered, she knew that she was not basically fallen, but completely fallen.

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