The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1271 The woman is still a sister

After finishing this French meal that was not romantic and delicious in Pan Xiaoyan's opinion, but full of confusion, embarrassment, guilt, and struggles, Li Zedao sent Pan Xiaoyan back to the hospital. Her mother was hospitalized, so she naturally had to accompany her tonight.

In fact, she has been struggling with a question in her heart, that is, does Li Zedao really have twenty-one girlfriends? She actually wanted to ask for more details, but she didn't dare, because if the answer was yes, then she would feel scared, if not, then...Pan Xiaoyan knew that her heart had abandoned herself and ran to Li Zedao.

Therefore, she didn't like any answer, so after Li Zedao said, "This is really twenty-two", she kept silent.

What annoyed her was that Li Zedao also remained silent. In fact, she hoped that he would speak, even if it was... molesting, it was okay.

But Li Zedao didn't.

After saying goodbye to Mother Pan, Li Zedao left the hospital and returned to the hotel where he stayed. Alice and Miss Mitty were still waiting for him to go back.

And with Li Zedao's departure, Pan Xiaoyan seemed to have lost half of her soul.

"Smelly shameless, too bullying... How can he be so sure that he likes him? He also said that he likes himself... He has a girlfriend, and she is twenty-one... Too stinky and shameless, How is this possible... what if, really?"

Thinking about it, she gritted her teeth, thinking about it, but her cheeks were hot.

Mother Pan, who was lying on her side on the hospital bed, saw her daughter's fluctuating expression, and called softly. Seeing that her daughter didn't respond, she raised her hand and shook her in front of her, saying, "Yanyan, what's wrong with you?"

Pan Xiaoyan was a little flustered when she came back to her senses, she shook her head and said, "I'm fine, Mom, go to sleep."

Pan Sumei smiled and held her daughter's hand, and said, "At the beginning, I also had the same reaction."


"At the beginning, your father chased me shamelessly, kissed me, and bullied me. I was so angry. But after he left, I missed him again." Pan Sumei said.

Embarrassed and ashamed, she was afraid that her mother would feel uncomfortable when she mentioned her father, so Pan Xiaoyan hurriedly said: "Mom, don't think about it, go to sleep."

Understanding her daughter's thoughts, Pan Sumei sighed and said, "Don't worry, Mom has already let go, everyone is dead, what else can't let go? Your father is an asshole, and he ran away when he saw a beautiful and rich woman! That kid ...not a bastard, Mom can trust him, you and her,

He will do his best to protect you and love you, and will not let you suffer, so that mom can really feel at ease. "

"Mom..." Pan Xiaoyan wanted to say that he was a big bastard. He already had twenty-one girlfriends, but he was afraid of scaring his mother.

However, what Pan's mother was going to say next directly scared Pan Xiaoyan: "Although he already has twenty-one women, Mom believes that those women of his will treat you like their biological sisters."

"Ah!" Pan Xiaoyan's eyes widened, "You...know?"

Pan Sumei nodded slightly: "Xiao Li told me everything about him, which is quite absurd, but it also proved his ability and personal charm. Women are selfish, so it's really hard to imagine There will be so many girls accommodating him like this, unless he is really good, so good that girls can't stop."

"In private, he is very capable in that aspect, otherwise how could he satisfy these women?"

"That aspect...uh..." Pan Xiaoyan blushed.

Pan Sumei said: "Xiao Li told me that he actually liked you when he was in junior high..."

Pan Xiaoyan panicked, thinking to herself, this stinky and shameless person, besides, which boy didn't like me in junior high school?

In fact, what Li Zedao told Pan Sumei was not only this, he also briefly told Pan Sumei about the cause of her ex-husband Su Qiang's death, and talked about his previous experiences that were very similar to Pan Xiaoyan, and he also clearly told Pan Sumei, Your illness is very serious, and the possibility of being cured is not high. Pan Sumei nodded, her body is her own, so she knows the situation better than anyone else.

Afterwards, Li Zedao said very sincerely that he wanted to take care of Pan Xiaoyan because of the superposition of various reasons.

Of course, in Pan Sumei's opinion, there is no need to tell her daughter about these things, especially her ex-husband Su Qiang and her illness.

Pan Sumei's hand, which was already swollen due to serious illness, gently held Pan Xiaoyan's hand and said, "Xiao Li actually gave you the right to choose, be his woman or his sister. It goes without saying that being his woman , if he chooses to be his younger sister, he will recognize me as a godmother, and he will do his best to take care of our mother and daughter. After that, when you have someone you like, he will be your natal family and will help you Prepare a generous dowry to marry you off."

"..." Pan Xiaoyan was confused again.

"How can my brother 'bully' my sister like this?" she thought.

That night, the mother and daughter talked a lot. The mother talked about some things that Pan Xiaoyan didn't know about her before, such as why her relationship with her sister-in-law was so tense.

The traditional thinking of Chinese people is that the things of the previous generation are passed on from male to female, including houses.

But because Pan Xiaoyan's grandmother and grandfather are both elementary school teachers, they are more open-minded. Before they died, they left a will that the house should be shared by their son Pan Fangguo and daughter Pan Sumei. This naturally aroused Pan Fangguo's wife Fang Qing's dissatisfaction.

After all, although the house is only fifty or sixty square meters, the location is good. Calculated according to the housing price in Phoenix City, it is worth two million yuan. This is equivalent to being cut off for more than one million yuan at once. .

In addition, when Pan Xiaoyan was four years old, Pan Xiaoyan's grandfather was unwell, and Pan Fangguo and Fang Qing, who had already settled in Yanjing and lived in relatively good conditions, went back to Phoenix City to visit. At that time, Pan Sumei and her husband Su Qiang had not yet divorced. Good wine, I drank too much that night, my mind was confused and I put it in the bathroom at once, the lock of the bathroom was about to break, but the one hit by him broke it directly, what's worse, Fang Qing happened to inside...

So the war between the two families mainly between Su Qiang and Fang Qing broke out. Fang Qing angrily slapped Su Qiang across the face and cursed at the beast. Su Qiang fought back when he was drunk, and slapped Fang Qing fell to the ground...

Pan Xiaoyan's eyes widened as she listened. She never thought that the two families would become enemies like this. No wonder, every time she saw her aunt, she looked at her with disgust.

"After all, it was your dead father who was ashamed first, and so many years have passed, and now my mother is dragging this body, what else can't let go?" Pan Sumei smiled bitterly, "The reason why your grandpa's house mother has been Persistence is to make your life better in the future, but now that you have Xiao Li, you don't need it..."

"Mom, let's..." Pan Xiaoyan wanted to say, we don't have to rely on him, but thinking of her mother's illness, she quickly suppressed the words.

I can endure my grievances to face that sanctimonious supervisor, and I can also endure my grievances to face the stinky and shameless classmate Li. Besides, it seems that I am not so wronged... Ah, Pan Xiaoyan, you stinky and shameless , You really are hopeless.

"What time is it?" Pan Sumei asked.

Pan Xiaoyan looked at the time: "Mom, it's already nine o'clock, you should rest."

"Give me your cell phone. I'll call your uncle and say a few words, and then I'll rest." Pan Sumei said.

This is the last time to see her biological brother. Even if she can get better treatment after arriving in Fenghuang City, Pan Sumei knows that she can't delay it for too long. In addition, she also wants to ease the relationship with her sister-in-law and give up Fenghuang City. The inheritance rights of the old house are probably enough to eliminate some of the knots in the sister-in-law's heart, not to mention that she now has a very great uncle... The daughter was born by her, so Pan Sumei knows very well that the daughters around her are not willing to be What about his sister.

Having such a son-in-law is enough to make my sister-in-law treat her kindly.


Pan Fangguo is three years older than his younger sister Pan Sumei. He is a Chinese teacher in a middle school in Yanjing. His wife Fang Qing is also a teacher and a professor in a university in Yanjing.

Pan Fangguo wears gold-rimmed glasses, and his back is slightly carried. He looks elegant and honest, while Fang Qing is a typical Beijing girl, independent and even a bit aggressive.

So there is no doubt that Pan Fangguo is a typical strict wife. His wife told him to go east, but he never dared to go west.

After receiving a call from his sister Pan Sumei last night, Pan Fangguo suffered from insomnia. He never thought that his sister, whom he hadn't seen for a few months, would be so seriously ill.

Later, when he told the person next to him about his sister's illness, Fang Qing was angry, but he was not a bad person. When he heard that Pan Sumei had uremia, he was completely stunned. Pan Fangguo sighed and said that Sumei said on the phone that she was going to give up the inheritance of the old house, and she wanted to call you sister-in-law, and that child Yanyan helped her find a good uncle, and the uncle planned to take her back to Phoenix City How about receiving treatment... Shall I go see her tomorrow?

Fang Qing nodded and said, it's all like this, so naturally I have to go, let my daughter go too, she is her aunt after all.

Pan Fangguo burst into tears of gratitude.

So early the next morning, Pan Fangguo, Fang Qing and their daughter bought some fruit and the like, and then set off for the hospital where Pan Sumei was staying.

While they were on their way to the hospital, Li Zedao had already arrived at the hospital early and brought breakfast for Pan Xiaoyan and Pan Sumei.

Pan Sumei is a uremia patient, and she is very taboo about food, so Li Zedao naturally prepared it carefully. As for Pan Xiaoyan, Li Zedao brought her a breakfast in the restaurant of the hotel where she stayed. don't pick.

Seeing Li Zedao again, Pan Xiaoyan's heart began to beat irregularly again. Whether to be his sister or his woman, this question has really troubled her all night. In fact, the question has already been answered, but maybe it is a woman It's reserved, so she ignored the answer very much.

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