The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1278 Great Grandpa

Li Zedao shook his head: "Your whereabouts have nothing to do with me."

The communication between the two was not on the same channel at all. Huang Wen said to himself, "Do you know what I did? I killed someone."

The tone was relaxed and calm, as if what he killed was not a person, but a Chinese cabbage.

"..." Li Zedao was silent. He actually wanted to say that it had nothing to do with me, but how could it be nothing to do with it? How much he wanted to organize Huang Wen, organize this... devil!

In Li Zedao's heart, he is indeed worthy of the word "devil", and he must have done such things as killing people while talking and laughing.

"Do you know why I killed him? Because that person has a skill against the sky, so I killed him." After taking a sip of tea, Huang Wen continued, "Do you know what skill it is? Eat it as a meal, just like you and me... In fact, there is crane crest red in this pot of tea."

Huang Wen put down the teacup and looked at Li Zedao and said, "The reason why we put Hedinghong is not to show that you and I are good, but to add Hedinghong to this spring water and boil it to make tea, which will make the tea more fragrant. If you don’t believe me, you can go back and try.”

"..." Li Zedao glanced at him, but remained silent. He actually wanted to hit someone because he felt that he was being treated like a fool.

"After I killed him, I got such a thing from him logically." As he said, Huang Wen put down his teacup, took out a small box from his pocket, opened it, and took out a piece of tea that seemed to be emitting a faint light. A small yellow stone was placed in front of Li Zedao.

"I think, you must know what this is, because you have it too, and I'm trying to collect more of it now."

Li Zedao narrowed his eyes, of course he knew what it was, it was the leftovers of the yellow part of the multicolored stone, which could be fused into the human tongue, and after it was fused, he could eat rat poison like a meal, but It has brought an extremely terrible sequelae, that is, it will make you completely lose your fertility.

At the moment, he said lightly: "What are you trying to say? Kill me, and then get that thing on me?"

Huang Wen said with a smile: "So far, I've got seven yuan... Oh, count the one on your body, of course one of them has already fused with my tongue, otherwise I'd drink it After this tea mixed with Hedinghong, I'm afraid I would have died suddenly."

Li Zedao looked up at the titular grandpa, so the piece of tongue that has been integrated into his own is also his! So, I can't get out of this courtyard today?

Huang Wen picked up the leftover piece, looked at it and said, "I thought this way at first, why bother to search for this stone all over the world, just smash it into pieces? But this stone is really amazing, amazing The most amazing thing is not only the kind of heaven-defying skills it brings, but also that no matter if I hit it directly with a hammer, roast it with fire, soak it with various chemicals, or even point my gun at it directly Shooting, there is still no way to cause a little damage to it. It is so hard that it is heinous. I don’t know what method that Chen Tuan used back then to divide the stone into five parts and even carve out the safety buckle. .”

Li Zedao still remained silent, as if the other party was talking to himself instead of talking to himself. The matter had reached this point, so Li Zedao was not afraid of offending him or anything.

"I'm looking for you today, just to make you mentally prepared. As long as we find such a stone, we can enter the magic cave forest." Huang Wen looked at Li Zedao and said with a smile, "So it's not to kill you, you can Relax a little bit."

Li Zedao was still silent, but his heart had relaxed a little. He was indeed in a tense state just now. Even if he lost, he couldn't just sit around and wait for death, right?

"Us?" Li Zedao asked.

"Let's." Huang Wen took a sip of tea and gave an affirmative answer.

Li Zedao was silent for a while, picked up the cup of tea in front of him and drank it down, looked at Huang Wen and said, "You are very powerful,

I can't stop you, and I can't ruin your business..."

"You don't need to emphasize this kind of thing." Huang Wen said, "Although the entire Luciano family basically belongs to you now, and even the old fellow Mr. Pete regards you as his master, but It's a pity that this is Huaxia, otherwise, your power is also very powerful, and I'm a little afraid."

"Yes, it's a pity that it's Huaxia." Li Zedao nodded, the Luciano family is awesome, and they can't get involved in Huaxia, "So, I can't ruin your business, and I don't want to do bad things. I want to quit and live in peace and stability. My little days."

"You already knew the answer to this question," Huang Wen said.

Li Zedao's expression became a little grim: "Is it okay if you don't participate?"

"No." When Huang Wen said these two words, it was calm and calm.


"If I have to give you a reason..." Huang Wen smiled, and said word by word, "I'm your great-grandfather, and it's only natural for you to listen to me."

"I bought a watch last year!" Li Zedao said with a cold face, "Master said, when I see you someday, I will help him deliver this to you."

Huang Wen smiled and accepted it calmly: "I accept it."


"I'm giving you a reason." Huang Wen said, "If you don't obediently obey my arrangement, I will kill people, not just those around you, your woman, your classmates, your friends, teachers, etc. Yes, I will kill anyone who has spoken to you! And those innocent people, I can kill whoever I want."

"You..." Li Zedao really wanted to say, you bastard, do you believe that I will call the police and arrest you?

"You can't stop me, and no one can stop me!" Huang Wen said, "So, boy, all you can do now is to obey my arrangement, of course, you can also try to ruin my things... It can’t be broken, but I’m also annoying, so once you break it, at least ten innocent people will die because of your actions.”

Li Zedao was silent, but clenched his fist slightly.

"Well, for the sake of you being my great-grandson, I'm giving you a reason." Huang Wen said, "When you were in Las Vegas, amorously valued your women more than your life." You who are still serious, the reason why you dare to kill Nan is because you already know that because of the fusion of this stone, you have no fertility, and the child in the stomach of your woman Nanji is not yours, but Nan's... "

"Shut up!" Li Zedao's expression turned ugly.

Huang Wen smiled, picked up a cup of tea, and took a sip, but he didn't shut up: "After entering the Demon Cave Forest, maybe I can restore your fertility."

Li Zedao's eyes widened slightly. To be honest, although he didn't really believe in the character of this great-grandfather, his rhetoric was undoubtedly extremely attractive to Li Zedao.

A man who shoots in seconds always longs to keep his golden gun from falling. Li Zedao doesn’t shoot in seconds, but it’s almost that kind of heart. Infertility actually makes him feel deeply guilty towards those women, even though they are all comforting him, They all said that they don't care and don't want their children to lose shape after having children.

But after a woman reaches a certain age, who doesn't aspire to be a mother? And men...Anyway, Li Zedao couldn't forget how stupid he was when he heard that Nanji was pregnant, and he didn't even realize when his car hit a utility pole.

So, it's very tempting.

"Believe it or not, it's up to you." Huang Wen said, "And I can assure you, as long as I get what I want, I guarantee you can live the kind of quiet life you like , I won't bother you."

Li Zedao was silent for a while and asked, "I'm curious, since you already know about my infertility, why didn't you tell Tom... Oh, Nan?"

Huang Wen smiled: "Why did you tell him? You are my great-grandson, and my great-grandfather's heart is more or less toward you."

"...Old bastard!" Li Zedao was almost choked to death by his words, so he could only curse inwardly.

After being silent for a while, Li Zedao pointed to the empty cup in front of him, the tea was good, and besides, Li Zedao was angry, so he had to vent his anger!

Huang Wen poured him a cup of tea, Li Zedao drank it and said, "You want to collect then, eight people including you and me will go in?"


"Why does it have to be eight people?" Li Zedao asked.

Huang Wen smiled mysteriously: "You will know when the time comes."

Li Zedao sneered: "Indeed, with this stone, you can avoid being poisoned by the poisonous gas, but do you know what's in it?"

Huang Wen nodded: "Basically, I basically know what you know, or what your master told you, besides, you helped me go in and explore the way before, so you think I will Don't know what's in there?"

"Since that's the case, do you think eight people can defeat the female ghost inside... Oh, a master whose internal strength has reached the realm of returning to nature?" Li Zedao asked with a sneer.

Huang Wen nodded affirmatively: "Yes."

"..." Li Zedao's expression moved slightly.

"The specifics of how to defeat her and successfully enter the tomb of Duanmu Weizhuang will be discussed later." Huang Wen said, in fact, over the years, the information I have collected is far superior to that of your master. No, I also know that the side effect of having five safety buttons at the same time is to quickly burn your lifespan to maintain that extremely false appearance on the surface, so I know that your master can't jump for too long. But it's still difficult to kill him, I can't beat him, after all, your master is a pervert with a lot of tricks! But trapping him and letting him die is not too difficult. "

Li Zedao secretly sighed in his heart, thinking that compared with him, his master was still a step behind. No wonder, the master has human nature, but the person in front of him basically has no humanity at all.

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