The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1282 Someone Follows

"Oh, by the way, what did you want to say just now? What kind of thing did you take out?" Li Zedao asked with a smile.

The green notebook had already slipped from Wu Yong's hand and fell aside, Li Zedao ignored it as if he didn't see it.

"I...we are all soldiers, you... beat a soldier..." The soldier with the broken leg was flustered.

"Soldiers, so you are soldiers. Heh, it just so happens that I'll be a soldier for a few days, and I'm still a colonel." Li Zedao said with a smile.

"..." The three soldiers including Wu Yong were dumbfounded.

He said he was a colonel?

The lethality of this sentence is undoubtedly greater than Li Zedao's beating them all face to face.

After hearing this, Sun Junxi and Cheng Ming, who were going to pretend they didn't know and come out to persuade the fight, staggered for a few days and almost fell to the ground.

You know, Cheng Ming's father was an instructor in the company of the military region, with the rank of captain, which seemed awesome to them, but this guy, who in their eyes was just a little white-faced country bumpkin, actually called him a colonel.

The two looked at each other, and then both swallowed a mouthful of saliva.

" he bragging?" Cheng Ming wanted to laugh, trying to make the atmosphere a little more relaxed, but the smile was so stiff and stingy.

"No... I don't know." Sun Junxi wanted to cry. In his heart, he actually believed what he heard. He might even be a member of some special forces. Otherwise, how could he be so powerful? How could it be possible to laugh and brag about me being a colonel after beating an active soldier?

So, the only possibility is that he really is the Colonel!

Xiao Meng, who was following the two, had a stiff face, as if she saw the expression of a pig flying in the sky. Pan Xiaoyan, who she never looked down upon, found a handsome boyfriend, but he was a colonel?

Pan Xiaoyan's mouth has become an "o" shape. She knew that he was a super university scum before, but after being struck by lightning, he became a super university. She knew that he ran a big company and established the Tiandao Foundation. , I also know that he is good at fighting, and even more that he has many women and is shameless, but I really don't know that he is a colonel.

“我一个上校,在你们无言无故上门挑衅的时候反击一下怎么了?还是说我应该傻乎乎的站在那里任凭你们揍我一顿?还得趴下去把你们吐出来的这玩意儿给舔干净?” Li Zedao was laughing, but his voice gradually cooled down.

Wu Yong and the other two soldiers who were stepped on their heads felt cold all over their bodies, but cold sweat broke out on their foreheads.

Li Zedao's voice was almost roaring under his voice, and he was venting: "Look at you being so arrogant and domineering, you usually do this kind of thing that bullies the common people, don't you? Are you still a soldier? Do you have the fucking face to mention 'soldiers' to me?" 'These two words? Shouldn't the soldiers protect the common people? How come they bully the common people? Ah? Don't insult these two words, okay?"

The scene suddenly became a little quiet, and then the onlookers did not know who applauded first, and then the applause began to sound sparsely.

A few were infected by Li Zedao's words, and most of them were melon-eating people, joining in the fun and holding personal spectacles.

Li Zedao turned his head to look at Sun Junxi and Cheng Ming who came out. The two of them saw Li Zedao's scarlet eyes, their expressions changed subconsciously, and they took a step back.

"Did you call these people?" Li Zedao asked, removing the call from Wu Yong's head.

The expressions of the two changed again, and then they shook their heads frantically. They actually wanted to say something, but for some reason, their mouths opened and they couldn't utter a word.

"As for it?" Li Zedao smiled, "You guys said that you can waive the bill, right? I just happened to be hungry and thirsty, so I ate more... I feel sorry for the money? So I plan to let me pay for what I eat. Spit it out?"

As he said that, Li Zedao looked at Cheng Ming: "Or do you like my girlfriend? You think I'm not good enough for her, so you want to beat me up, let her see how useless I am, and then tell her,

This is a dog, how can you be happy with him, let's talk to the master, the master will buy you brand-name bags and nice clothes? "

This was indeed Cheng Ming's little trick in his heart, so at this moment his body was shaking like chaff, and he didn't even have the courage to shake his head this time.

"Sun Junxi?" Li Zedao looked at Sun Junxi who was on the side, and his tone was full of amusement, "You must know Sun Jundong, right?"

"..." The muscles on Sun Junxi's face twitched, because Sun Jundong was his brother.

Li Zedao took out his mobile phone and gave Sun Jundong a call. When the call was connected, Li Zedao said with a smile: "I remember you told me that you have a younger brother named Sun Junxi, and you said that someday I have time to bring him to meet me right. Bar?"

"Yes, yes, Shao Li has time?" Sun Jundong said quickly on the phone.

"I've already met him, in the restaurant he owns at the foot of the Great Wall." Li Zedao laughed, "Your brother is very good with a guy named Cheng Ming, I think my girlfriend is too good-looking, do I deserve it?" What the heck, they called three soldiers, surrounded me, and wanted to beat me."

"...Li Shao..." Sun Jundong's vision almost went dark, and he fainted from fright.

"You can deal with it according to your needs, and then give me a result that satisfies's okay if you're not satisfied." After Li Zedao finished speaking, he hung up the phone very simply.

After making the phone call, Li Zedao put the phone in his pocket, then turned his head and pulled Pan Xiaoyan, who had a somewhat silly expression, to leave.

"You... What colonel are you really?" Pan Xiaoyan asked in a low voice.

"Shh... fooling them." Li Zedao said.

" shameless, you dare to tell such a lie? Hurry up and don't be found out." Pan Xiaoyan said anxiously in a low voice.

Finally, under the watchful eyes of everyone, they got into the army green off-road vehicle parked there, and the car left quickly.

That model, that color, and that special license plate, so, this is a car in the army, so... he may be a major, even if he is not, he is also a member of the army, and the rank is not low, and the low rank can drive This kind of car comes out and dangles?

Sun Junxi and Cheng Ming watched, their hearts trampled by a group of mud horses.

Then the phone in Sun Junxi's pocket rang, and when he took it out, his elder brother Sun Jundong called, and he quickly picked it up, because the deceitful guy who just left seemed to be calling his brother just now.

Then, before he could say anything, the elder brother's almost roaring voice came over: "Damn, you are sick, do you think you are sick? Tell me! You don't know who he is? You actually Dare to ask someone to block him..."

"..." Sun Junxi's body twitched.

At the same time, the cell phone in Cheng Ming's pocket also rang, his father called, and he quickly connected, his father roared over: "Damn it, why didn't I shoot you bastard in the first place?" On the wall? You bastard, stay put and wait until I go over and shoot you..."

"..." Cheng Ming's body also began to convulse.

Afterwards, the two looked at each other, feeling sad for an instant, and then... both cried.


Li Zedao glanced at the rearview mirror and frowned.

Ever since he left the restaurant at the foot of the Great Wall, this dilapidated little pickup has been following him around, following? It's just that the tracking technology is too bad, isn't it? It was as if he was afraid that he would not find out.

"What's wrong?" Pan Xiaoyan asked.

"Being followed." Li Zedao said.

"Ah?" Pan Xiaoyan became nervous all of a sudden, "It can't be...they caught up with you because they exposed your lie?"

Li Zedao glanced at Pan Xiaoyan, and said a little dumbfounded: "Do you know what I want to do most now?"

"Drive faster and get rid of the other party?"

"...No, I want to stop the car by the side of the road." Li Zedao said, "Student Pan, you are so cute and silly, I can't help but want to kiss you hard."

"Ah? are really stop...ahh..."

Li Zedao stopped the car and "jumped" over. Pan Xiaoyan didn't react at all, and his mouth was bet.

Then, I felt a foreign object trying to pry my mouth open, and then my heart beat faster and I felt that I was about to faint. At the same time, I remembered what Li Zedao said before, and quickly closed my wide-open eyes tightly, and then opened my mouth slightly, The soft tip of the tongue is a newborn animal exploring the unknown world. Every time it touches it, it will run away... until it is finally caught, and it can't go back... The small fist beats Li Zedao's chest, only But limp.

Finally, Li Zedao took the initiative to stop.

"What's wrong? Is it... still not right?" Pan Xiaoyan muttered softly after adjusting her breathing. She liked the feeling of kissing.

Nervous, exciting, numb but beautiful, peaceful, it feels like the whole person is floating in the clouds.

"That's right, but you're so nervous that you forgot to breathe. I'm afraid you'll suffocate." Li Zedao laughed.

"Ah... not at all..."

Li Zedao reached out and pinched her blushing cheek, and said, "I'll get out of the car and check the situation."

He stopped the car for two reasons. First, he felt that Pan Xueba was so dazed and cute that he really couldn't help but want to kiss her. Second, he wanted to see the girl who had been following behind her all the time. What the hell is that pickup truck doing.

"I'll get off too." Pan Xiaoyan said. Her face was hot and she had to get out of the car to get some air.

When Li Zedao parked the car on the side of the road, the old pickup also stopped, but no one got out of the car.

At that moment, Li Zedao and Pan Xiaoyan pushed the door open and jumped out of the car, and then slowly walked towards the pickup truck parked there. Through the window glass, Li Zedao vaguely saw the two people in the car, but the window was reflective, so they couldn't see too clear.

Before Li Zedao came to him, the door of the pickup was pushed open, and an old man in his sixties and a girl in his fifteenth or sixteen got out of the car.

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