The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1279 Mysterious and Powerful Organization

"In fact, detection tools have been invented now, but the world is so big, so it is not so easy to find this kind of stone. Therefore, you should have a long period of time to enjoy your so-called stones with peace of mind. That kind of simple life, but maybe, maybe I will find it in a few days." Huang Wen said.

Li Zedao drank another cup of tea, and then said, "The taste of tea is gone, you should change the tea leaves."

Huang Wen skillfully changed the tea leaves and continued to make tea.

"I have a lot of questions..."

Huang Wen waved his hand: "It's nothing to do with me. Even if I did, I'm basically too lazy to answer any of your questions. I'm getting old, and I'm tired of talking a few more words. Besides, your body has been transformed by 'Shenwan'." But, so your guesses are basically right."

"So, my father's death was actually in your... plan?" Li Zedao asked.

Huang Wen was making tea by himself, as if he didn't hear Li Zedao's words.

"Answer me!" Li Zedao stood up suddenly, his eyes were scarlet, and he wanted to lift up the whole purple sand gap in front of him and smash it at the opponent's face that deserved a beating.

Huang Wen glanced at Li Zedao, waved his hands, and signaled his impulsiveness. He sat down and said, "Your father's body and IQ have not been transformed by 'Shenwan' after all, so sometimes his brain is not very good. Easy to be impulsive and extreme, always feel that you are right, and your master's brain is too good, they got in touch... I don't want your master to know something prematurely, I still need to say it?"

Li Zedao's eyes were scarlet: "He is your grandson!"

Huang Wen smiled and said, "If you had the chance to kill me now, would you do it?"

"Yes." Li Zedao nodded without hesitation.

"I'm your great-grandfather!" he said.

The subtext is, you can kill your grandpa without hesitation, why can't I kill my grandson without hesitation? It seems so reasonable, so Li Zedao didn't know how to refute for a while, he can't say that you are a devil, so you should die, your grandson... doesn't seem to be a good bird either!

How many innocent lives has he secretly harvested in order to develop Onimaru these years? I'm afraid even he himself can't count it?

"In addition, for the purpose of defrauding the Ito family, although Ito Yoshitake is young, he has excellent talent in martial arts, and his future height must be higher than that of Ito Junichi, so we can only let him fall. Already." Huang Wen said.

Li Zedao squinted his eyes and glanced at him, so he killed two birds with one stone, let his father and Ito Yoshitake die together, and the Ito family couldn't let out a fart.

After drinking two cups of tea, I calmed down the violent pressure in my heart, and then asked: "The last question, what kind of organization is the fc organization? Are there really people in it?"

Huang Wen said with a mysterious smile, "It really is."

"It's hard to imagine." Li Zedao said, even a little disheartened.

"That's because you haven't reached that level." Huang Wen said, "The difficulty of governing such a superpower, the difficulty of national development, the danger of foreign invasion, the difficulty of factional struggle...and so on. I haven’t touched it, even if I touched it, it’s the most superficial thing.”

Li Zedao shook his head: "I don't understand."

"Then don't think about it, you just need to know that the fc organization has helped the country solve many problems and made great contributions." Huang Wen said.

Li Zedao felt that this was the most shameless sentence he had ever heard in his life, so he said flatly, "Really? For example?"

"For don't need to know this, unless you want to be my successor, but that's impossible." Huang Wen said.

After another moment of silence, Li Zedao said, "I'm leaving."

"Enjoy life well. It should be quite peaceful during this time. At least, I won't disturb you until I get the last stone." Huang Wen laughed.

Li Zedao turned around and took a few steps,

After thinking for a while, he turned around and walked back, pointed to the tea pot and said, "I want to take that tea away."

Huang Wen nodded and waved his hand: "Take it away, who made you my great-grandson?"

Damn, I was taken advantage of again! While Li Zedao was cursing inwardly, he unceremoniously picked up the tea, thinking about it, he was very unwilling: "Is there any more?"

"Grandpa's voice is like that." Huang Wen said.

Li Zedao simply turned around and left.


While eating, Pan Xiaoyan looked at her mobile phone. There were many photos taken while climbing the Great Wall in her mobile phone, including selfies and group photos with Li Zedao.

For example, in this one, she was taking pictures of the scenery at that time, and she was also looking for a chance to take a sneak shot of Li Zedao, but Li Zedao snatched her mobile phone. At the same time, he unexpectedly attacked her lips shamelessly and clicked ...

The screen freezes!

"Li Zedao, you shameless..." She muttered, her pretty face flushed slightly, but she didn't even know how sweet her smile was at this moment.

After giggling for a while, she set it up and set this photo as the cover of her phone.

"Pan Xiaoyan..." A familiar voice sounded behind him.

Pan Xiaoyan turned her head, saw who was coming, and said with a smile, "Xiao Meng, it's you..."

Xiao Meng, one of her three roommates... oh, it used to be, after all, since yesterday afternoon, she is no longer a student of Yanjing Jiaotong University, and naturally she doesn't live in that dormitory anymore. Of course, almost no one knew about this matter, including her roommates. At most, her roommates knew that Pan Xiaoyan had asked for a few days off.

Pan Xiaoyan had several conflicts with her roommates before, and she was anxious a few times, which was natural, and this Xiao Meng was also anxious.

Xiao Meng sleeps in her lower bunk, and often chats late into the night with her so-called rich boyfriend whom no one has ever met, and also likes to show off the designer bags that her rich boyfriend gave her What.

However, Pan Xiaoyan is not the kind of person who likes to hold grudges, and now that she is no longer a roommate, the conflicts that were basically not considered conflicts in the past are naturally gone, so she showed the kind of enthusiasm she should treat her friends.

"What? Climbing the Great Wall?" Xiao Meng was a little puzzled. She naturally knew that Pan Xiaoyan had taken a few days off because of something at home.

Is climbing the Great Wall considered a family matter? You're also a scheming whore, thanks to your usual disgusting attitude as if you represent justice.


"Yeah." Pan Xiaoyan nodded, "You too?"

Xiao Meng secretly slandered: "It's your sister."

Immediately, he held the hand of a man who was dressed in a trendy dress standing next to her and said, "No, I'll come over to this restaurant with my boyfriend to have a look...he's my boyfriend, Sun Junxi, oh, this restaurant is my boyfriend Invested in..."

"Oh, hello." Pan Xiaoyan looked at Sun Junxi and nodded slightly. There was no envious expression on her face, it was very normal, as if she was greeting a passerby A she just met, which made Xiao Meng a little disappointment.

This Pan Xiaoyan is really annoying, doesn't she look like a log in vain?

Sun Junxi nodded in response with his eyes slightly bright, thinking that although this girl does not look like Xiao Meng, she is pure.

"My dear, she is my roommate Pan Xiaoyan. Her living conditions are quite difficult. It must be a long time since she came to this restaurant once, so... why don't you excuse me?" Xiao Meng shook Sun Junxi's hand and acted coquettishly, her voice unsteady Big, but enough for Pan Xiaoyan to hear.

"Of course, the bill must be waived." Sun Junxi said, "After all, he is your roommate."

"Thank you." Pan Xiaoyan responded carelessly, thinking that it would be good to save some money for the stinky and shameless. Although, he doesn't seem to be short of money, but there are many big women in his family, so he still needs to save some money. ah.

Then go back and continue to enjoy the photos taken before while eating.

Xiao Meng is even more speechless, a bumpkin is a bumpkin, my old lady is already humiliating you, and you still can't see it?

The straight eyes of a man standing between the two of them took some difficulty away from Pan Xiaoyan's body: "Sister-in-law, your roommate."

This call of sister-in-law made Xiao Meng very happy, because she knew very well in her heart that she was just one of the women Sun Junxi was dating, and she knew that Sun Junxi was with three girls including her at the same time. dating, and what she doesn't know.

It's just that Sun Junxi is rich and has a good family background, and his father is also the deputy director of Chaoyang District, Yanjing City... soon to be righted! Moreover, he is very generous and romantic, and he would give away a brand-name bag and high-end clothes every three days, so she was really reluctant to leave.

But now Sun Junxi didn't express anything after hearing it, which made her extremely excited, as if she had defeated other women and became Sun Junxi's only woman.

Immediately said with a smile: "Yeah, my roommate, what's the matter? Cheng Ming, are you interested? How about sister-in-law introduce you to me? My sister-in-law knows that she doesn't have a boyfriend."

"Okay, cute, white and sweet, I like this kind of taste." Cheng Ming's eyes were a little hot. Just now, her sister-in-law buried her, but she didn't respond after realizing it, and even thanked her. Isn't this cute? What? That's silly? It's ugly to say it's stupid, even though it's a bit stupid.

"It's a good thing, but don't forget sister-in-law's kindness." Xiao Meng laughed.

"I promise to ask my grandson to give you the latest lv." Cheng Ming said with a smile.

Xiao Meng glanced at Sun Junxi, who nodded at her with a smile, and immediately got excited, walked over with his waist twisted, and patted Pan Xiaoyan on the shoulder: "Xiaoyan..."

"Huh?" Pan Xiaoyan turned her head, still shouting a mouthful of rice.

"I'll introduce you to a handsome guy, he is Cheng Ming..." Xiao Meng pointed to Cheng Ming and smiled, "Is he handsome? And he has a good family background. His father is an instructor in a company in the military region."

Pan Xiaoyan was taken aback: "Huh?"

"Hello, beauty, I'm Cheng Ming." Cheng Ming hurried forward to say hello, then showed a smile that he thought was the most handsome and sat down where Li Zedao was originally sitting.

Pan Xiaoyan frowned suddenly, looked at Cheng Ming and said, "I'm sorry, there are people here."


"My...boyfriend is sitting here." Pan Xiaoyan said, with a somewhat embarrassed expression. It was the first time to say "my boyfriend..." to others, and she was not used to it. "He has something to do, so he left. I'll be back in a while."

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