The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1281 You are the most handsome when you hit someone

"...It really is a top student." Li Zedao had no choice but to correct her words, "Actually, I was the most handsome when I hit someone, so I think you are really lucky to be able to see my most handsome side again, Don't scream when brother hits someone later."

"Ah, you...don't care about your smell...I won't scream."

Is this completely ignored? So Angkor and the three of them were so depressed that their faces were twitching.

Then Angkor's face turned completely cold: "Okay, very good... bitch, I won't let you lie down and lick the things I spit out, I have your last name..."

As soon as the words fell, "Crack!" There was a crisp sound.

Li Zedao did not know when he was already standing in front of Angkor, and then he slapped him across the face, slapping Angkor in a daze.

"I'll give you a word too, if I don't let you lie down and lick up the things you spit out on the ground, I'll take your last name!" Li Zedao said with a smile.


Senseless! Angkor and his two subordinates are completely dumbfounded! They didn't expect this seemingly harmless kid to suddenly make a move, slap him hard, and send back what they said.

Pan Xiaoyan's eyes started to bubble. For the first time, she felt that boys were so handsome when they hit someone... Before, the boys she looked down on the most were those boys who didn't study hard all day long and seemed to like fighting like two hundred and five.

"Damn it, dare to hit me? Do you know who I am?" Angkor cursed with blood oozing from the corner of his mouth, staring at his red eyes.

He finally woke up, his face was burning with pain! He is a soldier, from the Yanjing Military Region, so although he did drink a lot, his skills are still very strong, but he didn't expect to be slapped in the face by such a little white face...girl, this...yes, I was sure just now It was because he was unprepared that he was slapped in the face by this guy.

Li Zedao smiled, but the smile was so cold, he said immediately: "I'm giving you a chance, get down, eat what you spit out, and I won't make things difficult for you..."

Damn, dare to threaten? Angkor was furious, and shouted: "Abolish him!" As for what Li Zedao said, he didn't listen to a word, he just wanted to beat this bastard hard, let him know that some people he is ten thousand I can't afford to be offended!

Angkor roared, and his other two companions rushed over at the same time with fierce faces, and the two cooperated very well, one punched Li Zedao's head, and the other kicked Li Zedao's leg department,

At the same time, Angkor also made a move, but he kicked Li Zedao's lower body, obviously wanting to kick Li Zedao's thousands of descendants to death.

"Why seek your own death?" Li Zedao muttered helplessly, and then he punched in the past in a bland manner, followed by another kick. They touched each other, and the leg that was thrown out slammed into the leg of the man who kicked his leg. At the same time, his body turned slightly to the left strangely, and then his right hand protruded out like a claw...

In the next second, "Kach!" and "Kach!" sounded muffled, followed by "Bang!" It has already sounded... The two men who attacked Li Zedao's head and legs had one broken wrist and one broken leg, flew upside down, and hit the ground heavily. Touching his feet, wailing incessantly.

As for Angkor... He was already grabbed by Li Zedao's neck, and then he was lifted from the ground.

As a result, Angkor's face, which was originally flushed, quickly turned purple, but it turned out to be a horrified expression. At the same time, his feet kept shaking in the air, like a corpse hanging on a tree branch blowing in the wind. Like a moving corpse.

Li Zedao made a punch with the other hand, and punched Angkor's purple face. In an instant, blood flowed from his nose and the corners of his mouth, steaming like ice that had just melted in spring. creek.

Li Zedao loosened his hand, and Angkor went soft to the ground, as soft as noodles

"You can lie down and lick it now." Li Zedao said.

Angkor raised his head with great difficulty: " are dead, I tell"

"Crack!" Li Zedao punched him down again, hitting him in the face.

"Instead of talking such unrealistic nonsense, let's have a good time and lick it quickly," he said after smashing it.


Li Zedao punched him down again, and he vomited blood directly. At that moment, Angkor was gasping for breath, trying to say something, but his voice was hoarse, so he couldn't speak out.

Of course, Li Zedao didn't give him a chance to say anything, as if he was addicted to punching, he punched the opponent's face one after another. Of course, he just used a little bit of strength, otherwise this guy would not just It's so simple to become a red pig's head, his head has already burst.

Undoubtedly, this scene was very shocking and bloody, and it was unbearable to watch. It seriously irritated the guests in the restaurant who put down their bowls and chopsticks and ran out to watch the fun, and also irritated the passers-by, and it was even more irritating They arrived at Sun Junxi, Cheng Ming, and Xiao Meng who were standing in front of the window on the second floor, intending to watch the kid spit out what he ate.

Sun Junxi and Cheng Ming looked so frightened that their faces turned pale and their bodies trembled a little. They were both third-year students in a university in Yanjing. There is no bullying person, no less to fight for a woman ... see who's girlfriend, directly beat the other party's boyfriend, and then start a money offensive to that woman!

So the usual ending is that the man was dumped at the same time as he was beaten, and finally he could only cry and faint in the toilet.

This is a game Sun Junxi and Cheng Ming like to play very much.

Of course, before making a move, the two will definitely understand each other's background first. They are soft persimmons with no background. If you pinch them directly, those with a little background will consider the consequences. The consequences are not serious. If you pinch them directly, the consequences will be more serious. Show up, let's play dirty.

As for those who can't afford to offend, they will just behave themselves with their tails between their legs.

But this time, before doing it, they felt that they knew the background of the couple. Needless to say, the woman is silly, white and sweet, from a single-parent family, and her family background is not considered rich. Roommate, Xiao Meng somehow knows about these situations.

As for that man... These days people naturally look at clothes first. He is wearing ordinary sportswear, the kind of two or three hundred, nothing special. In terms of personality, he is very vulgar and shameless. Help him to avoid the bill It was very spineless to accept and even ask for more.

So from Sun Junxi and Cheng Ming's point of view, this is a very shameless poor boy, so let him spit out what he ate.

So Cheng Ming immediately gave Wu Yong a call. Wu Yong was a soldier under his father. Sun Junxi had a drink with him and asked him to beat someone up for him.

However, what they never expected was that this poor boy was so good at fighting, that he beat three soldiers to the ground in one face-to-face encounter, and even his shots were so ruthless. The rhythm of beating people to death!

Sun Junxi swallowed, and said in a trembling voice, "Will this...will kill someone?"

Cheng Ming took a deep breath, and said sternly, "It's better to be killed..."

Indeed, if Li Zedao beat the active soldiers to death, then he would not be far from death, not to mention going to court-martial or something, those soldiers would pull a cart over, and they could drown you with a mouthful of spit.

But the point is, why did Wu Yong clash with ordinary people? How can you drink so much alcohol in violation of discipline? At that time, if the higher-ups investigate and find out that Wu Yong and the three of them were called by him, Cheng Ming, to beat them up, will he also be in bad luck?

As for his father, will he also be punished?

Therefore, the more Cheng Ming thought about it, the more afraid he became.

"Why don't you...go down and act as if you don't know anything to stop him?" Cheng Ming asked.

"Yes... Hurry down and stop... Wait... My legs are weak, slow down..." Sun Junxi rubbed his thigh.


Downstairs at the door, Li Zedao was still punching Wu Yong's face one after another. The force was not strong, but it was enough to turn him into panda eyes, enough to give his nose to the tower, and crack the corner of his mouth. .

"Thank you, really, thank you very much. I was not in a good mood at first, but then you showed up in time and acted as my sandbag. Now I feel much more comfortable." Li Zedao expressed his gratitude silently in his heart and at the same time Fist in the past.

Therefore, Wu Yong has completely lost his original face, his whole face is like a pig's head that has been marinated in sauce.

"Don't...don't hit it..." Wu Yong lay limply on the ground, took out a small green notebook from his pocket with great difficulty, and said in a weak voice, "I...I am..."

"Bang!" Li Zedao didn't pick up the book at all, and didn't let him finish his sentence. He just punched him again. He beat him to the ground, and then reached out, He grabbed his collar, dragged it into the pile of vomit he just vomited out, threw it down, and stepped on it, so that very pig-headed face came into intimate contact with the vomit.

"Ugh..." Many of the onlookers couldn't take it anymore, it was so disgusting, they hurriedly covered their noses, and some even turned their heads away.

...vomit..." Wu Yong's head was firmly stepped on by Li Zedao, half of his face was pressed against the pile of vomit, and his stomach was already rolling violently.

At the same time, the two people who were lying on the side mourning were all panic-stricken. They knew that they had kicked the iron plate today, and their skills were so strong that they were even stronger than their instructors. How could they be ordinary people? So even if this man was arrested for beating an active soldier in the end, they would definitely be punished, because they were the ones who made provocations first, and the onlookers could testify to this.

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