The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1284 Trustworthy

Li Zedao glanced at her and joked: "It turns out that Pan Xueba, who was superior and never talked to me before, was so gentle. I thought he was a cold goddess." (The best experience in reading novels without pop-up windows is at [Phoenix Novel Network])"

"Ah, you... I'm already very gentle, okay?" The goddess blew softly and said, "Besides, it was you who didn't talk to me at that time, and it wasn't me who didn't talk to you."

"I have low self-esteem, how dare I take the initiative to talk to you?" Li Zedao said, "Besides, when I took the initiative to talk to you, would you talk to me?"

Goddess Pan thought for a while, then nodded: "That's true, I will definitely ignore you."


Li Zedao exhaled a puff of smoke slowly, his thoughts surging.

First of all, in fact, the old man Jin himself is not too sure whether those two people are from the Yanjing Military Region, but he has sold vegetables to the Yanjing Military Region many times before, so he thinks they are from the Yanjing Military Region. The two soldiers in camouflage uniforms are not necessarily soldiers from the Yanjing Military Region. If you really want to find them, it is undoubtedly looking for a needle in a haystack.

Second, more than a month has passed since the incident, even if there is any evidence left on the scene by the beast, it has already been dealt with completely.

Thirdly, the background of those two soldiers is very likely not young, and at that time someone must have been secretly watching the old man Jin, and said hello a lot, so whether it is the police or the news media, either wait for nothing to disappear, or Simply say that old man Jin wants to be famous and wants to be crazy, to discredit soldiers and hype himself, be careful and go to jail!

Fourth, it is necessary to make the two beasts pay the price, and more importantly, how to get this girl out of that shadow? You can't live in the dark all your life, can you?

"Grandpa, if you're like this, tell me your address, and I'll find you tomorrow afternoon." Li Zedao finally said.

The old man Jin left his address and wrote down Li Zedao's phone number. He was in tears and thanked him again and again, and then he drove away in the broken pickup truck that delivered the food.

"Let's go to the zoo." Li Zedao looked at Pan Xiaoyan and said.

"Ah, go again? Your clothes are covered in blood, and there are bite marks on your shoulders... Hurry up and go to the hospital for treatment." Pan Xiaoyan said anxiously.

Li Zedao smiled and said, "Didn't you already help me with the wound? As for the clothes... find a store later, just get off the car and buy one for me."

Pan Xiaoyan was still worried about his wound: "But...uh..."

Li Zedao bit her lip again.

Stopping halfway, Li Zedao threw the wallet to Pan Xiaoyan and asked her to get out of the car and help him buy some clothes.

After Pan Xiaoyan bought the clothes back, Li Zedao took off the bloody clothes, revealing the muscular chest, Pan Xiaoyan's eyeballs rounded, and then quickly closed, her face was already red.

Li Zedao looked at her amusedly, and said jokingly: "Student Pan, you have seen all my body, shouldn't you also do that... what?"

"Ah, what... what is it?" Pan Xiaoyan didn't dare to open her eyes, and her tone was flustered.

"Reciprocity." Li Zedao said, "I want to see you too."

"Ah, you... shameless... really... want to see?" The voice was like a mosquito, and the long eyelashes were trembling rapidly. One can imagine how shy she was at this moment.

"Think." Li Zedao said.

"... now... now?" she asked.

"Now." Li Zedao was actually joking.

However, she took it seriously, with an unusually shy expression, mustered up the courage to open her eyes and looked at Li Zedao, and then she was about to unbutton her clothes, and said in a voice that was almost angry: "I like you, Li Zedao... you The first and the last..."

It feels like a holy and perfect female angel is saying to you, "Let it go."


Li Zedao couldn't hold back and blocked her little mouth again.


The two stayed in the zoo for a whole afternoon. In fact, it is basically impossible to visit the Yanjing Zoo for half a day. It is a bit strenuous even for a short walk, but Pan Xiaoyan mainly watched the monkeys come. She is not that interested in other animals. , so there is quite a lot of time.

As for why she was only interested in monkeys, Pan Xiaoyan didn't say, but Li Zedao judged from her expression and reaction, it might have something to do with the father who abandoned their mother and daughter.

Perhaps when she was young, his father took her to see monkeys or other things, but Li Zedao didn't ask in detail, after all, this is an unpleasant topic.

During this period, Li Zedao also received a call from Sun Jundong. On the phone, Sun Jundong's voice was extremely disturbed.

He repeatedly apologized to Li Zedao, saying that his father had his younger brother Sun Junxi tied up and beaten until his skin was torn apart, and there was almost no whole piece of flesh on his body. He promised that he would not dare to bully others casually.

As for Cheng Ming, his leg was even broken by his father Cheng Dagang, and those three unlucky soldiers would be dealt with, and dismissal from the army would be a light one.

And his younger brother's girlfriend, who didn't deal with it... Li Shao has always been fond of women, who knows if Li Shao will fall in love with her? So dare not deal with it.

He also said that Cheng Dagang wanted to call you, but he didn't dare. Cheng Dagang, his father and him were all together, and wanted to invite Li Zedao to dinner and apologize in person.

"No need, I have something to leave now, I have already forgotten about it." Li Zedao gave such an answer.

This answer naturally made Sun Jundong heave a sigh of relief. Li Shao is very satisfied with the result of this treatment and has no intention of pursuing it.

In the evening, the two left the zoo and returned to the hospital. Li Zedao went through the discharge procedures, and then brought Pan Sumei, who was in a good mood even though she was seriously ill, to the hotel where he stayed with Alice and Miss Mitty. , and opened a room for Pan Sumei and Pan Xiaoyan next door.

Then Li Zedao introduced Alice and Miss Mitty to Pan Xiaoyan.

When she saw those two beautiful, noble, hot and enthusiastic foreign women, Pan Xiaoyan's eyes straightened instantly. There were many foreign women in the school, but it was the first time she had seen such beautiful women.

Alice and Miss Mitty are warm and considerate, while Pan Xiaoyan is simple-minded and doesn't think too much, for example, she doesn't feel ashamed, doesn't feel that she is too good compared to them, will she hold back Li Zedao or something, for example The clothes on them are so foreign, I'm so rustic.

In addition, Alice and Miss Mitty's Chinese language is not bad, and there is no problem in communication, so they quickly became friends with each other.

Li Zedao ran to say hello to Teacher Pete and Shabert Beckham, telling them to go to Phoenix City tomorrow. He still has to stay in Yanjing for a few days. Of course, Fenghuang City has already said hello Made some arrangements.

After getting off the plane, Pan Sumei will be picked up by the staff of Tiandao Foundation and begin to receive treatment. Susan and the others will also help Pan Xiaoyan with some admission procedures and familiarize herself with the campus environment.

The villa next to Youyue Villa was also bought from the head of the household by Nintendo, who is now rich and powerful. You can live there first.

As for the rooms of the newly joined Miss Mitty and Pan Xiaoyan, Li Zedao knew that Li Mengchen, He Xiaoyu and the others would prepare them. For example, the room that originally belonged to the South Pole could be cleaned up.

In fact, when Li Zedao talked to Li Mengchen and the others last night, he told them that Antarctica would never come back, and the things in her room could be cleaned up.

Then came Susan's deep voice: "Student Li, I'm just waiting for your words, I've already figured it out."

They all already knew about Nanji, and knew that the child in Nanji's belly was not Li Zedao's, so they definitely had a lot of emotions, especially Susan, who had the best relationship with Nanji, so she couldn't accept Nanji's betrayal at all.

But think about it, that can't be considered a betrayal, Nanji never liked Li Zedao at all, her approach was extremely purposeful and did not include liking.

"Clear it." Li Zedao said.

So, Susan had all the things in the Antarctic room cleared and thrown away, even the walls were repainted... All the traces of her life in the villa were completely cleaned up like this.


The next day, after sending Alice and the others to the plane to Phoenix, Li Zedao received a call from Old Man Jin.

On the phone, the old man Jin was visibly relieved and said: "Mr. Li, will you... Will you come over for lunch? I asked the girl to cook more dishes, which are not as good as the delicacies of the big restaurant, but they are natural and delicious. The girl cooks It's delicious."

Li Zedao knew the reason why old man Jin was relieved. He was afraid that such a life-saving straw that he had finally grasped would sink again. If he was willing to answer his call, it would prove that he really wanted to intervene in this matter, so he felt a little relieved.

"Then excuse me, I'll be there in about two hours." Li Zedao said.

"Okay, okay, don't worry, you finish your work first." Old man Jin said with some excitement.

After hanging up the phone, the old man Jin looked back at Jin Suyan who was in a daze with dull eyes and said: "Hurry up, girl, Mr. Li is here before lunch, we are going to order fresh dishes, I will go and take the old hen Killed..."

Jin Suyan glanced at her grandpa, the dull, empty and pale eyes showed a little more color, she stood up without saying anything, and left the dilapidated and lifeless hut.

This is a small village located on the outskirts of Yanjing. The son and daughter-in-law of the old man Jin rented the houses from the villagers. The lease period is three years, and it will expire in half a year. Where not to rent, the old man Jin thought about it before, but now he doesn't think about it. Now he just wants to help the girl get justice.

Kim So-yeon picks vegetables, washes vegetables and chops vegetables, and old man Kim kills chickens.

"Grandpa, is he... trustworthy?" Jin Suyan raised her head and asked.

"Girl, trustworthy, trustworthy, grandpa has been watching people for most of his life, whether he is perfunctory to us, he still has a certainty in his heart." Old man Jin replied, his heart was sour, and his eyes were red again.

Jin Suyan lowered her head and continued to chop vegetables, her eyes became more colorful.

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