The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1276 Little 3's fate

Then Pan Xiaoting's frightened and nervous eyeballs became bigger and bigger, because Li Zedao actually bent the pure steel knife in his hand bit by bit, and finally, the end of the knife was connected, becoming became a circle.

"It means that you are lucky, because you are Xiaoyan's cousin, but this is the only time." Li Zedao's face subsided, and he had a chatty smile again, and then put the "circle" in front of Pan Xiaoting.

"Give it to you as a souvenir." Li Zedao said. Then he stood up like a gentleman, nodded, and left.

"...Wang... bastard, who are you scaring...?" Pan Xiaoting's eyes alternated between Li Zedao's back and the "circle" in front of her, her body was trembling, and then tears came down... she cried out of fear.

She was so scared and crying, but couldn't help cursing a few times with guilt and trembling, and then while waiting for Mr. Zhao to come back, she really wanted to question Mr. Zhao, lose her temper with him, and make trouble with him to death! Didn't you say it was done? Didn't it mean that the police couldn't find out who did it?

Why did he come here after only a few hours? And looking at him like that, you can tell that Pan Xiaoyan's face is fine, that is to say, those people Mr. Zhao is looking for have missed at all!

It's just that it was not Mr. Zhao who waited in the end, but two policemen.

It was only now that Pan Xiaoting knew that Zhao Qingbei was attacked in the bathroom. That scene...was really scary but also made me want to laugh.

Zhao Qingbei was sent to the hospital, and Pan Xiaoting went to the police station to cooperate with the investigation at the request of the police. After all, she was the victim's female companion.

Pan Xiaoting naturally knew who was responsible for Zhao Qingbei's murder, who else could it be besides Li Zedao? But can she speak? she can't! Having said that, Zhao Qingbei already knew that he was in such bad luck because of his own affairs. Will he settle the score with himself later?

Besides, it's useless to say it, Li Zedao dared not blink, those thieves were killed but nothing happened, what can these policemen do to him?

So she tried very hard to push things away, saying that she was actually a subordinate of Zhao Qingbei, and she accompanied him out to meet important clients and then had a meal together, and she didn't know the rest about Zhao Qingbei. too clear.

After more than an hour of tossing in the police station, Pan Xiaoting was told that she could leave.

However, just when she was exhausted physically and mentally, and full of fear in her heart, she left the police station outside to hail a taxi to go back quickly, a middle-aged lady who still had a charm and a young girl rushed towards her over here.

The middle-aged lady grabbed Pan Xiaoting's hair without saying a word,

The other hand slapped the photo directly, and yelled: "You bitch, you little three, dare to seduce my husband..."

"Ah... help..." Pan Xiaoting screamed, tears came out of the pain.

She wanted to resist, but the young woman kicked her hard in the stomach: "Bitch, shameless, dare to destroy other people's families...Mom, take off her clothes..."

While the two were yelling, they tore Pan Xiaoting's clothes vigorously.

"Ah...don't...don't...ah..." Pan Xiaoting lay on the ground and rolled helplessly, holding her chest tightly and resisting desperately.

"Stinky bitch...Little San...Let's take a look..." The sturdy middle-aged woman slapped Pan Xiaoting on the face again, and then continued to tear her clothes.

Then Pan Xiaoting's top was torn, revealing her shoulders and the black underwear she was wearing underneath.

The young woman even grabbed Pan Xiaoting's skirt and tried to tear it off. Pan Xiaoting cried and screamed and resisted desperately, and was dragged away. In the end, her skirt was still ripped off...


There were people watching, but they were just taking out their phones to take pictures, so how could they come forward to stop them? This is an obvious plot of a mother and daughter beating up the mistress, so... that woman deserves it!

It's just that a strange thing happened. Those who took out their mobile phones and tried to take pictures were snatched away by a few men in black who didn't know when to surround them.

"What are you doing? You... robbing!"

"Shut up! I'll pay you back in a while. It's fine to watch the fun, but whoever dares to take random pictures, you'll be the ones to see." One of the men roared in a low voice with a full face.

Someone hurriedly put the mobile phone that had been taken out back into their pockets, after all, these people were the ones who couldn't afford to provoke them.

At the same time, the incident finally happened at the gate of the police station, so the criminal police inside hurried out to make it after hearing the movement.

"Hey, what are you doing, don't you hurry up and stop?" the policeman shouted, and then hurried forward to pull the middle-aged woman who was riding on Pan Xiaoting away.

It's just that Pan Xiaoting was wearing a pair of thongs that couldn't cover her buttocks all over her body. Her face was already red and swollen from the pumping, and there were many bloodstains on her body.

Afterwards, the mother and daughter who caused the trouble were brought under control, and Pan Xiaoting was sent to the hospital. The trouble that happened at the gate of the police station ended.


While Pan Xiaoting stared blankly at the ceiling, she silently sobbed and shed tears, until the door of the ward was pushed open, and her father Pan Fangguo and mother Fang Qing walked in, her eyes became more colorful.

"Dad...Mom..." She looked at them and called out aggrievedly.

Then, she saw clearly the faces of her parents, especially her father. His face was ashen, and his body was still trembling slightly, as if he was holding back a lot of anger.

"Tingting, you...why are you so confused?" Fang Qing looked at Pan Xiaoting's steamed face, both distressed and heartbroken, and said with tears in his eyes, " can you talk to that bastard Zhao Qingbei? ...Are you short of money? Did Mom wrong you for not giving you enough money? "

She regretted it. Knowing that Zhao Qingbei's character was not good, she let her daughter enter that medical device company, and even asked him to take care of her. !

They are all teachers, but their daughter did such a shameless thing, how can they bear it? How to face those students? Afterwards, if a student said that your own daughter didn't teach her to be a mistress and was beaten up in the street, why should she teach us?

I can't bear it, a mouthful of old blood probably just spewed out like this!

Pan Xiaoting's heart trembled: "Mom... I didn't..."

"Shut up! How dare you say it?" Pan Fangguo snarled with a cold face, "If not, Zhao Qingbei would take you to the China World Trade Center and spend 60,000 yuan to buy you a bag? If not, his wife would meet with women." Blocking you? You... you are... pissing me off... I'll beat you to death..."

The trembling hand was raised, about to smack his daughter's face, but the bruises and bloodstains on her face made him pause.

A voice sounded behind him: "Uncle, calm down, it will really break if you keep hitting."

As if someone gave a step down, Pan Fangguo turned his trembling hands to look at Li Zedao who walked in, and forced a smile: "It's Zedao..."

"Hey, Ze Dao, what do you say about this matter? Someone must have photographed it and posted it on the Internet, and there might be a lot of trouble now." Fang Qing is even more familiar with Li Zedao. tears. She has already learned some of Li Zedao's identity from Pan Sumei, and knows that although he looks young, he is still a freshman, but he is already the boss of a company, and he even founded the Tiandao Foundation.

At that time, Fang Qing felt very uncomfortable when he heard it. How could such a good boy become Xiaoyan's boyfriend instead of her daughter's boyfriend? Her daughter is much prettier than Pan Xiaoyan...

But no matter what, she is Pan Xiaoyan's aunt, so she is also the young man's aunt, so after getting the news of her daughter's accident, the two immediately messed up, and then Fang Qing hurriedly called Li Zedao, she knew , At this time, only he can handle this matter well, at least the impact must be minimized, right?

You can't let your daughter be pointed at wherever she goes, right?

"Li Zedao..." Pan Xiaoting lowered her head, gritted her teeth, and burst into tears. She wanted to go crazy, growl, and rush at him recklessly, scratch him a few times, and bite him a few times...Zhao Qingbei's mother and daughter treated her as if she were in the street. Stripped naked and beaten, Pan Xiaoting couldn't believe that it had nothing to do with Li Zedao!

But... after all, there is no courage.

The expression that this bastard showed her before and breaking the knife into a "circle" in front of him, especially that expression, has completely scared her. Pan Xiaoting feels that those ghost faces in ghost movies The expression on the face is not as scary as his.

"Aunt, don't worry, I will take care of the matter." Li Zedao comforted.

"That's good, that's good..." Fang Qing breathed a sigh of relief.

"Can I have a few words with my cousin alone? I need to know something before I can negotiate with Zhao Qingbei and his wife." Li Zedao said.

Fang Qing looked back at his daughter who was sobbing and trembling with her head bowed: "This..."

"Don't worry, it won't irritate my cousin, it's just a superficial problem." Li Zedao said, "It's just an excuse."

Only then did Fang Qing and Pan Fangguo feel relieved, and they took another look at their daughter, then left the ward and closed the door behind them.

"Are you here to laugh at me? Or... still want to continue humiliating me? Come on, do you need me to cooperate with you in taking off your clothes?" Pan Xiaoting stared at Li Zedao with red and swollen eyes, and said.

After saying this, his emotions seemed to have collapsed, and he began to cry.

"Laughing at you? I'm not interested! Insulting you...I'm not interested either? As for your body...I'm even less interested." Li Zedao sat down on the chair and said, "So don't do anything unhealthy, Don't spoil my taste."

These words were too insulting, so Pan Xiaoting broke down again and cried even harder.

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