"Did you recognize the wrong person? I don't know you." Pan Xiaoyan asked.

The man's face turned a little ugly for a moment, his voice was excited, and he said as if he was afraid that others would not hear: "Pan Xiaoyan, what do you mean? Have you forgotten all the sweet words you said when you lay on me with your butt naked that night?" ... You didn't spread your legs and dedicated your dick to some rich man, so now you plan to kick me, a poor boy, right?"

"Ah... What nonsense are you talking about? I don't know you at all, okay?" The other party's words were too harsh, and Pan Xiaoyan blushed and became angry.

"Pan Xiaoyan, you say I'm talking nonsense? You say you don't know me?" The man's expression suddenly became ferocious, his body trembled, as if he had been insulted, "That night you sat on me and twisted your body What did you say when you said you would love me for the rest of your life? What’s wrong now? What a sugar daddy? Just because I don’t have the money to help you buy the latest fruit phone you like? That big money bought it for you?"

At the same time, some students and passers-by who came in and out had noticed the movement here, and heard the man's excited voice, they all stopped immediately, with an attitude of watching the excitement, and some even Pointing at Pan Xiaoyan and pointing and pointing, discussions arose one after another.

"That seems to be Pan Xiaoyan from the Department of Architecture. She's so pure, I can't tell she's a whore..."

"Holy shit, this woman is too shameless. If it were me, I would have already slapped me in the face. Damn, how dare you cuckold me.

"You, you...don't go too far, what are you talking about? I don't know you at all..." Pan Xiaoyan was so angry that she almost fainted, and tears were already rolling in her eyes.

Then she turned around and was about to flee from this place that made her feel very scary.

But her hand was suddenly grabbed by the strange man.

"Your mother, *, you can leave if you want, and return the platinum chain I gave you a few months ago! If you don't return it, you won't be able to leave today!" the strange man roared, with a ferocious expression on his face.

"You... let go..."

The opponent exerted great force, and Pan Xiaoyan's arm hurt, but she couldn't break free. Then, she was pulled and staggered and turned around. The man raised his hand and was about to slap her on the face.

Two thousand for humiliation, and five thousand for slapping face, so the man's slap was really powerful!

However, at this moment, his hand abruptly stopped in mid-air...a hand that suddenly came from the side had already grabbed his wrist tightly,

Then he couldn't continue to draw it down, nor could he draw it back.

The other party was very hard, as if he was going to crush his bones, so the man felt so painful that he had to let go of the hand that was holding Pan Xiaoyan's hand, trying to punch the other party to make him look good.

However, at this moment, the sound of "Kacha!" was heard, and the man's hand was crushed abruptly.

The man's face stiffened suddenly, his mouth opened, and before he could utter a scream, his crotch jerked violently, and then lay on the ground unable to get up.

I didn't faint, but the pain was so painful that I couldn't move, and the pain was so painful that I doubted my life.

From the man's hand being pinched to being cut off, and then his crotch was hit hard and fell to the ground, the whole process was only a few seconds. In addition, the man didn't have time to scream at all. Already fainted, so the crowd of onlookers hadn't reacted at all, and didn't know what happened.

Pan Xiaoyan hadn't reacted yet. Li Zedao's figure naturally appeared in her mind when she was extremely wronged and at a loss. At that moment, she fantasized that Li Zedao could appear to help her out, just like yesterday afternoon.

Then it was miraculous that Li Zedao really appeared in front of her.

"Student Pan, I know I'm handsome like this, but I'd be embarrassed if you stared at me like this." Li Zedao said with a smile.

"Ah...you, shameless." Pan Xiaoyan said, very happy.

"He..." She looked at the man lying on the ground, somewhat terrified.

"It's just crazy, it's okay." Li Zedao comforted.

Pan Xiaoyan's eyes widened: "Crazy?"

"Leave a way, let a way..."

Two men in white coats carried a stretcher and trotted over while shouting.

"I'm really sorry to scare you all. This is a crazy person who sneaked out. Fortunately, nothing serious happened..." One of the men in a white coat helped to throw the man who was already speechless from the pain. He said beside the stretcher, as if he was apologizing to Pan Xiaoyan, and he seemed to be explaining his thanks to those around him.

Then the two quickly lifted the stretcher and carried the person into an ambulance on the side of the road. Sure enough, the logo of a certain mental hospital was printed on the car, and there was a contact number on it.

Then the car left quickly.

So, it really was the psychopath who sneaked out.

Pan Xueba's eyes widened and he exclaimed, "It's really crazy."

"I can't tell." She added, frowning, "It looks normal."

Li Zedao looked at her, speechless. It turned out that the goddess who was so hopeless in her heart that she slept on her stomach and breathed a few more breaths from her back would feel like blasphemy, and then felt ashamed and continued to take a deep breath. ah.

The onlookers dispersed in shame, because just now the psychopath "attacked" such a delicate and pure girl, instead of helping, they stood on the same front as the psychopath... What is the difference between them and the psychopath?

As the crowd dispersed, a van parked on the side of the road not far away was also started and left.

Li Zedao glanced at the van going away, and the corners of his mouth curled up in a weird way, damn, dare to play tricks on my goddess? Play you to death!


"You're done... just passing by?" Pan Xiaoyan looked at Li Zedao and asked.

Li Zedao did not answer this question, but said with a smile: "Student Pan, I helped you out again, should you give me some rewards?"

He said, pointing to his cheek, and then to his mouth: "It's also possible here."

"Reward? What reward?" Pan Xiaoyan lowered her head in panic, her voice was very soft, apprehensive and shy. She used to be obsessed with Korean dramas so much, so she is familiar with such plots.

"Student Pan, you are really stupid when you are pretending to be stupid. You are so stupid that others can see through it at a glance."

"Ah... just give it, don't you just reward it?" She muttered angrily, then she raised her head and looked at Li Zedao's with bright eyes, her hands were still behind her back, her heels were raised, her face was slightly sideways, cautiously He pressed his lips on Li Zedao's lips.

The eyes were closed, and the long eyelashes trembled slightly, just like that, and didn't move, after all, she couldn't. It was also because she was extremely nervous, because this was at the school gate, on the street, in public, and to Goddess Pan, this was very open! It's not her style, but I really want to kiss him all of a sudden, so I kiss him.

Compared to Pan Xiaoyan, a rookie, Li Zedao can be regarded as an old bird, so when Pan Xiaoyan's lips were printed on his lips, Li Zedao pressed her upper lip without thinking.

Pan Xiaoyan's eyes widened slightly, and she grabbed the clothes on both sides of Li Zedao's waist with both hands, and responded cautiously. separate.

"Just kiss, why are you still biting?" Li Ze said with a smile on his lips.

"I...have no experience." She looked at Li Zedao, said in an embarrassed but natural voice, her ears were red.

"It's okay, you'll have experience when you go back and practice more." Li Zedao said.

"Ah, you...you're shameless again. I said it just now. That's a reward...Hey, what are you doing?" Seeing Li Zedao looking around, Pan Xiaoyan asked curiously.

"See if you're still crazy, let him come and harass you for a while, and then I'll show up in a big way again, and then I'll be rewarded again," Li Zedao said.

"Ah... I'm ignoring you." Pan Xiaoyan was very shy, but couldn't laugh or cry.

Li Zedao smiled, helped her take off the backpack, carried it on his own, and then asked, "Is everything settled? You also bid farewell to your classmates and roommates? You don't need to attend any farewell party, do you?"

Pan Xiaoyan smiled awkwardly, a little embarrassed: "The relationship with my roommate is not very good."

Li Zedao smiled: "Let's go... Tomorrow is your birthday, right?"

"Huh? Birthday? What's the date today... It seems to be... How do you know?" Pan Xiaoyan was taken aback. When celebrating her birthday before, her mother would help her. The mother and daughter would prepare a small cake, put a few candles, and sing a happy birthday song. It was simple but warm.

But this time, her mother was seriously ill, the sky was falling, and Pan Xiaoyan had long forgotten about her birthday.

Li Zedao looked embarrassed: "Actually, I already knew when your birthday was when I was in the first grade of junior high school."

Pan Xiaoyan was stunned for a moment, then she couldn't hold it back and was overjoyed.

"Smelly and shameless, I don't believe it," she said.

"Let's go." Li Zedao said with a smile, "Go back to the car to practice and accumulate experience."

"Ah, you... are shameless..."


The van that stopped at the school gate drove forward for a short distance, then turned into a short road on the right, and then stopped on the side of the road.

In the car, the man in charge of driving and the man sitting in the co-pilot's seat looked at each other with terrified expressions.

"See clearly?" The driver swallowed, feeling lingering fear.

"No, that kid's movements are too fast and ruthless, but Xiaosheng's hand, I'm afraid it's useless, I can see his whole wrist is terribly irregular, er, it's hanging over there." The co-pilot The man in the position had a terrified expression and a trembling voice.

"And the last kick, Xiaosheng's crotch thing..." The driver's crotch felt cold, as if that kick had kicked his crotch.

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