Li Zedao seemed to treat Pan Sumei as his mother was waiting on him. He scooped up some food with a spoon and put it in Pan Sumei's mouth. Pan Sumei's eyes were soft and full of smiles, and she opened her mouth to eat calmly.

This made the daughter Pan Xiaoyan on the side look like an outsider. She really wanted to take the bowl and spoon from Li Zedao's hand to show that it was my mother and not your mother, but she didn't do that after all.

"After a while, Yanyan's uncle and his family will arrive, and you will know each other by then." Pan Sumei said.

"Hey, okay, Mom." Li Zedao smiled and nodded obediently.

"Hey, Li Zedao, you..." Pan Xiaoyan almost fell to the ground when she heard that, this stinky and shameless person is actually called "Mom"?

Then he thought of something, and his heart suddenly twisted. Could it be that he took back the right to choose? He chose to be a godson? For a moment, negative emotions such as panic, helplessness, and loss flooded her whole body. Her nose suddenly became sore, and she felt the urge to cry.

This liar... said yes, I have the right to choose.

Li Zedao looked back at Pan Xiaoyan, and said shamelessly: "You are my girlfriend, and your mother is my mother. Is it wrong for me to call you that?"

Then she looked back at Pan Sumei and said flatteringly, "Really? Mom."

Pan Sumei nodded with a happy smile on her face.

Pan Xiaoyan was stunned for a moment, then came to her senses, and began to twitch: "Ah, classmate Li, you... are too shameless, I...haven't agreed yet..." The voice of her speech was no different from that of a mosquito.

"Oh, by the way, I have also arranged your affairs." Li Zedao looked back at Pan Xiaoyan and said, "Mom is going back to Fenghuang City, and it is not so convenient for you to still study at Yanjing Jiaotong University, so I used it on my own initiative." Some relationship, so now you are no longer a student of the Department of Architecture of Yanjing Jiaotong University, but a student of the Department of Architecture of the University of Phoenix, and then you can report to the University of Phoenix."

Pan Xiaoyan's eyes widened: "Ah, can you do this?"

Li Zedao grinned, showing his neat and white teeth: "Don't worry, the quality of handsome guys from Phoenix University is much higher than those from Yanjing Jiaotong University. Just look at me and you'll know."

"You...Mom, look at him, he is shameless." Pan Xiaoyan was a little annoyed, but she didn't know that she was looking silly.

A few minutes later, Pan Xiaoyan's cell phone rang.

It was my uncle who answered the call, saying that they had arrived at the inpatient department of the hospital, and they were in the ward on which floor.

After Pan Xiaoyan told him the floor and room number, she hung up the phone, then looked at her mother and said, "Mom, uncle and aunt are here, and so is my cousin."

"Yes." Pan Sumei nodded, then looked at Li Zedao and smiled, "Mom is full."

Li Zedao nodded, but did not persuade her to eat more. In this sick state, eating too much will only cause a greater burden on her body.

After simply packing up, Pan Xiaoyan came over to help.

"Smelly shameless, so domineering." She muttered.

Li Zedao leaned over shamelessly, and whispered something in her ear, and then, her face instantly turned red, her expression was shy, and there was also a hint of anger.

At this moment, the door of the ward was pushed open, and Pan Fangguo, Fang Qing and their wife and family walked in.

"Brother, sister-in-law...Xiao Ting is here too." Pan Sumei greeted.

" didn't you tell me about such a big thing happened earlier?" Pan Fangguo felt really uncomfortable and guilty when he saw that his sister was about to be tortured to the point of being ill. The nose is sour, and the eyes are already red.

"Yeah, Sumei, why don't you say anything, you... sister-in-law doesn't even know how to say hello." Fang Qing said.

"Brother, sister-in-law, I'm fine now, don't worry." Pan Sumei responded with a smile.

Then he pointed to Li Zedao: "Brother, sister-in-law, he is what I told you on the phone. Yanyan's boyfriend is called Li Zedao."

Pan Xiaoyan twitched with a shy and embarrassed expression.

"Uncle, aunt..." Seeing that the couple's eyes fell on him, Li Zedao hurriedly nodded politely.

As for that cousin... It's embarrassing, who is it not Pan Xiaoting? Li Zedao really didn't expect such a bloody thing to happen. He saved his cousin in the morning and then looked down on him, then he simply scared her away, and then he had sex with her in the afternoon.

Before, I was still jokingly muttering in my heart that Pan Xiaoting and Pan Xiaoyan could not be two sisters, right? Looking at it now, damn it, it really is!

Pan Xiaoting actually saw Li Zedao as soon as she came in, and her expression was naturally extremely complicated. In fact, she got out of the car in a hurry yesterday morning and got into another taxi. She actually regretted it, because she suddenly realized that Li Zedao might have said that on purpose. If he is serious about infertility or even offending someone, his life is almost gone, and everything he owns will be taken away at any time. Why can his women, such as Wu Xin whom she is familiar with, still love her so much? Woolen cloth?

Talking to Wu Xin yesterday, what she felt was Wu Xin's ambiguity towards Li Zedao.

Wu Xin didn't feel worried or anything, so Li Zedao wasn't infertile, let alone dying! So, he said this on purpose, the purpose is obvious, test, this is a test, isn't there such a plot on TV?

So... Pan Xiaoting tapped her head in frustration in the taxi, she was so stupid, so stupid!

Looking for him in the car? Obviously, that's impossible!

But now, what Pan Xiaoting never expected was that her cousin, Pan Xiaoyan, was actually his woman... Envy, jealousy and hatred have already welled up in her heart.

"Well... hello." Pan Fangguo responded. I was worried about my sister's condition, so I didn't have much smile on my face.

"The young man is very handsome and energetic." Fang Qing was more enthusiastic. From the mother-in-law's point of view, such a boy is very suitable to be a son-in-law, but I don't know how his family is, but since he has the ability to bring Pan Sumei back to Phoenix City for treatment , and even Pan Sumei's plan to give up the house is enough to prove that her family is still in a good position, and she didn't worry about the one million yuan.

"Thank you, aunt." Li Zedao smiled shyly.

"Zedao, Yanyan, you and Xiaoting go out first, I'll talk to your uncle and aunt for a while." Pan Sumei said.

Pan Fangguo also turned his head and gave his daughter who was clearly looking strange, signaling her to go out first, but he was in a bad mood, so he didn't think too much about it.

Li Zedao grabbed Pan Xiaoyan's hand, and the latter twisted it symbolically. When the two passed in front of Pan Xiaoting, Li Zedao nodded politely.

Pan Xiaoting's expression froze.

"Bastard!" she said in a voice only she could hear, then turned and followed them and left the ward.

Li Zedao, who was walking in front, clearly felt the fiery gaze coming from behind. Based on his understanding of this woman, he probably knew that this woman was going to make trouble.

"She's Cousin Xiaoting." Coming to the corridor, Pan Xiaoyan introduced the two of them, but because of her shyness, her expression was not so natural, "He is... Li Zedao."

"Cousin, hello." Li Zedao responded with a smile.

"Hi, you're pretty handsome, Yanyan, you have a good eye. If you bring such a handsome guy to school, you'll definitely be envious of your classmates." Pan Xiaoting was also laughing, a little stiffly.

Li Zedao found out, but Pan Xiaoyan naturally didn't. She really thought that her cousin was praising her for her good eyesight, so she smiled embarrassedly.

"I... go to the bathroom." She glanced at Li Zedao and added, "Hey, don't make my cousin angry."

"..." Li Zedao smiled wryly, thinking that I am more familiar with your cousin than I am with you, okay?

Watching Pan Xiaoyan leave, Pan Xiaoting came back to her senses, her big eyes looked at Li Zedao, feeling aggrieved: "So, did you say that on purpose yesterday?"

Li Zedao smiled as a response.

Pan Xiaoting bit her lips lightly, feeling even more aggrieved: "I know, I'm being realistic, but... I really like you."

Li Zedao smiled, thinking that pretending to be pitiful and cute is useless to me, even if you are not bad, he said immediately: "Cousin, we are not suitable."

Pan Xiaoting bit her lower lip lightly, took a deep breath, and smiled: "Don't be nervous, I was joking with you, yesterday... well, I was also joking, you have so many women, I won't make do with it, I want to find My man has only me in his heart."

"I will find it." Li Zedao perfunctory.

"Thank you." Pan Xiaoting nodded with a smile, "I'm going to the bathroom." Then she turned and left.

Li Zedao looked at her back and narrowed his eyes slightly. This woman who is not pure and easy to go to extremes in reality is really planning to make trouble. Why is she so stupid?

Two minutes later, Pan Xiaoyan came back first, and when she saw Li Zedao staring at her with a smile, she was a little flustered: "What... are you laughing at?"

"I was happy to cheat such a good-looking girl home, so I laughed." Li Zedao laughed.

"Ah, are shameless." Pan Xiaoyan said, her face slowly turned red because Li Zedao had already grabbed her two hands.

"These days, those who want to lose face are basically bachelors." Li Zedao said.

"So...all those girlfriends of yours were cheated home by your shamelessness?" Pan Xiaoyan looked up at him, then quickly lowered her head.

Li Zedao nodded seriously: "Well, including you."

Goddess Pan was a little annoyed: "Ah, you..."

"Go back to Phoenix City the day after tomorrow, so you should go back to school in the afternoon or tomorrow. Although the matter has been settled for you, you still have to go back to school. At that time, the school leaders will look for you, and you will also go back to the dormitory to pack your things. For a while, take the important things and leave the rest alone.”

Li Zedao pressed against Pan Xiaoyan's ear and whispered, his breath wrapped around her earlobe, so Pan Xiaoyan blushed simply, and her body began to tremble slightly.

"I was teased by a handsome guy." She muttered.

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