The place to eat is in a high-end French restaurant not too far from the hospital. The interior is dark yellow, warm and romantic.

Obviously, Pan Xiaoyan came to this kind of place for the first time. The men sitting there were all in suits and leather shoes, and the women were swaying. The waiters turned out to be foreigners. The restaurant, I was a little timid at the moment, couldn't help but tugged on Li Zedao's sleeve, and said in a low voice: "How about... change to another one? It feels expensive and not enough to eat..."

"Uh...Okay." Li Zedao smiled playfully, "Look for a food stall? The kind where you can order a portion of vegetables and rice? I can't see that you are so good at eating, classmate Pan?"

"Ah, you... don't I feel sorry for your wallet?" Pan Xiaoyan was annoyed, "That's it, I'm poor you."

If you are angry, you will inevitably feel nervous. After all, what you are wearing is actually a bit out of tune with this environment.

Li Zedao held her hand with a slight smile, and Pan Xiaoyan broke free symbolically, which naturally ended in failure, and it was amazing that the tension in his heart was lessened after being held by him like this.

Li Zedao briefly exchanged a few words with the handsome foreign waiter who greeted him politely. Pan Xiaoyan's eyes widened again because she couldn't understand what they were saying. What language was it? Oh my god, besides English, he can actually speak other languages, and he is so fluent, this...

Led by the handsome foreign waiter, the two came to a place by the window, from which they could see the scenery outside.

It was raining heavily outside at this time, so not many people could be seen on the street. For a super metropolis like Yanjing, this was a rare tranquility.

The ordering was naturally done by Li Zedao. Although classmate Pan also had an extremely exquisite menu in front of her, she only understood half of the content on it. It was Chinese, and she didn't understand the other half at all. The only foreign language she came into contact with was English.

Seeing Li Zedao's calm but aristocratic temperament flipping through the menu in his hand while nodding at the handsome foreign waiter standing in front of him speaking in a language she didn't understand, Pan Xiaoyan was amazed and began to feel inferior for no reason.

When she was young, although her father did not want their mother and daughter to leave with other women, she would have no father, but she did not feel inferior because she had a mother who loved her very much.

The appearance and figure are there, so I don't feel inferior when facing those beautiful women.

Where the grades are, I have always been the teacher's pride and the classmates' worship object, so I didn't have any feelings of inferiority.

Even after my father died,

My mother was seriously ill, and life seemed to have lost its direction all of a sudden. Classmate Pan did not feel inferior, and maintained an optimistic and cheerful attitude.

But now, facing such an outstanding boy, she felt inferior.

The originally confident appearance immediately paled in front of Li Zedao's handsome and clean face.

As for the grades... He is a super college bully who got that kind of abnormal score. He can memorize even a decimal point in the questions and answers that have passed for such a long time. His English is very fluent. Languages ​​of other countries...

He looks very rich, even the Tiandao Foundation was founded by him.

And myself... It's too far away.

For a while, Pan Xiaoyan looked at the glass washed by the rain, feeling a little dazed.

Li Zedao shook his hand in front of her, why is this girl so in a daze?

"Student Pan..."

Pan Xiaoyan came to her senses: " language did you speak just now?"

"Uh...French, this is a French restaurant, and the waiters are also French, what's wrong?" Li Zedao asked.

" are really good." Pan Xiaoyan said, then hesitated and struggled for a while, looked at Li Zedao, and finally plucked up the courage to ask, "Do you really have a girlfriend? Or...American?"

Li Zedao nodded with a smile, Pan Xiaoyan bit her lips lightly, her expression darkened, and she seemed to have a forced smile: "Then treat them well... What do you think? You are... not good?"

"..." Li Zedao couldn't hold back and smiled. Pan Xueba is really interesting.

"What's wrong with me?" Li Zedao asked with a smile, "Also, why is it not good?"

"You..." Pan Xiaoyan was embarrassed and ashamed, she couldn't believe that the super college bully in front of her didn't know what she wanted to express.

What she wants to express is that you already have a girlfriend, so you should treat them well and not mess around outside, and I am not that kind of casual girl, so you can't tease me anymore... These words, How can she say it?

It's okay for the dull-eyed, lifeless idiot like a sleepless idiot to suddenly become so powerful, he's still so shameless! Pan Xueba had the urge to bite him.

At this moment, the handsome waiter with a signature smile on his face delivered the dishes Li Zedao ordered one by one. The dishes were small, but they were very delicate and artistic. Things that Pan Xiaoyan had never seen before.

"Try it. French food may not be to your liking. It's just a taste. Of course, you don't need to pay too much attention to the etiquette. Just ignore the disdainful eyes cast by others." Li Zedao looked at Pan Xiaoyan and smiled, and then ... I started to enjoy myself, and I was a little wolfed down, and the aristocratic temperament before was instantly fed to the dog.

Seeing him like this, Pan Xiaoyan was slightly taken aback. In fact, she was angry and wanted to stop eating, but in order to save some money, she didn't eat at all at noon. Her mother had an accident again, and she was devastated physically and mentally. Now it's time for dinner again. , so I was already starving, and my stomach started to growl.

She was very hungry, so she had no backbone, so... She bit her lip and glanced at Li Zedao, imitating him, picked up a knife and fork, and started eating clumsily.

For Pan Xiaoyan, this food was very delicious. After eating the delicious food, her body felt a little better instantly, and her mind was not as muddy as before.

Pan Xiaoyan took a peek at Li Zedao who was devouring it, thinking about the scene from the moment she met Li, she found that she was basically led away by Li, and she seemed to lose her resistance when facing him It seems that he teased himself without resistance, he took away his first kiss, but still did not resist... This can't be done!

And now, he wants to...

In Pan Xueba's mind, two large, bold and shiny golden characters instantly appeared... Lover!

Yes, after all, he already has a girlfriend, so he treats himself like this now, what else can he do except wanting to be his shady lover? And he must have lied to his mother that he didn't have a girlfriend, so that's why his mother was so relieved to let him be with him, right?

The liar!

Pan Xiaoyan gritted her teeth, at a loss, and annoyed, really annoyed, she gritted her teeth with hatred.

"Why... do you want to bully me like this? What should I do? Really... a lover? No, no, absolutely not!"

So, she plucked up the courage to look at Li Zedao, but she felt a little embarrassed, and hesitated to speak: "Student"

"Huh? Are you used to eating?" Li Zedao raised his head and asked, his mouth was full of food, and his speech was a little vague.

It's so real and cute... Pan Xiaoyan couldn't help but come up with such a sentence in her mind, and quickly wake up, she can't sink anymore, otherwise she really won't be able to get up: "'s good, just...just..."

Take a deep breath and muster up your courage: "You...don't bully me, I... am not a lover."

Li Zedao's eyes widened slightly: "Huh?"

"You... If you separated from your girlfriend, I can... go out with you, but now... don't bully me... Thank you, I'm sorry..." Goddess Pan tried her best to express her feelings Unyielding determination.

Li Zedao smiled, nodded and said: "Student Pan, I think you misunderstood. I didn't ask you to be the kind of lover you imagined, who can't see the light, and is scolded from behind as a mistress. Habits and hobbies, so you can rest assured."

"Ah..." Pan Xiaoyan was flustered, embarrassed, guilty, struggling, and maybe... humiliated! With great difficulty, I built a line of defense that could be said to be full of holes, and defended carefully. Who knows, the opponent has no plan to attack at all.

"I just want to protect you. I have such responsibilities and obligations." Li Zedao said shamelessly, "It's not just because you have fallen in love with me, and you have become dependent and attached to me in a short period of time. Also because..."

Li Zedao wanted to say that I should be responsible for your father's death, but naturally he couldn't say it, so he said, "I like you too."

"..." After being "molested" by such shameless people again, Pan Xueba was in a mess again, he didn't know what expression to make on his face or where to put his eyes.

"You... already have a girlfriend..." Finally, she muttered, this was the last line of defense that could actually be ignored. Pan Xiaoyan knew very well that if the other party was tougher, she would not be able to resist it at all.

"Yes, there are a lot of them." Li Zedao said, and began to count. He stretched out a finger when he counted one person, and when the left hand was finished, he switched to the right hand.

Seeing Li Zedao breaking his fingers over there, the corners of Pan Xiaoyan's mouth twitched. He wanted to say...he has many girlfriends? Why is he so stinky and shameless?

"Now there are exactly twenty-one." Li Zedao said after counting, and naturally, Antarctica has been ruled out by him.

"...Student Li, you are very humorous." Pan Xiaoyan said with difficulty.

"If you are added, there will be twenty-two." Li Zedao said again.

"Oh, you..." Pan Xiaoyan was annoyed, gritted her teeth, and looked desperate, "Student Li, if... if you really have twenty-one girlfriends as you said, I will take it as your love... …girlfriend!"

"This is really twenty-two." Li Zedao said.


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