The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1277 Meet Jia Ming Again

The girl cried so sad and wronged, Li Zedao didn't make a sound to comfort her, but seemed to be watching the fun, even took out a cigarette and a lighter, and lit one.

In the end, Pan Xiaoting couldn't take it anymore, she stopped crying on her own initiative, and then gnashed her teeth and cursed: "Bastard."

Li Zedao slowly exhaled a puff of smoke, and said, "What Zhao Qingbei's wife and daughter did to you has nothing to do with me, even I was frightened by their toughness."

"You... are you there?" Pan Xiaoting rolled her eyes and gritted her teeth.

Li Zedao nodded: "I happened to be passing by, and I was lucky to see the whole process."

"...Bastard..." Pan Xiaoting was so angry that her body was shaking, she just wanted to jump out of the hospital bed and fight Li Zedao desperately, why didn't you help me when you were clearly at the me?

"Don't be impulsive, you can't beat me." Li Zedao said, "I'm not your father. When I hit you, I saw your pig-headed face and hesitated to hit you. I really don't mind sprinkling some on your wounds." Salt."

"..." Pan Xiaoting didn't dare to move anymore, she knew that this bastard was really capable of that kind of cruelty.

"Also, you should thank me, because I happened to be passing by, so those who tried to take pictures were stopped, so congratulations, this scene of mother and daughter beating the mistress in the street was not filmed and posted on the Internet." Li Zedao said.

Pan Xiaoting was stunned for a moment.

"Besides, I've sent people to 'visit' Zhao Qingbei, and you will have nothing to do with him in the future, and the sturdy mother and daughter won't bother you anymore, and even find time to come over to be sincere with you Apologize, because they recognized the wrong person, of course, if you can't let go of the old man, then pretend that I didn't say that." Li Zedao said.

Pan Xiaoting was silent.

Li Zedao didn't say anything anymore, he stood up and was about to leave.

"Wait... If my answer wasn't that, would you accept me?" Pan Xiaoting asked.

Li Zedao looked back at her, the corners of his mouth slightly raised and said, "If your answer hadn't been like that, I would have stayed far away from you,'s too fake."

"..." Pan Xiaoting was choked to death by these words.

"Bastard." She gritted her teeth and cursed.

Li Zedao smiled, turned around and was about to leave. After thinking about it, he turned to look at Pan Xiaoting and said, "Cousin, your face is okay... Oh, of course I don't mean now, you have a good figure, really, so, definitely There will be men who like to remember you, just be more self-respect, be more open-minded, and don't always play that kind of hypocrisy."

"...Bastard, get out!"


Early the next morning, Li Zedao brought breakfast to the hospital. After serving Pan's mother to eat breakfast, he left the hospital with Pan Xiaoyan, who seemed a little shy and excited, and drove directly to the foot of the Great Wall to climb the Great Wall. .

Pan Xueba usually likes to exercise, so he has a good physique, but he was inevitably exhausted in the end, so it was Li Zedao who carried her down.

When being carried by Li Zedao, shyness is unavoidable, and it is more of the kind of happiness that has never been experienced before.

After getting off the Great Wall, the two found a restaurant for dinner. Pan Xiaoyan asked Li Zedao about the situation, such as whether the sisters got along well. Li Zedao also repeatedly said that they were easy to get along with, but even after repeatedly expressing that Pan Xiaoyan was still somewhat nervous After all, for her, what she is about to face is a life she has never lived before.

She also asked, for example, why you suddenly became so powerful, and Li Zedao still joked that he was struck by lightning. Pan Xueba nodded very seriously, saying that if there is a thunderstorm, she will also let the lightning strike. Li Zedao was speechless.

While speaking, Li Zedao felt a pair of eyes staring at him. When he looked up, his eyes met with a pair of extremely vicissitudes of life, and then Li Zedao's eyes widened slightly.

Because the owner of these eyes full of vicissitudes is Jia Qianqian's Jia Ming who has been missing for a long time!

Li Zedao had spent a lot of thought but failed to find it.

He even thought that his dead body was buried randomly in some wilderness and even fed wild dogs, but he didn't expect that he would appear here.

Even, at this time, there was a playful smile in his vicissitudes of life eyes, which was very different from the unconfident and low self-esteem dodging before.

At this moment, Jia Ming nodded to Li Zedao and motioned him to go out.

"Baby, don't run around, I met an acquaintance to say hello, you wait here for me to come back." Li Zedao looked away and said to Pan Xiaoyan.

Pan Xiaoyan's eyes widened slightly and looked at Li Zedao, shy and embarrassed: "Ah, are shameless, what do you call me?"

"Don't call me baby, can I just call you wife? That's fine too..."

"Ah, you, shameless..." Goddess Pan blushed.

Li Zedao smiled, got up and left the restaurant, and went outside.

But Jia Ming was standing there, beckoning to him, and then turned around and walked forward without waiting for Li Zedao's reaction.

Li Zedao frowned, and followed with strides.

One after the other, soon, the two came to an alley. On both sides of the alley were some old courtyard houses. The courtyard was deep and extremely quiet.

Jia Ming stopped, turned around, looked at Li Zedao with a kind but strange smile.

He didn't have such a smile before. When he saw him, he usually shy and politely called "Benefactor, benefactor...", but is unpredictable but strange.

"Aren't you Jia Ming? Are you wearing Jia Ming's face?" Li Zedao narrowed his eyes. He is not Jia Ming. It is impossible for Jia Ming to have such an aura, but his eyes are still those eyes. Therefore, the only explanation is that the Jia Ming he saw at that time was actually a fake! Really, Jia Ming is already dead!

Jia Ming shook his head and smiled, "I'm not Jia Ming, I'm indeed wearing his mask."

"Then, who are you? What does it have to do with Yan Luodian? What does it have to do with... him?" Li Zedao asked after taking a deep breath.

No need to think about it, this guy put on Jia Ming's mask to get closer to him, to monitor him, or to have other plans?

"Who do you think I should be?" Jia Ming said, but his voice suddenly changed, becoming sharp and hoarse.

Then, Li Zedao's body shook suddenly, and his face changed drastically. He was familiar with this voice, so he was... Huang Wen? That is, grandpa... Shangguanwen? Or is it the... Master Huang that Master said?

"So, don't I need to introduce myself?" Jia Ming, also known as Huang Wen, laughed.

Li Zedao shook his head with an ugly expression, but said nothing.

Huang Wen smiled, stretched out his hand and pushed open the courtyard door of the courtyard on the left, turned his head and said to Li Zedao: "Come in, here is the best tea."

Li Zedao took a deep breath, knowing very clearly that there is no way to hide, and even more knowing that if the other party really wants to kill him, he doesn't need to spend so much trouble at all, so he followed into the courtyard.

Huang Wen walked to the antique stone table and chair under the tree in the middle of the courtyard. At this time, there was already a whole set of purple sand tea set on the stone table, and the big purple sand pot beside the charcoal was also emitting white gas. The water has started to boil.

Huang Wen sat down on the stone chair and motioned for Li Zedao to sit down too.

Li Zedao glanced at him and sat down on the seat in front of him.

Huang Wen started to make tea, and the whole set of movements was as smooth as flowing water, which was extremely pleasing to the eye. From Li Zedao's non-professional perspective, his skills were much better than his master's. It is conceivable that he has such in-depth research on tea ceremony.

"Twenty years ago, your master and I often made tea face to face like this, but at that time, it was usually your master who made the tea, and I only had to be responsible for drinking it." Huang Wen picked up a cup of tea soup and put it in front of Li Zedao Said.

"I won't." Li Zedao said very simply.

"That's why I didn't ask you to make it, I did it myself." Huang Wen smiled, picked up the tea, smelled it, and took a sip with a slightly intoxicated expression.

"Good tea, good tea!" He seemed to be talking to himself, but also seemed to be saying to Li Zedao, "I have been drinking this tea for decades, but the more I drink it, the more addictive I become, and I never get tired of it. "

Li Zedao glanced at him, picked up the tea, and took a sip. He was familiar with the aroma. In the small courtyard of Grandpa Wang, his master had brewed this tea for him, and introduced it to those in the capital. boss.

Therefore, he is saying that his status is detached. In the past few decades, this kind of tea exclusively for the big bosses above has never stopped.

Therefore, the murderous aura in Li Zedao's heart was also boiling. He felt that such a treacherous and evil person should have died long ago. Why can he still live so well? Of course, it was also because of Master, as soon as he drank this tea, he thought of Master.

Huang Wen glanced at him and said, "Your murderous intent is very strong."

"Yes." Li Zedao admitted.

"It's not that I look down on you, you are really powerful. Under the transformation of Shenwan, all your abilities are far superior to others, and everything becomes easier in your opinion. With the addition of * after your master God and other things Opportunity, so in just a year or so, you have grown to the point where even Nan, who I have been meticulously raped since I was a child, is no longer your opponent." Huang Wen laughed, "However, even so, you still cannot threaten Mine, looking at the world, there are only a few people who can bring me such a little threat, Yanhuang and Teacher Pete from the Shenlong Organization, and there was a Firefox before, but he was played to death by you and Pete."

Li Zedao glanced at him: "Nan?"

His attention is on this person named "Nan". It seems that this Nan is Tom, and because of this Nan, the South Pole is called "South Pole"?

Huang Wen waved his big hand, looking a bit old-fashioned and said, "Besides, I'm still your great-grandfather, how can you do anything to your own great-grandfather?"

"I don't have that honor." Li Zedao said coldly.

Huang Wen smiled, but didn't take Li Zedao's words at ease, and said, "When you arrived in Yanjing two days ago, I happened to be away on business, and I just came back now, so I asked Huang Yu to pick you up."

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