"And the car from the psychiatric hospital..." the driver swallowed, "Those two just carried Xiaosheng into the car and took him away. That is to say, they already knew our every move, and they have been in the car for a long time. I'm waiting there, as long as Xiaosheng dares to mess around, they dare to take him away as crazy, so... I'm afraid that the female student can't move."

"Hurry up and call Mr. Zhao and tell him about it," said the man in the co-pilot.

As soon as the voice fell, the car window was knocked up with "bang bang bang!" The two looked up, and their expressions changed instantly. They saw five or six people who did not know when they had already gathered around, and they all held a gun in their hands. Blunt instruments, one of them also used a blunt instrument to knock on the window glass. If the force was stronger, the glass would have cracked earlier.

The driver actually wanted to step on the accelerator and leave immediately, but the road ahead was already blocked by a van, and looking back, it was also, so, dumpling.

Immediately, the two looked at each other, and both could see the other's face that wanted to cry but couldn't.

"If you don't get out of the car, it will be smashed."

A very impatient roar came in.

The two had no choice but to open the door and get out of the car, hugging their heads and laughing.

"Laugh at your mother." One of the men scolded, and kicked the driver to the ground very simply, "Don't beat him to death."

Then everyone rushed up, and after a fierce beating, the two of them turned into two dead dogs, and were dragged into the van that was stuck in front of them. Soon, the van drove away.


After Li Zedao sent Pan Xiaoyan back to the hospital, he said a few words with Pan's mother, and then left.

Pan Xiaoyan sent him away from the ward with some reluctance, with a hesitant expression.

"Come and pick you up tomorrow morning." Li Zedao smiled.

"En." Pan Xiaoyan nodded.

While in the car, Li Zedao asked Pan Xiaoyan how he hoped to celebrate his birthday this time. Pan Xiaoyan thought about it and said that she wanted to visit the major scenic spots in Yanjing. The national flag, other attractions like the Great Wall of the zoo have never been to.

So it was finally decided to climb the Great Wall. Li Zedao had never been there before, so he wanted to see it too.

"Reluctant to let me go?"

Pan Xiaoyan twitched: "Ah... not at all,

Smelly shameless... um..."

Her mouth was already blocked by Li Zedao's mouth. Although there were two kisses before, they were basically superficial. But now, it's very different, because Pan Xiaoyan can clearly feel that, A foreign object tried to pry open his jaw.

Pan Xiaoyan was a little dizzy, and now she was almost lying on Li Zedao's body, just froze there, her lips were pursed, her teeth were clenched, except for a slight trembling of her lips, she was just so froze, neither responding nor flinching, but that didn't Knowing what, the hand holding the clothes on Li Zedao's waist became more and more forceful, and then looked at Li Zedao with dark eyes.

"Ahem...a public place..." The little nurse's indifferent voice came from behind.

Like a frightened little rabbit, Pan Xiaoyan pushed Li Zedao away suddenly, lowered her head, and fled in despair.

"Student Pan, you should close your eyes to be emotional when kissing, and don't clenched your teeth so tightly, I can't get in, remember next time." Li Zedao shouted behind him.

"...Smelly and shameless..." Pan Xiaoyan's legs went limp, she almost lay on the ground, and rushed into the ward without daring to turn her head back.

The muscles on the face of the little nurse who couldn't bear to remind him were also twitching. This man is too shameless, although... he looks pretty good.


Back downstairs in the car, the phone rang.

Li Zedao picked it up, and Sun Jundong's voice came over: "Young Master Li, those desperate guys have recruited, and it was Zhao Qingbei, a deputy general manager of Tianhe Medical Devices Company, who asked them to attack sister-in-law. They contacted Zhao Qingbei and said that things have been done."

"Tianhe Medical Devices... Zhao Qingbei..." Li Zedao murmured. He knew that Pan Xiaoting was an intern at this medical device company, so it was reasonable for this company to appear. As for this Zhao Qingbei... hooked up?

"Zhao Qingbei is a native of Yanjing, and he usually has contacts with some people of all levels and schools. He also has an uncle who is still the deputy director of the Department of Health..."

Li Zedao interrupted Sun Jundong and said, "You just need to tell me where he is now."

"People are already staring at him. He just came out of the company not long ago, and now he is in the car, and his destination is not clear." Sun Jundong said.

"Is there a woman around?" Li Zedao asked.

"Yes, Young Master Li." Sun Jundong said.

"Call me after confirming his final destination." Li Zedao said, and then hung up.

"Cousin, cousin, you really embarrass me like this!" Li Zedao muttered to himself, feeling a little headache. Anyway, she is also Pan Xiaoyan's cousin, and Pan's mother is her aunt, so even if she did such an outrageous thing now, Li Zedao really can't just slap her to death, but she must make her feel scared Otherwise, this woman will inevitably be playing with some crooked brains in the future, which will be annoying after all.

Half an hour later, while Li Zedao was driving casually, Sun Jundong called again

, Tell Li Zedao that Zhao Qingbei is picking out bags and brand-name clothes in the brand-name store in the International Trade Building with a woman in his arms.

"Understood, I'll go there now." Li Zedao said.

Immediately, Li Zedao turned the front of the car, and then sped towards the direction of the China World Trade Center.


In the lv* store on the first floor of the International Trade Building, Pan Xiaoting, accompanied by Zhao Qingbei, was choosing the latest bags. One of the cheapest things about a man is that he doesn't even want to take a second look at the ex-wife who loves him so much, but he can't wait to spend 24 hours a day with that mistress who only cares about his money. They are all very generous, so the waiters also showed the greatest enthusiasm.

In the end, Pan Xiaoting chose two bags, 60,000 yuan, and Zhao Qingbei swiped the card without even batting an eyebrow!

The medical industry is an extremely profitable industry, and he is the vice president of the company, who is in charge of sales. Therefore, if you are very rich, it is really not short of 60,000 yuan.

After leaving the hotel, Zhao Qingbei did his duty as a man, carrying the newly purchased bag, smiling, and asked very richly: "Xiaoting, what else do you want to buy? Go ahead and buy it."

"Hehe, I'm afraid Mr. Zhao, you feel sorry for Qian." Pan Xiaoting winked at her, her voice a little snarky. She knows that most men eat this kind of thing...the reason for most of them is because Pan Xiaoting has seen those who don't, such as Li Zedao.

Mr. Zhao ate, so he couldn't bear it anymore.

There was a burst of heat in his heart, damn it, slut! Immediately said with a smile: "Those who are willing to spend money for you, don't feel bad, don't feel bad!"

"Then... that's it for today, I'm exhausted, I don't want to leave, I'll find a place to eat and then... it's time to rest, I'm exhausted..." Pan Xiaoting glanced at Mr. Zhao shyly. This man is a little older and a little wretched, but he is experienced and has reached this point. Pan Xiaoting really doesn't mind having another rain cloud with him. It's both a vent and a celebration.

Mr. Zhao agreed, and became even more enthusiastic. He said with a smile: "The room has been booked. It is a five-star hotel. It will definitely allow you to have a good rest. I have also learned massage, which will make you very comfortable."

"Then, help me pick up a BMW tomorrow." Pan Xiaoting said.

The opening of the house is imminent, Mr. Zhao is full of pride: "Don't talk about BMW, anything better will do."

At that moment, the two entered a luxurious restaurant located in the International Trade Center. After eating for a while, Mr. Zhao got up and said that he was going to the bathroom.

Entering the empty bathroom, Zhao Qingbei walked to the urinal in high spirits, unzipped his trousers, and was about to release the water.

At this moment, a black bag was suddenly placed on his head, and before he could fully react, a powerful fist had already hit the back of his head heavily, directly making his eyes One black, collapsed on the ground, at the same time, the thing exposed to the outside of the crotch was still involuntarily spraying water, which naturally sprayed himself all over.

"It's disgusting!" A voice sounded. .

Then the black shadow kicked up and kicked Zhao Qingbei's head covered in a black plastic bag...

A few minutes later, the moment a customer who came to the restaurant opened the door and entered the restroom, he was dumbfounded and saw a man lying there motionless with his head covered in a black plastic bag, his body was wet and smelled of urine. Smell, it's nothing, the most disgusting thing is that his pants and underwear were taken off to the underwear, the buttocks were exposed to the air, and then... the toilet brush!

A toilet brush was inserted there!

Then there was a note on the back with these big words: "Your mother, I told you not to help the old lady when crossing the road!"

"Uh...fuck! It exploded..." After the man realized it, he quickly took out his phone and frantically took pictures.

"Talent!" After the filming, the man muttered again, and then reluctantly left, calling for someone to go.


"Damn it, old men just can't do it, it takes so long to pee every time!" Pan Xiaoting slandered while enjoying the food gracefully. Since the bathroom was right by the door, and her position was some distance away from the door, she had no idea that the bathroom was already blocked by many people, and it was a bit chaotic.

A figure sat down in the empty seat in front of her.

"Mr. Zhao, you..." Pan Xiaoting raised her head, her throat seemed to be tightly strangled by an invisible hand, and she suddenly lost her voice, her eyes widened even more, her face was terrified color.

Li Zedao...why is he here? Pan Xiaoyan's face was scratched, so which hospital should he be in a hurry now, could it be...

Then, she forced a smile on her face, and said jokingly: "Why do I feel that you still can't let me go and are following me?"

"I did follow you." Li Zedao nodded with a smile, "To be precise, he followed your male partner."

"...You don't want me, I gave up on myself." Pan Xiaoting felt a little resentful.

"Cousin, to be honest, it's really a pity that you don't apply for Beijing Film Academy to become an actor." Li Zedao said.

"What's the meaning?"

Li Zedao picked up the steak knife on the table, and the palpitating ferocity flashed across his face, so that Pan Xiaoting's heart twitched suddenly, she was frightened!

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